The topic of teaching quality has so far been discussed theoretically, particularly from the perspective of educational science, and examined empirically from the perspective of educational research. However, it is not always possible to determine the quality of instruction independently of the subject matter in question, as is implied by an educational science or general educational science perspective. Nonetheless, the quality of instruction in a particular subject has so far been conceived primarily in generic terms. The question therefore arises as to how the quality of mathematics instruction can be conceived from a mathematics education perspective and what added value a subject specific perspective offers. This will be derived and justified theoretically in the context of the present study and substantiated with two examples - quality of instruction for mathematical argumentation and proof and of mathematics instruction in different contexts. A concluding conclusion shows the complexity of the topic and pleads for an interdisciplinary approach.
The topic of teaching quality has so far been discussed theoretically, particularly from the perspective of educational science, and examined empirically from the perspective of educational research. However, it is not always possible to determine the quality of instruction independently of the subject matter in question, as is implied by an educational science or general educational science perspective. Nonetheless, the quality of instruction in a particular subject has so far been conceived pr...