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Windmüller, Jan
Triadische Synergie - Ehrgeiz, Wohlbefinden & Sport
Übersetzter Titel:
Triadic Synergy - Grit, Well-being & Sport
In dieser Ausarbeitung geht es im ersten Teil darum, einen ausführlichen Überblick über die drei Konstrukte Wohlbefinden, Sport und Grit zu geben, sowie deren Zusammenhänge darzustellen. Dafür werden unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren analysiert und theoretische Modelle einbezogen. Insgesamt ergibt sich bereits im theoretischen Teil ein Dreieckszusammenhang aus genannten Konstrukten. Dieser wird dann im zweiten Teil anhand von Studiendaten untersucht. Dafür wurden per Onlinefragebogen Daten von S...     »
übersetzter Abstract:
The first part of this elaboration gives an overview of the three constructs “grit”, “well-being” and “sport” as well as the coherences between them. Therefore, different factors of influence and theoretical models are being analysed. Altogehter, there can be found a triangular relationship with positive correlations. In the second part, a study tries to investigate the triangulation as a whole with new data. For that purpose, bavarian students (N=118) answered an online survey which contained information about demografic factors and behaviors of sport. Besides, the "Satisfaction With Life Scale" was used to measure the long-term cognitive components of well-being. By supplementing the "Grit-S-Scale" for quantifying the shape of scientifical grit, all constructs were included. The results show that there is no difference in satisfaction between gendera but satisfaction with life decreases over time. Because of the young sample this data confirms the left arm of the U-shaped course of satisfaction over lifetime. Concentrating on analysing sports, the data reveals a significant difference in doing sports between gendera. Men do much more sports than women. In contrast, the age does not play a role in the amount of exercising. By measuring grit, it can be seen that women have higher rates of grit. Against all odds, age and grit do not correlate significantly. All in all, the quintessence of this study shows that all three constructs correlate positively with each other in a meaningful way. Therefore, between grit, well-being & sport exist synergetic interaction effects which can play a role for further investigations.
Ehrgeiz, Wohlbefinden, Zufriedenheit, Sport, Grit, Happiness, Satisfaction, well-being, satisfaction with life, Sports, Glück, Glücklichsein
SPO Sport
790 Sport, Spiele, Unterhaltung
Olufemi, Carolina (Dr.)
Sprache der Übersetzung:
Hochschule / Universität:
Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften