Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Lastmanagement wird aus verschiedenen Perspektiven untersucht. Im Fokus steht die Fragestellung, was Lastmanagementmaßnahmen unter gegebenen Bedingungen maximal kosten dürfen. Es bestehen netzseitig unterschiedlich hohe Einsparpotenziale in den Kundengruppen. Deshalb wird ein Netztarifmodell entwickelt, das Anreize schafft die monetären Potenziale zu heben. Ein Gestehungskostenmodell zeigt außerdem, welchen Beitrag die Erzeugerseite zum Lastmanagement leisten kann.
Translated abstract:
The profitability of load management is explored from different viewpoints. The focus is on the maximum possible investment costs under given framework conditions. Within the costumer groups, different monetary savings potentials exist. As a result, a pricing model is developed that provides incentives to take load management measures and achieve the potential savings. Moreover, it is shown how electricity generation can contribute to load management using a model of levelized costs of electricity.
The profitability of load management is explored from different viewpoints. The focus is on the maximum possible investment costs under given framework conditions. Within the costumer groups, different monetary savings potentials exist. As a result, a pricing model is developed that provides incentives to take load management measures and achieve the potential savings. Moreover, it is shown how electricity generation can contribute to load management using a model of levelized costs of electrici...