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Original title:
Antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit von Bleichmitteln und Bleichsystemen
Translated title:
Antimicrobial effects of bleaching agents
Betz, Monika
Document type:
Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan
Cerny, G. (Prof. Dr.)
Cerny, G. (Prof. Dr.); Scherer, Siegfried (Prof. Dr.)
Subject group:
IND Sonstige Industrien; CIT Chemie-Ingenieurwesen, Technische Chemie, Biotechnologie; CHE Chemie
Bleichmittel; Bleichmittelsysteme; Bleichmittelaktivator; antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit;
Translated keywords:
bleaching agents; bleaching activator; biocidal activity; low temperature washing
Controlled terms:
Waschen Mikrobizid Bleichmittel Umweltfaktor; Bleichen Mikrobizid Bleichmittel Umweltfaktor; Textilreinigung Bleichmittel Mikrobizid Umweltfaktor; Waschmittel Niedrigtemperatur Bleichmittel Antimikrobieller Wirkstoff
TUM classification:
IND 780d; CIT 780d; CHE 875d
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das bakterizide, fungizide und viruzide Potential verschiedener Bleichmittel und Bleichmittelsysteme im Niedrigtemperaturbereich anhand ausgewählter Testkeime untersucht und die Einflußfaktoren auf die mikrobizide Wirkung bestimmt. Mit Hilfe des quantitativen Suspensionsversuches wurde das Wirkungsspektrum verschiedener nicht-aktivierter Bleichmittel (Perborat, Percarbonat, Phthalimido-peroxo-capronsäure) und aktivierter Bleichmittelsysteme (NOBS, TAED) gegenüber au...     »
Translated abstract:
Low temperature domestic washing (i.e. < 40 °C) may be regarded as low-hygienic because thermal inactivation of microorganisms does not occur. Thus other means (i.e. bleaching agents) must be considered to compensate for low temperature and to achieve hygienic effects. In this study the biocidal activity of common bleaching systems as used in heavy duty detergents was examined using standard suspension test. The bleaching agents used for the tests were perborate, percarbonate, and phthalimodoperoxocaproic acid, as bleaching activators for low temperature bleaching tetraactetylethylenediamine (TAED) and nonanoyloxybenzenesulfonate (NOBS) were used. The bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties of bleaching systems in question were determined on selected microorganisms (Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium terrae, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and coliphages [phix174 and MS2]). The effects of temperature, pH and presence of soil on the biocidal efficiency of bleaching systems used in this study were also tested. The results showed that the biocidal effect of bleaching systems as used in detergents are affected by the following parameters: microorganism, presence of activator, pH-value, concentration of bleaching agents and perborate to activator ratio, temperature and presence of soil. It was found that gram- bacteria were most susceptible to bleaching systems even at lower temperatures while yeast, mould and phages were considerably more resistant to bleaching systems. Bleaching agents releasing hydrogen peroxide as active species (i.e. perborate, percarbonate) showed better activity with higher pH. Activated bleaching systems forming peracids as oxidising agents were in general more effective with lower pH values. This fact was in agreement with data in the literature reporting that biocidal action of aliphatic peracids increases with lower pH-value due to the higher concentration of undissociated peracid which only can pass cell wall of microorganisms in the undissociated form. The most interesting fact of this study was that NOBS-activated bleaching systems were more effective than TAED-activated bleaching systems even at lower concentrations of peracids formed. The biocidal efficiency of a TAED-activated bleaching system was also tested under European low temperature washing conditions using inoculated test swatches in a standard European washing machine at 30°C and 40°C with addition of 0.2% perborate and 0.04% TAED. It was shown that under these conditions the TAED activated formula resulted in a significant inactivation of gram+ and gram- bacteria. Only yeast survived these conditions. It could be demonstrated that bleaching agents are able to improve hygienic status of low temperature domestic washing.
Publication :
Universitätsbibliothek der TU München
Date of submission:
Oral examination:
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