Negotiation is one of the most important tools for the coordination of collaborations and for conducting trade.
Policy intersection protocols are efficient in identifying mutually compatible parameters, if the negotiating parties know the possible parameter space beforehand. It is no tool to discover new and unforeseen agreements.
Iterative requirements-driven agreement negotiation with the novel VersaNeg protocol overcomes these limitations. It allows each party to state what it can offer and what it wants in turn. An iterative exchange of requirements and offers leads to a rooted tree structure of alternative agreement options. The agreement negotiation protocol becomes a tool to discover new agreement options and to form comprehensive agreements.
VersaNeg works equally well for bilateral and multilateral negotiations. In multilateral negotiations, the involved parties can discover and define collaborations on the fly.
Negotiation is one of the most important tools for the coordination of collaborations and for conducting trade.
Policy intersection protocols are efficient in identifying mutually compatible parameters, if the negotiating parties know the possible parameter space beforehand. It is no tool to discover new and unforeseen agreements.
Iterative requirements-driven agreement negotiation with the novel VersaNeg protocol overcomes these limitations. It allows each party to state what it can offer an...