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Jacod, J., Klüppelberg, C., and Müller, G.; Testing for non-correlation between price and volatility jumps
Schmidt, Verena; Evaluierung der Aristotle Score Modelle bei erwachsenen Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Fröhlich, Petra; Process development and validation of thermoplastic complex shape thermoforming
Leinenkugel, Georg; Identifzierung und Charakterisierung des Oberflächenantigens Sca-1 im murinen pankreatischen Epithelzell-Isolat
Behme, A. and Bondesson, L.; A class of scale mixtures of gamma(k)-distributions that are generalized gamma convolutions
Yang, Feng; Clinical relevance of the tissue protease KLK4 for triple-negative breast cancer
Eßwein, Manuela R.; Multimodale Bildgebung zur Tumorcharakterisierung und Therapiekontrolle in endogenen und transplantierten Mausmodellen des pankreatisch duktalen Adenokarzinoms
Borgmeyer, Sebastian; Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse interventionell-radiologisch implantierter zentralvenöser Portsysteme am Unterarm
Gradtke, Corinna Viktoria; Kognitive Funktionen von Patienten mit Hirntumor im frühen postoperativen Verlauf
Krank, B.; Wall, W.A.; A Novel Approach for Wall Modeling in LES of Wall-Bounded High-Reynolds-Number Flow via Function Enrichment
Mantel, Tobias Alexander; Veränderungen von Aktivität und funktioneller Topographie im somatosensorischen System bei Embouchure-Dystonie während taktiler Stimulation
Mühling, Maximilian; Prospektive Studie zur Evaluation biometrischer und pathophysiologischer Einflussfaktoren auf die SVV, mit dem Ziel einer optimierten Vorhersage eines intravaskulären Volumenmangels, mithilfe einer adjustierten SVV.
Miller, Verena Franziska; Die Tübinger Hüftbeugeschiene als Repositionsorthese
Schärdel, David Richard; Studie zur Prädiktion von Liegedauer, Intensivaufenthalt, Organversagen und Tod durch ätiologische, klinische, biometrische, pathobiochemische und kombinierte Parameter bei Patienten mit akuter Pankreatitis
Winter, Benjamin Johannes Matthias; Neue diagnostische Ansätze zur spontan bakteriellen Peritonitis
Späth, Richard; Studie an 281 Patienten zur Vorhersage des Schweregrads der akuten Pankreatitis und Langzeitverlauf der Subgruppe mit „idiopathischer“ Pankreatitis
Stiefenhofer, Annette Janine; Behandlungsverläufe in der Psychosomatischen Tagesklinik
Thul, Alexander Benedikt; Permutationsentropie und Symbolische Transfer Entropie als EEG-Parameter zur Differenzierung von Disorders of Consciousness unter auditorischer Stimulation
Samara, Myrto; Meta-analysis in schizophrenia trials: comparison of chlorpromazine versus every other antipsychotic drug for schizophrenia and assessment of an imputation technique for estimating response rates from means and standard deviations in schizophrenia
Hollerieth, Katharina Theresa; Präklinische und klinische Evaluation von Einflussfaktoren auf die Scherwellen-Elastographie am Beispiel der Transplantatniere
Kevei, P.; Asymptotic moving average representation of high-frequency sampled multivariate CARMA processes
Berkes, I., Györfi L., and Kevei, P.; Tail probabilities of St. Petersburg sums, trimmed sums, and their limit
Irl, Hedwig Maria; Der Einfluss von Tranexamsäure auf die synaptische Transmission im vitalen Mäusehirnschnittpräparat
Nowak, Anna Maria; Untersuchung des Riech- und Schmeckvermögens bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit Colitis ulcerosa und Morbus Crohn
Thum, Dolores; Resistenzmuster von Staphylococcus aureus-Isolaten bezüglich Antibiotika und Antiseptika, gewonnen von Patienten mit atopischem Ekzem und Impetigo
Hambauer, Sebastian Josef; Evaluierung funktioneller optoakustischer Bildgebung der fokalen zerebralen Ischämie und der Subarachnoidalblutung im experimentellen Mausmodell
Ehrl, Andreas; Determination of Transport Parameters of Binary Electrolyte Solutions for the Use in Numerical Simulations
Groethuysen, Paula; Diagnostische Ausbeute und Bedeutung der Endosonographie mit Feinnadelpunktion im Hinblick auf Therapieentscheidungen bei Patienten mit zystischen Pankreasraumforderungen
Tobiasch, Jörg Moritz; Caveolin-1 und Gallensalze in der Barrett-Metaplasie
Schieche, Christina; Retinale Gefäßanalyse bei chronischen Dialysepatienten
Metzler, Veronika; Der p53-Signalweg im Schleimhautmelanom
Roth C.J., Ismail M., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A.; A comprehensive computational human lung model incorporating inter-acinar dependencies: Application to spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation
Yoshihara L., Roth C.J., Wall W.A.; Fluid-structure interaction including volumetric coupling with homogenized subdomains for modeling respiratory mechanics
Port, Antonia Lea; Evaluation der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit von Dialysepatienten im zeitlichen Verlauf anhand des Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - Test
Weischenberg, René Christian; Dosisintensivierte Granulozyten-/Monozytenapherese bei therapierefraktärer Colitis ulcerosa
Stadler, Dorothee Anne Miriam; Assoziation von fraktionierter Natrium- und Harnstoffexkretion und globalem enddiastolischem Volumenindex bei Patienten mit akuter oder chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
Hämmerle, Stephanie Maria Irmgard; Untersuchungen zur Assoziation von IgE-Serumwerten mit klinischen Parametern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Hymenopterensensibilisierungen
Behncke, Florian; Beschaffungsgerechte Produktentwicklung
Dittmar, Ulrike; Analyse von Lungenfunktionsuntersuchungen an einem Universitätskrankenhaus
Bickert, Nathalie; Wirksamkeit einer spezifischen subcutanen Immuntherapie durch Frühblüher- und Gräserallergoide auf die bronchiale Hyperreagibilität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen nach dreijähriger Therapiedauer
Jaschul, Christina Antonia; Frühstadien von Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen: Vergleich der Therapieergebnisse nach alleiniger Operation versus Operation plus adjuvante Radiotherapie
Mooser, Daniela; Untersuchungen zur Resistenz gegenüber Aurora Kinase Inhibitoren in Myc-induzierten Lymphomen
Herzog, Eva; Intravitreale Therapie retinaler Venenverschlüsse – Triamcinolon und Bevacizumab im Vergleich
Juretzko, Julia Monika; Langzeitergebnisse nach arthroskopischer Schulterstabilisierung
Eberhardt, Sebastian; Large-eddy simulations of supersonic mixing with application to scramjets
Schlegel, Miriam Sophie; Einfluss von pathologischen Frakturen auf die Prognose von primär malignen Knochentumoren
Thiel, Ruth-Maria Teresa; Kardiovaskuläres Risikoprofil bei Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Verdugo, F., Roth, C.J., Yoshihara, L., Wall W.A.; Efficient solvers for coupled models in respiratory mechanics
Link, Catharina Karin; Objektive und subjektive Determinanten neuropsychologischer Leistungsparameter bei primärer Insomnie
Stellwag, Tina; Vergleichsanalyse von Kosten und Erlösen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen am Beispiel von laparoskopischen Cholezystektomien versus partieller pyloruserhaltender Pankreatikoduodenektomien
Gutsmiedl, Maria; Unterschiede zwischen Frauen und Männern in der Alzheimer-Demenz
Buhmann, Helena; Verifikation und Charakterisierung von diabetogenen CD8+ T-Zellepitopen im RIP-CD80+GP+ Mausmodell für induzierbaren Autoimmundiabetes
Wille, Florian; Optimization and Characterization of Magnetic Nano Particle - Vesicular Stomatitis Virus complexes for Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Boßler, Joachim; Psychische Komorbidität von Tinnitusbetroffenen mit und ohne Craniomandibulärer Dysfunktion
Keidel, Philipp; Soziale Beziehungen, Lebensqualität und palliativmedizinische Versorgung von Patienten mit Amyotropher Lateralsklerose
Schleich, Eva Maria; Auswirkung anti-CD20-vermittelter B-Lymphozytendepletion auf die Frequenz regulatorischer T-Lymphozyten und die Funktion anderer Antigen präsentierender Zellen
Lipsa, Dorelia Simona; Chemical analysis and in vitro cytotoxicity studies of limonene and selected ozonolysis products: 4-oxopentanal (4-OPA), 4-acetyl-1-methylcyclohexene (4-AMCH) and 3-isopropenyl-6-oxoheptanal (IPOH) in human lung cells
Grünherz, Lisanne; Osteomalazie in vitro: Einfluss der Matrixmineralisierung auf osteoklastäre Differenzierung und Resorption
Kappeler, Julia Christina; Pharmakogenetische und pharmakodynamische Analysen der Clopidogrel-Wirkung bei Patienten mit koronarer Stentimplantation
Jüngling, Katharina; Klinische und radiologische Auswertung der Expansion im Ober- und Unterkiefer mit unterschiedlichen Apparaturen - eine longitudinale Vergleichsstudie
Schwibach, Martin Tobias; Die Behandlung des Rektumkarzinoms im Darmzentrum Inn-Salzach von 2006 bis 2013 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der neoadjuvanten Radiochemotherapie
Bredenbröker, Anna; Prospektive Evaluation funktioneller Parameter bei Patienten mit einer Ileum-Neoblase
Pietsch, W., Wernecke, J. and Ott, M.; Big data: progress in automating extreme risk analysis
Holtorf, Anne; Immunmodulation der intestinalen Karzinogenese durch das Immun-Adapterprotein MyD88
Kirn, Johannes; Investigation of a shape adaptive aircraft wing leading edge with pneumatic actuation
Haas, Miriam; Wirksamkeit stationärer psychosomatisch psychotherapeutischer Behandlung.
Klein, Michaela; Effekte der Transfusion von Erythrozytenkonzentraten auf hämodynamische Parameter unter Anwendung der Methode der transpulmonalen Thermodilution. Eine prospektive Studie bei intensivpflichtigen Patienten.
Meyer-Arend, Stephanie; Prospektive Untersuchung zur Bestimmung des Herzzeitvolumens mittels Pulskonturanalyse und Thermodilution
Möller, Valérie Yvonne; Wirksamkeit und hämodynamische Auswirkungen von Lormetazepam in einer neuen intravenösen Galenik und Midazolam zur Narkoseeinleitung kardiochirurgischer Patienten
Roos, Ann-Baju; Vergleich von Scoring Systemen, Prädiktoren und Kosten der akuten Pankreatitis
Feichtmeier, Katrin Christina; Die ökonomischen Folgen des Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrers in Bayern auf einzelbetrieblicher und regionaler Ebene
Stracke, Benjamin; Krafteinwirkung auf Schrittmacher- und Defibrillatorsysteme im Magnetnavigationssystem NIOBE II
Huber, Toni Peter Benedikt; Randomisierte doppelblinde Studie zur Prophylaxe der Kontrastmittelnephropathie
Lukas, Moritz; Kognitive Beeinträchtigung bei Dialysepatienten
Glas, Andreas Hanns; Tierexperimenteller Vergleich zweier Sinusbodenaugmentationstechniken
Stahl, Immanuel Georg; Genetische Varianten in PLXNA4 bei Morbus Parkinson
Borsche, Mailin; Pulswellenanalyse zur Bestimmung des Gefäßstatus im Kindes- und Jugendalter
von Saucken, Constantin Christian; Entwicklerzentrierte Hilfsmittel zum Gestalten von Nutzererlebnissen
Baumann, Alexander; Der Aurora-Kinase A Phe31-Ile-Polymorphismus als mögliches Zielmolekül zur Verbesserung der Strahlentherapie bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs
Häusele, Daniela; Vitamin- und Mineralstoffaufnahme bei Adipösen und Normalgewichtigen
Vennemann, Sabrina Janina; Die studentische Ausbildung im internistischen Ultraschall der Fakultät für Medizin der Technischen Universität München: Eine prospektive Evaluation von Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Haltung
Ordu, Arif Deniz; Die Multimodale Behandlung bei Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Ösophagus
Brunhuber, Johannes Georg; Biomechanische Untersuchung zur Refixation von Meniskuswurzelrissen
Foraita, Sebastian Dieter; Investigation of Ni/ZrO2 catalysts for the hydrodeoxygenation of microalgae oil
Ascher, Stefan Dietmar; Einfluss von Lerneffekten auf die Adenomdetektionsrate in der Koloskopie
Müller, Christiane; Die Untersuchung der Wundheilung komplexer Wunden am Beispiel von Radialistransplantatentnahmestellen nach Behandlung mit autologen Wachstumsfaktoren. Eine In-vivo-Studie
Schwarz, Paul-Ruben; Modulare Megaprothetik des distalen Femurs in der muskulo-skelettalen Tumorchirurgie und Revisionsendoprothetik
Michel, Jana Alexandra; Komponentenbasierte Analyse der Allergenreaktivität bei Mastozytosepatienten mit Hymenopterengiftsensibilisierung
Draheim, Johanna; Der Effekt kohärenter, spontaner Gehirnaktivität auf die visuelle Wahrnehmung.
Egge, Christoph Josef; Multiparametrische 3T-MRT mit der 70cm-Röhre und 32-Kanal phased-array-Spule ohne Verwendung einer Endorektalspule: Stellenwert vor geplanter Prostata-Biopsie in der ambulanten Versorgung
Sprenger, Tim; Advanced Diffusion MR Methods to Study Human Brain
Daniilidis, Charalampos; Planungsleitfaden für die systematische Analyse- und Verbesserung von Produktarchitekturen
Zybill, Thomas Felix; Langzeitverlauf elektrischer Charakteristika von epikardialen Schrittmachersonden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Fixierungsmechanismus
Herberg, Arne Philipp; Planung und Entwicklung multifunktionaler Kernmodule in komplexen Systemarchitekturen und -portfolios
Gapon, Karina; Verlaufsuntersuchung nach anteriorer zervikaler Diskektomie und Fusion mit interkorporalem Cage (Poly-Ether-Ether-Keton)
Laux, Florian Michael; Elektromagnetische Stimulation und dynamisch-mechanische Belastung von 3-D Konstrukten zum Knorpel Tissue Engineering
Fernández, L.; Scherer, M.; Simulating Lévy-frailty copulas built from alpha-stable Lévy-subordinators
Dobos, Patrizia Aniko; Interventionsstudie „Kinder und Jugendliche als Gesundheitsexperten - JuvenTUM Stufe 3" Datenanalyse der Aussagekraft von anthropometrischen Parametern in Bezug auf kardiometabolische Risikofaktoren über den Zeitraum von 18 Monaten.
Bonke, Florian; Beschreibung des bayerischen Disease-Management-Programmes für Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Assoziation von HbA1c-Variabilität und makrovaskulären Ereignissen, schweren Hypoglykämien und notfallmäßigen stationären Einweisungen
Jell, F.; Henkel, J.; Wallin, M.; Offensive patent portfolio races
Rüter, Sebastian; Der Beitrag der stofflichen Nutzung von Holz zum Klimaschutz - Das Modell WoodCarbonMonitor
Wuschek, Alexander; Identifizierung und Charakterisierung Foxd1- und Wt1-positiver Zellen im Pankreas
Kruse, Tobias; Identification of Novel Vaccine Candidates against Helicobacter pylori by Surfome Analysis Guided by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry
Klepsch, J., Klüppelberg, C., and Wei, T.; Prediction of functional ARMA processes with an application to traffic data
Johanning, Andreas; Methodik zur Ökobilanzierung im Flugzeugvorentwurf
Kauer, Matthias; Models and Interfaces for Distributed Control Systems
Häuser, Martin Dominikus; Der Einfluss präoperativer Parameter wie der Kontinenz, der Potenz und dem Status des Nerverhalts auf die Harnkontinenz im ersten postoperativen Jahr nach radikaler retropubischer Prostatovesikulektomie
Spindler, Johannes B.; Entwicklung und Validierung eines mechanischen Thoraxmodells zur Erprobung verschiedener Reanimationsverfahren
Ringman, Rebecka; Biochemical mechanisms of brown rot decay: A study on the mode of action of modified wood
Burghard, Stefan; Zur Traglastberechnung kreisförmiger, unterirdischer Strukturen im Hochtemperaturbereich
Böhm, Saphira Virginia; Einfluss der Fibroblasten-Tumor-Zellinteraktion bei Interferon alpha Behandlung von HCC-Zelllinien
Pinkas, Daniel; Femoroacetabuläres Impingement: Analyse klinischer und radiologischer Parameter als Risikofaktoren für Knorpelschäden
Körber, Nina; Immunkontrolle des Epstein-Barr Virus als funktioneller Biomarker bei NachwuchsleistungssportlerInnen
Steinmüller, Clara; Verwendung von Placebos und unspezifischen Therapien durch niedergelassene Allgemeinmediziner, Orthopäden und Internisten
Waszecki, Peter Paul; System-Level Diagnoses of Safety, Security and Reliability in Automotive Electrical/Electronic (E/E) Architectures
Hörmann, Daniel Eberhard; Inzidenz und Häufigkeitsverteilung von Knochentumoren: Statistische Auswertung epidemiologischer Daten des muskuloskelettalen Tumorzentrums des Klinikums rechts der Isar
Gesele, Florian Alexander; Die sekundär sklerosierende Cholangitis des kritisch kranken Patienten (SC-CIP) - Risikofaktoren, klinische Präsentation und Verlauf
Bruch, Daniel Mathias Julius; New insights into factors affecting the pathogenesis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Tau splicing and the effect of protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) dysfunction
Spittler, Thomas Herbert Maximilian; Möglichkeiten und Grenzen datenbankgestützter telemedizinischer Feedback-Interventionen
Schemel, Karin Patricia; Die Untersuchung der Altersabhängigkeit des globalen enddiastolischen Volumenindex bei abdominalchirurgischen Patienten
Müller-Auffermann, Konrad; Prozess- und Anlagenentwicklung zur kontinuierlichen Bierfermentation
Greißel, Anna; Epigenetische Veränderungen in Atherosklerose: Histonmethylierung und– acetylierung in Läsionen von Patienten mit höhergradiger Carotisstenose
Minning, Andreas Manfred Kurt; Systematische Datenerhebung zur Sicherheit von transpulmonalen Thermodilutionskathetern in der Magnetresonanztomographie
Hinderer, Michael; iMob - Konzeption eines intelligenten, autonom treppensteigenden Rollstuhls
Dobler, Franziska Ursula; Effekt der Faktor Xa-Inhibitoren auf die Globaltests der Gerinnung und die Thrombozytenaktivierung
Klein-Kronbeck, Daniela; Funktionelle Analyse von TCAB1-Mutationen bei chronischen Lebererkrankungen
Liu, Yan; Gewebebogenbrücken
Spinner, Sabine Rosemarie; The role of anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins for the development and continued survival of T cell lymphoma
Bauer, Corinna Anna Nicoletta; Häufigkeit und Prädiktoren der mikrovaskulären Obstruktion bei Patienten mit Nicht-ST-Hebungsinfarkt
Schwan, Melanie Barbara; Einfluss der Familienanamnese und des Diagnosealters auf das histopathologische Outcome nach Radikaler Prostatektomie von präoperativ für Active Surveillance geeigneten Patienten
Chekkoury-Idrissi, Andrei-Chakib; 3D mesoscopic scale optoacoustic imaging using linear array transducers
Moog, Philipp; Einfluss der extrazellulären Matrix auf den parakrinen Effekt hypoxisch prä-konditionierter Blutzellen bei der Sprouting-Angiogenese
Müller, Barbara Cécile; Einfluss der anterioren Klinoidektomie auf die Sehfunktion nach Resektion von Meningeomen mit Affektion des Canalis opticus
Mamduhi, Mohammadhossein; State-dependent Medium Access Control for Resource-aware Networked Control Systems
Chang, Wanli; Resource-Aware Automotive Control Systems Design
Eckstein, Georg; Supraaortale Hybrid-Eingriffe zur Therapie bogennaher Aortenpathologien im kurz- und langfristigen Verlauf
Kowalik, Dorota; SDR- und AKR- Enzyme in der Arzneimittelentwicklung und Suche nach der Funktion neuer SDR-Enzyme.
Eberl, Johanna Stefanie; Der Stellenwert der Kunsttherapie in der stationär-psychiatrischen Behandlung aus Sicht der Patienten und Kunsttherapeuten. Ein Vergleich von schizophren und affektiv erkrankten Patienten.
Bulst, Ludwig Maximilian; YKL-40 - ein neuer Biomarker im Serum für bronchopulmonale Erkrankungen: Analytische Charakterisierung und klinische Evaluierung
Neumaier, Georg; Verfahrenstechnische Analyse und Entwicklung von Ernte- und Reinigungssystemen für Baldrianwurzeln
Alber, Verena; Gefäßsteifigkeitsindices bei Kindern mit Adipositas, Diabetes und Fettstoffwechselstörung - Vergleich mit einem Normkollektiv
Schüttler, Dominik Christian; Molekulare Mechanismen der strahleninduzierten Migration und Invasion bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs (HNSCC)
Garcia Puyol, Maria Jesus; Crowdsourcing Motion Maps based on FootSLAM for Reliable Indoor Pedestrian Navigation in Multistory Environments
Eylert, Maria; Resistenzmechanismen gegen Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren in BCR-ABL und FLT3 positiven Zellllinien
Saal, Patrick Gabriel; Quantitative Phasenanalyse von ausferritischem Gusseisen mithilfe der Neutronendiffraktometrie
Vosgerau, Anne-Frederike; Einfluss unterschiedlicher Penetrationstechniken auf die bakterielle Kontamination bei transkolischen NOTES-Eingriffen
D. Tolic;S. Hirche; Stabilizing Transmission Intervals for Nonlinear Delayed Networked Control Systems
Sachnik, Peter; Methodik für gratfreie Schnittflächen beim Scherschneiden
Deininger, Johannes Christian Maximilian; "Open-Go-Science"-Sohle zur besseren Adaption und Rehabilitation nach Frakturen und Operationen der unteren Extremitäten
Effner, Renate; The Xenobiotic-Metabolising System in Human Immune Cells
Schreier, Michael Sebastian; Spin Transfer Torque Mediated Magnetization Dynamics
Ripke, Fabian; Vergleich von Akzeleromyographie und Elektromyographie zur Vermeidung einer postoperativen residuellen Curarisierung
Rauch, Ludwig; Korrekturosteotomien bei posttraumatischen kniegelenksnahen Deformitäten nach exakt radiologischen Kriterien: Einfluss auf Funktion und Lebensqualität
Nie, Wen; Estimating and predicting pore-pressure influence on deep-seated landslides
Lutscher, Ewald; Set Point Generation and Task Specification for Indirect Force Controlled Robots
Giehl, Natalie; Genomweite Assoziationsstudie zu Liquorveränderungen bei Multipler Sklerose
Schott, Benedikt; Stabilized Cut Finite Element Methods for Complex Interface Coupled Flow Problems
Haf, David Sathya; Prospektive Evaluation des klinischen Nutzens von Pankreasgang-Stents zur Prävention der Post-ERCP Pankreatitis
Tzoumas, Stratis; Methods for Spectral Analysis in Optoacoustic Physiological and Molecular Imaging
Habenicht, Livia; Yellow Fever Vaccination Induces the Short Form of Retinoic Acid-inducible Gene I in Human Mononuclear Cells
Kehr, Christian; Die extrinsische Rolle von Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (Sfrp1) in kindlicher Leukämie
Stuke, Paul Enno Bernward; Vertical interior cooling system for passenger cars
Kewenig, Marlene; OP-Indikationsstellung in der Brustchirurgie - Ein Vergleich zwischen objektiven zweidimensionalen, dreidimensionalen und subjektiven Bewertungsmethoden
Stöcker, Nicola Stefanie; kidsTUMove: Hintergründe und Ausblicke für gesundes Bewegungsverhalten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit angeborenem Herzfehler
Kehr, Miriam Lena; Die Untersuchung von Kathepsin K (Ctsk) negativen Stammzellen in der Hämatopoese
Mihatsch, Michael Simon; Numerical Prediction of Erosion and Degassing Effects in Cavitating Flows
Ebert, Karolin; Functional characterization of intestinal fructose transporters and identification of essential amino acids for GLUT5 fructose transport
Baumgartner, Stefan Maximilian; Standardisierung und Validierung einer objektiven 3D-Evaluationsmethode der unteren Extremität im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Untersuchungsmethoden
Fehm, Thomas; Volumetric Optoacoustic and Ultrasound Tomography for Imaging of Multi-Scale Dynamics
Pinkau, Chris; Stochastic Scheduling with Precedence Constraints
Kohl, Thomas; Die Auswirkungen der HIV-Infektion und der Diabetes mellitus Typ II-Erkrankung auf den Alterungsprozess und die Lebensqualität im Alter.
Wessinger, Veronika Elisabeth; Analyse von DPYD-Polymorphismen zur Abklärung 5-FU-bedingter Nebenwirkungen
Günther, Felix Christian; Beitrag zur Co-Simulation in der Gesamtsystementwicklung des Kraftfahrzeugs
Wolff, Constantin Tibor; Arterielle Intimadefekte und ihre Bedeutung beim mikrovaskulären Gewebetransfer - eine tierexperimentelle Studie an der Rattenaorta
Kreutzer, Joachim Friedrich; Messmethoden für die Detektion der Flüssigkeitsaufnahme zur Prävention von Dehydratation
Gross, Philipp Stephan; Kontrollrate und Toxizität bei stereotaktischer Zweitbestrahlung von höhergradig-malignen Hirntumoren
Blažek, Patrick; Auswirkung von Schrittmachersonden mit aktiver und passiver Fixierung auf die Freisetzung von high-sensitive Troponin T
Jörger, Ann-Kathrin; Der Einfluss der innaten und adaptiven Immunantwort auf die Leberregeneration unter sub-septischen Bedingungen nach partieller Hepatektomie in der Maus
Wörz, Sascha Kirsten; Entwicklung eines Planungssytems zur Optimierung von Agrarlogistik-Prozessen
Schauß, Thomas Peter; Stability & Transparency Analysis of Teleoperation Systems
Heger, Sinja-Anouk; Wirkfaktoren der EMDR-Behandlung: Stimulationsart, EEG und periphere Physiologie
Heinrich, Andrea; Sensorgestützte Erfassung des Nestverhaltens und der Legeleistung in Gruppenhaltungssystemen bei Legehennen
Ritschl, Lucas Maximilian; Analyse der Thrombemboliegefahr verschiedener Gewebekleber im Rattenmodell
Wrobel, Rebekka Maria; Achalasie und Schwangerschaft
Treimer, Martin; Virtualisierung des Bremsgeräuschentwicklungsprozesses zur Sicherstellung einer robusten Anlaufqualität
Wickel, Martina Carolina; Änderungen besser managen
Jiang, Yuanyuan; Contrast Agent Development and Delivery for Optoacoustic Imaging
Buck, Stephan Daniel; Langzeitergebnisse nach perkutaner oder kombinierter (intraoperativer plus perkutaner) Strahlentherapie im Rahmen der extremitätenerhaltenden, multimodalen Therapie von Weichteilsarkomen der Extremitäten
Delalic, Alem; Mittelfristige Ergebnisse nach aortokoronarer Bypass-Operation mittels Einfach-Arteria-thoracica-interna-Bypass im Vergleich zu bilateralem Arteria-thoracica-interna-Bypass bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus und einem Alter < 65 Jahre
Meis, Jan-Fabian; Produktionsseitiges Anforderungsmanagement
Schuppler, Matthias Bernhard; Effects of boundary conditions on cytoskeletal structure formation
Li, Rui; Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods for High-dimensional Patient Data in Dementia Research: Voxel Features Mining, Subgroup Discovery and Multi-view Learning
Ma, Xiaopeng; Assessment of hybrid FMT-XCT for respiratory and cardiovascular small animal imaging applications
Huber, Thimo; Neue Nahtstellen zwischen Silicium- und Oleochemie: übergangsmetallkatalysierte isomerisierende Silylierungsreaktionen an ungesättigten Fettchemikalien
König, Daniela; Praktikumstag der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie - Analytische Begutachtung eines Lehrformats
Steurer, Kenza; Die ambulante Versorgungslage von Patienten mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung im Münchner Umland
Gabriel, Diana; Towards restoring the protein degradation pathway(s) in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS)
Brunner, David Hans; Untersuchungen zum Lenkverhalten eines fahrerlosen Trägerfahrzeugs mit Stachelwalzenantrieb für Weinbausteillagen
Feilen, Michael; Dynamic Partial Self-Reconfiguration of FPGAs for Digital Broadcasting Receiver Systems
Arnold, Marcus Alois; Verbesserung der Materialeigenschaften von CFK durch den gezielten Einsatz von thermoplastischen Fadengelegen
Pollmer, Lars; Evaluation der linksventrikulären, diastolischen Herzfunktion mittels linksatrialer Volumetrie in der Real-Time-3D-Echokardiographie
Greulich, Nicola; Evidenzbasierte Evaluierung zielgerichteter Arzneimittel in der Behandlung von Kindern und jungen Erwachsenen mit soliden Tumoren
Kresse, Ingo; A semantic constraint-based Robot Motion Control for Generalizing Everyday Manipulation Actions
Heister, Simon; Einfluss positiver Familienanamnese mit an Prostatakarzinom verstorbenen erstgradigen Verwandten sowie Vererbungsmodus auf Überleben und klinische und histopathologische Merkmale nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie
Riedel, Johanna Christina; 25-Hydroxyvitamin D im Serum und Biopsieergebnisse bei Frauen mit auffälliger Mammographie
Kevei, P. and Mason, D. M.; Couplings and strong approximations to time dependent empirical processes based on i.i.d. fractional Brownian Motions
Julinek, Annette Elisabeth; Perioperative Risikofaktoren für postoperative pulmonale Komplikationen bei mikrovaskulärer Rekonstruktion im Kopf-Hals-Bereich
Feistle, Maximilian Georg; Aggression und Gewalt gegen Allgemeinmediziner und praktische Ärzte - Bundesweite Befragungsstudie
Uphoff, Manuel; Optical microcavities for quantum communication with single atoms
Bichlmeier, Marlies; Identification of Systemic Acquired Resistance–Related Volatile Organic Compounds and their Role in Plant Immunity
Geravand, Milad; Safe and Adaptive Control Approaches for Mobility Assistance Robots
Gabler, Sarah-Madeleine; Metabolic actions of secretin
Franke, Katharina; Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von MYC-Überexpression in hämatopoetischen Zellen auf die Knochenmark-Mikroumgebung in einem murinen AML-Modell
Hausmann, Barbara; Adjusted objectives and improved decision structures to induce sustainable development via real estate and construction
Palle, Pushpalatha; Triggers of anti-CNS autoimmunity in the mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis
Hach, Thomas; A Monocular RGBD Camera Design, Processing and Evaluation
Häffelin, Daniel; Verfahren zur Integration von Folien in den RTM-Prozess (resin transfer molding) für endlosfaserverstärkte Schalenteile
Pfannmüller, Lisa; Anzeigekonzepte für ein kontaktanaloges Head-up Display
Lipp, Marie-Luise; Praxisvariation in der Implementierung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Compliance bzw. Adhärenz bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie
Sargurupremraj, Muralidharan; Genetics of complex lung disorders - new approaches in asthma and COPD
Margossian, Alexane; Forming of tailored thermoplastic composite blanks: material characterisation, simulation and validation
Munoz Insa, Alicia; Raw Material Influence on the Formation of Light Induced Off-Flavors in Cereal Based Beverages
Junk, Nadine; Deceleration Runs - eine Methode zur Risikostratifizierung nach Myokardinfarkt
Lutzweiler, Christian; Towards Real-Time Clinical Imaging with Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography: Reconstruction Approaches and Initial Experimental Studies
Riedner, Verena Anna; Einfluss des Geburtsgewichtes auf den Adipositas-Grad und die damit verbundenen Komorbditäten
Margull, Julia; Decisional Capacity bei beginnender Alzheimer-Demenz aus Sicht von Betroffenen, Angehörigen und Hausärzten
Ganslmeier, Mira; Erstellung eines klinikinternen Normbereichs von Schilddrüsenwerten (TSH, fT3, fT4) anhand eines gesunden Referenzkollektivs
Drees, Christoph-Maximilian Peter; The role of TCR signals and downstream events for NKT and regulatory T cell identity and function in the mouse
Roppenecker, Daniel; Entwicklung und Validierung eines generativ gefertigten Snake-Like Manipulators für die minimal-invasive Chirurgie.
Sigl, Michael; Molekulare Mechanismen der Resistenz gegenüber Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren bei Leukämien
Rieck, Rainer Matthias; Discrete Controls and Constraints in Optimal Control Problems
Wendorff, Carina; Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang von Lebensalter, Geschlecht und neurologischen Symptomen mit der Plaquemorphologie arteriosklerotischer Läsionen der extracraniellen Arteria carotis
Ivanchev, Jordan; Analysis, Planning, Control and Surveillance of Traffic Performance Defining Components for Robust, Sustainable and Efficient Road Transportation Systems
Vogel, Thomas Jakob Walter; Umfassende intraoperative Datenerfassung zur Evaluation eines Workflow-Monitoring-Systems
Putzhammer, Jonas; Analyse der Verträglichkeit der 3-Dimensional Konformalen Strahlentherapie von Patienten mit lokalisiertem Prostatakarzinom im Vergleich zur Helikalen Tomotherapie anhand von klinischen Nebenwirkungen unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Dosis-Volumen-Histogramme
Holl, Michael Peter; Strukturierte computergestützte Diagnostik psychischer Störungen
Fröhlich, Jana Madlen; Psychische Komorbidität organischer Schwindelsyndrome
Kovacic, Georg Josef; Erfassung neuraler Funktionsstörungen mittels contralateraler DPOAE- und TEOAE- Suppression
Lu, Miao; Characterization of FoxO3 in ROS and DNA damage-induced hepatocellular carcinoma
Abriel, Miriam; Untersuchungen zum Schwanzbeißen in der Ferkelaufzucht
Farschtschi, Anna; Anaphylaxie - Assoziation der Anaphylaxieerfahrungen aus Patientensicht mit Symptomatik und Schweregrad
Klepsch, J. and Klüppelberg, C.; An Innovations Algorithm for the prediction of functional linear processes
Dhawan, Suhail; Near Infrared and bolometric properties of Type Ia supernovae
Bullinger, Cornelia; Veränderungen des Essverhaltens bei erfolgreicher Gewichtsreduktion durch Ernährungsumstellung auf Basis der Energiedichte
Prakoso, Puguh Budi; Analysis and Evaluation of Railway Track Systems on Soft Soil: Trackbed Thickness Design and Dynamic Track-Soil Interaction
Walheim, Ellen; Energy deprivation induces a specific secretome in skeletal muscle
Bounas-Pyrros, Nikolaos; Etablierung und Validierung einer neuen durchflusszytometrischen Methode zum Nachweis von Borrelienantikörpern
Kirchhofer, Johannes; Untersuchung der Assoziation von Polymorphismen der APOE-APOC1-Genregion mit dem Myokardinfarkt
Paul, Johny; Image Processing on Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip using Resource-aware Programming
Hölzel, Christin; Belastungsreduzierung für das Hand-Arm-System bei manuellen Montagetätigkeiten
Scheer, Helene Sophie; Untersuchung zur Hautbarriere bei Atopischem Ekzem und Filaggrinmutation
Windmüller, Claudia Alexandra; Expression, function and clinical relevance of CXCR3 in ovarian cancer
Michailidou, Ioanna; Design the experience first
Trattnig, Jasmin Selina; Die intravitreale Therapie des Makulaödems bei retinalen venösen Verschlüssen - Ein retrospektiver klinischer Vergleich von Ranibizumab und Dexamethason-Medikamententräger
Pfeiffer, Liliane; Genome-wide DNA methylation analyses of human blood lipid levels and functional analyses of lipid-associated CpG sites
Hederich, Philipp David; Untersuchungen zur Kachexie und Sarkopenie beim fortgeschrittenen Ovarialkarzinom
Schmidt, Philip Morten Alexander; Alternative fabrication techniques for organic electronic devices
Träger, Mattias Felix; Additive Fertigung von Kunststoffzahnrädern
Machanek, Annkathrin Elisabeth; Prädiktive Faktoren für das Vorhandensein von Angiektasien und anderer Blutungsquellen des Dünndarms in der Kapselendoskopie bei Patienten mit obskurer gastrointestinaler Blutung
Wollersheim, Jan; Eine Methode zur Analyse von Cloud-Service-Qualität aus der Käuferperspektive
Baumann, Ursula; The role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the pathology and treatment of B-cell lymphoma
Schwarz, Mathias; Multispectral Optoacoustic Dermoscopy: Methods and Applications
Huber, Matthias; Flexibility in Power Systems - Requirements, Modeling, and Evaluation
Müller, Josephine; Stoffstrommanagement als Instrument zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz der deutschen Eisen- und Stahlindustrie
Friemel, Matthias Horst; Methoden zur Charakterisierung des thermoelastischen Verhaltens dimensionsstabiler CFK-Werkstoffe bei einer hohen Zahl von Temperaturzyklen
Jordan, Tobias Bonifatius; Der Einfluss des Altersunterschiedes zwischen dem Patienten und seiner Partnerin auf die Sexualität von Paaren nach beidseits nervschonender radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie
Mzoughi, Nada; Inkjet-printed flexible and disposable biochips with SWCNT sensors for multiparametric microphysiological measurements
Bahram, Mohammad; Interactive Maneuver Prediction and Planning for Highly Automated Driving Functions
Namineni, Sukumar; The Role of Hepatocyte-Intrinsic NFκB Signaling in Controlling Systemic Viral Infections
Laubender, Bernhard Kilian; Akupunktur bei chronischem Schmerz
Gebel, Lena; EGFR-Inhibition bei simultaner Strahlentherapie in Abhängigkeit der EGFR vIII-Variante bei HNSCC
Dschung, Felix; Verhalten eines mit R134a betriebenen Wärmerohrs bei hohen elektrischen Feldstärken
Fricke, Tim; Flight Control with Large Time Delays and Reduced Sensory Feedback
Zißler, Elisabeth Johanna; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Rationsgestaltungen auf die mikrobielle Fermentation und die Zusammensetzung der Mikroflora im Pansen von Rindern
Fang, Li; Glacier monitoring using spaceborne SAR intensity images
Sagstetter, Andreas Christian; Entnahmemorbidität nach Knorpel-Knochen-Transplantation zur Behandlung osteochondraler Läsionen des Talus
Cai, Caixia; 6D Visual Servoing for Industrial Manipulators applied to Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios
Peter, Loic; Automating and Assisting Image Segmentation with Decision Forests
Meyer, Kathleen; Essential role for premature senescence of myofibroblasts in myocardial fibrosis
Gebhard, Daniela Franziska; Genetische Determinanten der Clopidogrel-Response - Untersuchungen zu CYP2C19*2 und CYP2C19*17
Zhao, Shuo; Molecular assessment of factors of the plasminogen activation cascade in advanced serous ovarian carcinoma tissues: correlation with clinical outcome
Alonso Gonzalez, Kevin; Heterogeneous Data Mining of Earth Observation Archives: Integration and Fusion of Images, Maps, and In-situ Data
Satanovskij, Robin Martin; Vergleich von DNA Kopienzahlveränderungen in oralen Plattenepithelkarzinomen in Bezug auf das Vorliegen typischer Risikofaktoren
Henzinger, Christoph; Bodenverbesserung mit Recyclingmaterial aus Bauschutt
Walser, Stefan Franz; Development and Application of a Fourier Transform based Methodology for the Identification of Instability in Boiling Water Reactors at a local Scale
Jocham, Alexandra; Warum wenden sich manche Medizinstudierende der Akupunktur oder Homöopathie zu? - Eine Befragung
Geffray, Clotaire; Uncertainty Propagation Applied to Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulics Coupled Codes: A Step Towards Validation
Helmbrecht, Peer Magnus; Die Änderung von Fahrerverhaltensmustern durch Nutzung eines Elektrofahrzeuges
Neumayer, Johannes Sebastian; Characterisation and simulation of adhesively bonded joints with laminated adherends for crash applications
Poschenrieder, Sarah Theresa; Prozess zur skalierbaren Herstellung von Nanokompartimenten aus ABA-Triblock-Copolymeren
Weber, Josef Andreas; Spin-Polarized Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
Pissioti, Anna; Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ): linking peripheral metabolism with stress-related anomalies in the mouse brain
Chen, Tingting; Characterization of factors that may modulate function of the basic helix-loop-helix protein CESTA
Friedmann, Ludwig Maximilian; Echtzeit-Simulation des Rotorabwinds von Hubschraubern und Kipprotor-Flugzeugen mit der Lattice-Boltzmann Methode
Xu, Xiao; Haptic Communication for Time-delayed Teleoperation
Sperl, Lena Dorothea; Haben Schwangerschaft und Elternschaft Einfluss auf den Langzeitverlauf des Polyzystischen Ovar Syndroms (PCOS)? Follow-Up Daten der prospektiven LIPCOS-Studie (Lebensstil-Intervention beim Polyzystischen Ovar Syndrom)
Pfann, Maximilian; Risikofaktoren und Prädiktion der Demenz bei Personen mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung
Goetz, Jan; The Interplay of Superconducting Quantum Circuits and Propagating Microwave States
Tuttas, Sebastian Andreas; Erfassung von Bauteilen durch photogrammetrische Punktwolken und Abgleich eines 4D-Bauwerkmodells zur Baufortschrittskontrolle
Dai, Xinyi; Electrospun curcumin gelatin blended nanofibrous mats accelerate wound healing by Dkk-1 mediated fibroblast mobilization and MCP-1 mediated anti-inflammation
Reimann, Tommy; Vortex matter beyond SANS
Kohrmann, Mathias; Numerical Methods for the Vibro-Acoustic Assessment of Timber Floor Constructions
Knorr, Sebastian Bernhard; Leveraging the User's Face as a Known Object in Handheld Augmented Reality
Engel, Jakob-Julian; Large-Scale Direct SLAM and 3D Reconstruction in Real-Time
Garofalo, Gianluca; Energy based limit cycle control for elastically actuated biped robots
Jian, Ziying; Dominant oncogenic signal-mediated nutritional dependency affects malignant behaviours of pancreatic cancer
Kernetzky, T.; System and Design Aspects of Zynq FPGA Programming
Meier, Katharina; Cyclic nucleotide signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana and the identification of cGMP binding proteins
Birle, Stephan J.; Fuzzy logic based solutions for the management of uncertainty-biased process control of fermentative systems
Brandl, Sebastian Josef; Sensitivität und Spezifität der kardialen MIBG-Szintigraphie in der Frühphase bei Parkinsonsyndromen
Hoffmann, Philipp Emanuel; Workflow Nets
Sieber, Dominik; Human interaction with a team of multiple cooperating robots
Plehn, Christian; A Method for Analyzing the Impact of Changes and their Propagation in Manufacturing Systems
Costache, Sorina Gratiela; Traffic Information Dissemination in Road Transportation Systems
Kopp, Thomas Martin; Einfluss der Werkzeugsteifigkeit auf Scherschneidprozess und Werkzeugverschleiß beim offenen Schnitt
Idel, Martin; Normal Forms and Squeezing in Continuous Variable Quantum Information
Tan, David Joseph; Learn to Track: From Images to 3D Data
Biagosch, Caroline; From Novel Disease Genes to New Mouse Models - A Complementary Approach
Hoche, Sven; Ultrasound based PAT-concept for online monitoring of fermentative bioprocesses.
