Bayes Nash bidding equilibria of combinatorial auctions are derived, in which two bidders with decreasing marginal values compete for two goods. A first-price sealed-bid auction maximizes revenue and an ascending second-price format is efficient. This is generalized to larger markets. Moreover, the ascending auction prevents principal-agent problems in bidding firms in which the board constraints the bidding management. Finally, in a procurement setting a compound first-price ascending and sealed-bid auction is advantageous, which is confirmed in laboratory experiments.
Bayes Nash bidding equilibria of combinatorial auctions are derived, in which two bidders with decreasing marginal values compete for two goods. A first-price sealed-bid auction maximizes revenue and an ascending second-price format is efficient. This is generalized to larger markets. Moreover, the ascending auction prevents principal-agent problems in bidding firms in which the board constraints the bidding management. Finally, in a procurement setting a compound first-price ascending and seale...