FIThydro, Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower, is an EC-funded Horizon 2020 project with 26 partners from 10 European countries, and a total budget of € 7.2 million. The project, led by the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, will officially finish in April this year. It addresses the important role of hydropower as a renewable, CO2-free energy in Europe. This is in line with the Renewable Energy Directive, although it is partly in conflict with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). FIThydro, mainly concentrated on building on known research results, and then merged them and re-evaluated and re-combined them.
FIThydro provides resources to assist decision makers in commissioning and operating hydropower facilities through the use of existing and innovative technologies. The project focused on measures and strategies to develop cost-effective solutions for mitigating hydropower impacts on the environment, and on strategies to minimize harm to fish individuals and thus ensure the development 01' sustainable populations. To this end, 17 existing hydropower sites in four European regions, namely the Alpine region, France/Belgium, the Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia, were included as test case (TC) sites in the project.
FIThydro, Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower, is an EC-funded Horizon 2020 project with 26 partners from 10 European countries, and a total budget of € 7.2 million. The project, led by the Chair of Hydraulic Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, will officially finish in April this year. It addresses the important role of hydropower as a renewable, CO2-free energy in Europe. This is in line with the Renewable Energy Directive, although it is partly in conflict with...