	author = {Dai, Xinyi},
	title = {Electrospun curcumin gelatin blended nanofibrous mats accelerate wound healing by Dkk-1 mediated fibroblast mobilization and MCP-1 mediated anti-inflammation},
	year = {2017},
	school = {Technische Universität München},
	pages = {157},
	language = {en},
	abstract = {Curcumin is a powerful modulator of healing processes. However, its hydrophobicity hinders its clinical translation. We present here electrospun curcumin/gelatin blended nanofibrous mats to enhance curcumin bioavailability and show its synergistic signaling for wound repair: (i) mobilization of wound site fibroblasts by activating the Wnt signaling pathway, partly mediated through Dkk-1; (ii) persistent inhibition of the inflammatory response through decreased expression of MCP-1 by fibroblasts.},
	keywords = {Curcumin, Gelatin, Electrospin, Dkk-1, MCP-1, Wound healing},
	note = {},
	url = {https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1326281},