Drawings are generally provided with a drawing number, the indication of the language and an identification according to the type of overview, schematic drawing, diagram or mapping. The drawing number consists of the Weihenstephan local information "year-building number-consecutive number in the year" in the form "YYYY-N-nnn". The one-digit building number refers to the "Institute of Agricultural Engineering" with the number "2", later referred to as the "Chair of Agricultural Engineering", briefly referred to as the "Chair of Land Use Engineering", and finally referred to as the "Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering". The building numbers differing from this refer to the "Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landtechnik" and to the "Landtechnischer Verein". For all drawings, the "origin" is explicitly identified in the associated metadata field.
Drawings before 1974: For many drawings, the information on the year of creation is missing. These drawings were therefore given the year identification "JJxx" with a total consecutive number. Also missing from many of these drawings are the details of the author(s), drawing title and draftsman. The format varies, in some cases exceeding A0!
Drawings as of 1974: These are exclusively drawings in A3 and A4 format. They are always marked with author(s), title, draftsman and date of creation. From 1991, the drawings were created exclusively in digital form with AutoCad. The respective dwg files are assigned to the drawings in the attachment and can be downloaded by anyone (note the origin when using!).