Al-Nuaimi, Anas; Methods of Point Cloud Alignment with Applications to 3D Indoor Mapping and Localization
Gleixner, Lena-Sophie; Lösliches Amyloidvorläuferprotein Beta im Blut als diagnostischer und prognostischer Biomarker der Alzheimer-Krankheit
Kirschner, Andreas Manfred; Characterization and Cloning of Ewing Sarcoma Selective HLA-A*02:01 Restricted T Cell Receptors Directed Against ADRB3 and PAPPA
Lenz, Christian Andreas; Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on Clostridium botulinum type E endospores
Kirchmaier, Ulrich; Swarm Intelligence Based Image Analysis for 2D to 3D Conversion
Mühlig, Anna; Effect of Nitrite on Salmonella Typhimurium and E. coli O157:H7 (EHEC) under Food-Related Conditions
Kuhn Cuellar, Luis Eugenio; Geometric analysis of macromolecule organization within cryo-electron tomograms
Schranner, Felix Sebastian; Weakly Compressible Models for Complex Flows
Petzold, Alexandra; Glykosid-basierte α-Keto-Carbonylverbindungen als Modell für die bioinspirierte Mumifikation
Seifert, Burkhard Sebastian; Performance Improvements of Humidification-Dehumidification Desalination Systems with Natural Convection
Gottanka, Christoph; Positionierung von Bauunternehmen im Markt unter Berücksichtigung von Wertschöpfung und Organisation
Schworm, Iris Noemi; Einfluss von Bestrahlung und operativer Resektion des Primärtumors auf extramedulläre Hämatopoese in der Leber anhand eines orthotopen 4T1 Mammakarzinom Mausmodells
Drescher, Gesche; Democratic, digital, and diverse: Essays on leadership and followership in the 21st century
Brath, Johannes Michael Stephan; Karzinomspezifisches Überleben nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Familienanamnese bei Prostatakarzinomdiagnose
Ramos Jubierre, Javier; Consistency preservation methods for multi-scale design of subway infrastructure facilities
Tzeggai, Shanti; C-terminales Agrinfragment (CAF) und neutrophiles Gelatinase-assoziiertes Lipocalin (NGAL) im Vergleich der Detektion eines akuten Kontrastmittel-induzierten Nierenversagens nach Femoralkatheterverfahren
Brück-Dyckhoff, Claus; Zur Beteiligung des Buchenprachtkäfers (Agrilus viridis L.) an Vitalitätsverlusten älterer Rotbuchen (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Kronester, Caroline Regina; Prognostische Bedeutung zirkulierender Tumorzellen bei Patienten mit kastrationsrefraktärem Prostatakarzinom unter Docetaxeltherapie
Leitzinger, Christin; Mitochondrial copper overload in a rat model for Wilson disease is paralleled by upregulated COX17 and can be restored using the bacterial peptide methanobactin
Weiß, Stefan Johann Andreas; The role of Glypican 4 during mouse brain development
Pause, Jörg; Bewertung der Wissensqualität von Kostenelementen für Kalkulationen am Beispiel der Automobilproduktion
Ebner, Andreas; Konzeption eines Virtual Reality unterstützten, teambasierten Planungssystems für die Baustelleneinrichtungsplanung
Lütje, Swenta Julia Konstanze; Prospektive klinische Studie zur Abschätzung des Herzindex anhand von Körperoberflächentemperaturen, mikrozirkulatorischen Parametern und biometrischen Daten unter Verwendung des PiCCO-Systems
Entsfellner, Konrad; Ein modular konfigurierbares Assistenzsystem zur Perforatorführung bei der Stapedotomie
Lindauer, Manuel; Dynamische Sensitivitätsanalysemethoden energetischer Wohngebäudequartierssimulationen
Koller, Anja Pia; Reaktionskinetik des lichtabhängigen Wachstums von Scenedesmus spec. in Flachplattenphotobioreaktoren
Lutz, Ulrich; Temperature-dependent flowering of Arabidopsis thaliana is modulated by natural variation of FLOWERING LOCUS M
Rahbauer, Sebastian; Adoption von Ökostrom durch kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in Deutschland
Okrah, Matthew Bediako; Handling Non-Motorized Trips in Macroscopic Travel Demand Models
Soliman, Dominik Maximilian; Augmented microscopy: Development and application of high-resolution optoacoustic and multimodal imaging techniques for label-free biological observation
Gümmer, Jacqueline; Vergleich der Mitralklappen Rekonstruktion über eine anterolaterale Minithorakotomie versus eine mediane Sternotomie: Eine Propensity Score Analyse
Dvorski, Sabine Eva-Maria; Linking the sulfur and carbon cycle by ultrahigh resolution characterization of dissolved organic matter
Meier, Reinhold; Über das Fließverhalten von Epoxidharzsystemen und vibrationsunterstützte Harzinfiltrationsprozesse
Doll, Sebastian Gerhard; Identification of new pathway members of ferroptotic cell death
Ramcke, Evelyn Sabine; Charakterisierung struktureller und funktioneller Konsequenzen posttranslationaler Modifikationen von kleinen GTPasen
Horvath, Alexander Georg; Retrieving geophysical signals from current and future satellite gravity missions
Maurus, Samuel; Exploratory Knowledge-Mining from Complex Data Contexts in Linear Time
El Behi-Gornostaeva, Elena; Well-posedness for flows in porous media with a hysteretic constitutive relation
Stadler, Anton; Videobasierte Rauchdetektion durch mehrfache Bewegungsschätzung und Anpassungen für geringe Rauchdichten
Baier, Christoph Thaddäus; Entwicklung und Verifizierung eines Konzepts zur Robusten Regelung der Seitenbewegung zukünftiger Kleinflugzeuge
Reschenhofer, Thomas; Empowering End-users to Collaboratively Analyze Evolving Complex Linked Data
Bader, Erik; Characterization of b-cell Heterogeneity in the Islets of Langerhans
Zander, Nils Dietrich; Multi-level hp-FEM: dynamically changing high-order mesh refinement with arbitrary hanging nodes
Fiedler, Nico Thaddäus; Entwicklung und Validierung des Munich Knee Questionnaire (MKQ) zur patientenbasierten Beurteilung der Kniegelenksfunktion
Hofauer, Benedikt; Etablierung sonographischer Marker zur Diagnose und Verlaufskontrolle des primären Sjögren-Syndroms
Hahnefeld, Lilian; Szintigraphische Untersuchung des Einflusses einer antiresorptiven Therapie mit Bisphosphonaten auf den Kieferknochenstoffwechsel bei Patientinnen mit ossär metastasiertem Mammakarzinom
Bockelmann, Paul; Process Control in Compression Molding of Composites
Vogt, Stefan Rudolf Karl; Zeitabhängiger Verformungswiderstand weicher Böden und seine Berücksichtigung bei der Tragfähigkeitsprognose stabilitätsgefährdeter Pfähle
Mayer, Benedikt Florian; Ultrafast Nanowire Lasers as On-Chip Devices
Schmidt, Danilo Marcello; Increasing Customer Acceptance in Planning Product-Service Systems
Baklanov, Fedor; Platform-autonomous Fault-tolerant Attitude/Heading Reference and Navigation Systems
Langenhan, Christoph; Datenmanagement in der Architektur
Xiao, Huang; Adversarial and Secure Machine Learning
Schreyer, Wolfgang Sebastian; Magnets, polarizers, systematics, and optimizations of the neutron-lifetime experiment PENeLOPE
Rieger, Bernhard; Methodik zur Simulation des mechanischen Verhaltens von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen
Berglehner, Andrea; Überprüfung der hennenspezifischen Eizuordnung eines Transponder-gestützten Systems mittels DNA-Analyse
Wei, Xian; Learning Image and Video Representations Based on Sparsity Priors
Zwerger, Michael Alois; Verification and Synthesis of Analog Power-Down Circuits
Ebel, Christoph Sebastian; Hochgeschwindigkeitsumflechten für die Fertigung von Faserverbundbauteilen
Jaensch, Stefan Benedikt; On the efficient numerical modeling of nonlinear self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations
Hees, Andreas Fabian; System zur Produktionsplanung für rekonfigurierbare Produktionssysteme
Viertler, Franz Xaver; Visual Augmentation for Rotorcraft Pilots in Degraded Visual Environment
Lenz, Luzie; Histologische und immunhistochemische Analyse des Heilungsverhaltens von Achillessehnen nach Behandlung mit bFGF-exprimierenden Stammzellen im in-vivo Rattenmodell
Klermund, Ludwig Johann; Surface Functionalization of Nano-scale Membrane Reactors for Multienzyme Syntheses
Hoffmann, Philip Max; Radiologische Veränderungen der Hand bei Sportkletterern
Duraj, Edlira; Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Transportes von [Methyl-3H]-Cholin in humanen Harnblasenkarzinomzellen und Modulation des Uptakes durch Chemotherapeutika
Nowald, Constantin; Nanoparticle/Biopolymer Systems for Medical Applications
Dreizehnter, Lisa; Combining hiPSC and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies for studying cardiac disease and development
Zukunft, Sven; Metabolomic analysis of antidiabetic drug action
Souiai, Mohamed; Convex Semantic Priors for Continuous Multi-Label Optimization
Ruf, Matthias; Discrete-to-continuum limits and stochastic homogenization of ferromagnetic surface energies
Benitz, Simone; Epigenetic changes in acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and in KrasG12D-mediated pancreatic carcinogenesis
Grawunder, Moritz; Aerodynamic Design Optimisation for Utility Helicopter Drag Reduction
Schanzenbach, Christoph; BLaTM: A novel method to measure transmembrane domain interactions
Gutberlet, Tobias; Hydratation von Tricalciumsilikat – Die ersten 30 Stunden
Schubert, Kai Michael; AMP-activated protein kinase as a novel regulator of vascular tone
Liang, Wenjing; A regional physics-motivated electron density model of the ionosphere
Ibing, Andreas; Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Scalable Interpolation Based Path Merging
Kick, Benjamin Franziskus; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von Einzelstrang DNA mit dem Bakteriophagen M13
Singh, Alka; Dynamics of water mass variations in lake/reservoir dominated regions from multi-sensor Earth observation data and hydrological model outputs
Hoferichter, Vera; Boundary Layer Flashback in Premixed Combustion Systems
Faust, Maximilian; Der Einfluss mikrovaskulärer Veränderungen auf die Amyloid-Pathologie bei Patienten mit Alzheimer-Demenz
Cheng, Tao; In vivo functional dissection of a context-dependent role for Hif1alpha in pancreatic tumorigenesis
Jürgens, Michael; Grenzflächenphänomene metallisch z-verstärkter Kohlenstofffaserverbundverbindungen
Altmann, Isabella Christine; Einfluss von Veralterungsprozessen auf den Wert von Immobilien
Vuong A.-T., Rauch A.D., Wall W.A.:; A Biochemo-Mechano Coupled, Computational Model Combining Membrane Transport, and Pericellular Proteolysis in Tissue Mechanics
Schober, Christoph Otto; Ab Initio Charge Carrier Mobility and Computational Screening of Molecular Crystals for Organic Semiconductors
Schönemeier, Julia Katharina Gabriele; „Real-Life“-Untersuchungen zur Wertigkeit der Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie bei Patienten mit malignem Melanom
Schlott, Fabian Emanuel; Immunological characterization of Cytomegalovirus-specific T cells and generation of HLA-C7-StrepTamers for adoptive T cell therapy
Erhardt, Tobias Michael; Development of Vine Copula based Drought Indices and Model Evaluation under the Presence of Non-Stationarity
Cyron, C. J.;Humphrey, J. D.; Growth and remodeling of load-bearing biological soft tissues
Chen, Nan; Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage with Variable Inlet Guide Vanes
Kourkoutsaki, Theodosia; A Multiphysics Simulation Toolkit Developed to Address Scale-up Challenges of Out-of-Autoclave Composites Manufacturing
Öner Közen, Miray; Stochastic Models for Performance Analysis and Optimization of Design and Control Policies in Manufacturing Systems
Mandel, Ulrich; Mechanism Based Constitutive Model for Composite Laminates
Wagner, Andreas A.; New Geodetic Monitoring Approaches using Image Assisted Total Stations
Hauck, Theresa Claudia; Cortical Language Mapping by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Localization of Language-Positive Cortical Regions by Different Task Types
Karimzadeh, Hadi; Mechanism of immune escape from CD8+ T cell response in hepatitis delta virus infection
Schroeder, Damien Philippe; Multi-rate video encoding for adaptive HTTP streaming
Kiemer, Katharina; Fostering Motivational Learning Outcomes in Students during Productive Classroom Talk
Erhard, Simon; Mehrdimensionale elektrochemisch-thermische Modellierung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Kupetz, Michael; Comparative Identification of Filtration-Inhibitory Substances in Membrane and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration of Beer
Lin, Hsiao Chun Amy; Scalable imaging of scattering organisms with hybrid selective plane illumination microscopy and optoacoustic tomography
Schütz, Christoph Josef; Trajectory Planning for Redundant Manipulators
Chen, Guang; Efficient 3D Human Motion Perception System with Un-supervision, Randomization and Discrimination
Richter, Almut; Ernährungsmuster von Jugendlichen in Deutschland sowie ihre Determinanten und gesundheitlichen Implikationen
Pophaly, Saurabh Dilip; Neutral and selective processes underlying genome evolution post-duplication in maize
Scheler, Björn; Investigations on the Physiological Role of the Powdery Mildew Susceptibility Factor HvRACB in Barley
Hu, Biao; Schedulability Analysis of General Task Model and Demand Aware Scheduling in Mixed-Criticality Systems
Eberle, Anna-Marietta; The influence of different parameters on the discharge capacity and cycling performance of an S/C-composite cathode
Schmidt, Tina Janne; On the Minimum Bisection Problem in Tree-Like and Planar Graphs
Heimberger, Nepomuk; Strukturbasierte Koordinationsplanung in komplexen Entwicklungsprojekten
Pribadi, Didit Okta; Restricting urban sprawl through multifunctional urban agriculture at the fringe of the Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area: a multilevel study
Ertelt-Delbridge, Claire Zoe; Reaktive Astrozyten in der perivaskulären Nische nach Schädelhirntrauma
Si, Liang; Towards a Robust In-Situ Health Monitoring and Identification Technique for Thin-walled Fiber Composite Structures under Various Types of Adverse Disturbances
Tanzke, Anja; Low-Threshold Detectors for Low-Mass Direct Dark Matter Search with CRESST-III
Sahavi-Ouriaghi, Zohra; Biochemische Charakterisierung der Francisella tularensis γ-Glutamyltranspeptidase als Target für die Entwicklung neuer Antiinfektiva
Fattahi Evati, Ehsan; Simulation poröser Medien auf Höchstleistungsrechnern mit der Lattice Boltzmann Methode
Alsheakhali, Mohamed; Machine Learning for Medical Instrument Detection and Pose Estimation in Retinal Microsurgery
Holt, Lars; Improvement and validation of a computer model for the thermo-mechanical fuel rod behavior during reactivity transients in nuclear reactors
Leonhardt, Jörn; Comparative Omics Analysis in Mice and Men for Diabetes Research
Nagel, Kathrin; Modellierung begrifflichen Wissens als Grundlage mathematischer Argumentation am Übergang vom sekundären in den tertiären Bildungsbereich
Deml, Mirko; Effects of supplementing amylase and potease to ruminant diet on rumen fermentation characteristics and the rumen microbiota
Turner, Jake Berry; Development of Real-Time Hybrid Focus Optoacoustic Microscopy for Multi-scale Imaging in Scattering Tissues
Kandler, Christian; Modellierung von Zeitnutzungs-, Mobilitäts- und Energieprofilen zur Bestimmung der Potentiale von Energiemanagementsystemen in Haushalten
Rogers, Rebecca Maria; The effect of media coverage and perceived local risk on behavioral intentions of humans faced with an invasive species: a case study of the horse chestnut leafminer (Cameraria ohridella)
Schneider, Christoph; Transforming TechKnowledgies
Müller, Hubert; Long-distance electron transfer by cable bacteria in aquifer sediments
Ni, Xiaotong; Quantum memory: design and optimization
Schmid, Sonja; Single Protein Dynamics at Steady State Quantified from FRET Time Traces
Muschet, Caroline Leonie; Molecular impact of metformin on hepatocellular metabolism
Jürgens, Sophie; Synthesis, characterisation and application of cyclometalated gold(III) complexes as anticancer drugs
Kutteroff, Nicolai Florentin; Peri- und postoperative Komplikationen und Outcome nach radikaler retropubischer Prostatektomie in Abhängigkeit von Prostatavolumen und benignen Prostatasymptomen
Reimer, Samuel; Bio-Kinematic Design of Individualized Lift-Assist Chairs for the Support of Sit-to-Stand Movement
Kleinhans, U.; Wieland, C.; Babat, S.; Scheffknecht, G.; Spliethoff, H.; Ash particle sticking and rebound behavior: A mechanistic explanation and modeling approach
Briesemeister, L.; Kremling, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasification of Biocoal from Hydrothermal Carbonization
Nolle, Nicoletta Wilhelmine Katharina; Salmonella Typhimurium-Infektion: Ernährungsabhängiges Transkriptom und Charakterisierung eines Galaktitol-spezifischen Aufnahmesystems
Miesbauer, Oliver; Analytische und numerische Berechnungen zur Barrierewirkung von Mehrschichtstrukturen
Unterseer, Sandra Bettina; Identification of genes under differential selective pressure in temperate maize
Siegert, Thomas; Positron-Annihilation Spectroscopy throughout the Milky Way
Magnani, Giovanni; Roles of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the development and therapy of hematologic malignancies
Zhang, Zhe; Application of Enhanced Sampling Monte Carlo Methods for Structural Prediction of Protein-Protein Complexes
Binder, Julia; Theorizing About Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Cappia, Fabiola; Investigation of very high burnup UO2 fuels in Light Water Reactors
Sanwald, Kai Erik; Photoreforming of oxygenates on noble metal decorated semiconductors
Herb, Teresina; Method to develop an overall architecture for Cooperative ITS
Conti-Kufner, Antonia Santina; Measuring cognitive task load: An evaluation of the Detection Response Task and its implications for driver distraction assessment
Lou, Yu; Dry reforming - From understanding the elementary steps to better catalysts
Prade, Friedrich; Grating-Based X-ray Dark-field Imaging: Theory and applications in materials research
Krause, Michael; Modeling Driver Distraction
Kläger, Susan; Chemical Proteomics Reveals the Target Landscape of Clinical Kinase Inhibitors.
Jarema, Denis; Efficient Eulerian Gyrokinetic Simulations with Block-Structured Grids
Schwarzmüller, Tanja; Leadership in the 21st Century: The Digital Transformation, Organizational Hierarchies and Networks
Herold, Nadine; Incident Handling Systems with Automated Intrusion Response
Kaufmann, Benedikt; Analyse des epigenetischen Regulators BRG1 im Rahmen der Hepatokarzinogenese
Stasinopoulos, Ioannis; Low damping and linearly polarized GHz magnetization dynamics in the chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3 hosting spin helices and skyrmions
Kohl, Felix Jonas; Design and Development of a Heart-Cut Two-Dimensional Capillary Electrophoresis System with Mass Spectrometric Detection using a Mechanical Valve as Interface
Geywitz, Viktoria; Entwickung nachhaltiger Hotelimmobilien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nutzeranforderungen hinsichtlich Objektkonzeption und Standort
Sun, Hanyin; Long-term effects of specific agricultural managements on soil water extractable organic matter and microbial communities in South Germany
Wolf, Christian M.; Life Cycle Assessment of Wood Energy Services on a Regional Scale
Kohl, Sarah; Sind psychiatrische Patienten motiviert eine partizipative Entscheidungsfindung aktiv zu unterstützen? Entwicklung und Validierung eines Messinstruments.
Hage, Clemens Otto Benjamin; Robust Structured and Unstructured Low-Rank Approximation on the Grassmannian
Boergens, E., Buhl, S., Dettmering, D., Klüppelberg, C., and Seitz, F.; Combination of multi-mission altimetry data along the Mekong river with spatio temporal kriging
Liu, Haitao; Effects of vapor pressure deficit, nitrogen fertilizer and leaf turnover on the oxygen isotope composition of cellulose in leaves of a perennial C4 grass (Cleistogenes squarrosa)
Tippel, Franziska; Mechanistic Analysis of Conformational Dynamics of the Molecular Chaperone Hsp90
Rankl, Simone; Interkingdom signaling: The role of homoserine lactones in early responses and resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Schaar, Katharina Elena; Fundamental Properties of Phirotopes
Bomblies, Rainer; Structure and Dynamics of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins upon Phosphorylation
Zeller, Fabian Tobias; Simulation of Biomolecular Binding
Luitz, Manuel Patrick; Structure Formation of Biomolecules studied with Advanced Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Muranyi, Isabel; Properties of protein isolates from lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) as affected by the isolation method
Gurtner, Michael Josef Sebastian; Untersuchungen zu dem Betriebsverhalten und den Betriebsgrenzen einer mehrstufigen Scramjet Brennkammer
Klepsch, Johannes; Time series analysis in Hilbert spaces
Roth, Christian J.; Multi-dimensional Coupled Computational Modeling in Respiratory Biomechanics
Spettel, Fabian M.; Measurement of the boosted WW+WZ production cross section in the semileptonic decay channel with ATLAS
Song, Yang; Conversion of oxygen containing hydrocarbons via low temperature thermal and electrocatalysis
Coy, Johannes Alexander; Ein neues Verfahren zur Quantifizierung von Parkinsonsymptomen für die Tiefenhirnstimulation - Verfahren, Gerät und klinische Bewertung
Carton, Daniel Maximilian; Mobile Robot Locomotion in Human Populated Environments: A Social Situation
Boergens E., Buhl S., Dettmering D., Klüppelberg C., Seitz F.; Combination of multi-mission altimetry data along the Mekong River with spatio-temporal kriging
Kalkbrenner, Bernhard; Essays on consumers in a changing energy system
Liu, Yuanshuai; Acid catalyzed reactions of cyclohexanol in liquid phase
Teufel, Julian M.; Das Enzym Aldehyd-dehydrogenase 1 als Biomarker für Hirntumorstammzellen und als prädiktiver Faktor für die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit bei Glioblastompatienten
Osl, Theresa; Development of cyclic pentapeptide ligands for chemokine receptor targeting
Rieb, Julia; Synthesis and Characterisation of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Rare Earth and Coinage Metals
Fleckenstein, Benedikt Stefan; Die Auswirkung einer druckinduzierten und thermischen Pasteurisation auf ausgewählte Oberflächeneigenschaften von polymeren Packstoffen
Weber, Simone Silvia; Qualitative and quantitative analysis of molecular markers as a tool for classification, risk assessment and monitoring of acute myeloid leukemia
Peroni, Marco; Transition Metal Phosphides Catalysts for the Hydroprocessing of Triglycerides to Green Fuel.
Mendler, Claudia Theresa; Protein-Engineering für die In-Vivo-Bildgebung
Kawale, Ashish; Structural and functional evolution of the alternative splicing factor LS2 from Drosophila melanogaster
Seitz, Alexander M.; Data driven approaches increasing robustness, accuracy, and service levels of industrial demand fulfilment
Matuschke, Jannik;McCormick, S. Thomas;Oriolo, Gianpaolo;Peis, Britta;Skutella, Martin; Protection of flows under targeted attacks
Huber, Stefan; Upgrade of the COMPASS calorimetric trigger and determination of the charged-pion polarizability
Thiem, Sebastian M.; Multi-modal on-site energy systems
Si, Guangye; Extending the power and dynamic performance of a power electronic Hardware-in-the-Loop system through "inverter cumulation"
Wen, Zhibo; Bias Estimation for Precise Point Positioning
Dorfner, Johannes; Krystallas, Patrick; Durst, Magdalena; Massier, Tobias; District cooling network optimization with redundancy constraints in Singapore
Wilhelm, Mathias; An in-memory platform for the exploration and analysis of big data in biology
Denner, Andreas; Coherent structures and transfer operators
Wemmer, Felix Matthias; Essays on Open Innovation in Non-Profit Sports Clubs
Neumann, René; CAVA – A Verified Model Checker
Hertzog, Lionel; Plant diversity impacts on arthropod communities and arthropod-mediated processes
Wang, Xiang; Analysis and Evaluation of the Dual Fluid Reactor Concept
Silvi, Luca; Hydrogen Dynamics in Complex Borohydrides
May, David; Automated Power Optimization of Sequential Integrated Circuits through Approximate Computing
Hajek, Hermann; Längsdynamik und Antriebsakustik von elektrifizierten Straßenfahrzeugen - Beschreibung und Gestaltung des emotionalen Erlebens
Taubert, Robin; Einfluss von nichtlinearem Materialverhalten auf die Entwicklung und Auswirkung von Zwischenfaserbrüchen in Verbundlaminaten
Härtl, Katja; Formation of ellagic acid precursors in Fragaria
Basta, Arsany; Modeling and Analysis of Software Defined Virtual Mobile Core Networks
Bittner, Matthias; Utilization of Problem and Dynamic Characteristics for Solving Large Scale Optimal Control Problems
Weiland, Jakob Sylvester; Thermal Design of Resistively Heated Tools for Composite Manufacturing
Franck, Isabell Maria; Sparse Variational Bayesian algorithms for large-scale inverse problems with applications in biomechanics
Eckstein, Thomas Sebastian; Acid catalyzed alkylation of phenol over zeolites in condensed phase
Kain, Günther; Design of Tree Bark Insulation Boards
Koch, Reinhold; On-line Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Lithium-Ion Battery Systems
Cruz Varona, M.; Fiordelisio Junior, E.; Lohmann, B.; Krylov subspace methods for model reduction of MIMO quadratic-bilinear systems
Wobst, Jana; Variants in GUCY1A3 influencing coronary artery disease
Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Design Automation for Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Biochips
Papadakis, Ioannis; Nikas, Konstantinos; Karakostas, Vasileios; Goumas, Georgios; Koziris, Nectarios; Improving QoS and Utilisation in modern multi-core servers with Dynamic Cache Partitioning
Banescu, Sebastian and Ahmadvand, Mohsen and Pretschner, Alexander and Shield, Robert and Hamilton, Chris; Detecting Patching of Executables without System Calls
Schubert, Alexander Enrico René; Soziale Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit im Bankensektor
de Blanche, Andreas; Lundqvist, Thomas; Disallowing Same-program Co-schedules to Improve Efficiency in Quad-core Servers
Pickartz, Simon; Breitbart, Jens; Lankes, Stefan; Co-scheduling on Upcoming Many-Core Architectures
Küstner, Tilman; Trinitis, Carsten; Weidendorfer, Josef; Blaszczyk, Andreas; Kaufmann, Patrik; Johansson, Marcus; On the Applicability of Virtualization in an Industrial HPC Environment
Fan, Shiqing; Chen, Fang; Rauchfuss, Holm; Har’el, Nadav; Schilling, Uwe; Struckmann, Nico; Towards a Lightweight RDMA Para-Virtualization for HPC
Landsiedel, Christian; Wollherr, Dirk; Road Geometry Estimation for Urban Semantic Maps using Open Data
Landsiedel, Christian; Rieser, Verena; Walter, Matthew; Wollherr, Dirk; A Review of Spatial Reasoning and Interaction for Real-World Robotics
Trenner, Matthias Michael; Die Behandlung des Abdominalen Aortenaneurysmas zwischen 1999 und 2010
Eggenstein, Evelyn; Konstruktion von bifunktionellen Anticalin-Fusionsproteinen für die gerichtete Diagnostik/Therapie
Zhang, Yonghai; Functional mapping of primary visual cortex in awake mice
Roth, Christian J.;Haeussner, Eva;Ruebelmann, Tanja;Koch, Franz v.;Schmitz, Christoph;Frank, Hans-Georg;Wall, Wolfgang A.; Dynamic modeling of uteroplacental blood flow in IUGR indicates vortices and elevated pressure in the intervillous space – a pilot study
Funke, Jonas Jörg; Nanoscale instruments for the positioning of molecules, for the measurement of molecular forces, and for the quantification of conformational equilibria
Distel, Fabian; Methodische Auslegung ultraschallbasierter berührungsloser Handhabungssysteme
Sadeghipour, Emad; A New Approach to Assess and Optimize the Frontal Crash Compatibility of Vehicle Structures
Bauer, Johannes Gabriel; Sensorlose Hystereseregelung einer permanenterregten Transversalflussmaschine
Seitz, Alexander;Grunow, Martin; Increasing accuracy and robustness of order promises
Poschenrieder, Andreas; Development of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals targeting the Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
Barmeier, Gero; High-throughput phenotyping of barley cultivars under field conditions
Engelken, Maximilian; Studies on energy self-sufficiency in Germany and business models for renewable energies
Heise, Christian David; Survivable Flight Control with Guaranteed Stability and Performance Characteristics
Gersema, Gerke; Risk Management for Renewable Energy Generation
Tobias Wüchner, Aleksander Cislak, Martin Ochoa, Alexander Pretschner; Leveraging Compression-based Graph Mining for Behavior-based Malware Detection
Bidola, Pidassa; Characterization and Application of High Resolution Phase-Contrast laboratory Micro-CT Setups
Li, Yan; Comprehensive Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using Chemical Fractionation and High Resolution Organic Structural Spectroscopy
Gardiazabal Schilling, José Francisco; Robotic freehand SPECT Imaging
Zettinig, Oliver; Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Computer Assisted Interventions
Catti, Lorenzo; Application and Development of Resorcin[4]arene-Based Supramolecular Catalysts
Edelmann, Franziska Theresia; Structural and functional characterization of the ASH1-mRNP transport-complex from budding yeast
Tsantilas, Pavlos; Günstigster Operationszeitpunkt von symptomatischen Carotisstenosen nach neurologischem Indexereignis
Just, Sarah; Impact of the interplay between bile acids, lipids, intestinal Coriobacteriaceae and diet on host metabolism
Krinninger, Patricia; Cellular and molecular mechanisms in the recruitment of immune cells into adipose tissue in obesity
Knoke, Thomas; Dauer- versus Altersklassenwald
M. Lang;S. Hirche; Computationally Efficient Rigid-body Gaussian Process for Motion Dynamics
Becker, Klaus; Software Deployment Analysis for Mixed Reliability Automotive Systems
Romets, Dmytro; An empirical analysis of biogas investments in large-scale agricultural companies in Ukraine
J. Umlauft;Y. Fanger;S. Hirche; Bayesian Uncertainty Modeling for Programming by Demonstration
J. Umlauft;A. Lederer;S. Hirche; Learning Stable Gaussian Process State Space Models
Blumenstein, Tobias; Entwicklung von technischen Trainingssystemen für Menschen mit infantiler Zerebralparese zur Rehabilitation defizitärer sensomotorischer Wahrnehmung
Ruthenberg, Ricarda Marlen; Untersuchung von Oberflächenveränderungen dentaler Implantate nach Insertion in den Schweinekiefer Eine in-vitro-Studie
M. Kimmel;S. Hirche; Invariance Control for Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Dynamic Environments
Koch, Jonas; Manufacturing Change Management – a Process-Based Approach for the Management of Manufacturing Changes
Hurnaus, Thomas Andreas; Untersuchungen zur Interaktion von synthetischen und natürlichen Polymeren mit Zement, Metallkomplexen und Metalloxid-Nanopartikeln für die unkonventionelle Förderung von Kohlenwasserstoffen
Kronast, Alexander; Novel Single-Site Catalysts for the Polymerization of Polar Monomers – From Aliphatic Poly(ester)s to Poly(vinylpyridine)s
Femmer, Henning; Requirements Engineering Artifact Quality: Definition and Control
Reiter, Marina; Synthese von mono- und dinuklearen Lewis-aciden Zinkkatalysatoren für die Copolymerisation von CO2 und Epoxiden
Kirse, Christoph; Modeling and optimal control of enzymatic depolymerization using population balances
Dietz, Katharina; Effects of type 2 inflammation on epithelial Wnt signaling and TGM2 mediated leukotriene production
Böhm, Thomas; The case for spin-fluctuation induced pairing in Ba1-xKxFe2As2
Macek, M.; Wild, J.,Kopecký, M.; Cervenka, J.; Svoboda,M.; Zenáhlíková, J; Bruna, J.; Mosandl, R.; Life and death of Picea abies after bark-beetleoutbreak: ecological processes driving seedling recruitment.
Hecht, Fabian; Static and dynamic structure formation by DNA coated colloids far from equilibrium
Weber, Susanne; Characterization of the novel human aldo-keto reductase AKR1B15 and the 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 17beta-HSD12 and analysis of vitamin D metabolism in cells
Behnisch, Martin; Meinel, Gotthard; Applications of 3D City Models for a better understanding of the Built Environment
Sánchez Rico, Carolina; Conformational Dynamics and Mechanisms of RNA Recognition by the Multidomain Splicing Factor U2AF
Lang, Alexander; du Maire, Michael; Lindemann Udo; Torn between risks and chances – What is the optimum point of openness in the R&D process?
