A hybrid bottom-up (end-use) and top-down (econometric) power demand model is devel-oped in order to deliver projections for the annual power demand and the corresponding load profiles in hourly resolution. The model is applied for all ASEAN nations (10 countries). The bottom-up model is applied to the residential sector, while the econometric model is applied for the three other sectors (industry, service, other activities). As projection varia-bles, the end-use model takes into consideration socio-economic (population, GDP, ur-banization, electrification) as well as technology related (technology diffusion, efficiency improvement) factors. The econometric model relies on the observation that specific power consumption growth decreases gradually with increasing economic development. The cor-relation is performed with time series data from different countries, and the projections follow power functions. Power load profiles in hour resolution are generated from both models for the total electricity consumption. The generated load profile comprises an HVAC share, which is calculated in accordance with the meteorological characteristics of the modeled region.
A hybrid bottom-up (end-use) and top-down (econometric) power demand model is devel-oped in order to deliver projections for the annual power demand and the corresponding load profiles in hourly resolution. The model is applied for all ASEAN nations (10 countries). The bottom-up model is applied to the residential sector, while the econometric model is applied for the three other sectors (industry, service, other activities). As projection varia-bles, the end-use model takes into consideration s...