High-Pressure Investigations of the Itinerant Ferromagnet {{CoS2}}
Barakat, S.; Braithwaite, D.; Alireza, P.; Grube, K.; Uhlarz, M.; Wilson, J.; Pfleiderer, C.; Flouquet, J.; Lonzarich, G.
The cubic pyrite compound CoS2 is an itinerant-electron ferromagnet with a Curie temperature of Tc=122K. Measurements of its electrical resistivity in quasi-hydrostatic Bridgman cells were performed up to pressures of p=15GPa. Tc is monotonically decreased by the application of external pressure and a first-order quantum phase transition was inferred at a pressure of pc$\simeq$6GPa. The temperature dependence of the resistivity at low temperatures (T=0.3\textendash{}20K) changes from a power-law with temperature exponent n=2 in the ferromagnetic phase to n$<$1.7 in the paramagnetic phase at pressures beyond pc.