The countries Malaysia, Chile and Turkey were analyzed according their population structure, their waste management systems and their municipal solid waste composition. Based on this analysis the best fitting waste-to-energy plant capacity was defined for medium and small communities. To identify the most suitable technology for a small-scale plant, incineration experiments were conducted in three different types of combustion chamber using reproducible artificial waste. For cost optimization of the selected plant type target costing was used. It has been shown, that by suitable site selection small-scale plants can be operated ecological friendly and economically in countries in transition, too.
The countries Malaysia, Chile and Turkey were analyzed according their population structure, their waste management systems and their municipal solid waste composition. Based on this analysis the best fitting waste-to-energy plant capacity was defined for medium and small communities. To identify the most suitable technology for a small-scale plant, incineration experiments were conducted in three different types of combustion chamber using reproducible artificial waste. For cost optimization of...