
	author = {Michael Obersteiner, Hans-Joachim Bungartz},
	title = {A Spatially Adaptive Sparse Grid Combination Technique for Numerical Quadrature},
	booktitle = {Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2018},
	year = {2019},

        month = {Sep},

        publisher = {Springer Verlag},

        language = {en},

        abstract = {High-dimensional problems have gained interest in many disciplines
such as Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Uncertainty Quantification. These
problems often require an adaptation of a model to the problem as standard methods
do not provide an efficient description. Spatial adaptivity is one of these approaches
that we investigate in this work. We introduce the Spatially Adaptive Combination
Technique using a Split-Extend scheme – a spatially adaptive variant of the Sparse
Grid Combination Technique – that recursively refines block adaptive full grids to get
an efficient representation of local phenomena in functions. We discuss the method
in the context of numerical quadrature and demonstrate its applicability to refine
efficiently to various test functions where common approaches fail. Trapezoidal
quadrature rules as well as Gauss-Legendre quadrature are investigated to show its
applicability to a wide range of quadrature formulas. Error estimates are used to
automatize the adaptation process which results in a parameter-free version of our
refinement strategy.},

        keywords = {Informatik; Sparse Grids; Combination Technique; Spatial adaptivity},