Vilgelm, Mikhail;Gürsu, Murat;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Reisslein, Martin; LATMAPA: Load-Adaptive Throughput-MAximizing Preamble Allocation for Prioritization in 5G Random Access
He, Mu;Basta, Arsany;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Modeling Flow Setup Time for Controller Placement in SDN: Evaluation for Dynamic Flows
Vizarreta, Petra;Condoluci, Massimo;Mas Machuca, Carmen;Mahmoodi, Toktam;Kellerer, Wolfgang; QoS-driven Function Placement Reducing Expenditures in NFV Deployments
Kellerer, Wolfgang; The Function Placement Problem
Kalmbach, Patrick;Blenk, Andreas;Klügel, Markus;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Generating Synthetic Internet- and IP-Topologies using the Stochastic-Block-Model
Mund, Jakub Mikołaj; Measurement-based Quality Assessment of Requirements Specifications for Software-Intensive Systems
Maik Naumann, Cong Nam Truong, Michael Schimpe, Marcus Müller, Andreas Jossen, Holger C. Hesse; SimSES: Software for techno-economic Simulation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems
Rothhardt, Johannes Erhard; Regulation des myo-Inositol-Metabolismus von Salmonella Typhimurium durch den Aktivator ReiD und die sRNA RssR
Preis, Waldemar; Auswirkungen des alternativen Spleißens auf humane Sirtuine und alpha-Kristalline
Slavik, Herta; Synthese und Charakterisierung von Doppelsalzen mit Clustern der Tetrelelemente
Koch, Thomas; Opportunity Recognition Processes in Entrepreneurial Founder Teams: The Development of Originality and Business Value Across Business Opportunities
Ramsauer, Franz Hubert; Estimation of factor models with incomplete data and their applications
Kothmayr, Thomas; A Distributed Data Processing Perspective on Industrial Real-Time Systems
Fehlhaber, Daniel; Bewertung von Kosten und Risiken bei Sanierungsprojekten
Bauer, Marius; Elektrische und mechanische Verfahren zur Detektion von Alterungseffekten in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Scherf, Lavinia Maria; Substitution Effects in Alkali Metal Silicides and Germanides
Ayad, Ayman; Advanced Control Techniques of Impedance Source Inverters for Distributed Generation Applications
Rexer, Moritz; Spectral Solutions to the Topographic Potential in the context of High-Resolution Global Gravity Field Modelling
Kabra, Uma; The role of mitochondrial fission protein Drp1 in pancreatic islets and beta cells
Grison, Marco; Single-molecule cohesion and adhesion in muscle cells
Wu, Xing; A Centrifuge Decelerator and a Thermometer for Cold Polar Molecules
Freiin vom Holtz, Inga; Drivers and obstacles on the way to the one million dollar business opportunity: The interplay of human capital and intra-team trust in entrepreneurial team opportunity recognition and selection
Lieb V.; Enhanced regional gravity field modeling from the combination of real data via MRR
Schäfer, Thomas; Berührungslose und flächenhafte Deformationsmessungen an Betonoberflächen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Interaktion zwischen Laserstrahl und Oberfläche
Qiao, Huichao; Chemical proteomics for characterization of small molecule kinase inhibitors in cancer and inflammation
Witjes, Nina; The Co-Production of Science, Technology and Global Politics
Hinz, Laura Emily; Phosphorylation of the β1-adrenoceptor
Khan, Muhammad Sheraz; 3D Robotic Mapping and Place Recognition
Ungwattanapanit, Tanut; Optimization of Steered-Fibers Composite Stiffened Panels including Postbuckling Constraints handled via Equivalent Static Loads
Schwatke C., Dettmering D.; Mission-Independent Classification of Altimeter Waveforms for Applications in the Open Ocean, at the Coastal Zone and Over Land
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Integration of Building and Urban Information Modeling - Opportunities and integration approaches
Tsvetkov, Tsvetko Ivanchev; Verification of Autonomic Actions in Mobile Communication Networks
Yang, Fang; Phytomer growth and development, and nitrogen dynamics in a perennial C4 grass
Dornmair, Rita; Atabay, Dennis; Sänger, Florian; de Borja Torrejón, Manuel; Maderspacher, Johannes; Einfluss von Gebäuden als Wärmespeicher auf das Energiesystem
Eder, Bastian; ADAM & EVA : Absolute Distance Accurately Measured & External Vehicle Adjustment
A. Brack; Long Baseline GPS+BDS RTK Positioning with Partial Ambiguity Resolution
Haßlberger, Josef; Numerical Simulation of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition on Industry Scale
Andresen, Haakon; The Study of Gravitational Waves from Three-Dimensional Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae
Röder, Nina; Exploring the Effect of Workarounds in Ambidextrous Organizations
Bugli, Matteo; Non-axisymmetric modes in three-dimensional magnetized tori accreting onto black holes
Sygulla, Felix; Ellensohn, Felix; Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Wahrmann, Daniel; Rixen, Daniel; A Flexible and Low-Cost Tactile Sensor for Robotic Applications
Kolb, Cornelia; Identification and characterization of vacuolar fusion defective (vfd) mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana
Werner, Florian; Spatial heterogeneity of phosphorus concentration and speciation at the micro and profile scale in German forest soils
Passaro M., Calafat F. M.; ALES coastal processing applied to ERS: Extending the coastal sea level time series
Bonaduce A., Passaro M., Storto A.; Impact of coastal altimetry data in the Black Sea physical ocean analysis system
Bielstein, Patrick Frank Kurt; Essays on the implied cost of capital with applications to asset pricing and corporate finance
Diekmann, Cornelius Hermann; Provably Secure Networks: Methodology and Toolset for Configuration Management
Bustin, Aurelien; Advanced Reconstruction Techniques in Free-Breathing Multi-Contrast High-Resolution Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Li, Mengyixin; Large Parks as a Concept for Contemporary Urban Landscape Planning
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Integrating and Managing the Information for Smart Sustainable Districts - The Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI)
Lago L.S., Saraceno M., Ruiz Etcheverry L.A., Passaro M., Oreiro F., D'Onofrio E.E., Gonzalez R.; Improved Sea Surface Height from Satellite Altimetry in Coastal Zones: A Case Study in Southern Patagonia
Strobl, Claudia; Single Pixel Particle Image Velocimetry for Measurements of Two-Dimensional Joint Velocity Distributions
Mangold, Sebastian; Knowledge hiding in organizations: A multilevel analysis of antecedents and consequences
D. Cehajic;P.B. gen. Dohmann;S. Hirche; Estimating unknown object dynamics in human-robot manipulation tasks
Martinez Neira, Hector Eduardo; Phenomenology of the radiative E1 heavy quarkonium decay
Soroush Hooshyar, Natalie Germann; Shear banding of semidilute polymer solutions in pressure-driven channel flow
Huber, Josef; Verfahren zur Klassifikation von Ungänzen bei der optischen Prüfung von Batterieseparatoren
Feiner, Mona Katharina; Establishing realistic test settings in aquatic ecotoxicological risk assessments
Kaufmann, Christine Martina; Effects of Perilla frutescens on enzymatic activity and cell physiology
Freitag, Katharina Maria; Elektrogesponnene PEO-basierte Festkörperelektrolyte
Bouzaraa, Fahd; High Dynamic Range Imaging Systems for Dynamic Scenes
Bakhtiari, Arash; High Order Adaptive Semi-Lagrangian/Volume-Integral Methods for Parallel Advection-Diffusion Simulations
Zeh, Alexander; Integration von Batteriespeichern in das deutsche Nieder- und Mittelspannungsnetz
Toman, Stefan; Radicals of Binomial Ideals and Commutative Thue Systems
Mushinge, Anthony; Role of Land Governance in Improving Tenure Security in Zambia: Towards a Strategic Framework for Preventing Land Conflicts
Hijazi, Ihab; Kutzner, Tatjana; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Use Cases and their Requirements on the Semantic Modeling of 3D Supply and Disposal Networks
Wellenhofer, Corbinian; Isospin-Asymmetry Dependence of the Thermodynamic Nuclear Equation of State in Many-Body Perturbation Theory
Cizmeci, Burak; A Multiplexing Scheme for Multimodal Teleoperation
Hubig, Nina; Analyzing and Predicting Large Vector-, Graph- and Spatio-Temporal Data
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Three dimensional multi fluid modeling of Geldart B bubbling fluidized bed with complex inlet geometries
Böhm, Markus; Weking, Jörg; Fortunat, Frank; Müller, Simon; Welpe,Isabell ; Krcmar, Helmut; The Business Model DNA: Towards an Approach for Predicting Business Model Success
Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Weber, Jasmin; Zepic, Robert; Greger, Vanessa; Krcmar, Helmut; Dimensionen digitaler Mündigkeit und politische Beteiligung im Netz
Lang, Michael; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Conceptualization of Relational Assurance Mechanisms - A Literature Review on Relational Assurance Mechanisms, Their Antecedents and Effects
Giacovelli, Sebastian; Energiewende durch neue (Elektro-)Mobilität? Intersektorale Annäherungen zwischen Verkehr und Energienetzen
Canzler, Weert; Engels, Franziska ;Rogge, Jan-Christoph; Simon, Dagmar; Wentland, Alexander; From 'living lab' to strategic action field: Bringing together energy, mobility, and Information Technology in Germany
Vandersickel, A.; Becker, M.; Angerer, M.; Härzschel, S.; Ostermeier, P.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; High Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage using CaO and MgO in a Fluidised Bed Reactor
Santarelli, M.; Briesemeister, L.; Gandiglio, M.; Herrmann, S.; Kuczynski, P.; Kupecki, J.; Lanzini, A.; Llovell, F.; Papurello, D.; Spliethoff, H.; Swiatkowski, B.; Torres-Sanglas, J.; Vega, L.F.; Carbon recovery and re-utilization (CRR) from the exhaust of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC): Analysis through a proof-of-concept
Kremling, M.; Briesemeister, L.; Gaderer, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Oxygen-Blown Entrained Flow Gasification of Biomass: Impact of Fuel Parameters and Oxygen Stoichiometric Ratio
Steibel, M.; Halama, S.; Geißler, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Gasification kinetics of a bituminous coal at elevated pressures: Entrained flow experiments and numerical simulations
Hellmundt, Fabian; Adaptive Flight Control for Fault Tolerance
Schnarr, Christoph-Dominik Anton; Spin-Transfer-Torque-Effekte in Mn1-xFexSi-Volumenkristallen und epitaktischen MnSi-Schichten
Wortmann, Philipp; The dynamics of the Hsp90 machine
Wittmann, Robert; Robust Walking Robots in Unknown Environments
Szalay, Marco; Investigation of Hadronic Higgs Decays at CLIC at 350 GeV & Scintillator Studies for a Highly Granular Calorimeter
Stich, Peter Maria Andreas Georg; Interaktiver simulationsgestützter Entwurf mechatronischer Verarbeitungssysteme
Kluge, Anne Kathrin; From Tissue Perfusion to Oxygenation: Characterizing Glioma Heterogeneity with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ott, Beate; Impact of short-term overfeeding and caloric restriction on gut permeability, gut microbiota composition, and metabolic function in humans
Glantschnig, Christina; The Role and Molecular Regulation of microRNAs and their Targets in Adipogenesis
Purtik, Henrike Maria; Essays on user integration in the sustainability innovation process
Gruber, Fabian M.;Bürchner, Tim L.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Dual Craig-Bampton Method with Reduction of Interface Coordinates
Bartl, Andreas;Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza;Rixen, Daniel J.; Conception of a Noise and Vibration Hardware-In-The-Loop Test Bed
Hofmann, Oliver;Han, Shijin;Rixen, Daniel; Common Rail Diesel Injectors with Nozzle Wear : Modeling and State Estimation
Maierhofer, Johannes;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Monitoring an magnetgelagerten Rotoren
Wagner, Christian;Tsunoda, Wataru;Berninger, Tobias;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Instability Prediction and Rotordynamic with Seals: Simulations Based on the Bulk-Flow Theory and Experimental Measurements
Wagner, Christian;Tsunoda, Wataru;Berninger, Tobias;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Simulative und experimentelle Vorhersage der Instabilität in Rotorsystemen mit Dichtungen
Prisiazhniuk, Dmitrii; Development and application of poloidal correlation reflectometry to study turbulent structures in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
Minnerup, Pascal Marcel; An Efficient Method for Testing Autonomous Driving Software against Nondeterministic Influences
Hellwig, Raphael; Alkyne-based nanostructures on silver substrates
Zhao, Juanjuan; Knowledge base shapes use of space: knowledge-workers’ interrelated choices of residence, workplace and commute in the metropolitan region of Munich
Tobias Busen, Miriam Knechtel, Clemens Knobling, Elke Nagel, Manfred Schuller, Birte Todt; Bauaufnahme
You, Jae Hun; Aeroacoustic Characteristics of a Shrouded Helicopter Tail Rotor
Castagnotto, A.; Cruz Varona, M.; Lohmann, B.; sss & sssMOR: Analysis and Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamic Systems in MATLAB
Keller, Stefanie Annemarie; Konzeption und Analyse von Sprachverständlichkeitstests bei Normalhörenden und Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern
Kleß, Caroline; Diet-induced obesity in inbred mouse strains – identification of proximate causes, reversibility of metabolic alterations and heredity of resistance
Wunderlich, Anika; Antikörper-Mikroarrays zur Analyse von Legionella pneumophila in Wasser und anderen pathogenen Mikroorganismen im Lebensmittel
Sterr, Julia Maria Claudia; Influence of gases on the integrity of packaging materials upon high pressure treatment
Eckhardt, Jonas; Categorizations of Product-related Requirements in Practice
Bracharz, Felix R.; Screening and Characterization of Oleaginous Yeasts and Modeling of Flocculation-based Algae Harvest
Bühler, Veronika Anna; Gradual impregnation during the production of thermoplastic composites
Kaths, J.; Gemeinsame Optimierung von Schaltzeitpunkten und Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeiten für kooperative Verkehrssysteme – Anwendung für Bevorrechtigung und in Netzen
Zink, A;Hänsel, I;Rotter, M;Spinner, C;Böhner, A;Biedermann, T; Impact of Gliding on the Prevalence of Keratinocyte Carcinoma and its Precursors: A Cross-sectional Study Among Male Pilots in Bavaria
Rus, Oana Georgiana;Reess, Tim Jonas;Wagner, Gerd;Zimmer, Claus;Zaudig, Michael;Koch, Kathrin; Functional and structural connectivity of the amygdala in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Pfaffinger, Christina Evi; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur Lipidherstellung mit Nannochloropsis sp. in verschiedenen Photobioreaktoren
Hofauer, Sonja; Fahrer-Fahrzeug-Interaktion einer automatisierten, kraftstoffeffizienten Fahrzeuglängsführung
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Serrano Villodres, Teresa; Lindemann, Udo; Review and Classification of Knowledge in Engineering Design
Prott, Martin; Essays on Individual Auditors, Corporate Risk-Taking, and Lobbyism in Standard-Setting Processes – Three Perspectives on Financial Accounting Information
Castro Quezada, Luz Maria; Economic approaches to sustainable land use in Ecuador
Kubryk, Patrick; Stabilisotopen-Raman-Mikrospektroskopie zur Untersuchung von Mikroorganismen
El-Molla, Sara; Inkjet Printing & Spray Deposition Techniques For Flexible Electronic Applications
Tilch, Erik; Genetics of Restless Legs Syndrome
Eisenhauer, Charlotte Margarete; Hoch drapierfähige, konturgetreue, variabelaxiale Verstärkungstextilien für faserverstärkte Kunststoffe
Ringe, Stefan; First-Principles Modeling in Poisson-Boltzmann Electrolytes
Yu, Yang; Large-scale hydrological modelling and decision-making for sustainable water and land management along the Tarim River
Mendoza, Laura; A new approach discretising the 2D poloidal plane of fusion devices
Kammerl, Daniel;Zink, Roland; Hollauer, Christoph;Lindemann, Udo; A concept for assessing sustainability – The Sustainability Diamond
Banescu, Sebastian-Emilian; Characterizing the Strength of Software Obfuscation Against Automated Attacks
Heinlein, Florian Andreas; Der Wasserfluss in Einzelpflanze und Bestand: Modellierung und Messung
Tijero Cavia, José Ignacio; Simulation of thorium material properties under fission reactor conditions
Gehrer, Stefan; Highly Efficient Implementation of Physical Unclonable Functions on FPGAs
Sievert, Sebastian; Development of Analytical Behavioral Models for Digitally Controlled Edge Interpolator (DCEI) based Digital-to-Time Converter (DTC) Circuits
Haeussler, Michael;Rixen, Daniel J.; Optimal transformation of frequency response functions on interface deformation modes
Kölzsch, Anja; Active Flow Control of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortices
Failer, Lukas; Optimal Control of Time-Dependent Nonlinear Fluid-Structure Interaction
Leix, Carmen; Innovative strategies for enhanced deammonification performance and reduced nitrous oxide emissions
Zimnik, Samantha Maria; Surface segregation studied by time-resolved positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy
Keil, Peter; Aging of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
Svehla, Drazen; Geometrical Theory of Satellite Orbits and Gravity Field
Javaheri, Tahereh; Modelling of Ewing Sarcoma in Mice and Metastasis Insights
Kolbe, Thomas H.; Bill, Ralf; Donaubauer, Andreas; Digitales Landschaftsmodell in 3D
Bergkemper, Fabian; Reconstruction of the microbial phosphorus turnover in forest soils with different phosphorus stocks
Oßwald, Patrick; Advanced Thermodynamic Measurements as Degradation Tracking Technique in Lithium-Ion Cells
Maier, Tanja Verena; Mass spectrometry based metabolomics to follow the prebiotic and probiotic impact on the human gut microbiome
Zeisberger, Jürgen; Beitrag zur energieeffizienten Trinkwassererwärmung
Osen, Raffael; Texturization of pea protein isolates using high moisture extrusion cooking
Schmid, Martin; Kognitive Prozesssteuerung zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz in der Druckindustrie
Falco, P.; Saveriano, M.; Hasany, E. G.; Kirk, N. H.; Lee, D:; A Human Action Descriptor Based on Motion Coordination
Falco, P.; Lu, S.; Cirillo, A.; Natale, C.; Pirozzi, S.; Lee, D.; Cross-modal Visuo-Tactile Object Recognition Using Robotic Active Exploration
Becerril, Lucia; Heinrich, Veronika; Böhmer, Annette; Schweigert, Sebastian; Lindemann, Udo; Engineering Change Management within agile Product Development – A Case Study
Huber, Christian; Phase Change Material in Battery Thermal Management Applications
Cotton D., Garcia P., Cancet M., Andersen O., Cipollini P., Martin F., Passaro M., Naeije M., Restano M., Ambrosio A., Benveniste J.; Improved Oceanographic Measurements with CryoSat SAR Altimetry
Karuthedath , Cyril Baby; Nature-Inspired Capacitive Sensor
Hollauer, Christoph; Becerril, Lucia; Kattner, Niklas; Weidmann, Dominik; Chucholowski, Nepomuk; Lindemann, Udo; Adaptable mechatronic engineering design processes: Process reference model and methodology
Hollauer, Christoph; Lindemann, Udo; Design process tailoring: A review and perspective on the literature
Maurer, Maik; Complexity Management in Engineering Design - a Primer
Selch, Britta; Sportkonsum bewegungsaktiver Frauen 50 plus
Lucia, Kristin; Studies on the role of hypoxia in growth hormone secreting pituitary tumor pathogenesis
Ackermann, Jakob; Eine Multi-Center-Studie zur Untersuchung der Funktion des Musculus subscapularis nach Etablierung des 5:30-Uhr-Portals zur arthroskopischen antero-inferioren Schulterstabilisierung
Buhl, Sven; Statistical Modelling and Estimation of Space-Time Extremes
Varela Cardozo, Karla Patricia; Testing the standard GRB afterglow model with the snapshot method using multi-epoch multi-wavelength data
Klein, Sabine; Interstitielle Zellen von Cajal vermitteln exzitatorische und nitrerge inhibitorische Neurotransmission im Gastrointestinaltrakt
Dietrich, Felix; Data-Driven Surrogate Models for Dynamical Systems
Slim, Israa Hani; Signal Processing for Optical Communication Systems
Ehlers, Martin; Potenzial und Einsatzgrenzen der Bauteilaktivierung im Wohnungsneubau
Maderspacher, Johannes; Robuste Optimierung in der Gebäudesimulation
Sauerer, Bernhard Maximilian; Ordnungsreduzierte Simulationsmodelle und Berücksichtigung der additiven Fertigung in der mathematischen Optimierung mechanischer Strukturen
Johannes Sturm, Franz B. Spingler, Bernhard Rieger, Alexander Rheinfeld, Andreas Jossen; Non-destructive detection of local aging in lithium-ion pouch cells by multi-directional laser-scanning
Radulovic, Vanja; Role of miR-21 in determining sensitivity of mammary epithelial cells to radiation treatment
Petermeijer, Sebastianus Martinus; A vibrotactile interface to support the driver during the take-over process
Huber, Sina Anna; Individual Student Learning Dispositions – Teacher and Student Perspectives on Incoherences and Their Development
Füller, Kathrin; Customer Integration 4.0: Leveraging Customer Knowledge in Innovation Processes by Using Digital Technologies
Lammer, Ulrich Andreas; Funktionsvereinigung in der Lagertechnik
Richter, Andre Oliver; Mitigating and Resolving Performance Isolation Issues of PCIe Passthrough and SR-IOV in Multi-Core Virtualization
Hintermeier, Peter Heinrich; Zeolite catalyzed dehydration of substituted cyclic alcohols in aqueous phase
Kolotzek, N.; Gomez, G.; Seeber, B.U.; The Effect of Head Turning on Sound Localization in the Horizontal Plane
Fastl, H.; Kerber, S.; Menzel, D.; Staudacher, W.; Zur Beurteilungen der Lautheit anhand von Reaktionszeitmessungen
Daske, Thomas; The Impact of Other-Regarding Preferences on Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
Bier, Philipp Christoph Sebastian; Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien
Wiesheu, Alexandra Christina; Raman-Mikrospektroskopie zur Analyse von organischen Bodensubstanzen und Mikroplastik
Neidenbach, Rhoia Clara; Atem - Training bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit univentrikulärem Herzen nach palliativer TCPC Operation
Bott, Johannes Wilfried; Untersuchungen zum Migrationspotential von Nanomaterialien aus Kunststoff-Lebensmittelverpackungen
Togno, Michele; A novel ion chamber technology for quality assurance in external beam radiotherapy
Steger, Maximilian Veit; Untersuchungen zum Schwingungsverhalten und der daraus resultierenden Beanspruchung von Spannklemmen für Schienenbefestigungen unter Berücksichtigung von hochfrequenten Anregungen
Odstrčil, Tomáš; On the Origin, Properties, and Implications of Asymmetries in the Tungsten Impurity Density in Tokamak Plasmas
Kittel, Thomas; Code and Data Integrity of Modern Operating Systems
Distel, Dominic; Markets for Technology in the Semiconductor Industry – The Role of Ability-Related Trust in the Market for IP Cores
Marcrum, Steven; Optimal Primary Tone Levels in Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions and the Role of Middle Ear Transmission
Mahlstedt, Mirco; Complexity Reduction for Option Pricing
Bohner, Christian; Essays on Supply Chain Inventories under Uncertainty
Möller, S.; Ahrens, J.; Altinsoy, M.E.; Buchschmid, M.; Fels, J.; Hillmann, S.; Hohnerlein, C.; Müller, G.; Seeber, B.U.; Vorländer, M.; Weinzierl, S.; Knoth, S.; Barodte, W.; TU9-MOOC Communication Acoustics: Erste Erfahrungen
C. Jaehne;S. Hirche; Augmented Invariance Control for Impedance-controlled Robots with Safety Margins
Takanen, M.; Weller, J.-N.; Seeber, B.U.; Modeling Refractoriness In Phenomenological Models of Electrically-Stimulated Auditory Nerve Fibers
Andreisek, G.; Große C.U.; Seeber, B.U.; Akustische Merkmale zur Detektion von Fehlstellen in Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen
Andreisek, G.; Seeber, B.U.; Feature Extraction Toolbox for Transients
Troppmann, Stephanie; Non-Hermitian Schrödinger dynamics with Hagedorn’s wave packets
Trippe, Annette Erika; Optimisation Model of Intelligent Charging Strategies for Battery Electric Vehicles Considering the Power System and Battery Ageing
Song, Lin; Tailoring titania photoanodes for application in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells and hybrid solar cells
Kiwull, Bettina Ellen Sophie; Untersuchungen zu diffusiophoretischer Abscheidung, Dieselabgaspartikelzählung und Bioaerosolerzeugung
Lütke, Benjamin; Dynamic Stall on a Pitching Double-Swept Rotor Blade Tip
Claudius Jordan; Canlong Ma; Julien Provost; An Educational Toolbox on Supervisory Control Theory using MATLAB Simulink Stateflow -- From Theory to Practice in one week
Yang, Guoju; Bifunctional Pt/MFI Catalysts for Hydrogenation of Phenol in Aqueous Phase
Schwarzer, Tom Sebastian; Membrane functionalization of nano-scale enzyme membrane reactors for asymmetric syntheses
Niehoff, Christoph; Indirect Constraints on Composite Higgs Models and Leptoquarks
Kunze, Bettina; The Role of the Notch Signaling Pathway in the Development of Barrett Esophagus
Sánchez L., Ihde J., Pail R., Gruber T., Barzaghi R., Marti U., Ågren J., Sideris M., Novák P.; Towards a first realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Sánchez L. Sideris M.G.; Vertical datum unification for the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Elsäßer, Dennis; Verbundverfahren zur schnellen Aufkonzentrierung von Bakterien und Viren für das Inline-Monitoring von Trink- und Rohwasser
Endres, Christian Hermann; Modeling temperature and microalgae productivity for photobioreactors in industrial-scale cultivation plants
Seyfried, Natalie; Accelerated microbial degradation of the veterinary antibiotic sulfamethazine in agricultural soil
Shtabovenko, Vladyslav; Nonrelativistic Effective Field Theories of QED and QCD: Applications and Automatic Calculations
Groitl, Bastian; Characterization of bacterial defense systems against oxidative stress
Kielar, Peter Michael; Kognitive Modellierung und Computergestützte Simulation der Räumlich-Sequenziellen Zielauswahl von Fußgängern
Kwak Y., Angermann D., Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Schmid R., Seitz M.; Common Adjustment of TRF, EOP and CRF for a Consistent Realization of Reference Systems
Prodinger, Sebastian; Formation and Stabilization of Zeolite Frameworks
Mengesha, Mengistie Kindu; Landscape Level Modelling of the Ethiopian Highland Resources - A geo-informatics application to their sustainable management, use and conservation
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Dettmering D., Angermann D., Kehm A.; Validation of DTRF2014, ITRF2014 and JTRF2014 by precise orbit determination of SLR and altimetry satellites
Robert Heininger, Loina Prifti, Victor Seifert, Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar; Teaching How to Program With a Playful Approach : A Review of Success Factors
Loina Prifti, Robert Heininger, Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar; Analysis and Evaluation of Tools, Programs, and Methods at German University to Support the Study Skills of School Students
Matthias Utesch, Andreas Hauer, Robert Heininger, Helmut Krcmar; The Finite State Trading Game: Developing a Serious Game to teach the Application of Finite State Machines in a Stock Trading Scenario
Matthias Utesch, Andreas Hauer, Robert Heininger, Helmut Krcmar; Automated Stock Trading – Developing the Serious Game FSTG to Teach the T opic of Finite State Machines
Velten, Michael; Hardware-based Integrity Protection combined with Continuous User Verification in Virtualized Systems
Rossetti, Leone; The micromechanical and microstructural characterization of the structural interface at the tendon-bone attachment
Z. Meng;W. Xia;K.l H. Johansson;S. Hirche; Stability of Positive Switched Linear Systems: Weak Excitation and Robustness to Time-Varying Delay
Heckner, Sebastian Markus; Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden zur Oberflächencharakterisierung von kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen
T. Beckers;J. Umlauft;S. Hirche; Stable Model-based Control with Gaussian Process Regression for Robot Manipulators
Riesinger, Christoph; Scalable scientific computing applications for GPU-accelerated heterogeneous systems
Teufl, Sabine Maria; Seamless Model-based Requirements Engineering: Models, Guidelines, Tools
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Nivellieren mit bildunterstützten Totalstationen
Rastgoo Lahrood, Atena; On-Surface Synthesis of Organic Nanostructures and Post-Synthetic Treatments: Decoupling, Structural and Chemical Modifications
Feldmaier, Johannes; Perspectives on the Connection of Psychological Models of Emotion and Intelligent Machines
Rose S.K., Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Benveniste J.; An updated 26-year (1991-2017) sea level record from the Arctic Ocean
Kränkel, Thomas Siegfried; Ein rheologischer Modellansatz zur Prognose des Langzeittragverhaltens von Verbunddübeln
Lago L.S., Saraceno M., Ruiz-Etcheverry L.A., Passaro M., Oreiro F.A., D'Onofrio E.E., Gonzalez R.A.; Improved Sea Surface Height From Satellite Altimetry in Coastal Zones: A Case Study in Southern Patagonia
Kirmair, Ludwig; Charakterisierung und funktionelle Optimierung von Enzymen für die biotechnologische Synthese von Polyamid-12-Bausteinen
Picconi, David; Photodissociation dynamics and spectroscopy in the presence of conical intersections
Mohammed Abdelraouf Elsayed Elsayed, Mahmoud; Concept of Lighting Design in Egyptian Museums’ Spaces
Thaler, Klemens Maria; Anwendungen der photoakustischen Spektroskopie zur zeitaufgelösten Beobachtung der N2O-Emission aus Kläranlagen und der Photokinetik in suspendierten Einzelpartikeln
Thurm, E.A., Uhl, E., Pretzsch, H.; Douglasie: eine leistungsstarke und klimarobuste Mischbaumart. Buchenbeimischung steigert Wachstum und Stabilität der Douglasie.
Haeussler, Michael;Reichart, Ron;Bartl, Andreas;Rixen, Daniel; Post Correcting for Gyroscopic Effects via Dynamic Substructuring
Krinner, Andreas;Tsunoda, Wataru;Wagner, Christian;Berninger, Tobias;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Simulation and experimental validation of a misaligned rotor in journal bearings using different levels of detail
Krinner, Andreas;Rixen, Daniel; Interface reduction methods for mechanical systems with elastohydrodynamic lubricated revolute joints
Stadler, Daniela; Molecular Mechanisms of Cytokine-induced, Non-cytolytic Control of Hepatitis B Virus Persistence
Vishnevetskaya, Natalya; Orthogonally switchable block copolymers
Richers, Johannes Martin; Studies toward the Synthesis and Biological Activity of Illicium Sesquiterpenoids via C–H Functionalization
A. Molin;S. Hirche; Event-Triggered State Estimation: An Iterative Algorithm and Optimality Properties
Z. Meng;B. D. O. Anderson;S. Hirche; On Three-dimensional Formation Control with Mismatched Coordinates
Schestauer, Bernhard-Julian; Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wunderlich, Thomas; Tachymetrisches 6 DoF Messverfahren
Stephan, A.; Wolf, C.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Online corrosion measurements in small- and mid-scale during pulverised biomass/coal co-combustion
Müller F. L., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; Satellite altimetry in sea ice regions- detecting open water for estimating sea surface heights
Gleinser, M.; Forschungsaktivitäten – Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme
Kerscher, F.; Stetka, M.; Rück, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Alkali-Heißgasreinigung mit mineralischen Sorptionsmitteln bei der Vergasung von festen Brennstoffen
Angerer, M.; Vandersickel, A.; Özdin, D.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexibilization of Industrial Combined Heat and Power Plants using Thermochemical Energy Storage
Pili, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Dynamic Simulation of an Organic Rankine Cycle - Detailed Model of a Kettle Boiler
Angerer, M.; Kahlert, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Transient simulation and fatigue evaluation of fast gas turbine startups and shutdowns in a combined cycle plant with an innovative thermal buffer storage
Förner, Kilian Heinrich; Nonlinear Aeroacoustic Characterization of Resonators
Hübner, Rico; Pukall, Klaus; Härtl, Johanna; Zehlius-Eckert, Wolfgang; Agroforst-Standarttypen und deren Wahrnehmung - erste Ergebnisse
Kaths, J.; Chucholowski, M.; Chucholowski, F.; Integration of DYNA4 Car Professional with SUMO to perform virtual testing of automated vehicles in complex surrounding traffic
Eggl, Elena; Biomedical X-Ray Imaging at the Munich Compact Light Source
Knust, Fabian; Applying the Fireball Model to Short Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows: Methods, Jet Opening Angles and Plateau Phases
Unterholzner, Simon Josef; Brassinosteroids: Modes of Action in Growth Regulation
Kiefel, Denis; Quantitative Porositätscharakterisierung von CFK-Werkstoffen mit der Mikro-Computertomografie
Andries, Anna; Hypervalente λ3-Iodane in der Organischen Synthese: Vielseitige Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung neuer Reaktivitäten
Philipp, Benedikt; Methodological Treatment of Non-linear Structural Behavior in the Design, Analysis and Verification of Lightweight Structures
Grötzinger, Stefan Wolfgang; Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung einer halo-thermophilen Alkoholdehydrogenase aus den Tiefen des Roten Meeres
J. Umlauft;S. Hirche; Learning Stable Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Nachtmann, Korbinian; Mechanistische Untersuchung des Kristallbildungsprozesses von resublimierendem Kohlendioxid aus variablen Gasgemischen unter Atmosphärendruck an festen Oberflächen
Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Nivellieren mit bildunterstützten Totalstationen
Brei, Christina; Effect of changing the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in the maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation on child body composition and neurodevelopment: long-term results from the INFAT study
Wunschel, Christian Willi; Biochemische Charakterisierung des Rezeptorkomplexes für Abscisinsäure
Kraus, Daniel; D-vine copula based quantile regression and the simplifying assumption for vine copulas
Becker, Elisabeth; High-Throughput Phenotyping for Drought Tolerance in Winter Wheat
Killiches, Matthias Markus; Model distances, block maxima and repeated measurements in the context of vine copulas
Benveniste J., Bonekamp H., Cipollini P., Dufau C., Miller L., Passaro M., Picot N., Strub T., Vandemark D., Vignudelli S., Wilkin J.; An overview of recent progress in Coastal Altimetry and its synergies with modelling
Schwarzmayr, Thomas; Assembly and Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing Data
Kiesel, Theo; Flexible Multi-Body Simulation of a Complex Rotor System Using 3D Solid Finite Elements
Jergler, Martin; Distributed Workflow Coordination in Publish/Subscribe Environments
Buchner, Markus; Die Bewertung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen nach dem Bewertungsgesetz
Mund, Anne; Modelling quorum sensing evolutionary dynamics in spatially structured bacterial populations
Garz, Anne-Kathrin; Azacitidine combined with crenolanib abrogates niche protection and expansion of residual leukemic stem cells (LSC) in FLT3-ITD+ acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with concurrent gene mutations in NPM1, DNMT3A or TET2
Langenberg, Robert; Analysis and Optimization of the Offline Software of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Wahrmann, Daniel;Knopp, Tilman;Wittmann, Robert;Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;Sygulla, Felix;Seiwald, Philipp;Rixen, Daniel;Buschmann, Thomas; Modifying the Estimated Ground Height to Mitigate Error Effects on Bipedal Robot Walking
Herrmann, S.; Kahlert, S.; Wuerth, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermo-Economic Evaluation of Novel Flexible CAES/CCPP Concept
Dong, Xiyang; Insights into anaerobic degradation of benzene and naphthalene
Helbich, Tobias; Two-dimensional Hybrid Nanomaterials: Functionalization and Characterization of Photoluminescent Silicon Nanosheets
Wolf, C.; Stephan, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Measuring gaseous HCl emissions during pulverised co-combustion of high shares of straw in an entrained flow reactor
Krebs, Isabel; 3D nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations of macroscopic internal instabilities in tokamak plasmas
Wolf, C.; Stephan, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Measuring gaseous HCl emissions during pulverised cocombustion of high shares of straw in an entrained flow reactor
Geißler, A.; Steibel, M.; Botteghi, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Reaction Behaviour of Fuels of Different Quality in Entrained Flow Gasifiers
Kerscher, F.; Stetka, M.; Rück, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of Alkali Sorption with Mineral Getter Materials for IGCC Power Plants
Hauck, M.; Herrmann, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Simulation of a reversible SOFC with Aspen Plus
Herrmann, S.; Geis, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of process parameters on the efficiency of syngas conversion in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Schmidtner, Stefanie Sieglinde; Leistungsstarke Jugendliche in Naturwissenschaften
Kindt, Philipp H.;Heitmann, Nils; Yunge, Daniel;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Understanding slotless neighbor discovery: demo abstract
Kindt, Philipp H.;Reinerth, Gerhard;Yunge, Daniel;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Griassdi: Mutually Assisted Slotless Neighbor Discovery
Alarcón Suesca, Carlos Eduardo; Contribution to the synthesis and morphology control of LiCoPO4-Pnma using polyol method
Keber, Felix; Dynamics and self-organisation of active cytoskeletal gels
Gomes Baltar, Leonardo; Filter Bank based Multicarrier Systems for Wireless Communications
Kirchner, Marion Angelika; Bacillus anthracis purine riboswitches: functional characterization and screening for novel ligands
Aneiros, G, Bongiorno, E.G., Cao, R. and Vieu, P.; Estimating invertible functional time series
P. Beckerle;G. Salvietti;R. Unal;D. Prattichizzo;S. Rossi;G. Castellini;S. Hirche;S. Endo;H.B. Amor;M. Ciocarlie;F. Mastrogiovanni;A.D.Brenna;M. Bianchi; A Human–Robot Interaction Perspective on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics
Lohmann, B.; Roppenecker, G.; Modellordnungsreduktion für parametrische nichtlineare mechanische Systeme mittels erweiterter simulationsfreier Basen und Hyperreduktion
Wieczorek, Matthias; Anisotropic X-ray Dark-field Tomography
Baumer, Franziska; Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften halbleitender Pniktide, Chalkogenide und inverser Clathrate
Fütterer, Marina; In vivo and in vitro analysis of Dll1 and Dll4 function in adult pancreatic islets
Wannapaibooon, Suttipong;Sumida, Kenji;Dilchert, Katharina;Tu, Min;Kitagawa, Susumu;Furukawa, Shuhei;Fischer, Roland A. A.; Enhanced Properties of Metal-Organic Framework Thin-Films Fabricated via a Coordination Modulation-Controlled Layer-by-Layer Process
Chhabra, Nirav; Developmental gene Pax6 in adult pancreas homeostasis and energy metabolism
Schneemann, andreas;Rudolf, Robin;Henke, Sebastian;Takahashi, Yukiko;Banh, Hung;Hante, Inke;Schneider, Christian;Noro, Shin-ichiro;Fischer, Roland A. A.; Linker Functionalization Triggers an Alternative3D-Topology for Zn-Isophthalate-4,4’-Bipyridine Frameworks
Xu, Hongen; Somatic mutations in tumors: their detection, generation mechanisms and implications
Zhang, Yanping; Integrative Analysis of High-throughput Data in Cancer and Neurogenesis
Lu, Yao; Guidelines for Façade Refurbishment of 1980s Multi-storey Masonry Residential Buildings in the Cold Region of China: Addressing Energy Efficiency and Environmental Quality
Jauernig, Johanna; Using Experiments in Ethics
He, Yuanqin; Bottom-up Construction and Direct Characterization of Porphyrin- and Graphene-based Nanostructures
Goss A., Erdogan E., Schmidt M., Garcia-Rigo A., Hernandéz-Pajares M., Lyu H., Nohutcu M.; Advanced algorithms for ionosphere modelling in GNSS applications within the AUDITOR project
Durante, F.; Puccetti, G.; Scherer, M.; Vanduffel, S.; My introduction to copulas - An interview with Roger Nelsen
Bastakis, Emmanouil; The contribution of the GATA transcription factors GNC and GNL in the greening of Arabidopsis thaliana
Müller F.L., Dettmering D., Bosch W., Seitz F.; Monitoring the Arctic Seas: How Satellite Altimetry Can Be Used to Detect Open Water in Sea-Ice Regions
Zepic, Robert; Dapp, Marcus; Krcmar, Helmut; Participatory Budgeting without Participants: Identifying Barriers on Accessibility and Usage of German Participatory Budgeting
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; How Established Companies Leverage IT Platforms for Value Co-Creation – Insights from Banking
Schreieck, Maximilian; Zitzelsberger, Jonas; Siepe, Sebastian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Supporting Refugees in Every Day Life – Intercultural Design Evaluation of an Application for Local Information
Schreieck, Maximilian; Hakes, Christoph; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Governing Platforms in the Internet of Things
Sollmann, Nico; Tractography of language pathways based on navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with brain tumors
Steinhart, C.J.; Gratza, M.; Fischer, M.; Finkel, M.; Witzmann, R.; Nagel, T.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Kerber, G.; Wopperer, T.; Optimierung der Frequenzstabilität bei Lastschaltungen im Inselnetz
Steinhart, C.J.; Fischer, M.; Ludwig, M.; Finkel, M.; Gratza, B.; Witzmann, R.; Weiterentwicklung eines Asynchronmaschinenmodells zur transienten Simulation von Pumpenanlagen
He, Suyu; The “therapeutic gap” in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: Systematic evaluation of endoluminal anti-reflux procedures- a complementary therapeutic approach? (EsophyX® and GERDXTM systems)
Berger, Christoph; Photoakustische Spektroskopie zur Emissionsüberwachung
Zlinszky A., Boergens E., Glira P., Pfeifer N.; Airborne Laser Scanning for calibration and validation of inshore satellite altimetry: A proof of concept
Johannes Sturm, Franz B. Spingler, Berhard Rieger, Alexander Rheinfeld, Andreas Jossen; Non-Destructive Detection of Local Aging in Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells by Multi-Directional Laser Scanning
Barthel, Michael; Erkennung und Verfolgung von relevanten Objekten zur semantischen Annotierung von dynamischen, monokularen Szenen am Beispiel von Fußballübertragungen
Gruber, Anna-Maria; Zeitlich und regional aufgelöstes industrielles Lastflexibilisierungspotenzial als Beitrag zur Integration Erneuerbarer Energien
Wunderlich, Linus Maximilian; Hybrid Finite Element Methods for Non-linear and Non-smooth Problems in Solid Mechanics
Wandt, Johannes; Operando Characterization of Fundamental Reaction Mechanisms and Degradation Processes in Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
Sharma, Kanishka; Machine Learning Methods for Segmentation in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Klinker, Kai; Fries, Veronika; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; CatCare: Designing a serious game to foster hand hygiene compliance in health care facilities
Wunderlich, Th.; Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Indoor- und Bauwerksvermessung
Wunderlich, Th.; Ingenieurvermessung, 3D-Laserscanning und Alpine Naturgefahren
Wunderlich, Th.; Datenvorverarbeitung, Deformationsanalyse und Visualisierung
Wunderlich, Th.; Relevante Modellabweichungen im Tiefbau und im Hochbau
Wunderlich, Th.; Monitoring by TLS – Practicing Unfinished Theories (Research Project Presentation)
Wunderlich, Th.; Stromlinien und Punktwolken (ZfP des BMW 328 Wendler)
Wunderlich, Th.; Reverse Engineering des Stahltragwerks zweier Glaskuppeln
Schreieck, Maximilian;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; Governing nonprofit platform ecosystems – an information platform for refugees
Thierstein, Alain;Gilliard, Lukas;Alaily-Mattar, Nadia;Nitsche, Philipp; Schongau-Weilheim - Zentren, Grenzen und Übergänge. Projekt im Masterstudiengang "Urbanistik - Landschaft und Stadt", Wintersemester 2016/17
Comprés Ureña, Isaías Alberto; Resource-Elasticity Support for Distributed Memory HPC Applications
Lindner, M.; Witzmann, R.; Analytische Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Spannungshaltungskonzepten am Beispiel der Q(U)-Regelung in der Niederspannung
Clasen, Chr.; Mosandl, R.; Knoke Th.; Die Berücksichtigung von Risiken durch den Verlust von Mischbaumarten
Kollmann, Patrick; Sensitivity of enteric neurons to osmotic stimuli
Marcolini, Giorgia; Homogenization and analysis of hydrological time series
Hellings, Christoph; Reduced-Entropy Signals in MIMO Communication Systems
Häuslein, Ina Franziska; Nutrition of intracellular bacteria: Investigation of the metabolic networks in Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii using GC/MS based isotopologue profiling
Roth, Susanne; Analysis of Card9 signaling in innate immunity
Schulz, Thorsten; Stochastic dependencies in derivative pricing: Decoupled BNS-volatility, sequential modeling of jumps, and extremal WWR
Soto Setzke, David; Pflügler, Christoph; Schreieck, Maximilian; Fröhlich, Sven; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Matching Drivers and Transportation Requests in Crowdsourced Delivery Systems.
