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Rosenberger, Nico; Rosner, Philipp; Bilfinger, Philip; Schöberl, Jan; Teichert, Olaf; Schneider, Jakob; Gamra, Kareem Abo; Allgäuer, Christian; Dietermann, Brian; Schreiber, Markus; Ank, Manuel; Kröger, Thomas; Köhler, Alexander; Wassiliadis, Nikolaos; Lienkamp, Markus
Quantifying the state of the art of electric powertrains in battery electric vehicles: comprehensive analysis of the Tesla Model 3 on vehicle level

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Rosenberger, Nico; Rosner, Philipp; Bilfinger, Philip; Schöberl, Jan; Teichert, Olaf; Schneider, Jakob; Gamra, Kareem Abo; Allgäuer, Christian; Dietermann, Brian; Schreiber, Markus; Ank, Manuel; Kröger, Thomas; Köhler, Alexander; Wassiliadis, Nikolaos; Lienkamp, Markus
Electric powertrain data of a Tesla Model 3 during real-world driving situations

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Wildfeuer, Leo; Karger, Alexander; Aygül, Deniz; Wasiiliadis, Nikolaos; Jossen, Andreas; Lienkamp, Markus
Update to experimental degradation study of a commercial lithium-ion battery

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Liu, Qiang; Thuerey, Nils
Dataset for Diffusion-based-Flow-Prediction (DbFP)

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Vogl, Sylvester; Knott, Ralf; Sommacal, Silvano
Rawdataset to "Influence of compaction and curing in the Automated Fiber Placement Process on the mechanical performance of composite laminates"

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Wildfeuer, Leo; Karger, Alexander; Aygül, Deniz; Wasiiliadis, Nikolaos; Jossen, Andreas; Lienkamp, Markus
Experimental degradation study of a commercial lithium-ion battery

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Bi, Fandi; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Huang, Ziyi; Land, Kathrin; Ocker, Felix
Managing Technical Debt in Automation: Best Practices and Cross-Life-Cycle Strategies Figure 1

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Wünnenberg, Maximilian; Schypula, Rafael; Ji, Fan
Research data for the German Research Foundation project KonMaFS(451550676) - Consistent Development of Material Flow Systems using a Model-based approach

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Ringwald, Johannes; Zong, Shaochuan; Swikir, Abdalla; Haddadin, Sami
Experimental Results of Manual and Auto-Designed Fingertips

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Bi, Fandi; Vogel-Heuser Birgit; Du, Fengmin; Hanich, Nils; Cho, Eunnuri
Overview of the TD incidents and their Contagiousness Factors for publication "Technical Debt Contagiousness Metrics for Measurement and Prioritization in Mechatronics"