	author = {Malfavon Farias, Octaviano},
	title = {Development of an open-source tool for 3D Topology Optimization and its extension towards integrated design and analysis},
	year = {2016},

        school = {Technische Universität München},

        language = {en},

        abstract = {This paper presents the theory, development and testing of an open-source topology optimization application, referred to as Kratos Topology App, inside the established open-source software framework KRATOS Multiphysics. Underlying approach is the density- based Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) approach and objective of interest is a compliance minimization. The application is a re-implementation of a previous unpublished version, which already allowed the optimization of arbitrary geometries and provided a link to pre- and post-processing software. However, this work extends given features, creates a basis for further developments, and resembles everything in a publicly available and easy modifiable software. In particular, the paper describes the concept of the implementation, developed software features like a restart capability, methods to post-process optimal designs like a Laplacian smoothing, and a first realization of a complete process towards integrated design and analysis. Furthermore, corresponding computational costs are analyzed.

As a result, this paper describes the first open-source topology optimization software that combines capabilities to optimize arbitrary 3D geometries discretized with different element types, features to post-process optimal designs and an integrated structural FEM solver to analyze both original and optimized structures. Ultimately, since the optimal design is available in KRATOS, other applications of this multiphysics software framework, such as the included shape optimization application, may be used to further analyze or fine tune given designs.},