Kurcyus, Katarzyna; Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study neural activity: The role of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters for systems-level brain dynamics
Musumeci, Andrea; The transcriptional landscape of plasmacytoid dendritic cell differentiation
Schmalenberg, Michael Reiner; Entwicklung fluoreszenzbasierter Immunoassays für den neuen Inflammationsmarker Chitinase 3-like1 (YKL-40)
Soni, Komal; Structural and functional characterization of RBM5/6/10 in alternative splicing regulation
Gómez Damián, Pedro Agustín; Accelerating Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Severin, Timm Steffen; Computational Fluid Dynamics Assisted Design of Thin-Layer Cascade Photobioreactor Components
Hanauer, Martin; Experimental study on the effect of dose and source of copper supplementation on copper metabolism, rumen microbiota, and rumen fermentation characteristics in cannulated cows
Zepic, Robert; Dapp, Marcus; Krcmar, Helmut; Reasons for low Participation in German Participatory Budgeting: A Public Administration Perspective
Götz, Georg Albin Josef; Methode zur Steigerung der Formatflexibilität von Verpackungsmaschinen
Tants, Jan-Niklas; NMR studies of dynamic double-stranded RNA recognition by RNA binding proteins
Ludwig, Jennifer; Conventional and Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis, Characterization, and Optimization of the High-Voltage Cathode Material LiCoPO4 for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Ehn, Sebastian Siegfried Lukas; Photon-counting Hybrid-pixel Detectors for Spectral X-ray Imaging Applications
Belitzki, Alexander; Rechnergestützte Minimierung des Verzugs laserstrahlgeschweißter Bauteile
Wehmer, Marc Alexander; The conformational landscape of the AAA+-ATPase of the 26S proteasome studied by cryo-electron microscopy
Kehl, Sebastian; Bayesian Calibration of Nonlinear Cardiovascular Models for the Predictive Simulation of Arterial Growth
Dorn, Martin; Modeling of the transient hydrodynamic behavior of preparative chromatography columns
Oh, Seung Yong; Modellierung und Entwicklung eines Flurförderzeugreifenmodells als Mehrkörpersystem
Matiu, Michael; Climate extremes and variability, and their ecological impacts
Kunz, Tobias; Sigma0-Produktion in p+Nb-Reaktionen bei E = 3,5 GeV
Chen, Guo; Transfer of oxygen isotopes from precipitation to ruminants in managed ecosystems
Kremer, Laura Sophie; Discovery and validation of coding and non-coding pathogenic variants in mitochondrial disorders
Rapp, Christin Karin; Atmosphärische Plasmabeschichtung von orthopädischen Implantaten
Staudacher, M.; Kramer, G.; Zirwas, W.; Panzner, B.; Ganesan, R. S.; Optimized combination of conventional and constrained massive MIMO arrays
García-Gómez, Francisco Javier; Kramer, Gerhard; Energy Coupling in Optical WDM Systems with Frequency-Dependent Attenuation Profile
Coşkun, M. C.; Liva, G.; Graell i Amat, A.; Lentmaier, M.; Successive Cancellation Decoding of Single Parity-Check Product Codes
Christ, Patrick Ferdinand; Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification and Segmentation of Medical Images
Schweizer, Sabine; Functional phenotype and metabolic properties of brite and brown adipocytes
Kilic, Fatih; Security Investigation in Encrypted Environment
Alperowitz, Lukas; ProCeeD
Pervez, A; Ali, A.; Ryu, J.-H.; Lee, D.; Novel Learning From Demonstration Approach for Repetitive Teleoperation Tasks
Blocher, C.; Saveriano, M.; Lee,D.; Learning Stable Dynamical Systems using Contraction Theory
Roor, R.; Hess, J.; Saveriano, M.; Karg, M.; Kirsch, A.; Sensor Fusion for Semantic Place Labeling
Saveriano, M.; Hirt, F.; Lee, D.; Human-aware motion reshaping using dynamical systems
Karban, Ugur; Scale-resolved and stochastic approaches for noise prediction in flow duct singularities
Miller, Katja; Random walks on oriented percolation and in recurrent environments
Lindhorst, Anja Cosima; Towards Real-Life Applications: Reactivity of Biomimetic Iron N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes in Homogeneous Catalysis
Polewski, Przemyslaw P.; Reconstruction of standing and fallen single dead trees in forested areas from LiDAR data and aerial imagery
Haslbeck, Andreas; An Integrative Evaluation of Airline Pilots’ Manual High-Precision Flying Skills in the Age of Automation
Scheuermann, Constantin; A Metamodel for Cyber-Physical Systems
Grohnfeldt, Claas Hendrik; Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Multi- and Hyperspectral Resolution Enhancement Based on Sparse Representations
Hentschel, Tanja; Gender Stereotypes About Others and Self – Structure and Consequences for Female and Male Leaders
Lee, D.; Soloperto, R.; Saveriano, M.; Bidirectional Invariant Representation of Rigid Body Motions and its Application to Gesture Recognition and Reproduction
Florian Bergner, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Efficient Event-Driven Reactive Control for Large Scale Robot Skin
Palomeque, Y.; Maza, A.; Inamagua, J. P.; Günter, S.; Hildebrandt, P.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Intraspecific Variability in Seed Quality of Native Tree Species in Mountain Forests in Southern Ecuador: Implications for Forest Restoration
Twaddle, Heather A.; Development of tactical and operational behaviour models for bicyclists based on automated video data analysis
Pablo Lanillos, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Enactive Self: a study of engineering perspectives to obtain the sensorimotor self through enaction
Elguindy, Ahmed; Control and Stability of Power Systems using Reachability Analysis
Khambud, Rattikarn; Geodetic Support for Flood Risk Management in Thailand with Prevention and Adaptation Methods
Allende Alba, Gerardo; Robust and Precise Relative Orbit Determination for Distributed Spacecraft using GPS
Kotyczka, P.; Maschke, B.; Discrete port-Hamiltonian formulation and numerical approximation for systems of two conservation laws
Biljecki, Filip; Sindram, Maximilian; Estimating Building Age with 3D GIS
Chaturvedi, Kanishk; Willenborg, Bruno; Sindram, Maximilian; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Solar Potential Analysis and Integration of the Time-dependent Simulation Results for Semantic 3D City Models Using Dynamizers
Saeedi, Mehran; Multi-Fidelity Aeroelastic Analysis of Flexible Membrane Wind Turbine Blades
Cruz Varona, M.; Two-sided Moment Matching-Based Reduction for MIMO Quadratic-Bilinear Systems
Cruz Varona, M.; On the H2-pseudo-optimal bilinear model reduction
Banescu, Sebastian and Pretschner, Alexander; A Tutorial on Software Obfuscation
Beck, Christina; Biologiespezifisches Bildverständnis beim Umgang mit multiplen externen Repräsentationen
Mulazzani, Matthias; Intravital microscopy reveals complete regression of large, established CNS lymphoma after intracerebral CAR T cell injection
Zölch, Teresa Maria; The potential of ecosystem-based adaptation: Integration into urban planning and effectiveness for heat and flood mitigation
Beil, Christof; Kolbe, Thomas H.; CityGML and the streets of New York - A proposal for detailed street space modelling
Arnold, Oliver Werner; Study of the hyperon-nucleon interaction via femtoscopy in elementary systems with HADES and ALICE
Banescu, Sebastian and Collberg, Christian and Pretschner, Alexander; Predicting the Resilience of Obfuscated Code Against Symbolic Execution Attacks via Machine Learning
Albarqouni, Shadi; Machine Learning for Biomedical Applications: From Crowdsourcing to Deep Learning
Jiang, Li; Chemistry on noble metal surfaces: Towards covalently linked nanoarchitectures
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Ocon Galilea, Alicia; Lindemann, Udo; Increasing Knowledge Seeking Initiation based on Theories of Human Behaviour
J. Rogelio Guadarrama-Olvera, Emmanuel Dean-Leon and Gordon Cheng; Using Intentional Contact to Achieve Tasks in Tight Environments
Schweigert, Sebastian;Marahrens, Nils-Jorge;Carro Saavedra, Cristina;Lindemann, Udo; Industrial Evaluation of a Toolkit of Methods for Engineering Knowledge Management of Simulations
Knoche, M.; Merget, D.; Rigoll, G.; Improving Facial Landmark Detection via a Super-Resolution Inception Network
Kostina, Anna; Single molecule studies of molecular motion and (bio-) chemical reactions on DNA origami platforms
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Härtl, F.; A critical view on benefit-cost analyses of silvicultural management options with declining discount rates
Bog, Tino; Frictionless contact simulation using the finite cell method
Arnaut, Vera; Characterization and Application of Membrane Spanning Synthetic and Biological Nanopores
Hamsen, Christoph; Interacting Photons in a Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity System
Sebastian Q. Roder; Julien Provost; Dynamic Software Update of Stateflow Charts using Erlang Runtime System
Laurin Prenzel; Julien Provost; Dynamic Software Updating of IEC 61499 Implementation Using Erlang Runtime System
Kevin Fouquet; Julien Provost; A Signal-Interpreted Approach to the Supervisory Control Theory Problem
Canlong Ma; Julien Provost; Using plant model features to generate reduced test cases for programmable controllers
Röhm, Andrea; Patent-based investment funds as an emerging business model in entrepreneurial finance
Gruber, Fabian M.;Gille, Max;Rixen, Daniel J.; Time integration of dual Craig-Bampton reduced systems
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Dual Craig-Bampton method for general state-space models
Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Klischat, Moritz; Wahrmann, Daniel; Wittmann, Robert; Sygulla, Felix; Seiwald, Philipp; Rixen, Daniel; Buschmann, Thomas; Real-Time Path Planning in Unknown Environments for Bipedal Robots
Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza; Buchmann, Erhard; Xu, Duo; Bartl, Andreas; Rixen, Daniel Jean; Dynamic Substructuring of Geometrically Nonlinear Finite Element Models Using Residual Flexibility Modes
Falco, Marco; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza; Rixen, Daniel J.; Nonlinear Substructuring Using Fixed Interface Nonlinear Normal Modes
Brunel, Robert; Enhancing Relational Database Systems for Managing Hierarchical Data
Rocznik, Dorothee; Goffart, Klaus; Wiesche, Manuel; Designing Hedonic User Experiences: The Effect Of Psychological Need Fulfilment On Hedonic Motivation
AbuJarour, Safa'a; Krasnova, Hanna; Diaz Andrade, Antonio; Olbrich, Sebastian; Tan, Chee-Wee; Urquhart, Cathy; Wiesche, Manuel; Empowering Refugees With Technology: Best Practices And Research Agenda
Passaro M., Müller F., Dettmering D.; Lead Detection using Cryosat-2 Delay-Doppler Processing and Sentinel-1 SAR images
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Kosiol, Maike; Lindemann, Udo; Agile Mechatronics – Innovation Strategy for Cross-functional Teams in the Age of Uncertainty
Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M.; Jasanoff, Sheila; Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the ‘MIT model’ in three political cultures
Hird, Mackenzie D.;Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M.; How complex international partnerships shape domestic research clusters: Difference-in-difference network formation and research re-orientation in the MIT Portugal Program
Schwaminger, S. P.;Bauer, D.;Fraga-García, P.;Wagner, F. E.;Berensmeier, S.; Oxidation of magnetite nanoparticles: Impact on surface and crystal properties
Weißbach, Max;Criddle, Craig S.;Drewes, Jörg E.;Koch, Konrad; A proposed nomenclature for biological processes that remove nitrogen
Balogh, Dóra;Dahmen, Maria;Stahl, Matthias;Poreba, Marcin;Gersch, Malte;Drag, Marcin;Sieber, Stephan A.; Insights into ClpXP proteolysis: heterooligomerization and partial deactivation enhance chaperone affinity and substrate turnover in Listeria monocytogenes
Jandl, Christian;Pöthig, Alexander; A hybrid carbocyclic/N-heterocyclic carbene ligand
Verschraegen, Gert; Vandermoere, Frédéric; Braeckmans, Luc; Segaert, Barbara; An automobile nation at the crossroads. Reimagining Germany’s car society through the electrification of transportation
Kaiser, J.; Adami, S.; Adams, N.A.; Direct Numerical Simulation of Shock-Induced Drop Breakup with a Sharp-Interface-Method
Pan, S.; Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.A.; Shock-bubble Interaction Near a Compliant Tissue-like Material
D. Cehajic;P.B. gen. Dohmann;S. Hirche; Avoiding undesired human interaction wrenches for estimation in human-robot manipulation tasks
Fu, Lin; Numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics - a new ENO paradigm and a new domain decomposition method
Gruber, Th.; Geodetic SAR for Sea Level and Height System Unification in the Baltic
Wessels, Britta; Bioenergetic characterization of white adipocytes in obesity
Alpers, A. and P. Gritzmann; Reconstructing binary matrices under window constraints from their row and column sums
Brieden, A., P. Gritzmann and M. Riepe; Preferences of psychiatric practitioners for core symptons of major depressive disorder: a hidden conjoint analysis
Albers, S., M. Bichler, F. Brandt, P. Gritzmann and R. Kolisch; Algorithmic Economics und Operations Research
Berger, F., P. Gritzmann and S. de Vries; Computing cyclic invariants for molecular graphs
Lohmann, B.; Roppenecker, G. (Hrsg.); Datengetriebene Systemidentifikation eines Innovation Community Modells
Ketterer, Philip; Rotary mechanisms and scientifc devices based on DNA
Bieth, Marie; Localising Anatomical Structures and Quantifying Tumour Burden in PET/CT Images using Machine Learning
Sia, Dian Mariska; Sustainable Development Criteria of Real Estate Projects in Developing Countries from The Perspective of the Indonesian Housing Industry
J. Umlauft;T. Beckers;M. Kimmel;S. Hirche; Feedback Linearization using Gaussian Processes
T. Beckers;J. Umlauft;D. Kulić;S. Hirche; Stable Gaussian Process based Tracking Control of Lagrangian Systems
Pili, R.; Romagnoli, A.; Kamossa, K.; Schuster, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) for mobile applications – Economic feasibility in different transportation sectors
Gschnaidtner, T.; Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte, G.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu stationären und dynamischen Vorgängen beim Wärmeübergang an überkritisches Wasser
Gleinser, M.; Demonstration of the Feasibility of the Misselhorn Cycle - Simulations on Thermal Inertia and Residence Time
Gleinser, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Fünf Dinge, die Sie wissen sollten: Der Genetische Algorithmus mit zeitintensiven Fitnessfunktionen
Eyerer, S.; Wieland, C.; Schifflechner, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Hydrothermale Geothermie in Deutschland - Potential zur Stromerzeugung
Brieden, A., P. Gritzmann and F. Klemm; Constrained clustering via diagrams: A unified theory and its application to electoral district design
J.E. Goodman, J. O'Rourke and C.D. Toth; Computational convexity
Josef Weidendorfer, Dai Yang, Carsten Trinitis; LAIK: A Library for Fault Tolerant Distribution of Global Data for Parallel Applications
Riasanow, Tobias; Galic, Gabriela; Böhm, Markus; Digital Transformation in the automotive industry: towards a generic value network
Stefan Profanter, Kirill Dorofeev, Alois Zoitl and Alois Knoll; OPC UA for Plug & Produce: Automatic Device Discovery using LDS-ME
Schmidt, Alexander; Structural modifications of PSMA ligands to optimize their pharmacokinetics
Alvarez Polanco, Erwin Isaac; Simulating Hydrogeomorphological Processes to Assess Land Degradation in the Upper Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia Using SWAT
Weller, Benjamin A. L.; Auxin transport regulation through dynamic efflux carrier phosphorylation
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Becker, M.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Hydrodynamics and heat transfer around a horizontal tube immersed in a Geldart B bubbling fluidized bed
Gschnaidtner, T.; Schatte, G.; Kohlhepp, A.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; On the Evaluation of Correlations Predicting the Heat Transfer Coefficient at Supercritical Pressure Conditions
Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.; Convergence and divergence in spherical harmonic series of the gravitational field generated by high‐resolution planetary topography – a case study for the Moon.
Li, S.; Lee, D.; RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments using Static Point Weighting
Saveriano, M.; Yin, Y.; Falco, P.; Lee, D.; Data-Efficient Control Policy Search using Residual Dynamics Learning
Caccavale, R.; Saveriano, M.; Fontanelli, G. A.; Ficuciello, F.; Lee, D.; Finzi, A.; Imitation Learning and Attentional Supervision of Dual-Arm Structured Tasks
Rivera Acevedo, Jose Adan; Distributed Optimization for Electric Vehicle Charging Control
Duthweiler, S., Pauleit, S., Rötzer, Th., Moser, A., Rahman, M., Stratopoulos L., Zölch, T.; Studies on the drought resistance of urban trees.
Sánchez L., Čunderlík R., Mikula K., Minarechová Z., Dayoub N., Šíma Z., Vatrt V., Vojtíšková M.; A conventional value for the geoid reference potential W0
Brunini C., Sánchez L., Galván R., Drewes H., Gende M.; Modelling vertical displacements due to hydrological load at stations of the Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (SIRGAS)
Sánchez L., Drewes H.; Crustal deformation and surface kinematics after the 2010 earthquakes in Latin America
Cioce V., Sánchez L., Drewes H., Brunini C., de Almeida M.A., Gasca J.G., Guagni H., Morillo A., Parra H., Rodríguez O., Suárez N., Valverde J.F., Martínez W., Mackern M.V.; SIRGAS: the core geodetic infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean
Sánchez L., Denker H., Pail R., Lieb V., Huang J., Roman D., Ågren J., Amos M., Ihde J., Barzaghi R., Sideris M., Oshchepkov I., Blitzkow D., Matos A.C.O.C., Piñon D., Avalos D., Freitas S.R.C., Luz R.; A first approximation to the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF)
Rübbelke, Martin; Solution NMR studies of the splicing factor RBM10 and the molecular chaperone Hsp90
Schmidt M., Bloßfeld M., Rudenko S., Xiong C., Lühr H.; Calibration of empirical thermospheric models by using laser observations to near-Earth orbiting spherical satellites
Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Using graph rewriting methods for the semi-automatic generation of parametric infrastructure models
Düwel, Stephan Maximilian; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Metabolism and pH for Tumor Characterization in vivo using Hyperpolarized 13C-labelled Biosensors
Gromann, Lukas; Development of a large-animal X-ray dark-field scanner
Sonntag, Miriam Elisabeth; Development and application of methods for structural analysis of the splicing factor TIA-1
Schmidt, Tobias Sebastian; Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Wallisch, Anne; Patzold, Kristin; Lindemann, Udo; Media Richness Theory in Agile Development
Hostettler, Rafael; Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Lindemann, Udo; Knoll, Alois; TAF Agile Framework
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Hugger, Philipp; Lindemann, Udo; Scrum within Hardware Development
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Kayser, Liza; Sheppard, Sheri; Lindemann, Udo; Prototyping as a thinking approach in design
Zink, Lukas; Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Hostettler, Rafael; Lindemann, Udo; Knoll, Alois; The use of prototypes within agile product development
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Grauvogl, Constantin; Schweigert, Sebastian; Becerril, Lucia; Devecka, Jakub; Bahrouni, Zièd; Lindemann, Udo; Towards Agile Development of Physical Products
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Meinzingr, Maximilian; Hostettler, Rafael; Knoll, Alois; Lindemann, Udo; Towards a Framework for Agile Development of Physical Products
Chen, Yang; Cellular mechanisms of visual processing in the mammalian brain
Yang, Saiqi; Characterization of the AMP1 regulatory network in the control of shoot meristem function in Arabidopsis
Ittlinger, Sabine Elisabeth; Evidenzbasierte physiotherapeutische Praxis in der Hochschulbildung:
Joshi, Sushobhan; Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayers as Templates for Molecular Nanostructures
Dörfler, Inken Susanne; Evaluation of an integrative strategy in forests: does deadwood enrichment work and increase biodiversity?
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Nivellieren mit bildunterstützten Totalstationen
Ehmcke, G.; Pilgård, A.; Koch, G.; Richter, K.; Topochemical analyses of furfuryl alcohol-modified radiata pine (Pinus radiata) by UMSP, light microscopy and SEM
Medvedeva, Anna; Experimental study of turbulence at the plasma edge of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak with an ultra-fast swept reflectometer
Ebert, Fabian; Lienkamp, Markus; Influence of dynamic mechanical stress on lithium-ion-battery aging
Helbig, Maximilian; Bäker, Bernard; Schiffer, Stephan; Total Vehicle Concept Design using Computational Intelligence
Herold, Thomas; Böhmer, Stefan; Franck, David; Hameyer, Kay; Data analysis in the production process of electrical drive systems
Jäger, Benedikt; Wittmann, Michael; Lienkamp, Markus; Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Electric Taxi Fleets
Lange, Andreas; Küçükay, Ferit; Potentials of predictive control strategies
Schwatke C, Dettmering D.; DAHITI: Inland Water Levels from Space for Climate Studies
Triebke, H.; Borrmann, D.; Revenue Potentials of Residential Prosumers with Inductive EV-Charging Infrastructure through Energy Management Modelling
Wöltche, Adrian; Jung, Georg; Multi-agent proactive charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
Xie, Yuting; Restructuring Cultural Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas
Betz, Wolfgang; Bayesian inference of engineering models
Götz, Markus; Multi-Color Single-Molecule FRET Experiments and Analysis
Martínez Sancho, Elisabet; Physiological and anatomical acclimation of contrasting tree functional types under climate change along their southern range limits in Europe
Pohl, Marcus Dominic; Identification of active sites at model platinum electrocatalyts
Koschi, Markus; Althoff, Matthias; SPOT: A tool for set-based prediction of traffic participants
Wagner, Christian;Krinner, Andreas;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Full Dynamic Ball Bearing Model with Elastic Outer Ring for High Speed Applications
Althoff, Matthias;Koschi, Markus;Manzinger, Stefanie; CommonRoad: Composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads
Söntges, S.;Althoff, M.; Computing Possible Driving Corridors for Automated Vehicles
Althoff, M.;Bak, S.;Cattaruzza, D.;Chen, X.;Frehse, G.;Ray, R.;Schupp, S.; {ARCH-COMP17} Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Continuous Dynamics
Bak, S.;Bogomolov, S.;Althoff, M.; Time-Triggered Conversion of Guards for Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Automata
Beckert, D.;Pereira, A.;Althoff, M.; Online Verification of Multiple Safety Criteria for a Robot Trajectory
Calzolari, Davide;Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Comparison of Trajectory Tracking Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles
Chen, X.;Althoff, M.;Immler, F.; {ARCH-COMP17} Category Report: Continuous Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics
El-Guindy, A.;Chen, Y. ~C.;Althoff, M.; Compositional Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems via the Computation of Reachable Sets
El-Guindy, A.;Han, D.;Althoff, M.; Estimating the Region of Attraction via Forward Reachable Sets
El-Guindy, Ahmed;Schaab, Konstantin;Schürmann, Bastian;Han, Dongkun;Stursberg, Olaf;Althoff, Matthias; Formal LPV Control for Transient Stability of Power Systems
Giusti, A.;Althoff, M.; Efficient Computation of Interval-Arithmetic-Based Robust Controllers for Rigid Robots
Giusti, A.;Malzahn, J.;Tsagarakis, N. ~G.;Althoff, M.; Combined Inverse-Dynamics/Passivity-Based Control for Robots with Elastic Joints
Icer, E. and Hassan, H. A. and El-Ayat, K. and Althoff, M.; Evolutionary Cost-Optimal Composition Synthesis of Modular Robots Considering a Given Task
Kopetzki, Anna-Kathrin;Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Methods for Order Reduction of Zonotopes
Liu, S. B.;Roehm, H.;Heinzemann, C.;Lütkebohle, I.;Oehlerking, J.;Althoff, M.; Provably Safe Motion of Mobile Robots in Human Environments
Magdici, S.;Althoff, M.; Adaptive Cruise Control with Safety Guarantees for Autonomous Vehicles
Magdici, Silvia;Ye, Zhenzhang;Althoff, Matthias; Determining the Maximum Time Horizon for Vehicles to Safely Follow a Trajectory
Manzinger, S.; Leibold, M.; Althoff, M.; Kooperative Bewegungsplanung autonomer Fahrzeuge unter Verwendung von Manöver-Templates
Manzinger, S.;Althoff, M.; Negotiation of Drivable Areas of Cooperative Vehicles for Conflict Resolution
Manzinger, S.;Leibold, M.;Althoff, M.; Driving Strategy Selection for Cooperative Vehicles using Maneuver Templates
Pek, C.;Koschi, M.;Werling, M.;Althoff, M.; Enhancing Motion Safety by Identifying Safety-critical Passageways
Pek, C.;Zahn, P.;Althoff, M.; Verifying the Safety of Lane Change Maneuvers of Self-driving Vehicles Based on Formalized Traffic Rules
Pereira, A.;Althoff, M.; Calculating Human Reachable Occupancy for Guaranteed Collision-Free Planning
Pereira, Aaron;Althoff, Matthias; Online Formal Verification of Robot Trajectories for Guaranteed Safety of Humans
Rizaldi, Albert;Keinholz, Jonas;Huber, Monika;Feldle, Jochen;Immler, Fabian;Althoff, Matthias;Hilgendorf, Eric;Nipkow, Tobias; Formalising and Monitoring Traffic Rules for Autonomous Vehicles in {Isabelle/HOL}
Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Optimal Control of Sets of Solutions to Formally Guarantee Constraints of Disturbed Linear Systems
Schürmann, Bastian;Heß, Daniel;Eilbrecht, Jan;Stursberg, Olaf;Köster, Frank;Althoff, Matthias; Ensuring Drivability of Planned Motions Using Formal Methods
Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Convex Interpolation Control with Formal Guarantees for Disturbed and Constrained Nonlinear Systems
Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Guaranteeing Constraints of Disturbed Nonlinear Systems Using Set-Based Optimal Control in Generator Space
Böhmer, Annette Isabel; Hostettler, Rafael; Richter, Christoph; Lindemann, Udo; Conradt, Jörg; Knoll, Alois; Towards Agile Product Development - The Role of Prototyping
Hisch, F.;Giusti, A.;Althoff, M.; Robust Control of Continuum Robots using Interval Arithmetic
Sepahvand, K.;Khosroshahi, F. Saati;Geweth, C. A.;Marburg, S.; Stochastic structural dynamic analysis with random damping parameters
Stavropoulou, Maria; Dynamic Aspects of the Human Eye Lens Molecular Chaperones alphaA- and alphaB-crystallin studied by NMR Spectroscopy
Farzaneh, Morteza Hashemi;Kugele, Stefan;Knoll, Alois; A Graphical Modeling Tool Supporting Automated Schedule Synthesis for Time-Sensitive Networking
Cruz Varona, M.; Nabi, M.; Lohmann, B.; Automatic Adaptive Sampling in Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Chen, Guang;Röhrbein, Florian;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Towards autonomous locomotion: CPG-based control of smooth 3D slithering gait transition of a snake-like robot
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Huang, Kai;Zhou, Mingchuan;Knoll, Alois; CPG-based control of smooth transition for body shape and locomotion speed of a snake-like robot
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Knoll, Alois;Zhong, Anyang;Huang, Kai;Zhang, Feihu; Slope angle estimation based on multi-sensor fusion for a snake-like robot
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Huang, Kai;Jiang, Zhuangyi;Chen, Guang;R̈ohrbein, Florian;Knoll, Alois; Towards Autonomous Locomotion: Slithering Gait Design of a Snake-like Robot for Target Observation and Tracking
Jiang, Zhuangyi;Bing, Zhenshan;Huang, Kai;Chen, Guang;Cheng, Long;Knoll, Alois; Event-based Target Tracking Control for a Snake Robot Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
Hinz, Gereon;Chen, Guang;Aafaque, Muhammad;Rohrbein, Florian;Conradt, Jorg;Bing, Zhenshan;Qu, Zhongnan;Stechele, Walter;Knoll, Alois; Online Multi-Object Tracking-by-Clustering for Intelligent Transportation System with Neuromorphic Vision Sensor
Cheng, Long;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois;Huang, Kai; Biologically Inspired Spiking Neural Network for Autonomous Locomotion Control of Snake-Like Robots
Wiseman, Philip; Gamma-ray burst host galaxies in absorption
Theodorou, Delphine; Plasticity of mononuclear phagocytes in an animal model of mutliple sclerosis
Bieber, Stefan; International management strategies for trace organic compounds in waterbodies and supporting advanced analytical techniques
Christopher Münzberg, Verena Stingl, Joana Geraldi, Josef Oehmen; Identifying Product Development Crises: The Potential of Adaptive Heursitics
Christoph Baur, Christopher Münzberg, Udo Lindemann; Designing New Concepts For Household Appliance With The Help Of TRIZ
Sun, Yiyong; Zhang, Zengjie; Sobotka (Leibold), Marion; Hayat, Rameez; Wollherr, Dirk; Buss, Martin; Protective Control for Robot Manipulator by Sliding Mode based Disturbance Reconstruction Approach
Pongratz, Johann; IT-Architektur für die digitale Hochschule
Parra Hinojosa, Alfredo; Toward Resilient Exascale PDE Solvers Using the Combination Technique
Kindermann, Frank; Implications of Current Density Distribution in Lithium-Ion Battery Graphite Anodes on SEI Formation
Mändl, Stefan Harald Matthias; Spin waves in periodically patterned thin yttrium iron garnet films with lattice constants down to 100 nm produced by helium ion microscopy
Heinzlmeir, Stephanie; When chemical proteomics meets medicinal chemistry: Guided drug discovery towards EPHA2 inhibitors
Wiesche, Manuel; Jurisch, Marlen; Yetton, Philip W.; Krcmar, Helmut; Grounded Theory Methodology in Information Systems Research
Lorenzi, Juan Manuel; Ab initio modeling of heterogeneous catalysis: Multiscale analysis of interacting reaction pathways
Somani, Nikhil; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; An Exact Solver for Geometric Constraints with Inequalities
Chen, Chao; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Motion Planning under Perception and Control Uncertainties with Space Exploration Guided Heuristic Search
Kraft, Martin; Rickert, Markus; How to Teach Your Robot in 5 Minutes: Applying UX Paradigms to Human-Robot-Interaction
Rickert, Markus; Gaschler, Andre; Robotics Library: An Object-Oriented Approach to Robot Applications
Meissner, R.; Benkert, T.; Hiller, M.; Liewald, M.; Volk, W.; Manufacturing processes of multi-component gearwheels
Mosandl R.; Sinner, E.; Klockow, F.; Leidner, W.; Schramm, F.; Schuhbeck, K.; Storath, H.; Zimmerer, V.; Felbermeier, B.; Das NSG Metzgergraben-Krone im Hochspessart
Meissner, R.; Benkert, T.; Liewald, M.; Volk, W.; Lightweight gearwheel design using separate gear ring and wheel body - Part II: Different manufacturing concepts for replacing a full body gearwheel
Legeais J.-F., Benveniste J., Cazenave A., Ablain M., Larnicol G., Meyssignac B., Johannessen J., Scharffenberg M., Timms G., Knudsen P., Andersen O., Cipollini P., Roca M., Rudenko S., Fernandes J., Balmaseda M., Quartly G., Fenoglio-Marc L., Ambrozio A., Restano M., Passaro M.; Sea Level CCI: main achievements of the 6 years of the SL_cci project
Pretzsch, H.; Langfristige Ertragskundliche Versuchsflächen in Wäldern - Idee, Nutzen und Perspektiven.
P. Ugo Abara;S. Hirche; Separation in Coupled Event-Triggered Networked Control Systems
Rittmeyer, Simon Philipp; Non-Adiabatic Effects in Gas-Surface Dynamics
Banh, Dan Hung; Atom-Precise Organometallic Cluster Construction
De Cicco, Maristella; NMR characterization of the membrane-localized interaction network between the kinase TOR, the GTPase Rheb and the FKBP12-like protein FKBP38.
Müller, Dominik Thomas; Selection of Sparse Vine Copulas in Ultra High Dimensions
Pili, R.; Romagnoli, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Techno-Economic Analysis of Waste Heat Recovery with ORC from Fluctuating Industrial Sources
Pili, R.; Castro Pastrana, J. D.; Romagnoli, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Working Fluid Selection and Optimal Power-to-Weight Ratio for ORC in Long-Haul Trucks
Kaths, Hans Jakob; Kooperative Lichtsignalsteuerung
Kreuzeder, Marina Angelika; Analysis of small heat shock proteins and their interaction with substrate proteins
Kaboli, Mohsen; New Methods for Active Tactile Object Perception and Learning with Artificial Robotic Skin
Sepahvand, K.;Marburg, S.; Spectral stochastic finite element method in vibroacoustic analysis of fiber-reinforced composites
Hohl, Adrian; Design einer polyspezifischen Pyrrolysyl-tRNA Synthetase für den Einbau biotinylierter unnatürlicher Aminosäuren
D'Angella, D.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Rank, E.; Reali, A.; Multi-level B´ezier extraction for hierarchical local refinement of Isogeometric Analysis
Heinrich, M.; Material Flows of the German Building Sector
Zhou, Mingchuan;Roodaki, Hessam;Eslami, Abouzar;Chen, Guang;Huang, Kai;Maier, Mathias;Lohmann, Chris P.;Knoll, Alois;Nasseri, M. Ali; Needle Segmentation in Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Ophthalmic Microsurgery
Hirt, Christian;Rexer, Moritz;Claessens, Sten;Rummel, Reiner; The relation between degree-2160 spectral models of Earth's gravitational and topographic potential: a guide on global correlation measures and their dependency on approximation effects
Stock, Martin T.; Transkriptionales und posttranskriptionales Profiling neuronaler muriner Primärzellen nach Frequenz- und intensitätsabhängiger elektromagnetischer Exposition
Ho, Johannes; Molekularbiologische Lebend/tot-Unterscheidung bei Viren und Bakterien nach Desinfektionsverfahren
Gumpert, B.; Pletl, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Geothermische Wärme – Integration in bestehende, konventionell befeuerte Wärmenetze
Eyerer, S.; Eyerer, P.; Eicheldinger, M.; Sax, S.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Material compatibility of ORC working fluids with polymers
Eyerer, S.; Irl, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexible Kraftwerke in der Geothermie
Passaro M., Rose S.K., Andersen O.B., Benveniste J.; Innovations for satellite altimetry processing in the Arctic Ocean: development and application of a new sea level record (1992-2016)
Passaro M., Calafat F.M.; A 20-year coastal dataset in the North Sea and Mediterranean Sea
C Ringling, M Rychlik; Simulation of Food Folate Digestion and Bioavailability of an Oxidation Product of 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate
Zhou, Mingchuan;Huang, Kai;Eslami, Abouzar;Zapp, Daniel;Lin, Haotian;Maier, Mathias;Lohmann, Chris P.;Knoll, Alois;Nasseri, M. Ali; Beveled Needle Position and Pose Estimation based on Optical Coherence Tomography in Ophthalmic Microsurgery(Finalist of Best Conference Paper Award)
Dettmering D., Schwatke C.; Multi-mission cross-calibration: a prerequisite for climate studies based on satellite altimetry
Supekar, Shreyas; Redox-coupled Proton Transfer Dynamics in Cytochrome c Oxidase
Gräff, Anja Maria; Untersuchungen zu Auswirkungen von simulierten Energieausfällen eines automatischen Melksystems auf ausgewählte Stressparameter von Milchkühen
Mitterhofer, Matthias; A Methodology for a Scalable Building Performance Simulation based on Modular Components
Kammerl, Daniel; Echle, Stefan; Mörtl, Markus; Gathering and analysing external influences on the product design - a case study
Rummel, Reiner; Topographische Modellierung des Gravitationsfeldes
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; The Platform Owner’s Challenge to Capture Value – Insights from a Business-to-Business IT Platform
Kühn, Stefan; Quantum and classical simulation of High Energy Physics
Schifflechner, C.; Eyerer, S.; Zosseder, K.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Hydrothermale Geothermie: Stromerzeugungspotential und Entwicklung bis 2050
Zepic, Robert;Dapp, Marcus;Krcmar, Helmut; E-Partizipation und keiner macht mit
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Morales Quiles, Jose; Lindemann, Udo; Characteristics of Design Situations Influencing the Knowledge to Reuse
Carro Saavedra, Cristina; Lindemann, Udo; k-MORE - a Methodology to Manage Documented Knowledge for Reuse
Münster, Andrea Ruth; High-Purity CaWO4 Single Crystals for Direct Dark Matter Search with the CRESST Experiment
Sygulla, Felix; Wittmann, Robert; Seiwald, Philipp; Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Wahrmann, Daniel; Rixen, Daniel; Hybrid Position/Force Control for Biped Robot Stabilization with Integrated Center of Mass Dynamics
Weidmann, Dominik; Becerril, Lucia; Hollauer, Christoph; Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo; A Network-Based Approach to Identify Lacking Coordination Using Higher Order Links
Weidmann, Dominik; Isemann, Moritz; Kandlbinder, Peter; Hollauer, Christoph; Kattner, Niklas; Becerril, Lucia; Lindemann, Udo; Product Models in Mechatronic Design
Weidmann, Dominik; Lindemann, Udo; Manage Interdisciplinarity Based on Requirements Traceability
Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo; Performance Metrics in Engineering Change Management: Towards a Methodology to Investigate the Efficiency of Handling Engineering Changes
Kattner, Niklas; Mehlstäubl, Jan; Becerril, Lucia; Hollauer, Christoph; Weidmann, Dominik; Lindemann, Udo; A method for the expert-based identification of engineering change propagation
Breunig, Martin;Borrmann, André;Rank, Ernst;Hinz, Stefan;Kolbe, Thomas H.;Schilcher, Matthäus;Mundani, Ralf-Peter;Jubierre, Javier R.;Flurl, Matthias;Thomsen, Andreas;Donaubauer, Andreas;Ji, Yang.;Urban, Steffen;Laun, Simon;Vilgertshofer, Simon;Willenborg, Bruno;Menninghaus, Mathias;Steuer, Horst;Wursthorn, Sven;Leitloff, Jens;Al-Doori, Mulhim;Mazroobsemnani, Nima; Collaborative Multi-Scale 3D City and Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation
Joos, Alexander Clemens; Diagnostic MRI Relaxometry for Sensitive Detection of Magnetically Labelled Particles in Biological Systems
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Becker, M.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerical-correlative prediction of heat transfer in Geldart B bubbling fluidized beds
Kwak Y., Gerstl M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Schmid R., Seitz M.; DOGS-RI: new VLBI analysis software at DGFI-TUM
T. Soleymani;S. Hirche;J. S. Baras; Value of Information in Minimum-Rate LQG Control
Schmied, Christian; Gebhardt, Marcel; Mörtl, Markus; Lindemann, Udo; Expert Based Approach to Analyse and Influence Indirect Cost of Engineering Changes
Huck-Fries, Veronika; Wiegand, Florian; Klinker, Kai; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Datenbrillen in der Wartung: Evaluation verschiedener Eingabemodalitäten bei Servicetechnikern
Ferdinand, Jan-Peter; Meyer, Uli; The social dynamics of heterogeneous innovation ecosystems: Effects of openness on community–firm relations
Kremer, Simon; Schlimm, Alexander; Lindemann, Udo; The ExodUX Framework: Supporting Comprehensive User Experience Design
Höhn, Manuel; Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Kammerl, Daniel; Mörtl, Markus; Omer, Mayada; Investigating usage data support in development processes - A case study
Hollauer, Christoph; Frisch, Bianca; Wilberg, Julian; Omer, Mayada; Lindemann, Udo; Design of flexible product development processes - An automotive case study
Kremer, Simon; Krahl, Thilo; Lindemann, Udo; User Experience Journeys
Hollauer, Christoph; Wilberg, Julian; Omer, Mayada; Lindemann, Udo; Context-specific process design: An integrated process lifecycle model and situations for context factor use
Schweigert, Sebastian;Xia, Minghai;Lindemann, Udo; An Empirical Survey on Efficiency Improvement for the Collaboration Between Design and Simulation Departments
Becerril, Lucia; Stahlmann, Jan-Timo; Beck, Jesco; Lindemann, Udo; USABILITY OF PROCESSES IN ENGINEERING DESIGN
Becerril, Lucia; Knoll, Marvin; Kattner, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo; Visualizing Information Flow in Engineering Change Management Processes
Morteza Hashemi Farzaneh, Alois Knoll; Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN): An Experimental Setup
Wilberg, Julian; Triep, Isabell; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada; Big Data in Product Development: Need for a Data Strategy
Schweigert, Sebastian;Schöner, Martin;Lindemann, Udo; Pattern Recognition for the Integration of Mechanical Simulations in Product Development Workflows
Schweigert, Sebastian;Luft, Thomas;Wartzack, Sandro;Lindemann, Udo; Combination of Matrix-based and Graph-based Modeling for Product and Organizational Structures
Saveriano, Matteo; Robotic Tasks Acquisition via Human Guidance: Representation, Learning and Execution
Wilberg, Julian; Heitzer, Felix; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada; Goal System Management for Use-Oriented Product-Service Systems
Benta, Christian; Wilberg, Julian; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada; Process model for data-driven business model generation
Kohl, Markus; Wilberg, Julian; Tommelein, Iris; Pikas, Ergo; Lindemann, Udo; Modularization: Exploring opportunities for knowledge transfer between the mechanical engineering and construction industry
Kyriakou, Eleni; Natural products and derivatives as novel scaffolds targeting PTP1B
Mundhenk, Philipp;Paverd, Andrew;Mrowca, Artur;Steinhorst, Sebastian;Lukasiewycz, Martin;Fahmy, Suhaib A.;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Security in Automotive Networks: Lightweight Authentication and Authorization
Mehlich, Alexander; Transition paths of protein-folding probed with optical tweezers
Passaro M., Smith W., Schwatke C., Piccioni G., Dettmering D.; Validation of a global dataset based on subwaveform retracking: improving the precision of pulse-limited satellite altimetry
Ulbrich, M.; Preßl, D.; Fendt, S.; Gaderer; M.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of HTC reaction conditions on the hydrochar properties and CO2 gasification properties of spent grains
S. Cammerer, B. Leible, M. Stahl, J. Hoydis, S. ten Brink; Combining Belief Propagation and Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Polar Codes on a GPU Platform
B.Leible; Construction of Pulses with Continuous and Discrete Nonlinear Spectral Components for NFDM Communication Systems
Brandenberg, René;Gonzalez Merino, Bernardo; A complete 3-dimensional Blaschke-Santaló-diagram
Chen, Feiran; Phytoremediation of water contaminated with Oxybenzone: Implications for plant-mediated uptake and transformation of a widely used UV-filter
Hasch, Peter Emanuel; Single-Molecule Junction Raman Spectroscopy on Distinct Metal-Molecule-Metal Systems
Russer, J.A.; Haider, M.; Bajon, D.; Wane, S.; Russer, P.; An extension of the transverse wave formulation to model stochastic electromagnetic fields
Yunge, Daniel;Park, Sangyoung;Kindt, Philipp;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Dynamic Alternation of Huffman Codebooks for Sensor Data Compression
Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte, G.; Gschnaidtner, T.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of Temperature Profiles Along a Heated Tube at Depressurization from Supercritical Pressures at Medium Heat and Mass Fluxes
Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte, G.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Transient Heat Transfer: Experimental Investigation Near the Critical Point
Kunpeng Yao, Mohsen Kaboli, and Gordon Cheng; Tactile-based Object Center of Mass Exploration and Discrimination
Wolfgang Burger, Erhard Wieser, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, and Gordon Cheng; A Scalable Method for Multi-Stage Developmental Learning for Reaching
Jaimez Tarifa, Mariano; Motion Estimation, 3D Reconstruction and Navigation with Range Sensors
Marggraf, O.; Laudahn, S.; Engel, B.; Aigner, C.; Lindner, M.; Witzmann, R.; U-Control - Recommendations for Distributed and Automated Voltage Control in Current and Future Distribution Grids
Gruber, Maria; Sensibilisierung Studierender der Beruflichen Bildung für sprachliche und kulturelle Diversität: Theorie und Praxis im Kontext von Vielfalt
Haider, M.; Russer, J.A.; Baev, A.; Kuznetsov, Y.; Russer, P.; Principal Component Analysis Applied in Modeling of Stochastic Electromagnetic Field Propagation
Baumgartner, Maximilian Peter; Über die Eigenschaften niedrigdimensionaler Polyphosphide
Fetzer, Christian; Virulence Attenuation through Chemical and Genetic Manipulation of the Staphylococcus aureus ClpXP Protease
Eduardo Manas Pont; Christian Kuenzel; Julien Provost; Development of a Methodology for Monitoring and Prediction of Road Surface Conditions in Highly Automated Driving
Steffen Ruppert; Christian Stöcker; Markus Koitka; Peter Schmittel; Julien Provost; Hybrid dynamic control of a sewage sludge dewatering and incineration process
Canlong Ma; Julien Provost; A model-based testing framework with reduced set of test cases for programmable controllers
Kleinhans, U.; Halama, S.; Spliethoff, H.; The role of gasification reactions during pulverized solid fuel combustion: A detailed char combustion model based on measurements of char structure and kinetics for coal and pre-treated biomass
Burger, Karin Maria; Microbeam Radiation Therapy at a Compact Synchrotron X-ray Source
Vielberg, Marie-Theres; X-ray crystallographic analysis of the ‘ancestral β-subunit protein’ (Anbu) from Hyphomicrobium sp. and the hetero-oligomeric protease ClpP1/2 from Listeria monocytogenes
Wannapaiboon, Suttipong; Structural Design and Modification of Surface Anchored Metal-Organic Frameworks: from Fundamental Study towards Applications
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Dettmering D., Angermann D., Seitz M.; Assessment of the International Terrestrial Reference System 2014 realizations by precise orbit determination of SLR satellites
Bloßfeld M., Rudenko S., Kehm A., Panafidina N., Müller H., Göttl F., Angermann D., Hugentobler U., Seitz M.; Consistent estimation of station coordinates, Earth orientation parameters and selected low degree Earth's gravity field coefficients from SLR measurements
Esselborn S., Rudenko S., Schöne T.; Assessment of the orbit related sea level errors for TOPEX altimetry at seasonal to decadal time scales
Schoeneberger, M.; Patzack, S.; Vennegeerts, H.; Lindner, M.; Witzmann, R.; Derivation of a Q (U)-control tolerance band for inverters in order to meet voltage quality criteria
Vilgelm, Mikhail;Ayan, Onur;Zoppi, Samuele;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Control-aware Uplink Resource Allocation for Cyber-Physical Systems in Wireless Networks
Wagner, Andreas; Zerstörungsfreie Untersuchung eines BMW 328 Wendler-Stromliniencoupés
Zhou, Yueyin; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas, Wasmeier, Peter; Calibration Method for IATS and Application in Multi-Target Monitoring Using Coded Targets
Passaro M., Rose S.K., Andersen O.B., Boergens E., Calafat F.M., Dettmering D., Benveniste J.; ALES+: Adapting a homogenous ocean retracker for satellite altimetry to sea ice leads, coastal and inland waters.
