@phdthesis{dissertation, author = {Di Giovanni, Antonio}, title = {Roughness-Induced Transition in a Hypersonic Capsule Boundary Layer under Wind-Tunnel and Reentry Conditions}, year = {2020}, school = {Technische Universität München}, pages = {163}, language = {en}, abstract = {Direct Numerical Simulations are performed to investigate the instability mechanisms in a capsule-like configuration with a rough wall under both wind-tunnel and reentry conditions. The growth of unstable modes induced by different roughness patches is analyzed in both the linear and non-linear stages up to the laminar-turbulent breakdown. In the case of reentry conditions, high-temperature gas effects significantly change the temperature profiles of the capsule boundary layer and have a non-negligible effect on the stability properties of the roughness wake. }, keywords = {boundary layer stability, high-speed flow, transition to turbulence}, note = {}, url = {https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1518086}, }