Producing companies in high-wage countries are compelled to use the most effective and efficient technologies in order to compete. In this context, selecting the most appropriate solutions is one of the main tasks of the strategic technology planning. As the implementation of a new technology is very time-consuming and expensive, the decision in favour or against one alternative is crucial. To support companies, this paper presents an approach for the strategic evaluation of technology chains using five relevant criteria. In order to show the criteria valuation the technology maturity is described in detail. Finally, the aggregation of the criteria valuation flow into the technology chain suitability. The evaluation results finally are visualised in the so-called technology chains calendar, which maps the technology chain suitability over time. In this way, the time when to change the production structure of a company can be derived.
Producing companies in high-wage countries are compelled to use the most effective and efficient technologies in order to compete. In this context, selecting the most appropriate solutions is one of the main tasks of the strategic technology planning. As the implementation of a new technology is very time-consuming and expensive, the decision in favour or against one alternative is crucial. To support companies, this paper presents an approach for the strategic evaluation of technology chains us...