The data has been generated in the context of the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 2017 in which we were asking for efficient algorithms for range queries of spatial trajectories under Fréchet distance. It is based on OSM route network data, with random obstructions, multiple weight maps and an efficient implementation of shortest paths under polygonal constraints. This dataset contains reasonably short paths around San Francisco, but not neededly the shortest paths and provides a good challenge dataset for similarity search in spatial trajectories
The data has been generated in the context of the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 2017 in which we were asking for efficient algorithms for range queries of spatial trajectories under Fréchet distance. It is based on OSM route network data, with random obstructions, multiple weight maps and an efficient implementation of shortest paths under polygonal constraints. This dataset contains reasonably short paths around San Francisco, but not neededly the shortest paths and provides a good challenge dataset f...