Middleton, Wilfrid ; Shu, Qiguan ; Ludwig, Ferdinand
Author affiliation:
Point Clouds of Living Architecture
End date of data production:
Subject area:
ARC Architektur
Resource type:
Abbildungen von Objekten / image of objects
Other resource types:
3D point clouds models
Data type:
mehrdimensionale Visualisierungen oder Modelle / models
Point clouds resulting from photogrammetric surveys conducted in 2019.
The Freiburg Baubotanik pavilion was planted in 2017 and surveyed using a DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone with a 20MP Hasselblad L1D-20C camera (1” sensor; 28mm, f/2.8–f/11 lens).
The Baubotanik joint was is a pair of Platanus hispanica stems, grafted together and harvested at 7 years. The Ficus joint is a Ficus elastica anastomosis of unknown age, part of the living root ladder near Mawshun village in East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, India.
All three point clouds, along with others of the living root bridges in Meghalaya are used to demonstrate the skeletonisation algorithm presented in: Representing living architecture through skeleton reconstruction from point clouds by Middleton, Shu and Ludwig.
Agisoft Metashape (Standard edition) was used to create the point clouds from photographs CloudCompare was used to manipulate and save the data for use in skeletonisation