	author = {Weinberger, Christoph},
	title = {Supernova diagnostics from gamma-ray lines in the young remnant phase},
	year = {2021},
	school = {Technische Universität München},
	pages = {239},
	language = {en},
	abstract = {The signature of supernovae was investigated with high-resolution spectra of gamma-radiation from nuclei utilizing the gamma-ray telescope INTEGRAL/SPI. Several explosion model variants were recognized as unlikely by determining the nucleosynthesized 44Ti mass. The Galactic supernova rate was determined by comparison of my 44Ti survey with simulations. Cosmic ray acceleration in the Cas A SNR was determined by nuclear excitation lines.},
	keywords = {Nucleosynthesis, Supernova, Supernova Remnant, Cosmic Rays},
	note = {},
	url = {https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1609856},