Incubation experiments and solid-state 13C/15N NMR studies were performed in order to investigate the degradation potential of pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) in soil. The studies indicated that PyOM, produced from different plant materials or subjected to different charring treatments, has large differences in chemical composition. The chemical heterogeneity of PyOM affected the respective degradation and humification dynamic. This aging process included the loss of aryl domains and heterocyclic N compounds on a decade time-scale. The simultaneous enrichment of polar functional groups by partial oxidation of aryl C may have an impact on the formation of PyOM-mineral complexes. In addition PyOM is lost by mobilisation of its degradation products and their transport to deeper soil horizons or into aquatic systems. In summary, the study points out that pyrogenic sources may not be as recalcitrant as commonly assumed and their role as a highly refractory constituent within the soil organic matter may need re-evaluation. With regard to the climate change, PyOM cannot be generally counted as a potential carbon sink for long-term reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Incubation experiments and solid-state 13C/15N NMR studies were performed in order to investigate the degradation potential of pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) in soil. The studies indicated that PyOM, produced from different plant materials or subjected to different charring treatments, has large differences in chemical composition. The chemical heterogeneity of PyOM affected the respective degradation and humification dynamic. This aging process included the loss of aryl domains and heterocycli...