Smith W.H.F., Leuliette E.W., Passaro M., Quartly G., Cipollini P.; Covariant errors in ocean retrackers evaluated using along-track cross-spectra
Stefan Ehrlich, Ana Alves-Pinto, Renée Lampe, Gordon Cheng; A simple and practical sensorimotor EEG device for recording in patients with special needs
Hentschel, J.; Zindler, H.; Spliethoff, H.; Modelling and transient simulation of a supercritical coal-fired power plant: Dynamic response to extended secondary control power output
Briesemeister, L.; Kremling, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Air-Blown Entrained Flow Gasification of Biocoal: Gasification Kinetics and Char Behavior
Briesemeister, L.; Kremling, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Air-Blown Entrained-Flow Gasification of Biomass: Influence of Operating Conditions on Tar Generation
Pöss, Meikel; Methodologies for a Comprehensive Approach to Measuring the Performance of Decision Support Systems
Greunke, Christian; The (Bio-)Synthesis of Polycyclic Tetramate Macrolactams (PoTeMs)
Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wunderlich, Thomas; Fusion of laser-scan and image data for deformation monitoring – Concept and perspective
Paar, Rinaldo; Marendić, Ante; Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wunderlich, Thomas; Roić, Miodrag; Damjanović, Domagoj; Using IATS and digital levelling staffs for the determination of dynamic displacements and natural oscillation frequencies of civil engineering structures
Sakic, Ermin;Sardis, Fragkiskos;Guck, Jochen;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Adaptive State Consistency in Distributed SDN Control Plane
Mijakovic, Robert; Automatic Online Tuning of HPC Applications
Steinhart, C.J.; Gratza, M.; Kerber, G.; Finkel, M.; Witzmann, R.; Determination of load frequency dependence in island power supply
Jell, S.; Murer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerische Untersuchungen zur Stickoxidreduktion in thermischen Müllverwertungsanlagen
Wagner, Christian;Tsunoda, Wataru;Matsushita, Osami;Berninger, Tobias;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Prediction of Instability in Rotor-Seal Systems using Forward Whirl Magnetic Bearing Excitation
Krinner, Andreas;Tsunoda, Wataru;Wagner, Christian;Berninger, Tobias;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Misaligned Rotor in Journal Bearings using Different Levels of Detail
Wagner, Andreas; Vom selbstzielenden Theodolit zur Image Assisted Total Station
Wagner, Andreas; Fusion of laser-scan and image data for deformation monitoring – Concept and perspective
Schreieck, Maximilian; Finke, Robert; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Sandbox vs. Toolbox – Analyzing Boundary Resource in B2B Software Platforms
Thurm, E.A., Mette, T., Huber, G., Uhl, E., Falk, W.; Anbauempfehlungen - von der Forschung in die Fläche.
Ostermeier, P.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Wärmeübergang in Gas-Feststoff Wirbelschichten: Simulation, Validierung, Anwendung
M. Lang;M. Kleinsteuber;S. Hirche; Gaussian Process for 6-DoF Rigid Motions
Shahid, Arslan;Mas Machuca, Carmen; Dimensioning and Assessment of Protected Converged Optical Access Networks
Wang, Kun;Mas Machuca, Carmen;Wosinska, Lena;Urban, Patrick;Gavler, Anders;Brunnstroem, Kjell;Chen, Jiajia; Techno-Economic Analysis of Active Optical Network Migration Toward Next-Generation Optical Access
Mueller, Stefan; Rohr, Stephan; Schmid, Werner; Lienkamp, Markus; Analysing the Influence of Driver Behaviour and Tuning Measures on Battery Aging and Residual Value of Electric Vehicles
Vilgelm, Mikhail; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Binary Contention Resolution for M2M Random Access Prioritization in LTE-A and 5G
Vilgelm, Mikhail; Rueda Liñares, Sergio; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Enhancing Cellular M2M Random Access with Binary Countdown Contention Resolution
Strohrmann, K., Hamada, H., Hajek, M.; Prospektive Poster: Crashworthiness of hybrid carbon and flax tubes for aerospace applications
Schweiger, B.; CleanTechCampus - With innovative highlights towards a sustainable TUM Campus
Gschnaidtner, T.; Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte, G. A.; Schwarzbauer, A.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Supercritical boiler simulation using Apros - comparison with experimental data
Würth, M.; Becker, M.; Sonnen, R.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Cohesive powders in thermochemical energy storage applications: Fluidization and heat transfer behavior
Fischer, F.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Combined Steam and CO2-Gasification in Fluidized Bed Steam Gasifiers and Influence on Hot Gas Cleaning
Halama, S.; Numerische Untersuchung der Sauerstoffvergasung von torrefizierter Biomasse in Flugstromreaktoren
Jell, S.; Numerische Untersuchung der Sekundärlufteindüsung in der Müllverbrennung
Mamduhi, Mohammadhossein; Vilgelm, Mikhail; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Hirche, Sandra; Prioritized Contention Resolution for Random Access Networked Control Systems
Schrader, Valentin; Vilgelm, Mikhail; Kellerer, Wolfgang; On Random Access Channel Performance and M2M Support in Standalone LTE Unlicensed
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Geodätische Methoden in der Glaziologie
García-Gómez, Francisco Javier; Achievable Rates of Nonlinear Fourier Transform-based Optical Communication Systems
Moldovan, Christian;Hagn, Korbinian;Sieber, Christian;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Hoßfeld, Tobias; Keep Calm and Don’t Switch: About the Relationship Between Switches and Quality in HAS
Sieber, Christian; Durner, Raphael; Kellerer, Wolfgang; How fast can you reconfigure your partially deployed SDN network?
Sieber, Christian;Obermair, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Online learning and adaptation of network hypervisor performance models
Lassak, Simon; Przybilla, Leonard; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Explaining How Agile Software Development Practices Moderate the Negative Effects of Faultlines in Teams
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Graph-Based Cooperative Localization Using Symmetric Measurement Equations
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Malovetz, Daniel;Clarke, Daniel;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; Graph based vehicle infrastructure cooperative localization
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Malovetz, Daniel;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, A.; Robust cooperative localization in a dynamic environment using factor graphs and probability data association filter
Boergens E., Nielsen K., Andersen O., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification-A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin
Lohmann, B.;Roppenecker, G.; Modellordnungsreduktion für parametrische nichtlineare mechanische Systeme mittels erweiterter simulationsfreier Basen und Hyperreduktion
Zoppi, Samuele;Gursu, H. Murat;Vilgelm, Mikhail;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Reliable Hopping Sequence Design for Highly Interfered Wireless Sensor Networks
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wunderlich, Thomas; Ableitung von 3D-Verschiebungsvektoren aus fusionierten Laserscan- und Bilddaten
Eling, Rob; te Wierik, Mathys; van Ostayen, Ron; Rixen, Daniel; Rotordynamic and Friction Loss Measurements on a High Speed Laval Rotor Supported by Floating Ring Bearings
Rutzmoser, Johannes; Rixen, Daniel; A Lean and Efficient Snapshot Generation Technique for the Hyper-Reduction of Nonlinear Structural Dynamics
Geradin, Michel; Rixen, Daniel; Impulse-based substructuring in a floating frame to simulate high frequency dynamics in flexible multibody dynamics
Ellensohn, Felix;Venrooij, Joost;Schwienbacher, Markus;Rixen, Daniel; Comparison of MCAs Based on Optimal Filters and on MPC: Influence of the Time Horizon
Ellensohn, Felix;Schwienbacher, Markus;Venrooij, Joost;Rixen, Daniel; Comparison of a Filter- and a Model Predictive Control Based Motion Cueing Algorithm
Leistner, Michael; Rixen, Daniel; Gosselet, Pierre; Application of Multipreconditioned Iterative Algorithms in Dual Domain Decomposition Methods for Structural Dynamics
Jain, Shobhit; Tiso, Paolo; Rutzmoser, Johannes B., Rixen, Daniel J.; A quadratic manifold for model order reduction of nonlinear structural dynamics
Rutzmoser,Johannes B.; Rixen, Daniel J.; Tiso, Paolo; Jain, Shobhit; Generalization of quadratic manifolds for reduced order modeling of nonlinear structural dynamics
Auernhammer, H.; 40 Jahre Landtechnik - gestern, heute, morgen (Visionen, Meilensteine, Herausforderungen)
Knigge, Marlene;Prifti, Loina;Kienegger, Harald;Krcmar, Helmut; Teaching enterprise organization and enterprise resource planning systems in schools: Playing a serious game with pupils
Prifti, Loina;Knigge, Marlene;Löffler, Alexander;Hecht, Sonja;Krcmar, Helmut; Emerging Business Models in Education Provisioning: A Case Study on Providing Learning Support as Education-as-a-Service
Ryo Wakatabe, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Gordon Cheng; O (log sn) algorithm for forward kinematics under asynchronous sensory input
de-Borja-Torrejón, Manuel ; León-Rodríguez, Ángel-Luis ; Auer, Thomas; Current and future demand-side management potential related to the thermal mass of residential buildings in Europe. Background and methodological approach
Guck, Jochen;Van Bemten, Amaury;Reisslein, Martin;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Unicast QoS Routing Algorithms for SDN: A Comprehensive Survey and Performance Evaluation
Mas Machuca, Carmen;Grigoreva, Elena; Providing broadband access to extremely sparse areas
Grigoreva, Elena;Wong, Elaine;Furdek, Marija;Wosinska, Lena;Mas Machuca, Carmen; Energy Consumption and Reliability Performance of Survivable Passive Optical Converged Networks: Public ITS Case Study
Guck, Jochen;Van Bemten, Amaury;Kellerer, Wolfgang; DetServ: Network Models for Real-Time QoS Provisioning in SDN-based Industrial Environments
Basta, Arsany;Blenk, Andreas;Hoffmann, Klaus;Morper, Hans Jochen;Hoffmann, Marco;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards a Cost Optimal Design for a 5G Mobile Core Network based on SDN and NFV
Blenk, Andreas;Kalmbach, Patrick;Schmid, Stefan;Kellerer, Wolfgang; o'zapft is: Tap Your Network Algorithm's Big Data!
Durner, Raphael;Lorenz, Claas;Wiedemann, Michael;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Detecting and Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks against the Data Plane in Software Defined Networks
He, Mu;Kalmbach, Patrick;Blenk, Andreas;Schmid, Stefan;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Algorithm-Data Driven Optimization of Adaptive Communication Networks
Grigoreva, Elena;Shrivastava, Dhruva;Dittrich, Juergen;Heinz, Wilk;Zimmermann, Hans-Martin;Mas Machuca, Carmen;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Heterogeneous Wireless Access Network Protection for Ultra-Reliable Communications
Sieber, Christian;Durner, Raphael;Ehm, Maximilian;Sharma, Puneet;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Optimal Adaptation of NFV Packet Processing to Modern CPU Memory Architectures
He, Mu;Basta, Arsany;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; How Flexible is Dynamic SDN Control Plane?
Heinz, Aaron; Wolfram Remlinger, Johann Schweiger; Track- / Scenario-based Trajectory Generation for Testing Automated Driving Functions
Langner, Jacob; Johannes Bach, Stefan Otten, Eric Sax, Marc Holzäpfel; Framework for using real driving data in automotive feature development and validation
Hinz, Gereon; Martin Büchel, Frederik Diehl, Malte Schellmann, Alois Knoll; Designing a far-reaching view for highway traffic scenarios with 5G-based intelligent infrastructure
Graubohm, Robert; Torben Stolte, Gerrit Bagschik, Andreas Reschka, Markus Maurer; Systematic Design of Automated Driving Functions Considering Functional Safety Aspects
Amersbach, Christian; Hermann Winner; Functional Decomposition: An Approach to Reduce the Approval Effort for Highly Automated Driving
Rittger, Lena; Gerald Schmidt, Katharina Wiedemann, Nadja Schömig, Charles A. Green; HMI for the anticipation of upcoming curvature in automated lateral control
Weinbeer, Veronika; T. Muhr, Klaus Bengler, C. Baur, J. Radlmayr, J. Bill; Highly automated driving: How to get the driver drowsy and how does drowsiness influence various take-over-aspects?
Fank, Jana; Christian Knies, Frank Diermeyer, Lorenz Prasch, Jakob Reinhardt, Klaus Bengler; Factors for User Acceptance of Cooperative Assistance Systems: A Two-Step Study Assessing Cooperative Driving
Groh, Korbinian; Thomas Kühbeck, Mark Schiementz; Towards a Scenario-Based Assessment Method for Highly Automated Driving Functions
Ziehn, J.R.; J. Beyerer, M. Filsinger, Ch. Frese, M. Roschani, M. Ruf, D. Willersinn, F. Bapp, J. Becker, A. Lauber, J. Müller-Quade, M. Pauli, O. Salscheider, Ch. Stiller, J. Doll, Ch. Hubschneider, B. Rosenhahn; A Non-Invasive Cyberrisk in Cooperative Driving
Lampl, Thomas; Sauterleute, Daniel; Hornung, Mirko;; A Functional-Driven Design Approach for Advanced Flight Control Systems of Commercial Transport Aircraft
Lampl, Thomas; Muschkorgel, Sandra; Hornung, Mirko;; Parameterized Flight Mission for Secondary Power Requirement Estimations of Commercial Transport Aircraft
Lampl, Thomas; Königsberger, Ralf; Hornung, Mirko;; Design and Evaluation of Distributed Electric Drive Architectures for High-Lift Control Systems
Lampl, Thomas; Wolf, Timo; Hornung, Mirko;; Preliminary Design of Advanced Flight Control System Architectures for Commercial Transport Aircraft
Koschi, Markus; Althoff, Matthias; Interaction-Aware Occupancy Prediction of Road Vehicles
Georg, J.-M., Thomas Hecht, Prof. Dr. Markus Lienkamp,Cheng Wang; Development of a human driver model during highly automated driving for the ASIL controllability classification
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Monitoring mit scannenden bildgebenden Tachymetern
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Monitoring mit bildgebenden scannenden Tachymetern
Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Wagner, Andreas; Wasmeier, Peter; Wunderlich, Thomas; Monitoring mit scannenden bildgebenden Tachymetern
Gulati, Dhiraj;Sharif, Uzair;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Data association - solution or avoidance: Evaluation of a filter based on RFS framework and factor graphs with SME
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Graph based cooperative localization using symmetric measurement equations and dedicated short range communication
Will, Felix; Wunderlich, Tim-Oliver; Hornung, Mirko;; Flight Plan Modelling within an Approach to Assess Impacts on Future Noise Situations at Airports: A Test Case
Will, Felix; Engelke, Christoph; Wunderlich, Tim-Oliver; Hornung, Mirko;; Foundations of a Framework to Evaluate Impacts on Future Noise Situations at Airports
Philipp Heinemann; Michael Schmidt; Felix Will; Sascha Kaiser; Christoph Jeßberger; Mirko Hornung; Sizing implications of a regional aircraft for inner-city operations
Pfenning, Samuel; Mensinger, Martin; Brunkhorst, Sven; Zehfuß, Jochen; Mindestverdübelung von Verbundträgern im Brand – Betrachtung der Auswirkung von erhöhten Temperaturen auf die Verbundfuge
Mensinger, Martin;Pfenning, Samuel; Brunkhorst, Sven; Tresch, Jürgen; Pennisi, Luca; Influence of the Degree of Shear Connection on the Load Carrying Capacity of a Composite Beam in Fire
S. Music;G. Salvietti;P. Budde gen. Dohmann;F. Chinello;D. Prattichizzo;S. Hirche; Robot Team Teleoperation for Cooperative Manipulation using Wearable Haptics
M. Angerer;S. Music;S. Hirche; Port-Hamiltonian Based Control for Human-Robot Team Interaction
Schmidhalter, U.; Frank, M.; Parzefall, M.; Gassner, M.; Lehmeyer, F.; Pardeller, M.; Buchhart,C.;; Ammoniakverluste nach Harnstoff- und Gülledüngung
Rohé, K; Zündstoff fürs Rennen
Prey,L.; Hu, Y.; Schmidhalter U.; Spektrale Erfassung von Merkmalen der Stickstoffeffizienz bei Winterweizen
von Tucher, S.; Wimmer, M.; Schmidhalter U.; Phosphorbeogene Boden- und Pflanzenparameter aus einem Langzeitexperiment zu differenzierter P-Düngung und Zufuhr organischen Materials
Haase, N.U.; v.Tucher, S.; Henkelmann, Tühl, G.; Auswirkungen einer differenzierten Stickstoffversorgung auf das Backvolumen bei Winterweichweizen
Pekarovskiy, Alexander; Nierhoff, Thomas; Hirche, Sandra; Buss, Martin; Dynamically Consistent Online Adaptation of Fast Motions for Robotic Manipulators
Schatte, G. A.; Kohlhepp, A.; Spliethoff, H.; An Industrial Scale Test Rig for the Investigation of Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water in Advanced Power Engineering Applications
Jaser, M., Haug, S., and Min, A.; A simple non-parametric goodness-of-fit test for elliptical copulas
Keler, Andreas; Krisp, Jukka M.; Ding, Linfang; Detecting Travel Time Variations in Urban Road Networks by Taxi Trajectory Intersections
Gövert, Kristin; Gökdemir, Attila; Peitz, Christoph; Lindemann, Udo; Challenges of Agile Development Implementation in Mechatronic Development Processes
Hollauer, Christoph; Pavlitzek, Gregor; Mörtl, Markus; Lindemann, Udo; Context-oriented Strategy for Modularization of Engineering Design Processes: An Automotive Case Study
Wilberg, Julian; Schäfer, Fabian; Kandlbinder, Peter; Hollauer, Christoph; Omer, Mayada; Lindemann, Udo; Data Analytics in Product Development: Implications from Expert Interviews
Elgeti, Dominique Dana; Aeration strategies and identification of foam stabilization mechanisms for gluten-free dough systems
Terzimehić, Nađa; Leipold, Nadja; Fritzen, Alexandra; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; HeadacheCoach: Towards headache prevention by sensing and making sense of personal lifestyle data
Nguyen, Son H.; Yao, Zhihang; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Spatio-Semantic Comparison of Large 3D City Models in CityGML Using a Graph Database
Yao, Zhihang; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Dynamically Extending Spatial Databases to support CityGML Application Domain Extensions using Graph Transformations
Sladewski, Robert S.; Keler, Andreas; Divanis, Andreas; Computing the least complex path for vehicle drivers based on classified intersections
Bonnet, Cecile;Bratoev, Ivan;Chokhachian, Ata;Schubert, Gerhard;Petzold, Frank;Auer, Thomas; Designing and Evaluating District heating Networks with Simulation Based Urban Planning
Chokhachian, Ata;Perini, Katia;Giulini, Saverio;Auer, Thomas; Mathematical Generative Approach on Performance Based Urban Form Design
Kolbe, T.H.; Bill, R.; Donaubauer, A.; Ableitung von Verkehrsengpässen anhand Staudetektion mit Fahrzeugtrajektorien
Keler, Andreas; Li, Xiang; Mazimpaka, Jean Damascene; Wang, Lina; Krisp, Jukka M; Designing measures for urban attractiveness using VGI and Open Data-a case study in Augsburg
Becerril, Lucia; Hollauer, Christoph; Kattner, Niklas; Weidmann, Dominik; Lindemann, Udo; How to assess the acceptability of design support
Auer, Thomas;Nagler, Florian; Zukunftsfähiger Schulbau 12 Schulen im Vergleich
Auer, Thomas; Melis, Alessandro; Aimar, Fabrizio; Disruptive technologies
Chokhachian, Ata;Perini, Katia;Dong, Sen;Auer, Thomas; How Material Performance of Building Façade Affect Urban Microclimate
Juric, Mateja Kralj;Shevtsov, Maxim;Mozes, Petra;Ogonek, Justyna;Crossland, Rachel E.;Dickinson, Anne M.;Greinix, Hildegard T.;Holler, Ernst;Weissinger, Eva M.;Multhoff, Gabriele; B-Cell-Based and Soluble Biomarkers in Body Liquids for Predicting Acute/Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Doll, Etienne V.;Scherer, Siegfried;Wenning, Mareike; Spoilage of Microfiltered and Pasteurized Extended Shelf Life Milk Is Mainly Induced by Psychrotolerant Spore-Forming Bacteria that often Originate from Recontamination
Oess, Timo;Krichmar, Jeffrey L.;Röhrbein, Florian; A Computational Model for Spatial Navigation Based on Reference Frames in the Hippocampus, Retrosplenial Cortex, and Posterior Parietal Cortex
Maurer, Stefanie;Giglhuber, Katrin;Sollmann, Nico;Kelm, Anna;Ille, Sebastian;Hauck, Theresa;Tanigawa, Noriko;Ringel, Florian;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Non-invasive Mapping of Face Processing by Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Gulde, Philipp;Hughes, Charmayne Mary Lee;Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Effects of Stroke on Ipsilesional End-Effector Kinematics in a Multi-Step Activity of Daily Living
Dehne, Sarah;Fritz, Clarissa;Rieken, Stefan;Baris, Daniela;Brons, Stephan;Haberer, Thomas;Debus, Jürgen;Weber, Klaus-Josef;Schmid, Thomas E.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Habermehl, Daniel; Combination of Photon and Carbon Ion Irradiation with Targeted Therapy Substances Temsirolimus and Gemcitabine in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines
Vogel, Marco M. E.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Kessel, Kerstin A.; mHealth and Application Technology Supporting Clinical Trials: Today’s Limitations and Future Perspective of smartRCTs
Rudnicki, Marek;Hemmert, Werner; High Entrainment Constrains Synaptic Depression Levels of an In vivo Globular Bushy Cell Model
Kopp, Markus;Dürr, Kerstin;Steigleder, Matthias;Clavel, Thomas;Rychlik, Michael; Measurements of Intra- and Extra-Cellular 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Indicate that Bifidobacterium Adolescentis DSM 20083T and Bifidobacterium Pseudocatenulatum DSM 20438T Do Not Actively Excrete 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate In vitro
Becker, Elisabeth;Schmidhalter, Urs; Evaluation of Yield and Drought Using Active and Passive Spectral Sensing Systems at the Reproductive Stage in Wheat
Kopp, Markus;Rychlik, Michael; Assessing Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling Coupled with Stable Isotope Dilution Assay and Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry as Potential Diagnostic Tool for Whole Blood 5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid
Martínez-Sancho, Elisabet;Dorado-Liñán, Isabel;Hacke, Uwe G.;Seidel, Hannes;Menzel, Annette; Contrasting Hydraulic Architectures of Scots Pine and Sessile Oak at Their Southernmost Distribution Limits
Ua-Arak, Tharalinee;Jakob, Frank;Vogel, Rudi F.; Fermentation pH Modulates the Size Distributions and Functional Properties of Gluconobacter albidus TMW 2.1191 Levan
Krüger, Melanie;Hinder, Mark R.;Puri, Rohan;Summers, Jeffery J.; Influence of Cognitive Functioning on Age-Related Performance Declines in Visuospatial Sequence Learning
Kaesmacher, Johannes;Huber, Thomas;Lehm, Manuel;Zimmer, Claus;Bernkopf, Kathleen;Wunderlich, Silke;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Manning, Nathan W.;Kleine, Justus F.; Isolated Striatocapsular Infarcts after Endovascular Treatment of Acute Proximal Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusions: Prevalence, Enabling Factors, and Clinical Outcome
Chen, Fan;Rydzewski, Kerstin;Kutzner, Erika;Häuslein, Ina;Schunder, Eva;Wang, Xinzhe;Meighen-Berger, Kevin;Grunow, Roland;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Heuner, Klaus; Differential Substrate Usage and Metabolic Fluxes in Francisella tularensis Subspecies holarctica and Francisella novicida
Regnier, Antonia;Ulbrich, Jana;Münch, Stefan;Oechsner, Markus;Wilhelm, Dirk;Combs, Stephanie E.;Habermehl, Daniel; Comparative Analysis of Efficacy, Toxicity, and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Preoperative 3D Conformal Radiotherapy or VMAT
Combs, Stephanie E.;Kessel, Carmen;Wilkens, Jan J.;Multhoff, Gabriele;Schmid, Thomas E.;Vaupel, Peter;Trott, Klaus-Rüdiger;Berberat, Pascal;Atkinson, Michael J.; Master of Science (MSc) Program in Radiation Biology: An Interdepartmental Course Bridging the Gap between Radiation-Related Preclinical and Clinical Disciplines to Prepare Next-Generation Medical Scientists
Spengler, Sarah;Rabel, Matthias;Kuritz, Arvid Marius;Mess, Filip; Trends in Motor Performance of First Graders: A Comparison of Cohorts from 2006 to 2015
Ostheimer, Christian;Gunther, Sophie;Bache, Matthias;Vordermark, Dirk;Multhoff, Gabriele; Dynamics of Heat Shock Protein 70 Serum Levels As a Predictor of Clinical Response in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Correlation with the Hypoxia-Related Marker Osteopontin
Kelm, Anna;Sollmann, Nico;Ille, Sebastian;Meyer, Bernhard;Ringel, Florian;Krieg, Sandro M.; Resection of Gliomas with and without Neuropsychological Support during Awake Craniotomy—Effects on Surgery and Clinical Outcome
Straube, Christoph;Herschbach, Peter;Combs, Stephanie E.; Which Obstacles Prevent Us from Recruiting into Clinical Trials: A Survey about the Environment for Clinical Studies at a German University Hospital in a Comprehensive Cancer Center
Kirill Dorofeev, Chih-Hong Cheng, Magno Guedes, Pedro Ferreira, Stefan Profanter, and Alois Zoitl; Device adapter concept towards enabling plug&produce production environments
Biao Hu, Uzair Sharif, Rajat Koner, Guang Chen, Kai Huang, Feihu Zhang, Walter Stechele, and Alois Knoll; Random finite set based bayesian filtering with opencl in a heterogeneous platform
Knoke, T.; Integration von Ökosystemleistungen
Pflügler, Christoph; Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; Development and Evaluation of a Game Application for Parking Lot Identification
David Eckhoff, Daniel Zehe, Jordan Ivanchev, and Alois Knoll; Smart City-to-Vehicle - Measuring, Prediction, Influencing
Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Long Cheng, and Alois Knoll; Online workload monitoring with the feedback of actual execution time for real-time systems
Biao Hu, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Long Cheng, Dongkun Han, and Alois Knoll; Schedulability analysis towards arbitrarily activated tasks in mixed-criticality systems
Egidio Falotico, Lorenzo Vannucci, Alessandro Ambrosano, Ugo Albanese, Stefan Ulbrich, Juan Camilo Vasquez Tieck, Georg Hinkel, Jacques Kaiser, Igor Peric, Oliver Denninger, Nino Cauli, Murat Kirtay, Arne Roennau, Gudrun Klinker, Axel Von Arnim, Luc Guyot, Daniel Peppicelli, Pablo Martinez-Canada, Eduardo Ros, Patrick Maier, Sandro Weber, Manuel Huber, David Plecher, Florian Röhrbein, Stefan Deser, Alina Roitberg, Patrick van der Smagt, Rüdiger Dillman, Paul Levi, Cecilia Laschi, Alois C. Knoll, and Marc-Oliver Gewaltig; Connecting artificial brains to robots in a comprehensive simulation framework: The neurorobotics platform
Pereira, A.; Althoff, M.; A cartesian-space method for calculating human reachable occupancy
Alois Knoll, Florian Röhrbein, Alexander Kuhn, Mahmoud Akl, and Kenny Sharma; Neurorobotics
Suraj Nair, Nikhil Somani, Artur Grunau, Emmanuel Dean-Leon, and Alois Knoll; Image processing units on ultra-low-cost embedded hardware: Algorithmic optimizations for real-time performance
Yadong Xu, Wentong Cai, David Eckhoff, Suraj Nair, and Alois Knoll; A graph partitioning algorithm for parallel agent-based road traffic simulation
Long Cheng, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Biao Hu, and Alois Knoll; Mixed-criticality control system with performance and robustness guarantees
Long Cheng, Zhihao Zhao, Kai Huang, Gang Chen, and Alois Knoll; Mcftp: A framework to explore and prototype multi-core thermal managements on real processors
v. Tucher, S.; Heringlehner, S.; Schmidhalter, U.; Wirkung einer Phosphordüngung im Dauergrünland mit sehr niedrigen Boden-P-Gehalten
Saveriano, M.; Yin, Y.; Falco, P.; Lee, D.; PI-REM: Policy Improvement with REsidual Model learning
Duma, Marciana Nona;Herr, Anne-Claire;Borm, Kai Joachim;Trott, Klaus Rüdiger;Molls, Michael;Oechsner, Markus;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth; Tangential Field Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer—The Dose to the Heart and Heart Subvolumes: What Structures Must Be Contoured in Future Clinical Trials?
Haas, Andreas;Schlemmer, Daniel;Grupa, Uwe;Schmid, Markus; Effect of Chemical Grafting Parameters on the Manufacture of Functionalized PVOH Films Having Controlled Water Solubility
Häuslein, Ina;Cantet, Franck;Reschke, Sarah;Chen, Fan;Bonazzi, Matteo;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Multiple Substrate Usage of Coxiella burnetii to Feed a Bipartite Metabolic Network
Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Rudel, Thomas;Heesemann, Jürgen;Goebel, Werner; To Eat and to Be Eaten: Mutual Metabolic Adaptations of Immune Cells and Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens upon Infection
Windisch, Stephanie;Seiberl, Wolfgang;Hahn, Daniel;Schwirtz, Ansgar; Physiological Responses to Firefighting in Extreme Temperatures Do Not Compare to Firefighting in Temperate Conditions
Krieg, Sandro M.;Voigt, Florian;Knuefermann, Pascal;Kirschning, Carsten Jürgen;Plesnila, Nikolaus;Ringel, Florian; Decreased Secondary Lesion Growth and Attenuated Immune Response after Traumatic Brain Injury in Tlr2/4−/− Mice
Ferrari, Elena;Walter, Mathias C.;Huptas, Christopher;Scherer, Siegfried;Müller-Herbst, Stefanie; Complete Circular Genome Sequence and Temperature Independent Adaptation to Anaerobiosis of Listeria weihenstephanensis DSM 24698
Schmid, Markus;Merzbacher, Sarah;Brzoska, Nicola;Müller, Kerstin;Jesdinszki, Marius; Improvement of Food Packaging-Related Properties of Whey Protein Isolate-Based Nanocomposite Films and Coatings by Addition of Montmorillonite Nanoplatelets
Barmeier, Gero;Schmidhalter, Urs; High-Throughput Field Phenotyping of Leaves, Leaf Sheaths, Culms and Ears of Spring Barley Cultivars at Anthesis and Dough Ripeness
Riedhammer, Korbinian Maria;Siegel, Corinna;Alhaddad, Bader;Montoya, Carmen;Kovacs-Nagy, Reka;Wagner, Matias;Meitinger, Thomas;Hoefele, Julia; Identification of a Novel Heterozygous De Novo 7-bp Frameshift Deletion in PBX1 by Whole-Exome Sequencing Causing a Multi-Organ Syndrome Including Bilateral Dysplastic Kidneys and Hypoplastic Clavicles
Bräunlein, Eva;Krackhardt, Angela M.; Identification and Characterization of Neoantigens As Well As Respective Immune Responses in Cancer Patients
Buhner, Sabine;Barki, Natasja;Greiter, Wolfgang;Giesbertz, Pieter;Demir, Ihsan E.;Ceyhan, Güralp O.;Zeller, Florian;Daniel, Hannelore;Schemann, Michael; Calcium Imaging of Nerve-Mast Cell Signaling in the Human Intestine
Scherer, Pia I.;Millard, Andrew D.;Miller, Andreas;Schoen, Renate;Raeder, Uta;Geist, Juergen;Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Temporal Dynamics of the Microbial Community Composition with a Focus on Toxic Cyanobacteria and Toxin Presence during Harmful Algal Blooms in Two South German Lakes
Vaupel, Peter;Multhoff, Gabriele; Accomplices of the Hypoxic Tumor Microenvironment Compromising Antitumor Immunity: Adenosine, Lactate, Acidosis, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Potassium Ions, and Phosphatidylserine
Sendner, Franz-Michael;Stahl,Philipp; Rößler, Christian; Hornung, Mirko; UAV Propulsion System Design for Increased Acceleration and Deceleration Requirements
Grigo, Constantin; Koutsourelakis, P.-S.; Probabilistic Reduced-Order Modeling for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Hetterich, B.; Flexible, Medium Powered ORC-CHP Systems for Geothermal Applications
Hetterich, B.; Flexible, Medium Powered ORC-CHP Systems for Geothermal Applications
Pili, R.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Romagnoli, A.; Techno-Economic Design Tool for ORC under Fluctuating Heat Sources for Heavy Industry
Jiménez-Arreola, M.; Wieland, C.; Romagnoli, A.; Response time characterization of Organic Rankine Cycle evaporators for dynamic regime analysis with fluctuating load
Kohlhepp, A.; Gschnaidtner, T.; Schatte, G. A.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Evaporation at Near-Critical Pressures: Transients of Depressurization and Changes in Heat Flux in Evaporator Tubes
Jiménez-Arreola, M.; Pili, R.; Wieland, C.; Romagnoli, A.; Dynamic study of ORC evaporator operating under fluctuating thermal power from waste heat sources
Herrmann, S.; Efficient utilization of biogas in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Herrmann, S.; Hauck, M.; Geis, M.; Fendt, S.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of Operating Parameters and System Design on Efficiency of Biomass and Biogas Based SOFC Systems
Richter, K.; Ehmcke, G.; Das Holz der Fichte – Eigenschaften und Verwendung
Hansen, L.; Ulbrich, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Hydrothermale Carbonisierung: Biokohle aus dem Schnellkochtopf
Wang, Y.; Kuckelkorn, J.; Zhao, F.-Y.; Spliethoff, H.; Lang, W.; A state of art of review on interactions between energy performance and indoor environment quality in Passive House buildings
Wolf, C.; Co-combustion of biomass with bituminous coal - Possibilities, problems and future developments
S. Music;S. Hirche; Control Sharing in Human-Robot Team Interaction
Knopp, Martin;Aykin, Can;Feldmaier, Johannes;Shen, Hao; Formation Control using GQ(λ) Reinforcement Learning
Stahl, Philipp; Sendner, Franz-Michael; Hermanutz, Andreas; Rößler, Christian; Hornung, Mirko; Mission and Aircraft Design of FLEXOP Unmanned Flying Demonstrator to Test Flutter Suppression within Visual Line of Sight
Huang, Kai;Zhou, Mingchuan;Lajblich, Carolina;Lohmann, Chris P.;Knoll, Alois;Ling, Yehua;Lin, Haotian;Nasseri, M. Ali; A Flexible Head Fixation for Ophthalmic Microsurgery.
