Measurements on the intermediate-valent intermetallic compound YbAl2 are presented. We discuss magnetization, resistivity, magnetoresistance and specific heat in the temperature range between 1.5 and 300K in magnetic field up to 14T. Our samples, with a high residual resistivity ratio of nearly 50, display a T3.5 temperature dependence of the resistivity and a strong magnetoresistance, reaching $\Deltåho\slash̊ho$0$\approx$1.5 at 12T and 3K. The low-temperature specific heat and magnetization of YbAl2 remain unchanged in high fields, as expected for this intermediate-valent compound with a high fluctuation temperature.
Measurements on the intermediate-valent intermetallic compound YbAl2 are presented. We discuss magnetization, resistivity, magnetoresistance and specific heat in the temperature range between 1.5 and 300K in magnetic field up to 14T. Our samples, with a high residual resistivity ratio of nearly 50, display a T3.5 temperature dependence of the resistivity and a strong magnetoresistance, reaching $\Deltåho\slash̊ho$0$\approx$1.5 at 12T and 3K. The low-temperature specific heat and magnetization o...