Epidemiological studies indicate worldwide raising prevalence and severity of atopic dermatitis in human beings. The goal of the present thesis was to investigate a potential causal contribution of the environmentally relevant airborne pollutants toluene and m-xylene in in vitro experiments. For this purpose, an exposure system for gasous compounds was developed consisting of an open, continuously gas-flooded system which enables the simultaneous exposition of twelve submerse or of six air exposed cell cultures towards substances out of the gas phase. The system is suited for long-time exposures due to the longtime stability of the physical-chemical and the biological operating parameters as well as for the application of highly toxical substances due to its tightness. Moreover, methods to isolate and cultivate cells were developed to get sterile, homogeneous and proliferating primary cell cultures of human skin from both subjects with healthy skin as well as from patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. A method to decontaminate skin samples and keratinocyte cultures from the often occurring infection with multiresistent Staphylococcus aureus by means of 1% flucloxacillin improved the percentage from 30% to 90% of successfully isolated and cultivated, proliferating primary keratinocytes from atopic dermatitis skin, comparable with the keratinocytes from healthy skin. The differentiation and the secretion of cytokines from cultures of keratinocytes from lesional skin was significantly different to those of eczema-free skin of the same patient with atopic dermatitis. This was a clear hint for cultivation of keratinocytes from real lesional origin. Furthermore, methods to reconstruct organs in culture were evaluated to develope a three-dimensional human in vitro model of the atopic dermatitis, with dead human dermis found to be the most suited biomatrix. Finally, applying the exposition system, human keratinocytes from atopic and healthy skin were exposed towards VOC concentrations of an order of magnitude relevant for environmental and work-place exposures. From the release of cytokines, first insights were found about a potential causal contribution of environmentally relevant airborne pollutants to the worldwide increasing prevalence and incidence of the atopic dermatitis in human beings: On the average, keratinocytes from the skin of atopics released constitutively twice the concentrations of GM-CSF and IL-6 compared to cells of healthy subjects. These results indicate that the increased concentrations of cytokines in atopic dermatitis, found in situ , are originating among other things from keratinocytes. The constitutive as well as the VOC (volatile organic compounds)-induced release of IL-1a, IL-6 and GM-CSF from keratinocytes of lesional and non-lesional skin of the same subject were sigificantly different. This means that in in vitro experiments the keratinocytes from lesional skin have to be distinguished from keratinocytes from non-lesional skin of atopics. Especially keratinocytes from atopic lesional skin reacted more sensitively towards VOC with respect to there pro-inflammatory state. These results support the allergotoxicological hypothesis of the more VOC-sensitive atopic skin. As the triggers of atopic dermatitis are strongly depending on the individual subject, an increased sensitivity towards VOC was found only for a subgroup of subjects. Further results indicate that there is a synergistic, multiplicative combination of impacts of low-concentrated, environmentally relevant mixtures of VOC on the in vitro secretion of cytokines from keratinocytes of healthy skin. For example, the increased secretion of GM-CSF resembled that one after an exposition of three MAK (maximum concentrations at the workplace) toluene. In contrast, no combinatory effect was found in atopic dermatitis. But the level of cytokines secreted by cells of atopic patients was higher than the one secreted by keratinocytes of healthy subjects. This means that the MAK values cannot be used offhand to evaluate the environmentally relevant influence on healthy skin, because these values do not take into account combinatory effects. On the other hand, the results of the in vitro exposure system applied in the present work do not induce that the increased prevalence of atopic dermatitis - observed from epidemiological studies - is due to the impact of the environmentally concentrated VOC mixture especially on primary keratinocytes from atopic dermatitis. This thesis comprises an experimental work in the subject of allergotoxikology based on the development of methods and equipment in form of an exposure system for cell cultures towards gasous compounds. All methods as well as the exposure system can also be used for investigations of other questions.
Epidemiological studies indicate worldwide raising prevalence and severity of atopic dermatitis in human beings. The goal of the present thesis was to investigate a potential causal contribution of the environmentally relevant airborne pollutants toluene and m-xylene in in vitro experiments. For this purpose, an exposure system for gasous compounds was developed consisting of an open, continuously gas-flooded system which enables the simultaneous exposition of twelve submerse or of six air expos...