Steyer, Sascha; Tanzmeister, Georg; Wollherr, Dirk; Object Tracking Based on Evidential Dynamic Occupancy Grids in Urban Environments
F. Toja-Silva, J. Chen, S. Hachinger, and F. Hase; CFD simulation of CO2 dispersion from urban thermal power plant: Analysis of turbulent Schmidt number and comparison with Gaussian plume model and measurements
Vucic, N., Iwanow, M., Castaneda, M., Luo, J., Xu, W.; On Shortening the Effective mmWave MIMO Channel Impulse Response
Iwanow, M., Vucic, N., Bazzi, S., Luo, J., Utschick, W.; A Greedy Approach for mmWave Hybrid Precoding with Subarray Architectures
Seeber, B.U.; Localization and Spatial Processing for Users of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Pereira, A.; Althoff, M.; Overapproximative Human Arm Occupancy Prediction for Collision Avoidance
Dietrich, Benedikt;Peters, Nadja;Park, Sangyoung;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Estimating the Limits of CPU Power Management for Mobile Games
Balszun, Michael; Roy, Debayan; Zhang, Licong; Chang, Wanli; Chakraborty, Samarjit; Effectively Utilizing Elastic Resources in Networked Control Systems
Ahmadian, A.;; Performance Evaluation of Linear Beamforming Receiver for Large CoMP Sparse Massive MIMO Channel Matrices
Park, Sangyoung;Zhang, Licong;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Battery Assignment and Scheduling for Drone Delivery Businesses
A. Giusti and M. Althoff; On-the-fly control design of modular robot manipulators
X. Chen, M. Althoff, and F. Immler; ARCH-COMP17 category report: Continuous systems with nonlinear dynamics
Stefan Kugele, Vadim Cebotari, Mario Gleirscher, Morteza Hashemi Farzaneh, Christoph Segler, Sina Shafaei, Hans-Joerg Voegel, Fridolin Bauer, Alois Knoll, Diego Marmsoler, and Hans-Ulrich Michel; Research challenges for a future-proof e/e architecture - a project statement
Jordan Ivanchev, Daniel Zehe, Suraj Nair, and Alois Knoll; Fast identification of critical roads by neural networks using system optimum assignment information
Carlos-Fernando Nicolas, Fernando Eizaguirre, Asier Larrucea, Simon Barner, Franck Chauvel, Goiuria Sagardui, and Jon Pérez; GSN support of mixed-criticality systems certification
Simon Barner, Alexander Diewald, Jörn Migge, Ali Syed, Gerhard Fohler, Madeleine Faugère, and Daniel Gracia Pérez; DREAMS toolchain: Model-driven engineering of mixed-criticality systems
Ran Bi, Jiajian Xiao, Vaisagh Viswanathan, and Alois Knoll; Influence of charging behaviour given charging infrastructure specification: A case study of singapore
J. Reinhardt, A. Pereira, D. Beckert, and K. Bengler; Dominance and movement cues of robot motion: A user study on trust and predictability
Pervez, A.; Mao, Y.; Lee,D.; Learning Deep Movement Primitives using Convolutional Neural Networks
Neumann, D.; Shibli, K.; Joham, M.; Utschick, W.; Joint covariance matrix estimation and pilot allocation in massive MIMO systems
Y. Ren, Z. Chen, Y. Gu,Y. Liu, M. Jin, H. Liu; Adaptive hybrid position force control of dual-arm cooperative manipulators with uncertain dynamics and closed-chain kinematics
Y. Ren, Y. Zhou, Y. Liu, Y. Gu, M. Jin, H. Liu; Robust adaptive multi task tracking control of redundant manipulators with dynamic and kinematic uncertainties and unknown disturbances
Müller F., Dettmering D., Bosch W.; Variations in ocean currents, sea ice concentration, and sea surface temperature along the North-East coast of Greenland (NEG-OCEAN)
Tashtarian, Farzad;Varasteh, Amir;Montazerolghaem, Ahmadreza;Kellerer,Wolfgang; Distributed VNF Scaling in Large-scale Datacenters: An ADMM-based Approach
Deric, Nemanja; Blenk, Andreas; Basta, Arsany; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Challenges and Solutions for a Flexible High-Performant SDN Hypervisor
Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Fischer, Sandra;Kumar, Neeraj;Clavel, Thomas; Rhea: a transparent and modular R pipeline for microbial profiling based on 16S rRNA gene amplicons
Buchenrieder, Gertrud;Dufhues, Thomas;Theesfeld, Insa;Nuchanata, Mungkung; Participatory local governance and cultural practices in Thailand
Förschner, Paul F.;Beitzel, Knut;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Buchmann, Stefan;Feuerriegel, Georg;Hofmann, Felix;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Jungmann, Pia;Pogorzelski, Jonas; Five-Year Outcomes After Treatment for Acute Instability of the Tibiofibular Syndesmosis Using a Suture-Button Fixation System
Stam, Remco;Scheikl, Daniela;Tellier, Aurélien; The wild tomato speciesSolanum chilenseshows variation in pathogen resistance between geographically distinct populations
Windisch, Stephanie;Seiberl, Wolfgang;Schwirtz, Ansgar;Hahn, Daniel; Relationships between strength and endurance parameters and air depletion rates in professional firefighters
Schanzenbach, Christoph;Schmidt, Fabian C.;Breckner, Patrick;Teese, Mark G.;Langosch, Dieter; Identifying ionic interactions within a membrane using BLaTM, a genetic tool to measure homo- and heterotypic transmembrane helix-helix interactions
Ioannidou, Olga;Georgiou, Despoina;Obersteiner, Andreas;Bas, Nilufer Deniz;Mieslinger, Christine; Do Prospective Teachers Care About PISA Studies? A Pilot Study among University Students in Germany
Schmid, Sofie;Tsantilas, Pavlos;Knappich, Christoph;Kallmayer, Michael;König, Thomas;Breitkreuz, Thorben;Zimmermann, Alexander;Kuehnl, Andreas;Eckstein, Hans‐Henning; Risk of Inhospital Stroke or Death Is Associated With Age But Not Sex in Patients Treated With Carotid Endarterectomy for Asymptomatic or Symptomatic Stenosis in Routine Practice: Secondary Data Analysis of the Nationwide German Statutory Quality Assurance Database From 2009 to 2014
Klein, Wilhelm;He, Haiyan;Fässler, Thomas F.; Crystal structure of tris[(4,7,13,16,21,24-hexaoxa-1,10-diazabicyclo[8.8.8]hexacosane-κ8N2,O6)rubidium] rubidium nonastannide
Kolbinger, Otto;Lames, Martin; Scientific approaches to technological officiating aids in game sports
Benda, Christian;Klein, Wilhelm;Fässler, Thomas F.; Crystal structure of 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene, C10H16
Duan, Zheng;Bastiaanssen, W G M; Evaluation of three energy balance-based evaporation models for estimating monthly evaporation for five lakes using derived heat storage changes from a hysteresis model
Ott, Armin;Hapfelmeier, Alexander; Nonparametric Subgroup Identification by PRIM and CART: A Simulation and Application Study
Schülein, Stefanie;Taylor, Katherine J.;Schriefer, Dirk;Blettner, Maria;Klug, Stefanie J.; Participation in preventive health check-ups among 19,351 women in Germany
Rus, Oana Georgiana;Reess, Tim Jonas;Wagner, Gerd;Zaudig, Michael;Zimmer, Claus;Koch, Kathrin; Structural alterations in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder: a surface-based analysis of cortical volume, surface area and thickness
Steubl, Dominik;Kumar, Santhosh V.;Tato, Maia;Mulay, Shrikant R.;Larsson, Anders;Lind, Lars;Risérus, Ulf;Renders, Lutz;Heemann, Uwe;Carlsson, Axel C.;Ärnlöv, Johan;Anders, Hans-Joachim; Circulating cathepsin-S levels correlate with GFR decline and sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 levels in mice and humans
Sobotta, Jessica;Schmalhofer, Maximilian;Steiner, Thomas M.;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Wächtershäuser, Günter;Huber, Claudia; One-pot formation of 2,4-di- or 2,4,6-tri-olefinic monocarboxylic acids by straight chain C4-extension
Zeller, Patrick;Ma, Xinzhou;Günther, Sebastian; Indexing moiré patterns of metal-supported graphene and related systems: strategies and pitfalls
Veerabathran, G. K.;Sprengel, S.;Karl, S.;Andrejew, A.;Schmeiduch, H.;Amann, M.-C.; Transient thermal analysis of semiconductor diode lasers under pulsed operationde
Kronbichler, Martin;Kreiss, Gunilla; A phase-field microscale enhancement for macro models of capillary-driven contact point dynamics
Qi, Fei;Frishman, Dmitrij; Melting temperature highlights functionally important RNA structure and sequence elements in yeast mRNA coding regions
Weidinger, Simon A.;Knap, Michael; Floquet prethermalization and regimes of heating in a periodically driven, interacting quantum system
Müller, Kerstin;Jesdinszki, Marius;Schmid, Markus; Modification of Functional Properties of Whey Protein Isolate Nanocomposite Films and Coatings with Nanoclays
K��chle, Claudius;Suttmann, Yana;Reichelt, Anna-Lena;Apfelb��ck, Julia;Zoller, Volker;Heemann, Uwe; Correcting low magnesia levels in hemodialysis by higher dialysate magnesium
Mahlich, Yannick;Reeb, Jonas;Hecht, Maximilian;Schelling, Maria;De Beer, Tjaart Andries Petrus;Bromberg, Yana;Rost, Burkhard; Common sequence variants affect molecular function more than rare variants?
Moeckel, Rolf;Lewis, Rebecca; Two decades of smart growth in Maryland (U.S.A): impact assessment and future directions of a national leader
Bette, Stefanie;Wiestler, Benedikt;Wiedenmann, Felicitas;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Bretschneider, Martin;Barz, Melanie;Huber, Thomas;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Kochs, Eberhard;Zimmer, Claus;Meyer, Bernhard;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Kirschke, Jan S.;Gempt, Jens; Safe Brain Tumor Resection Does not Depend on Surgery Alone - Role of Hemodynamics
Brandt, Julia U.;Jakob, Frank;Geissler, Andreas J.;Behr, Jürgen;Vogel, Rudi F.; Multiple Genome Sequences of Heteropolysaccharide-Forming Acetic Acid Bacteria
Bolze, Florian;Mocek, Sabine;Zimmermann, Anika;Klingenspor, Martin; Aminoglycosides, but not PTC124 (Ataluren), rescue nonsense mutations in the leptin receptor and in luciferase reporter genes
Chen, Guo;Schnyder, Hans;Auerswald, Karl; Model explanation of the seasonal variation of δ18O in cow (Bos taurus) hair under temperate conditions
Rossi, Silvia;Lee, Dongheui; Special issue on user profiling and behavior adaptation for human-robot interaction
Ganassin, Alberto;Sebastián, Paula;Climent, Víctor;Schuhmann, Wolfgang;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.;Feliu, Juan; On the pH Dependence of the Potential of Maximum Entropy of Ir(111) Electrodes
Husemann, Martin;Rogers, Rebecca;Meyer, Sebastian;Habel, Jan Christian; “Publicationism” and scientists’ satisfaction depend on gender, career stage and the wider academic system
Neibecker, Pascal;Leitner, Michael;Kushaim, Muna;Boll, Torben;Anjum, Dalaver;Al-Kassab, Tala’at;Haider, Ferdinand; L12 ordering and δ′ precipitation in Al-Cu-Li
Weber, Tobias; Update 1.5 to “Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis”, (PII: S2352711016300152)
Gandorfer, M.;;Porsch, A.;Bitsch, V.;;; Producer price volatility in the German fruit and vegetable industry
Sharma, Y.;Schaff, F.;Wieczorek, M.;Pfeiffer, F.;Lasser, T.; Design of Acquisition Schemes and Setup Geometry for Anisotropic X-ray Dark-Field Tomography (AXDT)
Kusserow, Kalina;Gulder, Tobias A. M.; Complete Genome Sequence of Actinomadura Parvosata Subsp. Kistnae, A Rich Source of Novel Natural Product (Bio-)Chemistry
Fraunhofer, Marion E.;Geissler, Andreas J.;Jakob, Frank;Vogel, Rudi F.; Multiple Genome Sequences of Exopolysaccharide-Producing, Brewery-Associated Lactobacillus brevis Strains de
Paternoster, F. K.;Hahn, D.;Stöcker, F.;Schwirtz, A.;Seiberl, W.; Oxygen consumption of gastrocnemius medialis muscle during submaximal voluntary isometric contractions with and without preceding stretch
Kafka, Thomas A.;Geissler, Andreas J.;Vogel, Rudi F.; Multiple Genome Sequences of Lactobacillus plantarum Strains de
Jefferies, Benedict;Lenze, Florian;Sathe, Anuja;Truong, Nguyen;Anton, Martina;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Nawroth, Roman;Mayer-Kuckuk, Philipp; Non-invasive imaging of engineered human tumors in the living chicken embryo
Bohrdt, A;Mendl, C B;Endres, M;Knap, M; Scrambling and thermalization in a diffusive quantum many-body system
Ludwig, Jennifer;Alarcón-Suesca, Carlos;Geprägs, Stephan;Nordlund, Dennis;Doeff, Marca M.;Orench, Inés Puente;Nilges, Tom; Direct synthesis and characterization of mixed-valent Li0.5−δCoPO4, a Li-deficient derivative of the Cmcm polymorph of LiCoPO4
Eichinger, Paul;Alberts, Esther;Delbridge, Claire;Trebeschi, Stefano;Valentinitsch, Alexander;Bette, Stefanie;Huber, Thomas;Gempt, Jens;Meyer, Bernhard;Schlegel, Juergen;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Menze, Bjoern H.;Wiestler, Benedikt; Diffusion tensor image features predict IDH genotype in newly diagnosed WHO grade II/III gliomas
Kornberg, Arno;Witt, Ulrike;Schernhammer, Martina;Kornberg, Jennifer;Ceyhan, Gueralp O.;Mueller, Katharina;Friess, Helmut;Thrum, Katharina; Combining 18F-FDG positron emission tomography with Up-to-seven criteria for selecting suitable liver transplant patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Teuffenbach, Maximilian von;Koehler, Thomas;Fehringer, Andreas;Viermetz, Manuel;Brendel, Bernhard;Herzen, Julia;Proksa, Roland;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Noël, Peter B.; Grating-based phase-contrast and dark-field computed tomography: a single-shot method
Funk, Irina;Sieber, Volker;Schmid, Jochen; Effects of glucose concentration on 1,18-cis-octadec-9-enedioic acid biotransformation efficiency and lipid body formation in Candida tropicalis de
Ferdinand, Jan-Peter;Meyer, Uli; The social dynamics of heterogeneous innovation ecosystems
Stelzer, Max;Jung, Moritz;Kreupl, Franz; Graphenic Carbon: A Novel Material to Improve the Reliability of Metal-Silicon Contacts
Haidari, S.;Wolff, K.-D.;Fichter, A.;Kehl, V.;Götz, C.;Kesting, M.;Weitz, J.;Kolk, Andreas; The Osteocutaneous Fibular Flap for Mandibular Replacement—Which Factors Influence Long-Term Success?
Rombach, Meike;Bitsch, Vera; Sector blending: evidence from the German Food Bank
Tomasella, Martina;Häberle, Karl-Heinz;Nardini, Andrea;Hesse, Benjamin;Machlet, Anna;Matyssek, Rainer; Post-drought hydraulic recovery is accompanied by non-structural carbohydrate depletion in the stem wood of Norway spruce saplings
Dallago, Christian;Goldberg, Tatyana;Andrade-Navarro, Miguel Angel;Alanis-Lobato, Gregorio;Rost, Burkhard; CellMap visualizes protein-protein interactions and subcellular localization
Marcolini, Giorgia;Bellin, Alberto;Disse, Markus;Chiogna, Gabriele; Variability in snow depth time series in the Adige catchment
Landa, Francisco Javier Oyaga;Deán-Ben, Xosé Luís;Sroka, Ronald;Razansky, Daniel; Volumetric Optoacoustic Temperature Mapping in Photothermal Therapy
Lüpke, Marvin;Leuchner, Michael;Steinbrecher, Rainer;Menzel, Annette; Quantification of monoterpene emission sources of a conifer species in response to experimental drought
Schoemig, Veronika;Isik, Eda;Martin, Lea;Berensmeier, Sonja; Solid liquid liquid extraction of porcine gastric mucins from homogenized animal material
Zhu, Chengsheng;Mahlich, Yannick;Miller, Maximilian;Bromberg, Yana; fusionDB: assessing microbial diversity and environmental preferences via functional similarity networksde
Höllerhage, Matthias;Moebius, Claudia;Melms, Johannes;Chiu, Wei-Hua;Goebel, Joachim N.;Chakroun, Tasnim;Koeglsperger, Thomas;Oertel, Wolfgang H.;Rösler, Thomas W.;Bickle, Marc;Höglinger, Günter U.; Protective efficacy of phosphodiesterase-1 inhibition against alpha-synuclein toxicity revealed by compound screening in LUHMES cells
Hausmann, Simon;Ye, Jingfan;Aoki, Toshihiro;Zheng, Jian-Guo;Stahn, Jochen;Bern, Francis;Chen, Binda;Autieri, Carmine;Sanyal, Biplab;Esquinazi, Pablo D.;Böni, Peter;Paul, Amitesh; Atomic-scale engineering of ferroelectric-ferromagnetic interfaces of epitaxial perovskite films for functional properties
Heinze, Simon;Mechelke, Matthias;Kornberger, Petra;Liebl, Wolfgang;Schwarz, Wolfgang H.;Zverlov, Vladimir V.; Identification of endoxylanase XynE from Clostridium thermocellum as the first xylanase of glycoside hydrolase family GH141
Horstmeyer, Nils;Weißbach, Max;Koch, Konrad;Drewes, Jörg E.; A novel concept to integrate energy recovery into potable water reuse treatment schemes
Ye, Jingfan;Hauke, Marco;Singh, Vikram;Rawat, Rajeev;Gupta, Mukul;Tayal, Akhil;Amir, S. M.;Stahn, Jochen;Paul, Amitesh; Magnetic properties of ordered polycrystalline FeRh thin films
El-Molla, Sara;Mansour, A. F.;Hammad, A. E.; Enhancement of Fluorescence and Photostability Based on Interaction of Fluorescent Dyes with Silver Nanoparticles for Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Bernhofer, Michael;Goldberg, Tatyana;Wolf, Silvana;Ahmed, Mohamed;Zaugg, Julian;Boden, Mikael;Rost, Burkhard; NLSdb—major update for database of nuclear localization signals and nuclear export signals
Schwaminger, Sebastian P.;Surya, Rifki;Filser, Simon;Wimmer, Andreas;Weigl, Florian;Fraga-García, Paula;Berensmeier, Sonja; Formation of iron oxide nanoparticles for the photooxidation of water: Alteration of finite size effects from ferrihydrite to hematite
Gong, Jing;Paul, Neelima;Nagy, Béla;Dolgos, Miklós;Bottyán, László;Böni, Peter;Paul, Amitesh; Nano-metric self-diffusion of Fe: effect of grain size
Rittmeyer, Simon P.;Bukas, Vanessa J.;Reuter, Karsten; Energy dissipation at metal surfaces
Budel, Leithe;Djabali, Karima; Rapid isolation and expansion of skin-derived precursor cells from human primary fibroblast cultures
Blank-Shim, Silvia A.;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.;Borkowska-Panek, Monika;Anand, Priya;Yamin, Peyman;Fraga-García, Paula;Fink, Karin;Wenzel, Wolfgang;Berensmeier, Sonja; Binding patterns of homo-peptides on bare magnetic nanoparticles: insights into environmental dependence
Herzog, F;Hardtdegen, H;Schäpers, Th;Grundler, D;Wilde, M A; Experimental determination of Rashba and Dresselhaus parameters and g *-factor anisotropy via Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations
Lorenz, Georg;Steubl, Dominik;Kemmner, Stephan;Pasch, Andreas;Koch-Sembdner, Wilhelm;Pham, Dang;Haller, Bernhard;Bachmann, Quirin;Mayer, Christopher C.;Wassertheurer, Siegfried;Angermann, Susanne;Lech, Maciej;Moog, Philipp;Bauer, Axel;Heemann, Uwe;Schmaderer, Christoph; Worsening calcification propensity precedes all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in haemodialyzed patients
Werner, Christoph Ulrich;Linde, Klaus;Schäffner, Julia;Storr, Constanze;Schneider, Antonius; Weekly self-measurement of FEV1 and PEF and its impact on ACQ (asthma control questionnaire)-scores: 12-week observational study with 76 patients
Kelch, Sarah;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.;Seeliger, Claudine;Vester, Helen;Kirschke, Jan S.;van Griensven, Martijn; miRNAs in bone tissue correlate to bone mineral density and circulating miRNAs are gender independent in osteoporotic patients
Zhu, Chengsheng;Miller, Maximilian;Marpaka, Srinayani;Vaysberg, Pavel;Rühlemann, Malte C.;Wu, Guojun;Heinsen, Femke-Anouska;Tempel, Marie;Zhao, Liping;Lieb, Wolfgang;Franke, Andre;Bromberg, Yana; Functional sequencing read annotation for high precision microbiome analysis
Angelov, Angel;Pham, Vu Thuy Trang;Übelacker, Maria;Brady, Silja;Leis, Benedikt;Pill, Nicole;Brolle, Judith;Mechelke, Matthias;Moerch, Matthias;Henrissat, Bernard;Liebl, Wolfgang; A metagenome-derived thermostable β-glucanase with an unusual module architecture which defines the new glycoside hydrolase family GH148
Mei, Kai;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Kopp, Felix K.;Ehn, Sebastian;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Muenzel, Daniela;Fingerle, Alexander A.;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Baum, Thomas;Noël, Peter B.; Bone mineral density measurements in vertebral specimens and phantoms using dual-layer spectral computed tomography
Gempt, Jens;Lange, Nicole;Bette, Stefanie;Charlotte Foreman, Sarah;Cammardella, Jasmin Hernandez;Albertshauser, Jennifer;Gradtke, Corinna;Buchmann, Niels;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Meyer, Bernhard;Ringel, Florian; Factors influencing neurocognitive function in patients with neuroepithelial tumors
Kiening, Michael;Weber, Friedemann;Frishman, Dmitrij; Conserved RNA structures in the intergenic regions of ambisense viruses
Gigl, T;Beddrich, L;Dickmann, M;Rienäcker, B;Thalmayr, M;Vohburger, S;Hugenschmidt, C; Defect imaging and detection of precipitates using a new scanning positron microbeam
Lang, J;Piazza, F;Zwerger, W; Collective excitations and supersolid behavior of bosonic atoms inside two crossed optical cavities
Hertzog, Lionel R.;Ebeling, Anne;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Meyer, Sebastian T.; Plant diversity increases predation by ground-dwelling invertebrate predators
Leidinger, Jan L. G.;Gossner, Martin M.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Koch, Christiane;Rosadio Cayllahua, Zully L.;Podgaiski, Luciana R.;Duarte, Marcelo M.;Araújo, Ademir S. F.;Overbeck, Gerhard E.;Hermann, Julia-Maria;Kollmann, Johannes;Meyer, Sebastian T.; Historical and recent land use affects ecosystem functions in subtropical grasslands in Brazil
Ehn, Sebastian;Sellerer, Thorsten;Muenzel, Daniela;Fingerle, Alexander A.;Kopp, Felix;Duda, Manuela;Mei, Kai;Renger, Bernhard;Herzen, Julia;Dangelmaier, Julia;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Sauter, Andreas;Riederer, Isabelle;Renz, Martin;Braren, Rickmer;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Noël, Peter B.; Assessment of quantification accuracy and image quality of a full-body dual-layer spectral CT system
Meyer, Sebastian T.;Scheithe, Lukas;Hertzog, Lionel;Ebeling, Anne;Wagg, Cameron;Roscher, Christiane;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Consistent increase in herbivory along two experimental plant diversity gradients over multiple years
Scherer, Pia I.;Absmeier, Carolin;Urban, Maria;Raeder, Uta;Geist, Juergen;Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Influence of cyanobacteria, mixotrophic flagellates, and virioplankton size fraction on transcription of microcystin synthesis genes in the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa de
Decker, Emilia;Linke, Simon;Hermoso, Virgilio;Geist, Juergen; Incorporating ecological functions in conservation decision making
Ott, Ilka;Cassese, Salvatore;Groha, Philipp;Steppich, Birgit;Voll, Felix;Hadamitzky, Martin;Ibrahim, Tareq;Kufner, Sebastian;Dewitz, Karl;Wittmann, Theresa;Kasel, Albert Markus;Laugwitz, Karl‐Ludwig;Schunkert, Heribert;Kastrati, Adnan;Fusaro, Massimiliano; ISAR‐PEBIS (Paclitaxel‐Eluting Balloon Versus Conventional Balloon Angioplasty for In‐Stent Restenosis of Superficial Femoral Artery): A Randomized Trial
Siskind, Scott;Aydin, Roland C.;Matta, Punit;Cyron, Christian J.; Higher patient satisfaction with antidepressants correlates with earlier drug release dates across online user-generated medical databases
Eberlein, Bernadette;Wigand, Sibylle;Lewald, Heidrun;Kochs, Eberhard;Ring, Johannes;Biedermann, Tilo;Darsow, Ulf; Utility of basophil activation testing to assess perioperative anaphylactic reactions in real-world practice
Engel, Jan;Hertzog, Lionel;Tiede, Julia;Wagg, Cameron;Ebeling, Anne;Briesen, Heiko;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Pitfall trap sampling bias depends on body mass, temperature, and trap number: insights from an individual-based model
Löwe, Hannes;Schmauder, Lukas;Hobmeier, Karina;Kremling, Andreas;Pflüger-Grau, Katharina; Metabolic engineering to expand the substrate spectrum of Pseudomonas putida toward sucrosede
Kaesmacher, Johannes;Maegerlein, Christian;Kaesmacher, Mirjam;Zimmer, Claus;Poppert, Holger;Friedrich, Benjamin;Boeckh‐Behrens, Tobias;Kleine, Justus F.; Thrombus Migration in the Middle Cerebral Artery: Incidence, Imaging Signs, and Impact on Success of Endovascular Thrombectomy
Cerwenka, Alexander F.;Pagnotta, Alfredo;Böker, Carolin;Brandner, Joerg;Geist, Juergen;Schliewen, Ulrich K.; Little association of biological trait values with environmental variables in invasive alien round goby (Neogobius melanostomus )de
Xu, Kai;Kuntz, Lara A.;Foehr, Peter;Kuempel, Katharina;Wagner, Alexandra;Tuebel, Jutta;Deimling, Constantin V.;Burgkart, Rainer H.; Efficient decellularization for tissue engineering of the tendon-bone interface with preservation of biomechanics
Sasse, Alexander;de Vries, Sjoerd J.;Schindler, Christina E. M.;de Beauchêne, Isaure Chauvot;Zacharias, Martin; Rapid Design of Knowledge-Based Scoring Potentials for Enrichment of Near-Native Geometries in Protein-Protein Docking
Schlott, Fabian;Steubl, Dominik;Hoffmann, Dieter;Matevossian, Edouard;Lutz, Jens;Heemann, Uwe;Hösel, Volker;Busch, Dirk H.;Renders, Lutz;Neuenhahn, Michael; Primary Cytomegalovirus Infection in Seronegative Kidney Transplant Patients Is Associated with Protracted Cold Ischemic Time of Seropositive Donor Organs
Enders, Christian;Braig, Eva-Maria;Scherer, Kai;Werner, Jens U.;Lang, Gerhard K.;Lang, Gabriele E.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Noël, Peter;Rummeny, Ernst;Herzen, Julia; Advanced Non-Destructive Ocular Visualization Methods by Improved X-Ray Imaging Techniques
Ostermeir, Katja;Zacharias, Martin; Accelerated flexible protein-ligand docking using Hamiltonian replica exchange with a repulsive biasing potential
Huber, Thomas;Alber, Georgina;Bette, Stefanie;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Gempt, Jens;Ringel, Florian;Specht, Hanno M.;Meyer, Bernhard;Zimmer, Claus;Wiestler, Benedikt;Kirschke, Jan S.; Progressive disease in glioblastoma: Benefits and limitations of semi-automated volumetry
Bothmann, Ludwig;Menzel, Annette;Menze, Bjoern H.;Schunk, Christian;Kauermann, Göran; Automated processing of webcam images for phenological classification
Bomblies, Rainer;Luitz, Manuel Patrick;Scanu, Sandra;Madl, Tobias;Zacharias, Martin; Transient helicity in intrinsically disordered Axin-1 studied by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations
Klupp, Elisabeth;Weidlich, Dominik;Schlaeger, Sarah;Baum, Thomas;Cervantes, Barbara;Deschauer, Marcus;Kooijman, Hendrik;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; B1-insensitive T2 mapping of healthy thigh muscles using a T2-prepared 3D TSE sequence
Hinz, Laura;Ahles, Andrea;Ruprecht, Benjamin;Küster, Bernhard;Engelhardt, Stefan; Two serines in the distal C-terminus of the human ß1-adrenoceptor determine ß-arrestin2 recruitment
Kiessling, Silke;Ucar, Ahmet;Chowdhury, Kamal;Oster, Henrik;Eichele, Gregor; Genetic background-dependent effects of murine micro RNAs on circadian clock function
Phillip, Veit;Schwab, Miriam;Haf, David;Algül, Hana; Identification of risk factors for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis in a high volume center
Matiu, Michael;Ankerst, Donna P.;Menzel, Annette; Interactions between temperature and drought in global and regional crop yield variability during 1961-2014
Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio;Graessel, Anke;Alessandrini, Francesca;Fuchs, Helmut;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Russkamp, Dennis;Chaker, Adam;Ollert, Markus;Blank, Simon;Gutermuth, Jan;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.; Improved efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy by JAK inhibition in a murine model of allergic asthma
Bighelli, Irene;Borghesani, Anna;Barbui, Corrado; Is the efficacy of antidepressants in panic disorder mediated by adverse events? A mediational analysis
Link, Daniel;Hoernig, Martin; Individual ball possession in soccer
Kessel, Kerstin A.;Hesse, Josefine;Straube, Christoph;Zimmer, Claus;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Schlegel, Jürgen;Meyer, Bernhard;Combs, Stephanie E.; Modification and optimization of an established prognostic score after re-irradiation of recurrent glioma
Righart, R.;Schmidt, P.;Dahnke, R.;Biberacher, V.;Beer, A.;Buck, D.;Hemmer, B.;Kirschke, J. S.;Zimmer, C.;Gaser, C.;Mühlau, M.; Volume versus surface-based cortical thickness measurements: A comparative study with healthy controls and multiple sclerosis patients
Müller, Jan;Ganeshamoorthy, Sarmila;Myers, Jonathan; Risk factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans: A cohort study
Lauterbach, Alexander;Usbeck, Julia C.;Behr, Jürgen;Vogel, Rudi F.; MALDI-TOF MS typing enables the classification of brewing yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces to major beer styles
Ostermaier, Andreas;Uhl, Matthias; Spot on for liars! How public scrutiny influences ethical behavior
Greiter, Wolfgang;Firzlaff, Uwe; Representation of three-dimensional space in the auditory cortex of the echolocating bat P. discolor
Wisskirchen, Karin;Metzger, Kai;Schreiber, Sophia;Asen, Theresa;Weigand, Luise;Dargel, Christina;Witter, Klaus;Kieback, Elisa;Sprinzl, Martin F.;Uckert, Wolfgang;Schiemann, Matthias;Busch, Dirk H.;Krackhardt, Angela M.;Protzer, Ulrike; Isolation and functional characterization of hepatitis B virus-specific T-cell receptors as new tools for experimental and clinical use
Marschner, Mathias;Birnbacher, Lorenz;Willner, Marian;Chabior, Michael;Herzen, Julia;Noël, Peter B.;Pfeiffer, Franz; Revising the lower statistical limit of x-ray grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography
Brænne, Ingrid;Zeng, Lingyao;Willenborg, Christina;Tragante, Vinicius;Kessler, Thorsten;Willer, Cristen J.;Laakso, Markku;Wallentin, Lars;Franks, Paul W.;Salomaa, Veikko;Dehghan, Abbas;Meitinger, Thomas;Samani, Nilesh J.;Asselbergs, Folkert W.;Erdmann, Jeanette;Schunkert, Heribert;;; Genomic correlates of glatiramer acetate adverse cardiovascular effects lead to a novel locus mediating coronary risk
Höwing, Timo;Dann, Marcel;Hoefle, Caroline;Hückelhoven, Ralph;Gietl, Christine; Involvement of Arabidopsis thaliana endoplasmic reticulum KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidase 1 (AtCEP1) in powdery mildew-induced and AtCPR5-controlled cell death
Delius, Judith;Frank, Oliver;Hofmann, Thomas; Label-free quantitative 1H NMR spectroscopy to study low-affinity ligand–protein interactions in solution: A contribution to the mechanism of polyphenol-mediated astringency
Rasch, Sebastian;Nötzel, Bärbel;Phillip, Veit;Lahmer, Tobias;Schmid, Roland M.;Algül, Hana; Management of pancreatic pseudocysts—A retrospective analysis
Ettl, Johannes;Klein, Evelyn;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Grosse Lackmann, Kirsten;Paepke, Stefan;Petry, Christoph;Specht, Katja;Wolff, Laura;Höfler, Heinz;Kiechle, Marion; Decision impact and feasibility of different ASCO-recommended biomarkers in early breast cancer: Prospective comparison of molecular marker EndoPredict and protein marker uPA/PAI-1
Huber, Wolfgang;Gruber, Andrea;Eckmann, Maximilian;Elkmann, Felicia;Klein, Ines;Lahmer, Tobias;Mayr, Ulrich;Schellnegger, Raphael;Schneider, Jochen;Batres-Baires, Gonzalo;Fekecs, Lisa;Beitz, Analena;Berbara, Helena;Schmid, Roland;Herner, Alexander; Comparison of pulmonary vascular permeability index PVPI and global ejection fraction GEF derived from jugular and femoral indicator injection using the PiCCO-2 device: A prospective observational study
Rabel, Matthias;Meisinger, Christa;Peters, Annette;Holle, Rolf;Laxy, Michael; The longitudinal association between change in physical activity, weight, and health-related quality of life: Results from the population-based KORA S4/F4/FF4 cohort study
Angermann, Susanne;Baumann, Marcus;Steubl, Dominik;Lorenz, Georg;Hauser, Christine;Suttmann, Yana;Reichelt, Anna-Lena;Satanovskij, Robin;Sonntag, Franziska;Heemann, Uwe;Grimmer, Timo;Schmaderer, Christoph; Cognitive impairment in hemodialysis patients: Implementation of cut-off values for the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)-test for feasible screening
Hücker, Sarah M.;Ardern, Zachary;Goldberg, Tatyana;Schafferhans, Andrea;Bernhofer, Michael;Vestergaard, Gisle;Nelson, Chase W.;Schloter, Michael;Rost, Burkhard;Scherer, Siegfried;Neuhaus, Klaus; Discovery of numerous novel small genes in the intergenic regions of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Sakai genome
Hora, Manuel;Sarkar, Riddhiman;Morris, Vanessa;Xue, Kai;Prade, Elke;Harding, Emma;Buchner, Johannes;Reif, Bernd; MAK33 antibody light chain amyloid fibrils are similar to oligomeric precursors
Geng, Xiaocong;Liu, Yueyang;Diersch, Sandra;Kotzsch, Matthias;Grill, Sabine;Weichert, Wilko;Kiechle, Marion;Magdolen, Viktor;Dorn, Julia; Clinical relevance of kallikrein-related peptidase 9, 10, 11, and 15 mRNA expression in advanced high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Ubrich, Romy;Barthel, Petra;Haller, Bernhard;Hnatkova, Katerina;Huster, Katharina Maria;Steger, Alexander;Müller, Alexander;Malik, Marek;Schmidt, Georg; Sex differences in long-term mortality among acute myocardial infarction patients: Results from the ISAR-RISK and ART studies
Burger, Karin;Ilicic, Katarina;Dierolf, Martin;Günther, Benedikt;Walsh, Dietrich W. M.;Schmid, Ernst;Eggl, Elena;Achterhold, Klaus;Gleich, Bernhard;Combs, Stephanie E.;Molls, Michael;Schmid, Thomas E.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Wilkens, Jan J.; Increased cell survival and cytogenetic integrity by spatial dose redistribution at a compact synchrotron X-ray source
Maier, Maximilian B.;Lenz, Christian A.;Vogel, Rudi F.; Non-linear pressure/temperature-dependence of high pressure thermal inactivation of proteolytic Clostridium botulinum type B in foods
Eckl, Julia;Sima, Siyuan;Marcus, Katrin;Lindemann, Claudia;Richter, Klaus; Hsp90-downregulation influences the heat-shock response, innate immune response and onset of oocyte development in nematodes
Stoeckle, Bernhard C.;Beggel, Sebastian;Cerwenka, Alexander F.;Motivans, Elena;Kuehn, Ralph;Geist, Juergen; A systematic approach to evaluate the influence of environmental conditions on eDNA detection success in aquatic ecosystems
Schneider, Frederick;Martin, Jan;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Jordan, Denis;Schneider, Gerhard;Schulz, Christian M.; The validity of linear and non-linear heart rate metrics as workload indicators of emergency physicians
Manchego, Carlos E.;Hildebrandt, Patrick;Cueva, Jorge;Espinosa, Carlos Iván;Stimm, Bernd;Günter, Sven; Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador
Hönig, Philipp;Lunde, Rüdiger;Holzapfel, Florian; Model Based Safety Analysis with smartIflow †
Wu, Xiuxiu;Karsili, Tolga;Domcke, Wolfgang; Role of Electron-Driven Proton-Transfer Processes in the Ultrafast Deactivation of Photoexcited Anionic 8-oxoGuanine-Adenine and 8-oxoGuanine-Cytosine Base Pairs
Lindner, Martina;Schmid, Markus; Thickness Measurement Methods for Physical Vapor Deposited Aluminum Coatings in Packaging Applications: A Review
Xia, Yuchen;Protzer, Ulrike; Control of Hepatitis B Virus by Cytokines
Rauscher, Markus;Tremmel, Anton;Schardt, Michael;Koch, Alexander; Non-Dispersive Infrared Sensor for Online Condition Monitoring of Gearbox Oil
Fallahpour, Amir;Di Carlo, Aldo;Lugli, Paolo; Sensitivity of the Drift-Diffusion Approach in Estimating the Power Conversion Efficiency of Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells
Falco, Aniello;Salmerón, Jose;Loghin, Florin;Lugli, Paolo;Rivadeneyra, Almudena; Fully Printed Flexible Single-Chip RFID Tag with Light Detection Capabilities
Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Greulich, Sabine;Wantzen, Karl;Pauleit, Stephan; Societal Drivers of European Water Governance: A Comparison of Urban River Restoration Practices in France and Germany
Aulbach, Laura;Salazar Bloise, Félix;Lu, Min;Koch, Alexander; Non-Contact Surface Roughness Measurement by Implementation of a Spatial Light Modulator
Keltsch, Michael;Lang, Werner;Auer, Thomas; Nearly Zero Energy Standard for Non-Residential Buildings with high Energy Demands—An Empirical Case Study Using the State-Related Properties of BAVARIA
Hellauer, Karin;Mergel, Dorothea;Ruhl, Aki;Filter, Josefine;Hübner, Uwe;Jekel, Martin;Drewes, Jörg; Advancing Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART) Using Different Intermediate Oxidation Processes
Müller, Kerstin;Bugnicourt, Elodie;Latorre, Marcos;Jorda, Maria;Echegoyen Sanz, Yolanda;Lagaron, José;Miesbauer, Oliver;Bianchin, Alvise;Hankin, Steve;Bölz, Uwe;Pérez, Germán;Jesdinszki, Marius;Lindner, Martina;Scheuerer, Zuzana;Castelló, Sara;Schmid, Markus; Review on the Processing and Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings and Their Applications in the Packaging, Automotive and Solar Energy Fields
Hu, Biao;Sharif, Uzair;Koner, Rajat;Chen, Guang;Huang, Kai;Zhang, Feihu;Stechele, Walter;Knoll, Alois; Random Finite Set Based Bayesian Filtering with OpenCL in a Heterogeneous Platform
Pili, Roberto;Spliethoff, Hartmut;Wieland, Christoph; Dynamic Simulation of an Organic Rankine Cycle—Detailed Model of a Kettle Boiler
Senturk Parreidt, Tugce;Schmid, Markus;Hauser, Carolin; Validation of a Novel Technique and Evaluation of the Surface Free Energy of Food
Pant, Astrid;Sängerlaub, Sven;Müller, Kajetan; Gallic Acid as an Oxygen Scavenger in Bio-Based Multilayer Packaging Films
Kopp, Markus;Morisset, Rosalie;Rychlik, Michael; Characterization and Interrelations of One-Carbon Metabolites in Tissues, Erythrocytes, and Plasma in Mice with Dietary Induced Folate Deficiency
Becker, Christoph;Lauterbach, Gabriele;Spengler, Sarah;Dettweiler, Ulrich;Mess, Filip; Effects of Regular Classes in Outdoor Education Settings: A Systematic Review on Students’ Learning, Social and Health Dimensions
Bhatt, Vijay;Joshi, Saumya;Becherer, Markus;Lugli, Paolo; Flexible, Low-Cost Sensor Based on Electrolyte Gated Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor for Organo-Phosphate Detection
Schäfer, Cynthia;Grams, Thorsten;Rötzer, Thomas;Feldermann, Aline;Pretzsch, Hans; Drought Stress Reaction of Growth and Δ13C in Tree Rings of European Beech and Norway Spruce in Monospecific Versus Mixed Stands Along a Precipitation Gradient
Bhuyan, Upasana;Zang, Christian;Vicente-Serrano, Sergio;Menzel, Annette; Exploring Relationships among Tree-Ring Growth, Climate Variability, and Seasonal Leaf Activity on Varying Timescales and Spatial Resolutions
Gnädinger, Friederike;Schmidhalter, Urs; Digital Counts of Maize Plants by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Müller, Felix;Dettmering, Denise;Bosch, Wolfgang;Seitz, Florian; Monitoring the Arctic Seas: How Satellite Altimetry Can Be Used to Detect Open Water in Sea-Ice Regions
Henkel, Patrick; Calibration of Magnetometers with GNSS Receivers and Magnetometer-Aided GNSS Ambiguity Fixing
Wagner, Christian;Krinner, Andreas;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Full Dynamic Ball Bearing Model with Elastic Outer Ring for High Speed Applications
Gulati, Dhiraj;Zhang, Feihu;Clarke, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Graph-Based Cooperative Localization Using Symmetric Measurement Equations
Wiese, Jutta;Aldemir, Hülya;Schmaljohann, Rolf;Gulder, Tobias;Imhoff, Johannes; Asperentin B, a New Inhibitor of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
Beggel, Sebastian;Hinzmann, Mariana;Machado, Jorge;Geist, Juergen; Combined Impact of Acute Exposure to Ammonia and Temperature Stress on the Freshwater Mussel Unio pictorum
Goebel, Christoph;Cheng, Vicky;Jacobsen, Hans-Arno; Profitability of Residential Battery Energy Storage Combined with Solar Photovoltaics
Fritz, Christine;Dörnhöfer, Katja;Schneider, Thomas;Geist, Juergen;Oppelt, Natascha; Mapping Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using RapidEye Satellite Data: The Example of Lake Kummerow (Germany)
Tan, Mou;Duan, Zheng; Assessment of GPM and TRMM Precipitation Products over Singapore
Christine Fritz ; Thomas Schneider; Juergen Geist; Seasonal Variation in Spectral Response of Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes: A Case Study at Lake Starnberg (Germany)
Geitner, Felix S.;Giebel, Michael A.;Pöthig, Alexander;Fässler, Thomas F.; N-Heterocyclic Carbene Coinage Metal Complexes of the Germanium-Rich Metalloid Clusters [Ge9R3]− and [Ge9RI2]2− with R = Si(iPr)3 and RI = Si(TMS)3
Shevtsov, Maxim;Zhao, Lili;Protzer, Ulrike;Klundert, Maarten; Applicability of Metal Nanoparticles in the Detection and Monitoring of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Zhou, Mingchuan;Roodaki, Hessam;Eslami, Abouzar;Chen, Guang;Huang, Kai;Maier, Mathias;Lohmann, Chris;Knoll, Alois;Nasseri, Mohammad; Needle Segmentation in Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Ophthalmic Microsurgery
Schmaderer, Christoph;Braunisch, Matthias;Suttmann, Yana;Lorenz, Georg;Pham, Dang;Haller, Bernhard;Angermann, Susanne;Matschkal, Julia;Renders, Lutz;Baumann, Marcus;Braun, Jürgen;Heemann, Uwe;Küchle, Claudius; Reduced Mortality in Maintenance Haemodialysis Patients on High versus Low Dialysate Magnesium: A Pilot Study
Ringling, Christiane;Rychlik, Michael; Simulation of Food Folate Digestion and Bioavailability of an Oxidation Product of 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate
Nieberler, Markus;Reuning, Ute;Reichart, Florian;Notni, Johannes;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Schwaiger, Markus;Weinmüller, Michael;Räder, Andreas;Steiger, Katja;Kessler, Horst; Exploring the Role of RGD-Recognizing Integrins in Cancer
Helml, Wolfram;Grguraš, Ivanka;Juranić, Pavle;Düsterer, Stefan;Mazza, Tommaso;Maier, Andreas;Hartmann, Nick;Ilchen, Markus;Hartmann, Gregor;Patthey, Luc;Callegari, Carlo;Costello, John;Meyer, Michael;Coffee, Ryan;Cavalieri, Adrian;Kienberger, Reinhard; Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses
Carl, Christin;Biber, Peter;Landgraf, Dirk;Buras, Allan;Pretzsch, Hans; Allometric Models to Predict Aboveground Woody Biomass of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in Short Rotation Coppice in Previous Mining and Agricultural Areas in Germany
Grigorescu, Andrea;Boche, Holger;Schaefer, Rafael; Robust Biometric Authentication from an Information Theoretic Perspective
Leonhardt, Daniel;Ware, Antony;Zagst, Rudi; A Cointegrated Regime-Switching Model Approach with Jumps Applied to Natural Gas Futures Prices
Kullick, Julian;Hackl, Christoph; Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Deep Geothermal Electric Submersible Pumping Systems
Carl, Christin;Landgraf, Dirk;van der Maaten-Theunissen, Marieke;Biber, Peter;Pretzsch, Hans; Robinia pseudoacacia L. Flower Analyzed by Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Studer, Christoph;Hu, Yuncai;Schmidhalter, Urs; Interactive Effects of N-, P- and K-Nutrition and Drought Stress on the Development of Maize Seedlings
Heil, Kurt;Schmidhalter, Urs; The Application of EM38: Determination of Soil Parameters, Selection of Soil Sampling Points and Use in Agriculture and Archaeology
Köhler, Michael;Schardt, Michael;Rauscher, Markus;Koch, Alexander; Gas Measurement Using Static Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers
Martínez-Sancho, Elisabet;Vásconez Navas, Lizeth K.;Seidel, Hannes;Dorado-Liñán, Isabel;Menzel, Annette; Responses of Contrasting Tree Functional Types to Air Warming and Drought
Hafner, Benjamin;König, Andreas;Auerswald, Karl; Hoof Growth Rates of the European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) for Dating the Hoof’s Isotopic Archive
Boergens, Eva;Nielsen, Karina;Andersen, Ole;Dettmering, Denise;Seitz, Florian; River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification—A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin
Chokhachian, Ata; Santucc, Daniele; Auer, Thomas; A Human-Centered Approach to Enhance Urban Resilience, Implications and Application to Improve Outdoor Comfort in Dense Urban Spaces
Jourgholami, Meghdad;Labelle, Eric;Feghhi, Jahangir; Response of Runoff and Sediment on Skid Trails of Varying Gradient and Traffic Intensity over a Two-Year Period
Hesse, Holger;Schimpe, Michael;Kucevic, Daniel;Jossen, Andreas; Lithium-Ion Battery Storage for the Grid—A Review of Stationary Battery Storage System Design Tailored for Applications in Modern Power Grids
Fritsche, Marie Kristin ; Knopf, Andreas; The Tumor Suppressor p53 in Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck
Erdogan, Eren;Schmidt, Michael;Seitz, Florian;Durmaz, Murat; Near real-time estimation of ionosphere vertical total electron content from GNSS satellites using B-splines in a Kalman filter
Knapp, Josef;Paulus, Alexander;Lopez, Carlos;Eibert, Thomas F.; Comparison of non-convex cost functionals for the consideration of phase differences in phaseless near-field far-field transformations of measured antenna fields
Haider, Michael;Russer, Johannes A.; Differential form representation of stochastic electromagnetic fields
Nie, Wen;Krautblatter, Michael;Leith, Kerry;Thuro, Kurosch;Festl, Judith; A modified tank model including snowmelt and infiltration time lags for deep-seated landslides in alpine environments (Aggenalm, Germany)
Kaiser, Waldemar;Haider, Michael;Russer, Johannes A.;Russer, Peter;Jirauschek, Christian; Markovian Dynamics of Josephson Parametric Amplification
Kornprobst, Jonas;Mittermaier, Thomas J.;Eibert, Thomas F.; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with amplitude shift keying subcarrier modulation as a reliable and efficient transmission scheme for self-mixing receivers
Azodi, Hossein;Siart, Uwe;Eibert, Thomas F.; Sparse representation discretization errors in multi-sensor radar target motion estimation
Bertelè, Marta;Bottasso, Carlo L.;Cacciola, Stefano;Daher Adegas, Fabiano;Delport, Sara; Wind inflow observation from load harmonics
Dorfner, Johannes;Krystallas, Patrick;Durst, Magdalena;Massier, Tobias; District cooling network optimization with redundancy constraints in Singapore
Sollmann, Nico;Bulubas, Lucia;Tanigawa, Noriko;Zimmer, Claus;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; The variability of motor evoked potential latencies in neurosurgical motor mapping by preoperative navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
Poschenrieder, Andreas;Schottelius, Margret;Osl, Theresa;Schwaiger, Markus;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; [64Cu]NOTA-pentixather enables high resolution PET imaging of CXCR4 expression in a preclinical lymphoma model
Koerdt, Steffen;Tanner, Nadine;Rommel, Niklas;Rohleder, Nils H.;Frohwitter, Gesche;Ristow, Oliver;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kesting, Marco R.; NOS1-, NOS3-, PIK3CA-, and MAPK-pathways in skin following radiation therapy
Duma, M. N.;Heinrich, C.;Schönknecht, C.;Chizzali, B.;Mayinger, M.;Devecka, M.;Kampfer, S.;Combs, S. E.; Helical TomoTherapy for locally advanced or recurrent breast cancer
Hoffmann, Thomas;Marion, Antoine;Antes, Iris; DynaDom: structure-based prediction of T cell receptor inter-domain and T cell receptor-peptide-MHC (class I) association angles
Hamann, Johannes;Holzhüter, Fabian;Stecher, Lynne;Heres, Stephan; Shared decision making PLUS – a cluster-randomized trial with inpatients suffering from schizophrenia (SDM-PLUS)
Neuhaus, Klaus;Landstorfer, Richard;Simon, Svenja;Schober, Steffen;Wright, Patrick R.;Smith, Cameron;Backofen, Rolf;Wecko, Romy;Keim, Daniel A.;Scherer, Siegfried; Differentiation of ncRNAs from small mRNAs in Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC) by combined RNAseq and RIBOseq – ryhB encodes the regulatory RNA RyhB and a peptide, RyhP
Bracharz, Felix;Redai, Veronika;Bach, Kathrin;Qoura, Farah;Brück, Thomas; The effects of TORC signal interference on lipogenesis in the oleaginous yeast Trichosporon oleaginosus
Jocham, Alexandra;Kriston, Levente;Berberat, Pascal O.;Schneider, Antonius;Linde, Klaus; How do medical students engaging in elective courses on acupuncture and homeopathy differ from unselected students? A survey
Scheiderer, Bastian;Lacheta, Lucca;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Siebenlist, Sebastian; V-shaped double-row distal triceps tendon repair: a novel technique using unicortical button fixation
Lüpke, Marvin;Steinbrecher, Rainer;Leuchner, Michael;Menzel, Annette; The Tree Drought Emission MONitor (Tree DEMON), an innovative system for assessing biogenic volatile organic compounds emission from plants
Beirer, Marc;Banke, Ingo J.;Harrasser, Norbert;Crönlein, Moritz;Pförringer, Dominik;Huber-Wagner, Stefan;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Mid-term outcome following revision surgery of clavicular non- and malunion using anatomic locking compression plate and iliac crest bone graft
Wuensch, Alexander;Goelz, Tanja;Ihorst, Gabriele;Terris, Darcey D.;Bertz, Hartmut;Bengel, Juergen;Wirsching, Michael;Fritzsche, Kurt; Effect of individualized communication skills training on physicians’ discussion of clinical trials in oncology: results from a randomized controlled trial
Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Kleine, Justus;Kaesmacher, Johannes;Zimmer, Claus;Schirmer, Lucas;Simon, Sophie;Poppert, Holger; The CD31 molecule: a possible neuroprotective agent in acute ischemic stroke?
