Product development processes exhibit increasing dynamic behavior, as for instance time to market needs to be decreased while the number of variants as well as employee
turnover increases. During the time, various modeling tools have
been developed for the management of product development
processes. But these tools are usually not able to cope with their
dynamic behavior. On the other hand, various approaches exist
to illustrate the dynamic behavior such as the System Dynamics
methodology. Both approaches are independent and offer various
benefits, but the link how dynamic aspects influence the
underlying structure and thereby increase the complexity of
product development processes on a detailed level is still object to
research. Therefore, we suggest the coupling of the Structural
Complexity Management (StCM) methodology with the System
Dynamics methodology. This offers the possibility to relate,
simulate and manage dynamic influences on product
development processes on a structural level. This would enable
an optimization of product development process towards a more
robust and reliable dynamic behavior.
Within this paper, as a first step, the transformation method
from multiple domain matrices (MDM) to System Dynamics
models is described. Rework cycles are identified as main
elements for the transformation. Furthermore, a qualitative
System Dynamics model of an e-bike sharing system development
process, derived from MDMs, is presented. With this coupling,
dynamic influencing factors can be related to their result on the
structure of the product development process. This would allow
for an early projection of the performance of the development
system over time, based on its structure.
Product development processes exhibit increasing dynamic behavior, as for instance time to market needs to be decreased while the number of variants as well as employee
turnover increases. During the time, various modeling tools have
been developed for the management of product development
processes. But these tools are usually not able to cope with their
dynamic behavior. On the other hand, various approaches exist
to illustrate the dynamic behavior such...