{{AC}} Susceptibility Studies of the Superconductivity of {{PrOs4Sb12}}
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Drobnik, S.; Grube, K.; Pfleiderer, C.; L̈ohneysen, H. V.; Bauer, E. D.; Maple, M. B.
We report the superconducting phase diagram of PrOs4Sb12 deduced from the real-part $ḩi′$ and the imaginary part $ḩi″$ of the AC susceptibility. The double transition at Tc1=1.85K and Tc2=1.75K seen in the specific heat may be related to features in $ḩi′$ and $ḩi″$, where full diamagnetic shielding is observed below Tc2 only. As function of magnetic field the phase bounded by Tc2 displays features reminiscent of the peak effect.