Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Bilder / images
Dataset related to the article “Multistage rock-slope failures revealed in lake sediments in a seismically active Alpine region (Lake Oeschinen, Switzerland)” published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. The dataset includes images of the sediment cores and seismic profiles of Lake Oeschinen.
Method of data assessment:
An UWITEC percussion piston-coring system and PVC tubes with a diameter of 63 mm were used for retrieving the sediment cores. The reflection seismic survey was conducted using a 3.5 kHz pinger source. The seismic profiles were analyzed using the KingdomSuiteTM interpretation software.
This dataset is related to the publication " Multistage Rock‐Slope Failures Revealed in Lake Sediments in a Seismically Active Alpine Region (Lake Oeschinen, Switzerland)" with DOI https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JF004455.
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