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Müller, L. M.;Schattke, K.;Schiepe-Tiska, A.;Forster, F.;Kehr, H. M.
Achievement incentives in creative problem solving
31st Motivationspsychologischen Kolloquium (MPK)
Munich, Germany

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Kehr, H. M.;Strasser, A.;Rawolle, M.;Schattke, K.;Schiepe, A.;Steiner, S.
Analyse intrinsischer Motivation: Neue Erkenntnisse zu Randbedingungen und Konsequenzen des Flow-Erlebens. [Analysis of intrinsic motivation: New insights in conditions and consequences of flow experience.]
47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Bremen, Germany

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Steiner, S.;Engeser, S.;Kehr, H. M.
Are Users Motivated and Creative to Co-develop Sustainable Products and Services? A Psychological Perspective.
The European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSP)
Delft, Netherlands

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Seeliger, J.;Schiepe, A.;Schattke, K.;Kehr, H. M.
Attributes of effective corporate visions
14th conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

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Kehr, H. M.
Authenticity and follower motive compatibility of transformational leadership: Toward the demystification of charisma.
European Academy of Management
Paris, France

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Kehr, H. M.
Authenticity and follower motive compatibility of transformational leadership: Towards the demystification of charisma.
Invited lecture in the seminar on organizational psychology at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, U.S.A.

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Steiner, S.;Gerstenberg, F.;Kehr, H. M.
Belohnen muss dem Spaß nicht schaden: Tätigkeitskongruentes Belohnen trotzt dem Korrumpierungseffekt. [Rewards are not always bad for fun: Rewarding task-congruent resists the undermining effect.]
48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Bielefeld, Germany

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Steiner, S.;Rawolle, M.;Kehr, H. M
Belohnung in die Linse - Eine neue Sichtweise auf den Korrumpierungseffek [Rewards into the lens – a new perspective on the undermining effect]

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Kehr, H. M.
Beyond the limitations of intentionality: The compensatory model of motivation and volition.
Invited presentation at the International Workshop of the DFG Research Group "Limits of Intentionality", University of Konstanz, Germany.

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Kehr, H. M.
Bringing theories of motivation and volition into play: A new approach to self-management training.
Invited lecture at the Institute of Personality and Social Research in the Colloquium Series “Best of the bay: Research in and around IPSR”, University of Berkeley, CA.