DAT Datenverarbeitung, Informatik; MAS Maschinenbau; PHY Physik; TEC Technik, Ingenieurwissenschaften (allgemein)
Resource type:
Simulationen / simulations; Logfiles und Nutzungsdaten / log files and usage data; Textdokumente / text documents
Data type:
Bilder / images; Texte / texts; Programme und Anwendungen / software and applications
Other data type:
binary HDF5 field data
Raw- and post-proccsed results of three dimensional compressible multi-phase flow simulations
used in the referenced paper.
Method of data assessment:
Context: Numerical simulation of compressible multi-phase flows. Tools: ALPACA code framework used for numerical simulation. Paraview for post-processing. Python and Bash for convenience scripting Infrastructure: SuperMUC-NG