A polarizing neutron guide was built at the OrphCe Reactor at Saclay. It consists of a 4 m long polarizing bender ($\lambda∗$=0.35 nm) followed by two straight sections of a non\textendash{}polarizing supermirror antitrumpet (m=2, total length 7.5 m), with a velocity selector in between. The bender itself provides a capture flux of 9.4 . 108 cm-2s-1 within a wavelength range from 0.35 to 1.5 nm at an average polarization of =93 percent and an area of 50.25mm'. Neutron\textendash{}polarization is maintained via guide fields at the selector and the antitrumpet. The guide supplies a resonance spin echo spectrometer that recently went into operation. Compared to the old guide the flux is increased by a factor of 15 at 0.6 nm.
A polarizing neutron guide was built at the OrphCe Reactor at Saclay. It consists of a 4 m long polarizing bender ($\lambda∗$=0.35 nm) followed by two straight sections of a non\textendash{}polarizing supermirror antitrumpet (m=2, total length 7.5 m), with a velocity selector in between. The bender itself provides a capture flux of 9.4 . 108 cm-2s-1 within a wavelength range from 0.35 to 1.5 nm at an average polarization of =93 percent and an area of 50.25mm'. Neutron\textendash{}polarization is...