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Überschrift (Headline):
Cosmic Magnifying Glasses Yield Independent Measure of Universe's Expansion
Beschreibung (Caption):
A team of astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has measured the universe's expansion rate using a technique that is completely independent of any previous method. Knowing the precise value for how fast the universe expands is important for determining the age, size, and fate of the cosmos. Unraveling this mystery has been one of the greatest challenges in astrophysics in recent years. The new study adds evidence to the idea that new theories may be needed to explain what scientists...     »
Stichwörter (Keywords):
RXJ1131-1231; B1608+656; HE0435-1223; WFI2033-4723
Wissenschaftsgebiet (Research Area):
Fakultät / Einrichtung der TUM (University department or unit):
Stadt/Ort (Location):
Datum (Date created):
Urheber/in (Creator/By-Line):
Space Telescope Science Institut
Herkunft/Quelle (Source):
Copyright (Copyright-Notice):
S.H. Suyu / TUM/MPA, K.C. Wong /Univ. Tokyo, NASA, ESA, STSCI
Nutzungsbedingungen (Rights usage terms):
S.H. Suyu / TUM/MPA, K.C. Wong /Univ. Tokyo, NASA, ESA, STSCI