@phdthesis{dissertation, author = {Çelikkaya, Zübeyde Nihan}, title = {Model-based Assessment of the Integration of Zero-Emission Vehicles into Dynamic Environmental Traffic Management for Air Pollution Control in Urban Areas}, year = {2022}, school = {Technische Universität München}, pages = {192}, language = {en}, abstract = {Promoting zero-emission vehicles and dynamic environmental traffic management are two of numerous policy instruments that aim to reduce traffic related air pollution. This dissertation investigates the integration of these two measures: if they can mutually support each other in air pollution control in urban areas. The assessment is conducted by developing a modelling approach that combines existing traffic, emission, and dispersion modelling tools and simulating several scenarios with exemplary traffic management measures on an artificial urban network.}, keywords = {zero-emission vehicles, electric vehicles, environmental traffic management, air pollution control}, note = {}, url = {https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1639121}, }