
	author = {Russer, Johannes A. and Mukhtar, F. and Wane, S. and Bajon, D. and Russer, P.},
	title = {Broad-band modeling of bond wire antenna structures},
	booktitle = {Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2012 The 7th German},
	year = {2012},

        month = {March},

        abstract = {In this paper we propose the usage of bond wires as antennas for chip-to-chip communications. A wireless bond-wire communication link is designed and investigated experimentally. A lumped element two-port equivalent circuit model is established using a system-identification-based combined Bartlett-Brune approach.},

        keywords = {antennas, modeling, circuits, Wire, antenna, approach, Bartlett-Brune, bond, bond-wire, broadband, chip-to-chip, circuit, combined, communication, element, equivalent, integrated, link, links, lumped, model, monolithic, radio, structure, system-identiflcation-based, two-port, wire, wireless},
