Technische Universität München
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University Bibliography
Electronic Examination Papers
Open Access Publikationen
Research Data
TUM.University Press
Research Centers
TUM Board of Management
Functional Units
Partnerschaftliche Einrichtungen
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan
TUM School of Management
TUM School of Medicine and Health
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Examination Papers
Chair of AI-based Materials Science (Prof. Rinke)
Chair of Angewandte Quantentheorie (Prof. Rabl)
Chair of Biomedical Physics (Prof. Pfeiffer)
Lehrstuhl für Experimental physics with cosmic particles (Prof. Resconi)
Chair of Experimentalphysik - Dense and Strange Hadronic Matter (Prof. Fabbietti)
Chair of Experimental Physics - Surface and Interface Physics (E20) (Prof. Barth)
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik funktionaler Spinsysteme (Prof. Back)
Chair of Experimental Physics on the Topology of Correlated Systems (Prof. Pfleiderer)
Chair of Experimental Astro-Particle Physics (Prof. Schönert)
Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Halbleiterphysik (Prof. Sharp)
Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Materialien (Prof. Müller-Buschbaum)
Field of Experimental Physics (E24) - Solid State Physics (Prof. Finley)
Chair of Experimental Physics (E11) (komm. Prof. Laubereau)
Chair of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (Prof. Holleitner)
Chair of Physics I (E18) (Prof. Paul)
Lehrstuhl für Plasmarand- und Divertorphysik (Prof. Stroth)
Field of Experimental Physics (E24) - Precision Measurements at Extreme Conditions (Prof. Fierlinger)
Lehrstuhl für Quantenalgorithmen und -anwendungen (Prof. Kraus)
Chair of Technical Physics (Prof. Gross/Prof. Filipp)
Lehrstuhl für Teilchenphysik (Prof. Zanderighi)
Chair of Theoretical Physics IV (T31) (Prof. Buras, komm. Prof. Lenz)
Chair of Theoretical Solid-State Physics (Prof. Pollmann)
Associate Professorship of Dark Matter (Prof. Mertens)
Professorship of Data Science in Physics (Prof. Heinrich)
Field of Experimental Physics (E18) - High Energy and Neutron Physics (Prof. Zimmer)
Field of Experimental Physics - Astro Particle Physics (Prof. Oberauer)
Field of Experimental Physics - Soft Matter (Prof. Papadakis)
Collective Quantum Dynamics (Prof. Knap)
Associate Professorship of Molecular Engineering at Functional Interfaces (Prof. Auwärter)
Assistant Professorship of Nanoscale Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Energy Materials (Prof. Eichhorn)
Observational Cosmology
Assistant Professorship of Physics of Energy Conversion and Storage (Prof. Bandarenka)
Assistant Professorship for Biomedical Imaging Physics (Prof. Herzen)
Professur für Quantennetzwerke (Prof. Reiserer)
Assistant Professorship of Quantum Magnetism (Prof. Fogh)
Assistant Professorship of Quantum Matter - Experimental Solid State Physics (N.N.)
Professorship for Quantum Technologies (Prof. Poot)
Field of Technical Physics (Prof. Krischer)
Associate Professorship of Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik (Prof. Ibarra)
Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Physics (T30f) - Computational Field Theory of Nuclear and Hadronic Many Particle Systems (Prof. Brambilla)
Theoretical Physics of the Early Universe (Prof. Garbrecht)
Professur für Theoretische Teilchenphysik (Prof. Tancredi)
Theoretical Particle Physics (Prof. Weiler)
heory of Quantum Matter and Nanophysics (Prof. Knolle)
Professur für Theory of Correlated Quantum Materials (Prof. Classen)
Theory of Functional Energy Materials (TheoFEM) (Prof. Egger)
Former Institutions
Bavarian NMR-Center
Celebrations at the Department
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Service Facilities
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Central Administration
mediaTUM Gesamtbestand
TUM School of Natural Sciences
Professur für Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik (Prof. Ibarra)
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