	author = {Harder, Felix N. and Jung, Eva and Weiss, Kilian and Graf, Markus M. and Kamal, Omar and McTavish, Sean and Van, Anh T. and Demir, Ihsan E. and Friess, Helmut and Phillip, Veit and Schmid, Roland M. and Lohöfer, Fabian K. and Kaissis, Georgios A. and Makowski, Marcus R. and Karampinos, Dimitrios C. and Braren, Rickmer F.},
	title = {Computed high-b-value high-resolution DWI improves solid lesion detection in IPMN of the pancreas},

        journal = {European Radiology},
	year = {2023},

        doi = {10.1007/s00330-023-09661-6},
