@techreport{German-Egyptian_Collaboration_to_Afforestation_in_Desert_Lands_of_Egypt.pdf, author = {El Kateb, H. and El-Gindy A. G. and Stimm, B and Settawy, A. A. and Zhang H. and Kerashy Mohamed A. and Abd-Elwaheb A. and Felbermeier, B. and Hassan, H. and Hassan, N. and Khamis, S. and Abd-Elbaky, M. and Weber, M. and El Hakim, M. and Mosandl, R. }, title = {German-Egyptian Collaboration to Afforestation in Desert Lands of Egypt: Information Summary and Description of the Field Experiments.}, year = {2015}, institution = {Karl Gayer Institut c/o Lehrstuhl Waldbau }, }