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Document type:
Journal Article
Rosch, N.; Petrova, G. P.; Petkov, P. S.; Genest, A.; Kruger, S.; Aleksandrov, H. A.; Vayssilov, G. N.
Impurity Atoms on Small Transition Metal Clusters. Insights from Density Functional Model Studies
We review our computational studies at the DFT level on small isolated metal clusters of late transition metals that contain atomic (H, C, O) or diatomic (CO, N(2)) ligands. These investigations were initiated by the clarification of the structure of iridium and rhodium clusters, as characterized by EXAFS, and then were extended to clusters of other transition metals (Ni, Ru, Pd, Os, Pt). The results suggest that a single H atom hardly changes the structure of a small metal cluster, while the pr...     »
Congress title:
ISI Document Delivery No.: 782PG Times Cited: 3 Cited Reference Count: 111 Roesch, Notker Petrova, Galina P. Petkov, Petko St. Genest, Alexander Krueger, Sven Aleksandrov, Hristiyan A. Vayssilov, Georgi N. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Germany); Bulgarian National Science Fund [VUH-303/07, DO02-115/08] We would like to thank Prof. B.C. Gates for a long-standing productive collaboration on various topics related to supported metal clusters and complexes. Our wo...     »
Journal title:
Topics in Catalysis
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