The present work addresses enhanced methods for the simulation of lifting surfaces in rotating systems with different fidelity. Firstly, propeller cases of different complexity are analyzed employing low and high fidelity models with special emphasis on a modified generalized actuator disc approach. Secondly, the focus is on flow simulations of a helicopter configuration applying a novel mesh-deformation approach for rotor-blade cyclic motion. High computational speedup is achieved and complementary wind tunnel investigations confirm the quality of the results.
The present work addresses enhanced methods for the simulation of lifting surfaces in rotating systems with different fidelity. Firstly, propeller cases of different complexity are analyzed employing low and high fidelity models with special emphasis on a modified generalized actuator disc approach. Secondly, the focus is on flow simulations of a helicopter configuration applying a novel mesh-deformation approach for rotor-blade cyclic motion. High computational speedup is achieved and complemen...