@phdthesis{dissertation, author = {Culhaoglu, Ali Eren}, title = {Microwave Metamaterials: Superlensing and Design of Low Reflection Coatings}, year = {2012}, school = {Technische Universität München}, pages = {124}, language = {en}, abstract = {Metamaterials are artificially engineered materials that have properties not attainable with naturally occurring materials, such as a negative refractive index. They enable the design of novel microwave devices, which cannot be realized on the basis of naturally occurring materials. The imaging properties of a metamaterial superlens and the design of metamaterial low reflection coatings are investigated in this work. A planar negative refractive index metamaterial slab focuses waves emitted from a Hertzian dipole to the image plane behind the slab. A resolution beyond that of conventional imaging systems is thereby achieved. The imaging characteristics of the superlens are investigated analytically in the spectral domain by expressing the fields as a Fourier integral. A novel approach for the realization of Drude and Lorentz dispersive metamaterial radar absorbers is presented. A metamaterial based anti-reflection coating is realized and studied experimentally.}, keywords = {}, note = {}, url = {https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1092907}, }