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De Biasi, Raffaele; Oztoprak, Oguz; Zanini, Filippo; Carmignato, Simone; Kollmannsberger, Stefan; Benedetti, Matteo
Fatigue life prediction of AM lattices based on image-based FCM and average strain energy density dataset

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Vega-Torres, Miguel A.; Suci, Hünkar; Hsu, Ling-Hsuan; Kuhada, Sonali; Mangukiya,Sahil; Borrmann, André
Layout Prediction in Real-world Construction Site Images

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Vega-Torres, Miguel A.; Borrmann, André
CMS Sensor Mounting System

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Li, Hao; Deuser, Fabian; Yin, Wenping; Luo, Xuanshu; Walther, Paul; Mai, Gengchen; Huang, Wei; Werner, Martin
CVIAN: Cross-View Geolocalization and Disaster Mapping with Street-View and VHR Satellite Imagery for Hurrican IAN

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Vega-Torres, Miguel A.; Braun, Alexander; Borrmann, André

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Vega-Torres, Miguel-A. ; Braun, Alexander; Borrmann, André
ConSLAM BIM and GT Poses

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Mehranfar, Mansour; Vega-Torres, Miguel-A.; Braun, Alexander; Borrmann, André
TUM CMS Indoor point cloud

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Thiedeitz, Mareike; Kränkel, Thomas
Viscoplastic, viscoelastic and structural buildup rheological measurements of cement pastes affiliated with the research project DFG SPP 2005: Opus Fluidum Futurum

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Toker, Aysim*; Kondmann, Lukas*; Weber, Mark; Eisenberger, Marvin; Camero, Andrés; Hu, Jingliang; Pregel Hoderlein, Ariadna; Senaras, Caglar; Davis, Timothy; Cremers, Daniel; Marchisio, Giovanni°; Zhu, Xiao Xiang°; Leal-Taixé, Laura°
DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for Semantic Change Segmentation - validation and test label

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Rosero-Velásquez, Hugo
Graph-based model for reliability analysis of infrastructure networks