Patients with stable angina pectoris show a negative conventional cardiac troponin T level. In this study, which included 1057 patients wich stable or unstable angina presenting with undetectable conventional cardiac troponin T who underwent catheter-based or surgical coronary artery revascularization, we examined the sensitive cardiac troponin T with a new high-sensitivity assay.
The elevated levels of sensitive cardiac troponin T are significantly associated with long-term mortality. The high-sensitivity troponin T assay extends the prognostic value of troponin measurements to a large group of patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease, in whom conventional troponin assays are insensitive.
Patients with stable angina pectoris show a negative conventional cardiac troponin T level. In this study, which included 1057 patients wich stable or unstable angina presenting with undetectable conventional cardiac troponin T who underwent catheter-based or surgical coronary artery revascularization, we examined the sensitive cardiac troponin T with a new high-sensitivity assay.
The elevated levels of sensitive cardiac troponin T are significantly associated with long-term mortality. The hig...