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Rudenko S., Dettmering D., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J., Kehm A.
Progress in precise orbit determination of altimetry satellites
Symposium on "30 years of Progress in Radar Altimetry"

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Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Glomsda M., Angermann D., Rudenko S., Zeitlhöfler J.
DTRF2020 update: challenges and first results
IDS Workshop

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Kaden, Robert; Clemen, Christian; Blankenbach, Jörg; Becker, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Eling, Dirk; Kolbe, Thomas H.
Leitfaden Geodäsie und BIM
DVW e. V. – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement; Runder Tisch GIS e. V.

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Sánchez L., Sehnal M., Angermann D., Rodríguez J.
GGOS Implementation Plan, Phase 2024 - 2027

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Sánchez L.
Status report on the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)
International Association of Geodesy Executive Committee Meeting

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Gruber T., Angermann D., Sánchez L.
Definition of Essential Geodetic Earth Observation Variables with Emphasis to the Earth Gravity Field
Symposium Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2024 - GGHS2024

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Sánchez L., Barzaghi R., Vergos G.
Towards a first solution for the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF)
Symposium Gravity Geoid and Height Systems 2024 - GGHS2024

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Sánchez L., Liu Q., Niedermaier J., Gruber T., Pail R., Schmidt M.
Roadmap for geopotential-based height systems

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Craddock A.B., Gross R.S., Sehnal M., Rodríguez J.C., Angermann D., Sánchez L., Peidou A.
The Global Geodetic Observing System: Facilitating Opportunities for Strategic Outreach, Collaboration, and Engagement with External Stakeholders

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Vergos G.S., Sánchez L., Barzaghi R., and the IHRF team
The IHRF CC to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IHRS/IHRF