Since 1996, due to a series of European Union regulations, the European electricity market has evolved from being controlled by national monopolies to becoming more liberalized and interconnected. These changes allow for an increased cross-border flow of electricity across Europe and increased market liquidity. The benefits include a more flexible market, making it easier for end- users to plan and secure electricity capacities well in advance, from day-ahead to real-time delivery. Due to the increased interconnectivity of the European grid, the need for both regional and Pan-European cooperation among Trans- mission System Operators (TSOs) led to the creation of entities like the Eu- ropean Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs). This thesis focused on investi- gating the current forecasting approach used to perform Net Position Forecast (NPF) within the Day-Ahead and Week-Ahead common grid models (CGMs) used by RCCs to deliver the Day-Ahead Capacity Calculation and the Week- Ahead Outage planning Coordination services to the TSOs. The results show the associated errors from all the existing NPF methods and implemented a new methodology that was used to perform NPF for both the Day-Ahead and the Week-Ahead use cases.
Since 1996, due to a series of European Union regulations, the European electricity market has evolved from being controlled by national monopolies to becoming more liberalized and interconnected. These changes allow for an increased cross-border flow of electricity across Europe and increased market liquidity. The benefits include a more flexible market, making it easier for end- users to plan and secure electricity capacities well in advance, from day-ahead to real-time delivery. Due to the in...