Apfelbeck, Beate;Mortega, Kim G.;Flinks, Heiner;Illera, Juan Carlos;Helm, Barbara; Testosterone, territorial response, and song in seasonally breeding tropical and temperate stonechats
Straube, Christoph;Scherb, Hagen;Gempt, Jens;Bette, Stefanie;Zimmer, Claus;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Schlegel, Jürgen;Meyer, Bernhard;Combs, Stephanie E.; Does age really matter? Radiotherapy in elderly patients with glioblastoma, the Munich experience
Hebestreit, Katrin;Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam;Engel, Christoph;Vetter, Walter;Siniatchkin, Michael;Erickson, Nicole;Halle, Martin;Kiechle, Marion;Bischoff, Stephan C.; Validation of the German version of the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) questionnaire
Mehring, Michael;Donnachie, Ewan;Bonke, Florian Cornelius;Werner, Christoph;Schneider, Antonius; Disease management programs for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Germany: a longitudinal population-based descriptive study
Schneider, Sandra;Unger, Marina;van Griensven, Martijn;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.; Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from liposuction and resected fat are feasible sources for regenerative medicine
Habl, Gregor;Straube, Christoph;Schiller, Kilian;Duma, Marciana Nona;Oechsner, Markus;Kessel, Kerstin A.;Eiber, Matthias;Schwaiger, Markus;Kübler, Hubert;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Combs, Stephanie E.; Oligometastases from prostate cancer: local treatment with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)
Apfelbeck, Beate;Helm, Barbara;Illera, Juan Carlos;Mortega, Kim G.;Smiddy, Patrick;Evans, Neil P.; Baseline and stress-induced levels of corticosterone in male and female Afrotropical and European temperate stonechats during breeding
Toepfer, Andreas;Harrasser, Norbert;Schwarz, Paul-Ruben;Pohlig, Florian;Lenze, Ulrich;Mühlhofer, Heinrich M. L.;Gerdesmeyer, Ludger;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger;Suren, Christian; Distal femoral replacement with the MML system: a single center experience with an average follow-up of 86 months
Roth, Teresa;Beer, Barbara;Pick, André;Sieber, Volker; Thermostabilization of the uronate dehydrogenase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens by semi-rational design
Voss, Andreas;Beitzel, Knut;Obopilwe, Elifho;Buchmann, Stefan;Apostolakos, John;Di Venere, Jessica;Nowak, Michael;Cote, Mark P.;Romeo, Anthony A.;Mazzocca, Augustus D.; No correlation between radiolucency and biomechanical stability of keeled and pegged glenoid components
Herhaus, Peter;Habringer, Stefan;Vag, Tibor;Steiger, Katja;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Gerngroß, Carlos;Wiestler, Benedikt;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Schwaiger, Markus;Keller, Ulrich; Response assessment with the CXCR4-directed positron emission tomography tracer [68Ga]Pentixafor in a patient with extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of the orbital cavities
Thieme, Nils;Wu, Vincent W.;Dietschmann, Axel;Salamov, Asaf A.;Wang, Mei;Johnson, Jenifer;Singan, Vasanth R.;Grigoriev, Igor V.;Glass, N. Louise;Somerville, Chris R.;Benz, J. Philipp; The transcription factor PDR-1 is a multi-functional regulator and key component of pectin deconstruction and catabolism in Neurospora crassa de
Sun, Han Yin;Koal, Philipp;Gerl, Georg;Schroll, Reiner;Joergensen, Rainer Georg;Munch, Jean Charles; Water-extractable organic matter and its fluorescence fractions in response to minimum tillage and organic farming in a Cambisol
Neumann, Ursula;Genze, Nikita;Heider, Dominik; EFS: an ensemble feature selection tool implemented as R-package and web-application
Schiller, Kilian;Specht, Hanno Martin;Haller, Bernhard;Hallqvist, Daniela;Devecka, Michal;Becker von Rose, Aaron;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth;Pigorsch, Steffi; Correlation between delivered radiation doses to the brainstem or vestibular organ and nausea & vomiting toxicity in patients with head and neck cancers – an observational clinical trial
Müller, Jan;Heiss, Kirsten Ingmar;Oberhoffer, Renate; Implementation of an open adoption research data management system for clinical studies
Münch, Stefan;Heinrich, Christine;Habermehl, Daniel;Oechsner, Markus;Combs, Stephanie E.;Duma, Marciana-Nona; Primary radio(chemo)therapy for esophageal cancer in elderly patients: are efficiency and toxicity comparable with younger patients?
Bissinger, Oliver;Götz, Carolin;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Prodinger, Peter Michael;Tischer, Thomas; Fully automated segmentation of callus by micro-CT compared to biomechanics
Löwe, Hannes;Hobmeier, Karina;Moos, Manuel;Kremling, Andreas;Pflüger-Grau, Katharina; Photoautotrophic production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in a synthetic mixed culture of Synechococcus elongatus cscB and Pseudomonas putida cscAB de
Eschlbeck, Elisabeth;Bauer, Simon A. W.;Kulozik, Ulrich; Effect of cultivation pH on the surface hydrophobicity of Bacillus subtilis spores
Longhi, Sarah;Heres, Stephan; Clozapine-induced, dilated cardiomyopathy: a case report
Brandt, Julia U.;Born, Friederike-Leonie;Jakob, Frank;Vogel, Rudi F.; Environmentally triggered genomic plasticity and capsular polysaccharide formation are involved in increased ethanol and acetic acid tolerance in Kozakia baliensis NBRC 16680
Sterzer, Lena; Does competition in the housing market cause transport poverty? Interrelations of residential location choice and mobility
Yeo, David C.;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.;Schantz, Jan-Thorsten;Xu, Chenjie; Microneedle physical contact as a therapeutic for abnormal scars
Münch, S;Oechsner, M;Combs, SE;Habermehl, D; DVH- and NTCP-based dosimetric comparison of different longitudinal margins for VMAT-IMRT of esophageal cancer
M.H. Mamduhi; M. Vilgelm; W. Kellerer; S. Hirche; Prioritized contention resolution for random access networked control systems
Riemenschneider, Mona;Herbst, Alexander;Rasch, Ari;Gorlatch, Sergei;Heider, Dominik; eccCL: parallelized GPU implementation of Ensemble Classifier Chains
Duma, Marciana Nona;Münch, Stefan;Oechsner, Markus;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth; Are heart toxicities in breast cancer patients important for radiation oncologists? A practice pattern survey in German speaking countries
Mueller, Tara C.;;Nitsche, Ulrich;Kehl, Victoria;Schirren, Rebekka;Schossow, Beate;Goess, Ruediger;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel; Intraoperative wound irrigation to prevent surgical site infection after laparotomy (IOWISI): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Schmitt, A.;Csiki, R.;Tron, A.;Saldamli, B.;Tübel, J.;Florian, K.;Siebenlist, S.;Balmayor, E.;Burgkart, R.; Optimized protocol for whole organ decellularization
Herlet, J.;Kornberger, P.;Roessler, B.;Glanz, J.;Schwarz, W. H.;Liebl, W.;Zverlov, V. V.; A new method to evaluate temperature vs. pH activity profiles for biotechnological relevant enzymes
Leis, Benedikt;Held, Claudia;Bergkemper, Fabian;Dennemarck, Katharina;Steinbauer, Robert;Reiter, Alarich;Mechelke, Matthias;Moerch, Matthias;Graubner, Sigrid;Liebl, Wolfgang;Schwarz, Wolfgang H.;Zverlov, Vladimir V.; Comparative characterization of all cellulosomal cellulases from Clostridium thermocellum reveals high diversity in endoglucanase product formation essential for complex activity
Bracharz, Felix;Beukhout, Teun;Mehlmer, Norbert;Brück, Thomas; Opportunities and challenges in the development of Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus ATCC 20509 as a new cell factory for custom tailored microbial oils
Hassan, Lara;Reppke, Manfred J.;Thieme, Nils;Schweizer, Steffen A.;Mueller, Carsten W.;Benz, J. Philipp; Comparing the physiochemical parameters of three celluloses reveals new insights into substrate suitability for fungal enzyme production
Voss, Andreas;Cerciello, Simone;DiVenere, Jessica;Solovyova, Olga;Dyrna, Felix;Apostolakos, John;Lam, David;Cote, Mark P.;Beitzel, Knut;Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Open subpectoral biceps tenodesis in patients over 65 does not result in an increased rate of complications
Münch, Stefan;Pigorsch, Steffi U.;Feith, Marcus;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Weichert, Wilko;Friess, Helmut;Combs, Stephanie E.;Habermehl, Daniel; Comparison of neoadjuvant chemoradiation with carboplatin/ paclitaxel or cisplatin/ 5-fluoruracil in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus
Kiechle, Marion;Dukatz, Ricarda;Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam;Berling, Anika;Basrai, Maryam;Staiger, Vera;Niederberger, Uwe;Marter, Nicole;Lammert, Jacqueline;Grill, Sabine;Pfeifer, Katharina;Rhiem, Kerstin;Schmutzler, Rita K.;Laudes, Matthias;Siniatchkin, Michael;Halle, Martin;Bischoff, Stephan C.;Engel, Christoph; Feasibility of structured endurance training and Mediterranean diet in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers – an interventional randomized controlled multicenter trial (LIBRE-1)
Krautheim, Veronika;Schmitz, Andrea;Benze, Gesine;Standl, Thomas;Schiessl, Christine;Waldeyer, Wolfgang;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Kochs, Eberhard F.;Schneider, Gerhard;Wagner, Klaus J.;Schulz, Christian M.; Self-confidence and knowledge of German ICU physicians in palliative care – a multicentre prospective study
Hillreiner, M.;Schmautz, C.;Ballweg, I.;Korenkova, V.;Pfaffl, M. W.;Kliem, H.; Gene expression profiling in pbMEC – in search of molecular biomarkers to predict immunoglobulin production in bovine milk
Seppel, Gernot;Saier, Tim;Martetschläger, Frank;Plath, Johannes E.;Guevara-Alvarez, Alberto;Henschel, Julia;Winkler, Martin;Augat, Peter;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Buchmann, Stefan; Single versus double row suture anchor fixation for greater tuberosity fractures – a biomechanical study
Pogorzelski, Jonas;Beitzel, Knut;Ranuccio, Francesco;Wörtler, Klaus;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Millett, Peter J.;Braun, Sepp; The acutely injured acromioclavicular joint – which imaging modalities should be used for accurate diagnosis? A systematic review
Geith, Stefanie;Renner, Bertold;Rabe, Christian;Stenzel, Jochen;Eyer, Florian; Ibuprofen plasma concentration profile in deliberate ibuprofen overdose with circulatory depression treated with therapeutic plasma exchange: a case report
Keller, Simone;Kneissl, Julia;Grabher-Meier, Verena;Heindl, Stefan;Hasenauer, Jan;Maier, Dieter;Mattes, Julian;Winter, Peter;Luber, Birgit; Evaluation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling effects in gastric cancer cell lines by detailed motility-focused phenotypic characterization linked with molecular analysis
Jaravine, Victor;Mösch, Anja;Raffegerst, Silke;Schendel, Dolores J.;Frishman, Dmitrij; Expitope 2.0: a tool to assess immunotherapeutic antigens for their potential cross-reactivity against naturally expressed proteins in human tissues
Crönlein, Moritz;Lucke, Martin;Beirer, Marc;Pförringer, Dominik;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Braun, Karl F.;Siebenlist, Sebastian; Polyaxial locking plates in treating distal humeral fractures: a comparative randomized trial for clinical outcome
Mueller, Tara C.;Schirren, Rebekka;Kehl, Victoria;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel;Martignoni, Marc E.; Parenteral nutrition during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with non-metastatic gastric or esophago-gastric cancer to reduce postoperative morbidity (PERCOG): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Imhoff, Florian B.;Scheiderer, Bastian;Zakko, Philip;Obopilwe, Elifho;Liska, Franz;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Mazzocca, Augustus D.;Arciero, Robert A.;Beitzel, Knut; How to avoid unintended valgus alignment in distal femoral derotational osteotomy for treatment of femoral torsional malalignment - a concept study
Peset, Clara;Pineda, Antonio;Stahlhofen, Maximilian; Relativistic corrections to the static energy in terms of Wilson loops at weak coupling
Buras, Andrzej J.;Gérard, Jean-Marc; Final state interactions in $$K\rightarrow \pi \pi $$ K → π π decays: $$\Delta I=1/2$$ Δ I = 1 / 2 rule vs. $$\varepsilon '/\varepsilon $$ ε ′ / ε
Paul, Ayan;Straub, David M.; Constraints on new physics from radiative B decays
Altmannshofer, Wolfgang;Niehoff, Christoph;Straub, David M.; B s → μ + μ − as current and future probe of new physicsde
Bobeth, Christoph;Buras, Andrzej J.;Celis, Alejandro;Jung, Martin; Patterns of flavour violation in models with vector-like quarks
Niehoff, Christoph;Stangl, Peter;Straub, David M.; Electroweak symmetry breaking and collider signatures in the next-to-minimal composite Higgs model
Balkin, Reuven;Ruhdorfer, Maximilian;Salvioni, Ennio;Weiler, Andreas; Charged composite scalar dark matter
Drewes, Marco;Kang, Jin U;Mun, Ui Ri; CMB constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in α-attractor inflation
Komijani, J.; A discussion on leading renormalon in the pole mass
Drewes, Marco;Garbrecht, Björn;Gueter, Dario;Klarić, Juraj; Testing the low scale seesaw and leptogenesis
Bobeth, Christoph;Buras, Andrzej J.;Celis, Alejandro;Jung, Martin; Yukawa enhancement of Z-mediated new physics in ∆S = 2 and ∆B = 2 processes
Broggio, Alessandro;Ferroglia, Andrea;Ossola, Giovanni;Pecjak, Ben D.;Sameshima, Ray D.; Associated production of a top pair and a Z boson at the LHC to NNLL accuracy
Broggio, Alessandro;Ferroglia, Andrea;Pecjak, Ben D.;Yang, Li Lin; NNLL resummation for the associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson at the LHC
Hessler, Andre G.;Ibarra, Alejandro;Molinaro, Emiliano;Vogl, Stefan; Probing the scotogenic FIMP at the LHC
Dybalski, Wojciech; From Faddeev–Kulish to LSZ. Towards a non-perturbative description of colliding electrons
König, Robert;Scholz, Volkher B.; Matrix product approximations to conformal field theories
Jaser, Miriam;Haug, Stephan;Min, Aleksey; A simple non-parametric goodness-of-fit test for elliptical copulas
Gibanica, Mladen;Abrahamsson, Thomas J. S.;Rixen, Daniel J.; A reduced interface component mode synthesis method using coarse meshes
Kellerer, Wolfgang; Flexnets: Evaluating Flexibility in Softwarized Communication Networks
Kellerer, Wolfgang; Using Flexibility as a Measure to Evaluate Softwarized Networks
Wunderlich, Th.; Recent Research at the TUM Chair of Geodesy
Wunderlich, Th.; Ingenieurgeodäsie - eine Zeitreise von 1978 bis heute
Wunderlich, Th.; 3d congruency – the point cloud problem
Wunderlich, Th.; Geodetic Engineering – Ensuring the Breakthrough
Jens Schulz, Kira Hirsenkorn, Julian Löchner, Moritz Werling, Darius Burschka; Estimation of collective maneuvers through cooperative multi-agent planning
Wen Pan, Katharina Langosch, Thomas Bock; Development of the Process Information Modelling in the construction project: A case study of the ZERO-PLUS project
Khambud, R.; Geodetic Approaches to Support Climate Change Adaptation in Thailand
Wasmeier, P.; Bildgebende und scannende Tachymeter - Weiterführende Konzepte der Sensorfusion
Khambud , R.; Flood Risk Management with Geodetic Measures in Thailand
C. Zhu, G. Giorgi, C. Günther; Planar Pose Estimation using a Camera and Single-Station Ranging Measurements
M.H. Mamduhi; A. Molin; D. Tolic; S. Hirche; Error-dependent data scheduling in resource-aware multi-loop networked control systems
Achleitner, Johannes, Rohde-Brandenburger, Kai; Reinisch, Joseph; Hornung, Mirko; Forschungsaktivitäten im Bereich formvariabler Segelflugzeugflügel an der TU München
Pukall, Klaus; Wer erzählt die besten Geschichten in der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung über Jagd?
Pukall, Klaus; Historical root causes for the conflicts between forest and nature protection legislation in Germany
Ge, X.; Automatic markerless registration of point clouds with semantic-keypoint-based 4-points congruent sets
Layla Martin, Paul Karaenke; The Vehicle for Hire Problem: A Generalized Kolkata Paise Restaurant Problem
Gruber, Fabian M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; A Dual Craig-Bampton State-Space Approach for Model Reduction of Damped Systems
Meyer, Christian H.;Lerch, Christopher;Lohmann, Boris;Rixen, Daniel J.; Model Order Reduction for Parametric Non-linear Mechanical Systems: State of the Art and Future Research
Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza;Buchmann, Erhard;Rixen, Daniel Jean; Modal Substructuring of Geometrically Nonlinear Plates
Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza;Qi, Yongle;Rixen, Daniel Jean; Experimental-Numerical Substructuring: a Comparison of Assemblies in Primal and Dual Forms
Wang, Xiebing;Cui, Mingyue;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois;Chen, Long; Improving the performance of ADAS application in heterogeneous context: A case of lane detection
Rüdiger, Celine;Favaro, Marco;Valero-Vidal, Carlos;Calvillo, Laura;Bozzolo, Nathalie;Jacomet, Suzanne;Hein, Jennifer;Gregoratti, Luca;Agnoli, Stefano;Granozzi, Gaetano;Kunze-Liebhäuser, Julia; Substrate Grain-Dependent Chemistry of Carburized Planar Anodic TiO2 on Polycrystalline Ti
Fischer, T;Eberlein, B;Brockow, K;Ollert, M;Ring, J;Darsow, U; Rare Ingestive Food Allergy to Mushroom Boletus badius
Duan, Zheng;Gao, Hongkai;Tan, Mouleong; Extreme Precipitation and Floods: Monitoring, Modelling, and Forecasting
Turvani, G.;Riente, F.;Plozner, E.;Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.;Breitkreutz-v. Gamm, S.; A compact physical model for the simulation of pNML-based architectures
Riente, Fabrizio;Ziemys, Grazvydas;Mattersdorfer, Clemens;Boche, Silke;Turvani, Giovanna;Raberg, Wolfgang;Luber, Sebastian;Breitkreutz-v. Gamm, Stephan; Controlled data storage for non-volatile memory cells embedded in nano magnetic logic
Egel, Eugen;Meier, Christian;Csaba, György;Breitkreutz-von Gamm, Stephan; Design of a CMOS integrated on-chip oscilloscope for spin wave characterization
Ziemys, Grazvydas;Breitkreutz-v. Gamm, Stephan;Csaba, Gyorgy;Schmitt-Landsiedel, Doris;Becherer, Markus; Experiment-based thermal micromagnetic simulations of the magnetization reversal for ns-range clocked nanomagnetic logic
Ganzhorn, Kathrin;Wimmer, Tobias;Cramer, Joel;Schlitz, Richard;Geprägs, Stephan;Jakob, Gerhard;Gross, Rudolf;Huebl, Hans;Kläui, Mathias;Goennenwein, Sebastian T. B.; Temperature dependence of the non-local spin Seebeck effect in YIG/Pt nanostructures
Ndrepepa, Gjin; Tolvaptan in the very elderly with acute decompensated heart failure- a therapeutic option worthy of consideration
Brugger, Daniel;Windisch, Wilhelm M.; Strategies and challenges to increase the precision in feeding zinc to monogastric livestock
Baumann, Sabine; Comparison of Glacier Mass Balance Data in the Tien Shan and Pamir, Central Asia
Schreyer, Matthias;Hintermann, Lukas; Is the tungsten(IV) complex (NEt4)2[WO(mnt)2] a functional analogue of acetylene hydratase?
Kemper, Katarina;Hirte, Max;Reinbold, Markus;Fuchs, Monika;Brück, Thomas; Opportunities and challenges for the sustainable production of structurally complex diterpenoids in recombinant microbial systems
Eichhorn, S.;Mendoza, A.;Prinzing, A.;Stroh, A.;Xinghai, L.;Polski, M.;Heller, M.;Lahm, H.;Wolf, E.;Lange, R.;Krane, M.; Corpuls CPR Generates Higher Mean Arterial Pressure Than LUCAS II in a Pig Model of Cardiac Arrest
Melzer, Michael;Lopez-Martinez, Arturo;Altomonte, Jennifer; Oncolytic Vesicular Stomatitis Virus as a Viro-Immunotherapy: Defeating Cancer with a “Hammer” and “Anvil”
Benz, J. Philipp;Protzko, Ryan J.;Andrich, Jonas M. S.;Bauer, Stefan;Dueber, John E.;Somerville, Chris R.; Correction to: Identification and characterization of a galacturonic acid transporter from Neurospora crassa and its application for Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation processes
Unterbuchner, Christoph;Blobner, Manfred;Pühringer, Friedrich;Janda, Matthias;Bischoff, Sebastian;Bein, Berthold;Schmidt, Annette;Ulm, Kurt;Pithamitsis, Viktor;Fink, Heidrun; Development of an algorithm using clinical tests to avoid post-operative residual neuromuscular block
Knebel, Carolin;Lenze, Ulrich;Pohlig, Florian;Lenze, Florian;Harrasser, Norbert;Suren, Christian;Breitenbach, Jonathan;Rechl, Hans;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Mühlhofer, Heinrich M. L.; Prognostic factors and outcome of Liposarcoma patients: a retrospective evaluation over 15 years
Schwarz, S.;Prokopchuk, O.;Esefeld, K.;Gröschel, S.;Bachmann, J.;Lorenzen, S.;Friess, H.;Halle, M.;Martignoni, M. E.; The clinical picture of cachexia: a mosaic of different parameters (experience of 503 patients)
Steppich, Birgit;;Groha, Philip;Ibrahim, Tareq;Schunkert, Heribert;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Hadamitzky, Martin;Kastrati, Adnan;Ott, Ilka; Effect of Erythropoietin in patients with acute myocardial infarction: five-year results of the REVIVAL-3 trial
Huber, Wolfgang;Henschel, Benedikt;Schmid, Roland;Al-Chalabi, Ahmed; First clinical experience in 14 patients treated with ADVOS: a study on feasibility, safety and efficacy of a new type of albumin dialysis
Storr, Constanze;Gahbler, Lucia Marieke;Linde, Klaus;Schneider, Antonius; Reasons for encounters and psychiatric comorbidity in an urban Bavarian primary care out-of-hour service - results of a cross sectional study
Sales, Arthur H. A.;Barz, Melanie;Bette, Stefanie;Wiestler, Benedikt;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Meyer, Bernhard;Bretschneider, Martin;Ringel, Florian;Gempt, Jens; Impact of ischemic preconditioning on surgical treatment of brain tumors: a single-center, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial
Ahrens, Philipp;Martetschläger, Frank;Siebenlist, Sebastian;Attenberger, Johann;Crönlein, Moritz;Biberthaler, Peter;Stöckle, Ulrich;Sandmann, Gunther H.; Return to sports after plate fixation of humeral head fractures 65 cases with minimum 24-month follow-up
Stenzel, Jochen;Noe, Sebastian;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Erlmeier, Franziska;Eyer, Florian; Corrigendum to “Fatal Systemic Vasoconstriction in a Case of Metastatic Small-Intestinal NET”
Stenzel, Jochen;Noe, Sebastian;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Erlmeier, Franziska;Eyer, Florian; Fatal Systemic Vasoconstriction in a Case of Metastatic Small-Intestinal NET
Zech, Michael;Poustka, Katharina;Boesch, Sylvia;Berutti, Riccardo;Strom, Tim M.;Grisold, Wolfgang;Poewe, Werner;Winkelmann, Juliane; SOX5-Null Heterozygous Mutation in a Family with Adult-Onset Hyperkinesia and Behavioral Abnormalities
Mease, Rebecca A.;Kuner, Thomas;Fairhall, Adrienne L.;Groh, Alexander; Multiplexed Spike Coding and Adaptation in the Thalamus
Zied Tayeb, Emeç Erçelik, Jörg Conradt; Decoding of motor imagery movements from EEG signals using SpiNNaker neuromorphic hardware
Moser, Astrid;Uhl, Enno;Rötzer, Thomas;Biber, Peter;Dahlhausen, Jens;Lefer, Barry;Pretzsch, Hans; Effects of Climate and the Urban Heat Island Effect on Urban Tree Growth in Houston
Cho, Yi-Li;Flossdorf, Michael;Kretschmer, Lorenz;Höfer, Thomas;Busch, Dirk H.;Buchholz, Veit R.; TCR Signal Quality Modulates Fate Decisions of Single CD4 + T Cells in a Probabilistic Manner
Schneider, Katharina S.;Groß, Christina J.;Dreier, Roland F.;Saller, Benedikt S.;Mishra, Ritu;Gorka, Oliver;Heilig, Rosalie;Meunier, Etienne;Dick, Mathias S.;Ćiković, Tamara;Sodenkamp, Jan;Médard, Guillaume;Naumann, Ronald;Ruland, Jürgen;Kuster, Bernhard;Broz, Petr;Groß, Olaf; The Inflammasome Drives GSDMD-Independent Secondary Pyroptosis and IL-1 Release in the Absence of Caspase-1 Protease Activity
Hösel, Marianna;Quasdorff, Maria;Ringelhan, Marc;Kashkar, Hamid;Debey-Pascher, Svenja;Sprinzl, Martin F.;Bockmann, Jan-Hendrik;Arzberger, Silke;Webb, Dennis;von Olshausen, Gesa;Weber, Achim;Schultze, Joachim L.;Büning, Hildegard;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Protzer, Ulrike; Hepatitis B Virus Activates Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 Supporting Hepatocyte Survival and Virus Replication
Reiter, M.;Vagin, S.;Kronast, A.;Jandl, C.;Rieger, B.; A Lewis acid β-diiminato-zinc-complex as all-rounder for co- and terpolymerisation of various epoxides with carbon dioxide
Balogh, Dóra;Dahmen, Maria;Stahl, Matthias;Poreba, Marcin;Gersch, Malte;Drag, Marcin;Sieber, Stephan A.; Insights into ClpXP proteolysis: heterooligomerization and partial deactivation enhance chaperone affinity and substrate turnover in Listeria monocytogenes
Jiang, Li;Zhang, Bodong;Médard, Guillaume;Seitsonen, Ari Paavo;Haag, Felix;Allegretti, Francesco;Reichert, Joachim;Kuster, Bernhard;Barth, Johannes V.;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; N-Heterocyclic carbenes on close-packed coinage metal surfaces: bis-carbene metal adatom bonding scheme of monolayer films on Au, Ag and Cu
Marchi, Erik;Vesperini, Fabio;Squartini, Stefano;Schuller, Björn; Deep Recurrent Neural Network-Based Autoencoders for Acoustic Novelty Detection
Elts, Ekaterina;Greiner, Maximilian;Briesen, Heiko; In Silico Prediction of Growth and Dissolution Rates for Organic Molecular Crystals: A Multiscale Approach
Nikolov, I.S.;Stoeckle, B.C.;Markov, G.;Kuehn, R.; Substantial hybridisation between wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) and East Balkan pigs (Sus scrofa f. domestica) in natural environment as a result of semi-wild rearing in Bulgaria
Melchart, Dieter;Löw, Peter;Wühr, Erich;Kehl, Victoria;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang; Effects of a tailored lifestyle self-management intervention (TALENT) study on weight reduction: a randomized controlled trial
Lubeseder-Martellato, Clara;Alexandrow, Katharina;Hidalgo-Sastre, Ana;Heid, Irina;Boos, Sophie Luise;Briel, Thomas;Schmid, Roland M.;Siveke, Jens T.; Oncogenic KRas-induced Increase in Fluid-phase Endocytosis is Dependent on N-WASP and is Required for the Formation of Pancreatic Preneoplastic Lesions
Varasteh, Zohreh;Hyafil, Fabien;Anizan, Nadège;Diallo, Devy;Aid-Launais, Rachida;Mohanta, Sarajo;Li, Yuanfang;Braeuer, Miriam;Steiger, Katja;Vigne, Jonathan;Qin, Zhengtao;Nekolla, Stephan G.;Fabre, Jean-Etienne;Döring, Yvonne;Le Guludec, Dominique;Habenicht, Andreas;Vera, David R.;Schwaiger, Markus; Targeting mannose receptor expression on macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques of apolipoprotein E-knockout mice using 111In-tilmanocept
Gantert, Nina;Junk, Stefan; A branching random walk among disasters
Rodriguez Camargo, Diana C;Korshavn, Kyle J;Jussupow, Alexander;Raltchev, Kolio;Goricanec, David;Fleisch, Markus;Sarkar, Riddhiman;Xue, Kai;Aichler, Michaela;Mettenleiter, Gabriele;Walch, Axel Karl;Camilloni, Carlo;Hagn, Franz;Reif, Bernd;Ramamoorthy, Ayyalusamy; Stabilization and structural analysis of a membrane-associated hIAPP aggregation intermediate
Lutz, Ulrich;Nussbaumer, Thomas;Spannagl, Manuel;Diener, Julia;Mayer, Klaus FX;Schwechheimer, Claus; Natural haplotypes of FLM non-coding sequences fine-tune flowering time in ambient spring temperatures in Arabidopsis
Schlag, Christoph;Menzel, Christoph;Götzberger, Manuela;Nennstiel, Simon;Klare, Peter;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Schmid, Roland;Weirich, Gregor;von Delius, Stefan; Endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue sampling of small subepithelial tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a 22-gauge core biopsy needle
Klare, Peter;Phlipsen, Henrik;Haller, Bernhard;Einwächter, Henrik;Weber, Andreas;Abdelhafez, Mohamed;Bajbouj, Monther;Brown, Hayley;Schmid, Roland;von Delius, Stefan; Longer observation time increases adenoma detection in the proximal colon – a prospective study
Hesse, Holger;Martins, Rodrigo;Musilek, Petr;Naumann, Maik;Truong, Cong;Jossen, Andreas; Economic Optimization of Component Sizing for Residential Battery Storage Systems
Berger, Sebastian;Schneider, Gerhard;Kochs, Eberhard;Jordan, Denis; Permutation Entropy: Too Complex a Measure for EEG Time Series?
Georgiou, Anastasia;Bello-Rivas, Juan;Gear, Charles;Wu, Hau-Tieng;Chiavazzo, Eliodoro;Kevrekidis, Ioannis; An Exploration Algorithm for Stochastic Simulators Driven by Energy Gradients
Mühlhofer, Heinrich M. L.;Pohlig, Florian;Kanz, Karl-Georg;Lenze, Ulrich;Lenze, Florian;Toepfer, Andreas;Kelch, Sarah;Harrasser, Norbert;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Schauwecker, Johannes; Prosthetic joint infection development of an evidence-based diagnostic algorithm
Pölsterl, Sebastian;Gupta, Pankaj;Wang, Lichao;Conjeti, Sailesh;Katouzian, Amin;Navab, Nassir; Heterogeneous ensembles for predicting survival of metastatic, castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients
Pretzsch, Hans;Zenner, Eric K.; Toward managing mixed-species stands: from parametrization to prescription
Savio, Alexandre M.;Schutte, Michael;Graña, Manuel;Yakushev, Igor; Pypes: Workflows for Processing Multimodal Neuroimaging Data
Gmelch, Lena;Hintelmann, Holger;Hickie, Brendan;Kienberger, Hermine;Stern, Gary;Rychlik, Michael; Risk–Benefit Assessment of Monomethylmercury and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake for Ringed Seal Consumption with Particular Emphasis on Vulnerable Populations in the Western Canadian Arctic
Peeken, Jan C.;Vaupel, Peter;Combs, Stephanie E.; Integrating Hyperthermia into Modern Radiation Oncology: What Evidence Is Necessary?
