In modern corporations shareholders delegate decision making to hired managers. Due to this separation of ownership and control, conflicts of interest between management and owners may arise. Hence, owners have to create incentives for the managers to work in their best interest. An important determinant for a manager's incentives is his ability. Ability affects the manager's behavior in two dimensions. First, the external market forms beliefs about a manager's ability, i.e. his reputation. In his decisions, a manager will try to improve his reputation with possibly negative effects for the company's well being. Secondly, a manager's own assessment of his ability determines, how much effort he exerts for his work. Using a principal-agent model, this work analyzes a new manager's investment decision after executive turnover in the presence of reputation concerns. Moreover, we examine the effects of self-attribution bias on a manager's effort incentives in a dynamic model.
In modern corporations shareholders delegate decision making to hired managers. Due to this separation of ownership and control, conflicts of interest between management and owners may arise. Hence, owners have to create incentives for the managers to work in their best interest. An important determinant for a manager's incentives is his ability. Ability affects the manager's behavior in two dimensions. First, the external market forms beliefs about a manager's ability, i.e. his reputation. In h...