MIRA, the beam line for very cold neutrons (VCN) at the FRM-II, provides a beam of neutrons (8 A˚ olo30 A˚ ). Additionally, a polarised neutron beam is available. Classical and three-dimensional (3D) vector polarisation analysis can be performed using a 3He spin filter or a multilayer analyser. The instrument itself has several different operation modes. Currently, it is being used as a reflectometer or a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) machine. A spin-echo option for these modes is also available. When operated in the MIEZE mode, there is even the possibility of applying magnetic fields on the sample. Furthermore, the instrument is ideally suited as a testing platform for new experimental setups as it is constructed in a modular way, allowing quick configuration changes. Here we present the instrument together with some measurements.
MIRA, the beam line for very cold neutrons (VCN) at the FRM-II, provides a beam of neutrons (8 A˚ olo30 A˚ ). Additionally, a polarised neutron beam is available. Classical and three-dimensional (3D) vector polarisation analysis can be performed using a 3He spin filter or a multilayer analyser. The instrument itself has several different operation modes. Currently, it is being used as a reflectometer or a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) machine. A spin-echo option for these modes is also a...