Li, Yuhuang;Maegdefessel, Lars; Non-coding RNA Contribution to Thoracic and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Disease Development and Progression
Fromme, Tobias; Commentary: Evolution of UCP1 Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Across the Mammalian Phylogeny
Töpner, Katrin;Rosa, Guilherme J. M.;Gianola, Daniel;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Bayesian Networks Illustrate Genomic and Residual Trait Connections in Maize ( Zea mays L.)
Vidalis, Amaryllis;Živković, Daniel;Wardenaar, René;Roquis, David;Tellier, Aurélien;Johannes, Frank; Erratum to: Methylome Evolution in plants
Habert, Séverine;Eck, Ulrich;Fallavollita, Pascal;Parent, Stefan;Navab, Nassir;Cheriet, Farida; Application of an RGBD augmented C-arm for minimally invasive scoliosis surgery assistance
Polanco, Erwin Isaac;Fleifle, Amr;Ludwig, Ralf;Disse, Markus; Improving SWAT model performance in the upper Blue Nile Basin using meteorological data integration and subcatchment discretization
Demmerle, Frederic;Bissinger, Jochen;Oberhausen, Wolfhard;Burghart, Dominik;Krakofsky, Jonas;Schmeiduch, Hannes;Boehm, Gerhard;Amann, M.-C.; Single Stack Active Region Nonlinear Quantum Cascade Lasers for Improved THz Emission
Nürnberger, Kajetan;Hochstrasser, Markus;Holzapfel, Florian; Execution time analysis and optimisation techniques in the model-based development of a flight control software
Papakosta, P;Straub, D; Probabilistic prediction of daily fire occurrence in the Mediterranean with readily available spatio-temporal data
POHLIG, FLORIAN;LENZE, ULRICH;MUHLHOFER, HEINRICH M.L;LENZE, FLORIAN W;SCHAUWECKER, JOHANNES;KNEBEL, CAROLIN;ZIMMERMANN, TANJA;HERSCHBACH, PETER; IT-based Psychosocial Distress Screening in Patients with Sarcoma and Parental Caregivers via Disease-specific Online Social Media Communities
Al-Chalabi, Ahmed;Matevossian, Edouard;von Thaden, Anne;Schreiber, Catherine;Radermacher, Peter;Huber, Wolfgang;Perez Ruiz de Garibay, Aritz;Kreymann, Bernhard; Evaluation of an ADVanced Organ Support (ADVOS) system in a two-hit porcine model of liver failure plus endotoxemia
Albayrak, Alp;Polifke, Wolfgang; An analytical model based on the G-equation for the response of technically premixed flames to perturbations of equivalence ratio
Albayrak, Alp;Bezgin, Deniz A;Polifke, Wolfgang; Response of a swirl flame to inertial waves
Caeiro, Faisal;Sovardi, Carlo;Förner, Kilian;Polifke, Wolfgang; Shape optimization of a Helmholtz resonator using an adjoint method
Jaensch, Stefan;Polifke, Wolfgang; Uncertainty encountered when modelling self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations with artificial neural networks
Kessel, Kerstin Anne;Vogel, Marco ME;Kessel, Carmen;Bier, Henning;Biedermann, Tilo;Friess, Helmut;Herschbach, Peter;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Meyer, Bernhard;Kiechle, Marion;Keller, Ulrich;Peschel, Christian;Schmid, Roland M;Combs, Stephanie E; Mobile Health in Oncology: A Patient Survey About App-Assisted Cancer Care
Huber, Stephan;Priebe, Janosch A;Baumann, Kaja-Maria;Plidschun, Anne;Schiessl, Christine;Tölle, Thomas R; Treatment of Low Back Pain with a Digital Multidisciplinary Pain Treatment App: Short-Term Results
Doerfler, Renate Luise;Petzl, Wolfram;Rieger, Anna;Bernhardt, Heinz; Impact of robot scrapers on clinical mastitis and somatic cell count in lactating cows
Feuerecker, Benedikt;Durst, Markus;Michalik, Michael;Schneider, Günter;Saur, Dieter;Menzel, Marion;Schwaiger, Markus;Schilling, Franz; Hyperpolarized 13C Diffusion MRS of Co-Polarized Pyruvate and Fumarate to Measure Lactate Export and Necrosis
Kornberg, Arno;Schernhammer, Martina;Friess, Helmut; 18F-FDG-PET for Assessing Biological Viability and Prognosis in Liver Transplant Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Gollwitzer, Hans;Banke, Ingo J;Schauwecker, Johannes;Gerdesmeyer, Ludger;Suren, Christian; How to address ischiofemoral impingement? Treatment algorithm and review of the literature
Xia, Yuchen;Cheng, Xiaoming;Blossey, Christoph K.;Wisskirchen, Karin;Esser, Knud;Protzer, Ulrike; Secreted Interferon-Inducible Factors Restrict Hepatitis B and C Virus Entry In Vitro
Formichella, Luca;Romberg, Laura;Meyer, Hannelore;Bolz, Christian;Vieth, Michael;Geppert, Michael;Göttner, Gereon;Nölting, Christina;Schepp, Wolfgang;Schneider, Arne;Ulm, Kurt;Wolf, Petra;Holster, Ingrid Lisanne;Kuipers, Ernst J.;Birkner, Bernd;Soutschek, Erwin;Gerhard, Markus; Validation of a Novel Immunoline Assay for Patient Stratification according to Virulence of the Infecting Helicobacter pylori Strain and Eradication Status
Molina-Farrugia, B.;Rivadeneyra, A.;Fernández-Salmerón, J.;Martínez-Martí, F.;Banqueri, J.;Carvajal, M. A.; Read Range Enhancement of a Sensing RFID Tag by Photovoltaic Panel
Rommel, Niklas;Bissinger, Oliver;Rau, Andrea;Muecke, Thomas; Ectopic meningioma of the mandible in a 20-year-old woman: a case report and literature review
von Bomhard, Achim;Faust, Joseph;Elsaesser, Alexander F;Schwarz, Silke;Pippich, Katharina;Rotter, Nicole; Impact of expansion and redifferentiation under hypothermia on chondrogenic capacity of cultured human septal chondrocytes
T. Um; F. Pfister; D. Pichler; S. Endo; M. Lang; S. Hirche; U. Fietzek ; D. Kulić; Data augmentation of wearable sensor data for parkinson's disease monitoring using convolutional neural networks
Belle, Christina C.;Stoeckle, Bernhard C.;Cerwenka, Alexander F.;Kuehn, Ralph;Mueller, Melanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Genetic species identification in weatherfish and first molecular confirmation of Oriental Weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor, 1842) in Central Europe
Mittermeier, Thomas;Madkikar, Pankaj;Wang, Xiaodong;Gasteiger, Hubert;Piana, Michele; Probing Transition-Metal Silicides as PGM-Free Catalysts for Hydrogen Oxidation and Evolution in Acidic Medium
Mendoza-Poudereux, Isabel;Kutzner, Erika;Huber, Claudia;Segura, Juan;Arrillaga, Isabel;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Dynamics of Monoterpene Formation in Spike Lavender Plants
Steiger, Katja;Schlitter, Anna-Melissa;Weichert, Wilko;Esposito, Irene;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Notni, Johannes; Perspective of αvβ6-Integrin Imaging for Clinical Management of Pancreatic Carcinoma and Its Precursor Lesions
von Heyking, Kristina;Calzada-Wack, Julia;Göllner, Stefanie;Neff, Frauke;Schmidt, Oxana;Hensel, Tim;Schirmer, David;Fasan, Annette;Esposito, Irene;Müller-Tidow, Carsten;Sorensen, Poul H.;Burdach, Stefan;Richter, Günther H. S.; The endochondral bone protein CHM1 sustains an undifferentiated, invasive phenotype, promoting lung metastasis in Ewing sarcoma
Frejno, Martin;Zenezini Chiozzi, Riccardo;Wilhelm, Mathias;Koch, Heiner;Zheng, Runsheng;Klaeger, Susan;Ruprecht, Benjamin;Meng, Chen;Kramer, Karl;Jarzab, Anna;Heinzlmeir, Stephanie;Johnstone, Elaine;Domingo, Enric;Kerr, David;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Slotta‐Huspenina, Julia;Weichert, Wilko;Knapp, Stefan;Feller, Stephan M;Kuster, Bernhard; Pharmacoproteomic characterisation of human colon and rectal cancer
Eckert, Heiner; Synergy Effects in the Chemical Synthesis and Extensions of Multicomponent Reactions (MCRs)—The Low Energy Way to Ultra-Short Syntheses of Tailor-Made Molecules
Marzaioli, Viviana;Groß, Christina;Weichenmeier, Ingrid;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten;Gutermuth, Jan;Groß, Olaf;Alessandrini, Francesca; Specific Surface Modifications of Silica Nanoparticles Diminish Inflammasome Activation and In Vivo Expression of Selected Inflammatory Genes
Liu, Yuanshuai;Vjunov, Aleksei;Shi, Hui;Eckstein, Sebastian;Camaioni, Donald M.;Mei, Donghai;Baráth, Eszter;Lercher, Johannes A.; Enhancing the catalytic activity of hydronium ions through constrained environments
Tena-Solsona, Marta;Rieß, Benedikt;Grötsch, Raphael K.;Löhrer, Franziska C.;Wanzke, Caren;Käsdorf, Benjamin;Bausch, Andreas R.;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Lieleg, Oliver;Boekhoven, Job; Non-equilibrium dissipative supramolecular materials with a tunable lifetime
Kremer, Laura S.;Bader, Daniel M.;Mertes, Christian;Kopajtich, Robert;Pichler, Garwin;Iuso, Arcangela;Haack, Tobias B.;Graf, Elisabeth;Schwarzmayr, Thomas;Terrile, Caterina;Koňaříková, Eliška;Repp, Birgit;Kastenmüller, Gabi;Adamski, Jerzy;Lichtner, Peter;Leonhardt, Christoph;Funalot, Benoit;Donati, Alice;Tiranti, Valeria;Lombes, Anne;Jardel, Claude;Gläser, Dieter;Taylor, Robert W.;Ghezzi, Daniele;Mayr, Johannes A.;Rötig, Agnes;Freisinger, Peter;Distelmaier, Felix;Strom, Tim M.;Meitinger, Thomas;Gagneur, Julien;Prokisch, Holger; Genetic diagnosis of Mendelian disorders via RNA sequencing
Peng, Tingying;Thorn, Kurt;Schroeder, Timm;Wang, Lichao;Theis, Fabian J.;Marr, Carsten;Navab, Nassir; A BaSiC tool for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
Sassi, Yassine;Avramopoulos, Petros;Ramanujam, Deepak;Grüter, Laurenz;Werfel, Stanislas;Giosele, Simon;Brunner, Andreas-David;Esfandyari, Dena;Papadopoulou, Aikaterini S.;De Strooper, Bart;Hübner, Norbert;Kumarswamy, Regalla;Thum, Thomas;Yin, Xiaoke;Mayr, Manuel;Laggerbauer, Bernhard;Engelhardt, Stefan; Cardiac myocyte miR-29 promotes pathological remodeling of the heart by activating Wnt signaling
Düwel, Stephan;Hundshammer, Christian;Gersch, Malte;Feuerecker, Benedikt;Steiger, Katja;Buck, Achim;Walch, Axel;Haase, Axel;Glaser, Steffen J.;Schwaiger, Markus;Schilling, Franz; Imaging of pH in vivo using hyperpolarized 13C-labelled zymonic acid
Yi, Chun-Xia;Walter, Marc;Gao, Yuanqing;Pitra, Soledad;Legutko, Beata;Kälin, Stefanie;Layritz, Clarita;García-Cáceres, Cristina;Bielohuby, Maximilian;Bidlingmaier, Martin;Woods, Stephen C.;Ghanem, Alexander;Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus;Stern, Javier E.;Jastroch, Martin;Tschöp, Matthias H.; TNFα drives mitochondrial stress in POMC neurons in obesity
Mayer, B.;Regler, A.;Sterzl, S.;Stettner, T.;Koblmüller, G.;Kaniber, M.;Lingnau, B.;Lüdge, K.;Finley, J. J.; Long-term mutual phase locking of picosecond pulse pairs generated by a semiconductor nanowire laser
Joas, T.;Waeber, A. M.;Braunbeck, G.;Reinhard, F.; Quantum sensing of weak radio-frequency signals by pulsed Mollow absorption spectroscopy
Suzuki, Ryo;Bausch, Andreas R.; The emergence and transient behaviour of collective motion in active filament systems
Rus, Oana Georgiana;Reess, Tim Jonas;Wagner, Gerd;Zimmer, Claus;Zaudig, Michael;Koch, Kathrin; Functional and structural connectivity of the amygdala in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Shalash, Ali S.;Rösler, Thomas W.;Müller, Stefanie H.;Salama, Mohamed;Deuschl, Günther;Müller, Ulrich;Opladen, Thomas;Petersen, Britt-Sabina;Franke, Andre;Hopfner, Franziska;Kuhlenbäumer, Gregor;Höglinger, Günter U.; c.207C>G mutation in sepiapterin reductase causes autosomal dominant dopa-responsive dystonia
Alves-Pinto, Ana;Ehrlich, Stefan;Cheng, Gordon;Turova, Varvara;Blumenstein, Tobias;Lampe, Renee; Effects of short-term piano training on measures of finger tapping, somatosensory perception and motor-related brain activity in patients with cerebral palsy
Zeller, Patrick;Ma, Xinzhou;Günther, Sebastian; Indexing moiré patterns of metal-supported graphene and related systems: strategies and pitfalls
Werb, Moritz;García, Carolina Falcón;Bach, Nina C.;Grumbein, Stefan;Sieber, Stephan A.;Opitz, Madeleine;Lieleg, Oliver; Surface topology affects wetting behavior of Bacillus subtilis biofilms
Batra, Richa;Alcaraz, Nicolas;Gitzhofer, Kevin;Pauling, Josch;Ditzel, Henrik J.;Hellmuth, Marc;Baumbach, Jan;List, Markus; On the performance of de novo pathway enrichment
Werfel, Stanislas;Leierseder, Simon;Ruprecht, Benjamin;Kuster, Bernhard;Engelhardt, Stefan; Preferential microRNA targeting revealed by in vivo competitive binding and differential Argonaute immunoprecipitation
Lee, Heekyoung;Qian, Kun;von Toerne, Christine;Hoerburger, Lena;Claussnitzer, Melina;Hoffmann, Christoph;Glunk, Viktoria;Wahl, Simone;Breier, Michaela;Eck, Franziska;Jafari, Leili;Molnos, Sophie;Grallert, Harald;Dahlman, Ingrid;Arner, Peter;Brunner, Cornelia;Hauner, Hans;Hauck, Stefanie M.;Laumen, Helmut; Allele-specific quantitative proteomics unravels molecular mechanisms modulated by cis-regulatory PPARG locus variation
Schmidt, Tobias;Samaras, Patroklos;Frejno, Martin;Gessulat, Siegfried;Barnert, Maximilian;Kienegger, Harald;Krcmar, Helmut;Schlegl, Judith;Ehrlich, Hans-Christian;Aiche, Stephan;Kuster, Bernhard;Wilhelm, Mathias; ProteomicsDB
Schoen, Stefanie;Jergens, Sibille;Barbaresko, Janett;Nöthlings, Ute;Kersting, Mathilde;Remer, Thomas;Stelmach-Mardas, Marta;Ziegler, Anette-G.;Hummel, Sandra; Diet Quality during Infancy and Early Childhood in Children with and without Risk of Type 1 Diabetes: A DEDIPAC Study
Hauner, Hans; OBESITY FACTS - 10 Successful Years
Windmüller, C;Zech, D;Avril, S;Boxberg, M;Dawidek, T;Schmalfeldt, B;Schmitt, M;Kiechle, M;Bronger, H; CXCR3 mediates ascites-directed tumor cell migration and predicts poor outcome in ovarian cancer patients
Koch, Dominik Thomas;Pickhard, Anja;Gebel, Lena;Buchberger, Anna Maria S.;Bas, Murat;Mogler, Carolin;Reiter, Rudolf;Piontek, Guido;Wirth, Markus; Epidermal growth factor receptor variant III in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is not relevant for targeted therapy and irradiation
Palau, Anna;Garz, Anne-Kathrin;Diesch, Jeannine;Zwick, Anabel;Malinverni, Roberto;Valero, Vanesa;Lappin, Katrina;Casquero, Raquel;Lennartsson, Andreas;Zuber, Johannes;Navarro, Tomàs;Mills, Ken I.;Götze, Katharina S.;Buschbeck, Marcus; Polycomb protein RING1A limits hematopoietic differentiation in myelodysplastic syndromes
Fischer, Julius C.;Poeck, Hendrik; Targeting RIG-I or STING promotes epithelial regeneration
Wieder, Hinrich;Beer, Ambros J.;Holzapfel, Konstantin;Henninger, Martin;Maurer, Tobias;Schwarzenboeck, Sarah;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Eiber, Matthias;Stollfuss, Jens; 11C-choline PET/CT and whole-body MRI including diffusion-weighted imaging for patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Garz, Anne-Kathrin;Wolf, Saskia;Grath, Sonja;Gaidzik, Verena;Habringer, Stefan;Vick, Binje;Rudelius, Martina;Ziegenhain, Christoph;Herold, Sylvia;Weickert, Marie-Theresa;Smets, Martha;Peschel, Christian;Oostendorp, Robert A.J.;Bultmann, Sebastian;Jeremias, Irmela;Thiede, Christian;Döhner, Konstanze;Keller, Ulrich;Götze, Katharina S.; Azacitidine combined with the selective FLT3 kinase inhibitor crenolanib disrupts stromal protection and inhibits expansion of residual leukemia-initiating cells in FLT3-ITD AML with concurrent epigenetic mutations
Manz, P.;Potzel, S.;Reimold, F.;Wischmeier, M.;Team, ASDEX Upgrade; Stability and propagation of the high field side high density front in the fluctuating state of detachment in ASDEX Upgrade
Jacobs, Laura;Habringer, Stefan;Slawska, Jolanta;Huber, Katharina;Hauf, Elke;Li, Zhoulei;Refaeli, Yosef;Schwaiger, Markus;Rudelius, Martina;Walch, Axel;Keller, Ulrich; Functional imaging in combination with mutation status aids prediction of response to inhibiting B-cell receptor signaling in lymphoma
Jesinghaus, Moritz;Steiger, Katja;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Drecoll, Enken;Pfarr, Nicole;Meyer, Petra;Konukiewitz, Björn;Bettstetter, Marcus;Wieczorek, Kathrin;Ott, Katja;Feith, Markus;Langer, Rupert;Weichert, Wilko;Specht, Katja;Boxberg, Melanie; Increased intraepithelial CD3+ T-lymphocytes and high PD-L1 expression on tumor cells are associated with a favorable prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and allow prognostic immunogenic subgrouping
Avril, Stefanie;Dincer, Yasemin;Malinowsky, Katharina;Wolff, Claudia;Gündisch, Sibylle;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Boxberg, Melanie;Bronger, Holger;Becker, Karl-Friedrich;Schmalfeldt, Barbara; Increased PDGFR-beta and VEGFR-2 protein levels are associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy and adverse outcome of ovarian cancer patients
Kistner, Larissa;Doll, Dietrich;Holtorf, Anne;Nitsche, Ulrich;Janssen, Klaus-Peter; Interferon-inducible CXC-chemokines are crucial immune modulators and survival predictors in colorectal cancer
Gabriel, Diana;Shafry, Dinah Dorith;Gordon, Leslie B.;Djabali, Karima; Intermittent treatment with farnesyltransferase inhibitor and sulforaphane improves cellular homeostasis in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria fibroblasts
Backes, Clara;Bier, Henning;Knopf, Andreas; Therapeutic implications of tumor free margins in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Stachowiak, Monika;Flisikowska, Tatiana;Bauersachs, Stefan;Perleberg, Carolin;Pausch, Hubert;Switonski, Marek;Kind, Alexander;Saur, Dieter;Schnieke, Angelika;Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Altered microRNA profiles during early colon adenoma progression in a porcine model of familial adenomatous polyposis
Häuslein, Ina;Sahr, Tobias;Escoll, Pedro;Klausner, Nadine;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Buchrieser, Carmen; Legionella pneumophila CsrA regulates a metabolic switch from amino acid to glycerolipid metabolism
Colleran, Roisin;Douglas, Pamela S;Hadamitzky, Martin;Gutberlet, Matthias;Lehmkuhl, Lukas;Foldyna, Borek;Woinke, Michael;Hink, Ulrich;Nadjiri, Jonathan;Wilk, Alan;Wang, Furong;Pontone, Gianluca;Hlatky, Mark A;Rogers, Campbell;Byrne, Robert A; An FFR CT diagnostic strategy versus usual care in patients with suspected coronary artery disease planned for invasive coronary angiography at German sites: one-year results of a subgroup analysis of the PLATFORM (Prospective Longitudinal Trial of FFR CT : Outcome and Resource Impacts) study
Moeckel, Rolf;Huntsinger, Leta;Donnelly, Rick; From Macro to Microscopic Trip Generation: Representing Heterogeneous Travel Behavior
Boretzki, Johanna;Wolf, Eva;Wiese, Carmen;Noe, Sebastian;Balogh, Annamaria;Meurer, Anja;Krznaric, Ivanka;Zink, Alexander;Lersch, Christian;Spinner, Christoph; Highly specific reasons for nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy: results from the German adherence study
Attia, Amalina Binte Ebrahim;Chuah, Sai Yee;Razansky, Daniel;Ho, Chris Jun Hui;Malempati, Pinky;Dinish, U.S.;Bi, Renzhe;Fu, Chit Yaw;Ford, Steven J.;Lee, Joyce Siong-See;Tan, Melissa Wee Ping;Olivo, Malini;Thng, Steven Tien Guan; Noninvasive real-time characterization of non-melanoma skin cancers with handheld optoacoustic probes
Härtl, Katja;Kalinowski, Gregor;Hoffmann, Thomas;Preuss, Anja;Schwab, Wilfried; RNAi-mediated endogene silencing in strawberry fruit: detection of primary and secondary siRNAs by deep sequencing
Lüpke, Marvin;Steinbrecher, Rainer;Leuchner, Michael;Menzel, Annette; Correction to: The Tree Drought Emission MONitor (Tree DEMON), an innovative system for assessing biogenic volatile organic compounds emission from plants
Lennerz, Carsten;Vrazic, Hrvoje;Haller, Bernhard;Braun, Siegmund;Petzold, Tobias;Ott, Ilka;Lennerz, Agnes;Michel, Jonathan;Blažek, Patrick;Deisenhofer, Isabel;Whittaker, Peter;Kolb, Christof; Biomarker-based diagnosis of pacemaker and implantable cardioverter defibrillator pocket infections: A prospective, multicentre, case-control evaluation
Perisic, Tatjana;Zhang, Ziyang;Foehr, Peter;Hopfner, Ursula;Klutz, Kathrin;Burgkart, Rainer H.;Slobodianski, Alexei;Goeldner, Moritz;Machens, Hans-Günther;Schilling, Arndt F.; Biodegradable poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) scaffolds as carriers for genetically-modified fibroblasts
Kaufmann, Benedikt;Wang, Baocai;Zhong, Suyang;Laschinger, Melanie;Patil, Pranali;Lu, Miao;Assfalg, Volker;Cheng, Zhangjun;Friess, Helmut;Hüser, Norbert;von Figura, Guido;Hartmann, Daniel; BRG1 promotes hepatocarcinogenesis by regulating proliferation and invasiveness
Schneider, Antonius;Rosenberger, Stefanie;Bobardt, Johanna;Bungartz-Catak, Jessica;Atmann, Oxana;Haller, Bernhard;Kennedy, Anne;Enck, Paul; Self-help guidebook improved quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Guerster, Markus;Walter, Ulrich; Aerodynamics of a highly irregular body at transonic speeds—Analysis of STRATOS flight data
Luitz, Manuel P.;Barth, Anders;Crevenna, Alvaro H.;Bomblies, Rainer;Lamb, Don C.;Zacharias, Martin; Covalent dye attachment influences the dynamics and conformational properties of flexible peptides
Manchego, Carlos E.;Hildebrandt, Patrick;Cueva, Jorge;Espinosa, Carlos Iván;Stimm, Bernd;Günter, Sven; Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador
Schanzenbach, Corina I.;Kirchner, Benedikt;Ulbrich, Susanne E.;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Can milk cell or skim milk miRNAs be used as biomarkers for early pregnancy detection in cattle?
Stoecker, Katharina;Sass, Steffen;Theis, Fabian J.;Hauner, Hans;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Inhibition of fat cell differentiation in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes by all-trans retinoic acid: Integrative analysis of transcriptomic and phenotypic data
Rudnicki, Marek;Hemmert, Werner; High Entrainment Constrains Synaptic Depression Levels of an In vivo Globular Bushy Cell Model
Rohr, S.;Müller, S.;Baumann, M.;Kerler, M.;Ebert, F.;Kaden, D.;Lienkamp, M.; Quantifying Uncertainties in Reusing Lithium-Ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles
Pigorsch, Steffi U.;Wilkens, Jan J.;Kampfer, Severin;Kehl, Victoria;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Schläger, Christian;Bier, Henning;Schwaiger, Markus;Combs, Stephanie E.; Do selective radiation dose escalation and tumour hypoxia status impact the loco-regional tumour control after radio-chemotherapy of head & neck tumours? The ESCALOX protocol
Dittmar, Jan Oliver;Kratochwil, Clemens;Dittmar, Anne;Welzel, Thomas;Habermehl, Daniel;Rieken, Stefan;Giesel, Frederik L.;Haberkorn, Uwe;Debus, Jürgen;Combs, Stephanie E.; First intraindividual comparison of contrast-enhanced MRI, FET- and DOTATOC- PET in patients with intracranial meningiomas
Dreher, Constantin;Habermehl, Daniel;Jäkel, Oliver;Combs, Stephanie E.; Effective radiotherapeutic treatment intensification in patients with pancreatic cancer: higher doses alone, higher RBE or both?
Bissinger, Oliver;Götz, Carolin;Kolk, Andreas;Bier, Henning A.;Agaimy, Abbas;Frenzel, Henning;Perner, Sven;Ribbat-Idel, Julika;Wolff, Klaus Dietrich;Weichert, Wilko;Mogler, Caroline; Mammary Analogue Secretory Carcinoma of Salivary Glands: Diagnostic Pitfall with Distinct Immunohistochemical Profile and Molecular Features
Habel, J. C.;Teucher, Mike;Ulrich, Werner;Schmitt, Thomas; Documenting the chronology of ecosystem health erosion along East African rivers
Corti Meneses, Nicolás;Baier, Simon;Geist, Juergen;Schneider, Thomas; Evaluation of Green-LiDAR Data for Mapping Extent, Density and Height of Aquatic Reed Beds at Lake Chiemsee, Bavaria—Germany
Ochiai, Tatsumi;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Synthesis of a cyclopentadienyl(imino)stannylene and its direct conversion into halo(imino)stannylenes
Kirchner, Marion;Schorpp, Kenji;Hadian, Kamyar;Schneider, Sabine; An in vivo high-throughput screening for riboswitch ligands using a reverse reporter gene system
Herold, Eva Maria;John, Christine;Weber, Benedikt;Kremser, Stephan;Eras, Jonathan;Berner, Carolin;Deubler, Sabrina;Zacharias, Martin;Buchner, Johannes; Determinants of the assembly and function of antibody variable domains
Hora, Manuel;Carballo-Pacheco, Martin;Weber, Benedikt;Morris, Vanessa K.;Wittkopf, Antje;Buchner, Johannes;Strodel, Birgit;Reif, Bernd; Epigallocatechin-3-gallate preferentially induces aggregation of amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light chains
Luo, Qi;Boczek, Edgar E.;Wang, Qi;Buchner, Johannes;Kaila, Ville R. I.; Hsp90 dependence of a kinase is determined by its conformational landscape
Damme, L. Van;Leiner, D.;Mardešić, P.;Glaser, S. J.;Sugny, D.; Linking the rotation of a rigid body to the Schrödinger equation: The quantum tennis racket effect and beyond
Hartlmüller, Christoph;Günther, Johannes C.;Wolter, Antje C.;Wöhnert, Jens;Sattler, Michael;Madl, Tobias; RNA structure refinement using NMR solvent accessibility data
Schlundt, Andreas;Buchner, Sophie;Janowski, Robert;Heydenreich, Thomas;Heermann, Ralf;Lassak, Jürgen;Geerlof, Arie;Stehle, Ralf;Niessing, Dierk;Jung, Kirsten;Sattler, Michael; Structure-function analysis of the DNA-binding domain of a transmembrane transcriptional activator
Xue, Kai;Sarkar, Riddhiman;Motz, Carina;Asami, Sam;Camargo, Diana C. Rodriguez;Decker, Venita;Wegner, Sebastian;Tosner, Zdenek;Reif, Bernd; Limits of Resolution and Sensitivity of Proton Detected MAS Solid-State NMR Experiments at 111 kHz in Deuterated and Protonated Proteins
Dorr, Michael;Lesmes, Luis A.;Elze, Tobias;Wang, Hui;Lu, Zhong-Lin;Bex, Peter J.; Evaluation of the precision of contrast sensitivity function assessment on a tablet device
Kotliar, Konstantin;Hauser, Christine;Ortner, Marion;Muggenthaler, Claudia;Diehl-Schmid, Janine;Angermann, Susanne;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Schmaderer, Christoph;Grimmer, Timo; Altered neurovascular coupling as measured by optical imaging: a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease
May, Elisabeth S.;Tiemann, Laura;Schmidt, Paul;Nickel, Moritz M.;Wiedemann, Nina;Dresel, Christian;Sorg, Christian;Ploner, Markus; Behavioral responses to noxious stimuli shape the perception of pain
Effner, Renate;Hiller, Julia;Eyerich, Stefanie;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Brockow, Knut;Triggiani, Massimo;Behrendt, Heidrun;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Buters, Jeroen T. M.; Cytochrome P450s in human immune cells regulate IL-22 and c-Kit via an AHR feedback loop
Damialis, Athanasios;Kaimakamis, Evangelos;Konoglou, Maria;Akritidis, Ioannis;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Gioulekas, Dimitrios; Estimating the abundance of airborne pollen and fungal spores at variable elevations using an aircraft: how high can they fly?
Wüstner, Stefanie;Anderl, Florian;Wanisch, Andreas;Sachs, Corinna;Steiger, Katja;Nerlich, Andreas;Vieth, Michael;Mejías-Luque, Raquel;Gerhard, Markus; Helicobacter pylori γ-glutamyl transferase contributes to colonization and differential recruitment of T cells during persistence
Schwarz, Mathias;Garzorz-Stark, Natalie;Eyerich, Kilian;Aguirre, Juan;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Motion correction in optoacoustic mesoscopy
Myklatun, Ahne;Cappetta, Michele;Winklhofer, Michael;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Westmeyer, Gil G.; Microfluidic sorting of intrinsically magnetic cells under visual control
Deán-Ben, X. Luís;López-Schier, Hernán;Razansky, Daniel; Optoacoustic micro-tomography at 100 volumes per second
Lichtmannecker, S.;Florian, M.;Reichert, T.;Blauth, M.;Bichler, M.;Jahnke, F.;Finley, J. J.;Gies, C.;Kaniber, M.; A few-emitter solid-state multi-exciton laser
Knips, Alexander;Zacharias, Martin; Both DNA global deformation and repair enzyme contacts mediate flipping of thymine dimer damage
Wierzbowski, Jakob;Klein, Julian;Sigger, Florian;Straubinger, Christian;Kremser, Malte;Taniguchi, Takashi;Watanabe, Kenji;Wurstbauer, Ursula;Holleitner, Alexander W.;Kaniber, Michael;Müller, Kai;Finley, Jonathan J.; Direct exciton emission from atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures near the lifetime limit
Martins de Souza e Silva, Juliana;Utsch, Julian;Kimm, Melanie A.;Allner, Sebastian;Epple, Michael F.;Achterhold, Klaus;Pfeiffer, Franz; Dual-energy micro-CT for quantifying the time-course and staining characteristics of ex-vivo animal organs treated with iodine- and gadolinium-based contrast agents
Gromann, Lukas B.;De Marco, Fabio;Willer, Konstantin;Noël, Peter B.;Scherer, Kai;Renger, Bernhard;Gleich, Bernhard;Achterhold, Klaus;Fingerle, Alexander A.;Muenzel, Daniela;Auweter, Sigrid;Hellbach, Katharina;Reiser, Maximilian;Baehr, Andrea;Dmochewitz, Michaela;Schroeter, Tobias J.;Koch, Frieder J.;Meyer, Pascal;Kunka, Danays;Mohr, Juergen;Yaroshenko, Andre;Maack, Hanns-Ingo;Pralow, Thomas;van der Heijden, Hendrik;Proksa, Roland;Koehler, Thomas;Wieberneit, Nataly;Rindt, Karsten;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Herzen, Julia; In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig
Eggl, Elena;Mechlem, Korbinian;Braig, Eva;Kulpe, Stephanie;Dierolf, Martin;Günther, Benedikt;Achterhold, Klaus;Herzen, Julia;Gleich, Bernhard;Rummeny, Ernst;Noёl, Peter B.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Muenzel, Daniela; Mono-Energy Coronary Angiography with a Compact Synchrotron Source
Schaff, Florian;Prade, Friedrich;Sharma, Yash;Bech, Martin;Pfeiffer, Franz; Non-iterative Directional Dark-field Tomography
Gradl, Regine;Dierolf, Martin;Hehn, Lorenz;Günther, Benedikt;Yildirim, Ali Önder;Gleich, Bernhard;Achterhold, Klaus;Pfeiffer, Franz;Morgan, Kaye Susannah; Propagation-based Phase-Contrast X-ray Imaging at a Compact Light Source
Jud, Christoph;Braig, Eva;Dierolf, Martin;Eggl, Elena;Günther, Benedikt;Achterhold, Klaus;Gleich, Bernhard;Rummeny, Ernst;Noël, Peter;Pfeiffer, Franz;Muenzel, Daniela; Trabecular bone anisotropy imaging with a compact laser-undulator synchrotron x-ray source
Scherer, Kai;Yaroshenko, Andre;Bölükbas, Deniz Ali;Gromann, Lukas B.;Hellbach, Katharina;Meinel, Felix G.;Braunagel, Margarita;Berg, Jens von;Eickelberg, Oliver;Reiser, Maximilian F.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Meiners, Silke;Herzen, Julia; X-ray Dark-field Radiography - In-Vivo Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Mice
Hausmann, Simon;Ye, Jingfan;Aoki, Toshihiro;Zheng, Jian-Guo;Stahn, Jochen;Bern, Francis;Chen, Binda;Autieri, Carmine;Sanyal, Biplab;Esquinazi, Pablo D.;Böni, Peter;Paul, Amitesh; Publisher Correction: Atomic-scale engineering of ferroelectric-ferromagnetic interfaces of epitaxial perovskite films for functional properties
Kapp, Tobias G.;Rechenmacher, Florian;Neubauer, Stefanie;Maltsev, Oleg V.;Cavalcanti-Adam, Elisabetta A.;Zarka, Revital;Reuning, Ute;Notni, Johannes;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Mas-Moruno, Carlos;Spatz, Joachim;Geiger, Benjamin;Kessler, Horst; A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Activity and Selectivity Profile of Ligands for RGD-binding Integrins
Schardt, Jakob;Jones, Grant;Müller-Herbst, Stefanie;Schauer, Kristina;D’Orazio, Sarah E. F.;Fuchs, Thilo M.; Comparison between Listeria sensu stricto and Listeria sensu lato strains identifies novel determinants involved in infection
Härtl, Katja;Denton, Alisandra;Franz-Oberdorf, Katrin;Hoffmann, Thomas;Spornraft, Melanie;Usadel, Björn;Schwab, Wilfried; Early metabolic and transcriptional variations in fruit of natural white-fruited Fragaria vesca genotypes
Ott, Beate;Skurk, Thomas;Hastreiter, Ljiljana;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Fischer, Sandra;Büttner, Janine;Kellerer, Teresa;Clavel, Thomas;Rychlik, Michael;Haller, Dirk;Hauner, Hans; Effect of caloric restriction on gut permeability, inflammation markers, and fecal microbiota in obese women
Hemmler, Daniel;Roullier-Gall, Chloé;Marshall, James W.;Rychlik, Michael;Taylor, Andrew J.;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Evolution of Complex Maillard Chemical Reactions, Resolved in Time
Hellinckx, Jessica;Heermann, Ralf;Felsl, Angela;Fuchs, Thilo M.; High binding affinity of repressor IolR avoids costs of untimely induction of myo-inositol utilization by Salmonella Typhimurium
Trefil, Pavel;Aumann, Dorothea;Koslová, Anna;Mucksová, Jitka;Benešová, Barbora;Kalina, Jiří;Wurmser, Christine;Fries, Ruedi;Elleder, Daniel;Schusser, Benjamin;Hejnar, Jiří; Male fertility restored by transplanting primordial germ cells into testes: a new way towards efficient transgenesis in chicken
Werner, Florian;Mueller, Carsten W.;Thieme, Jürgen;Gianoncelli, Alessandra;Rivard, Camille;Höschen, Carmen;Prietzel, Jörg; Micro-scale heterogeneity of soil phosphorus depends on soil substrate and depth
Flisikowska, Tatiana;Stachowiak, Monika;Xu, Hongen;Wagner, Alexandra;Hernandez-Caceres, Alejandra;Wurmser, Christine;Perleberg, Carolin;Pausch, Hubert;Perkowska, Anna;Fischer, Konrad;Frishman, Dmitrij;Fries, Ruedi;Switonski, Marek;Kind, Alexander;Saur, Dieter;Schnieke, Angelika;Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Porcine familial adenomatous polyposis model enables systematic analysis of early events in adenoma progression
Hanschen, Marc;Pesch, Sebastian;Huber-Wagner, Stefan;Biberthaler, Peter; Management of acetabular fractures in the geriatric patient
Bayer, Dominik;Pretzsch, Hans; Reactions to gap emergence: Norway spruce increases growth while European beech features horizontal space occupation – evidence by repeated 3D TLS measurements
Ziegler, Tilman;Hinkel, Rabea;Stöhr, Andrea;Eschenhagen, Thomas;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;le Noble, Ferdinand;David, Robert;Hansen, Arne;Kupatt, Christian; Thymosin β4 Improves Differentiation and Vascularization of EHTs
Achury, Javier;Polifke, Wolfgang; Modulation of spray droplet number density and size distribution by an acoustic field
Schottelius, Margret;Osl, Theresa;Poschenrieder, Andreas;Hoffmann, Frauke;Beykan, Seval;Hänscheid, Heribert;Schirbel, Andreas;Buck, Andreas K.;Kropf, Saskia;Schwaiger, Markus;Keller, Ulrich;Lassmann, Michael;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; [177Lu]pentixather: Comprehensive Preclinical Characterization of a First CXCR4-directed Endoradiotherapeutic Agent
Lin, Hsiao-Chun Amy;Déan-Ben, Xosé Luís;Ivankovic, Ivana;Kimm, Melanie A.;Kosanke, Katja;Haas, Helena;Meier, Reinhard;Lohöfer, Fabian;Wildgruber, Moritz;Razansky, Daniel; Characterization of Cardiac Dynamics in an Acute Myocardial Infarction Model by Four-Dimensional Optoacoustic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Yusufi, Nahid;Mall, Sabine;Bianchi, Henrique de Oliveira;Steiger, Katja;Reder, Sybille;Klar, Richard;Audehm, Stefan;Mustafa, Mona;Nekolla, Stephan;Peschel, Christian;Schwaiger, Markus;Krackhardt, Angela M;D`Alessandria, Calogero; In-depth Characterization of a TCR-specific Tracer for Sensitive Detection of Tumor-directed Transgenic T Cells by Immuno-PET
Maurer, Tobias;Murphy, Declan G.;Hofman, Michael S.;Eiber, Matthias; PSMA-PET for Lymph Node Detection in Recurrent Prostate Cancer: How do we use the Magic Bullet?
Asadpour, Rebecca;Kessel, Kerstin A.;Bruckner, Tom;Sertel, Serkan;Combs, Stephanie E.; Randomized study exploring the combination of radiotherapy with two types of acupuncture treatment (ROSETTA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Ateeq-Ur-Rehman, Sardar;Bui, Minh;Rutschmann, Peter; Variability and Trend Detection in the Sediment Load of the Upper Indus River
Melchart, Dieter;Hager, Stefan;Albrecht, Sabine;Dai, Jingzhang;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Teschke, Rolf; Herbal Traditional Chinese Medicine and suspected liver injury: A prospective study
Schaefer, Hanno;Weissmann, Julie A.;Picanço, Ana;Borges, Paulo A.V.; Bees of the Azores: an annotated checklist (Apidae, Hymenoptera)
Crepaz, K; Europeanization "top-down" and "bottom-up" and its influence on minorities - a comparative perspective
Leonidas MA Richter and Julijana Gjorgjieva; Understanding neural circuit development through theory and models
Thiem, S.; Born, A.; Danov, V.; Vandersickel, A.; Schäfer, J.; Hamacher, T.; Automated identification of a complex storage model and hardware implementation of a model-predictive controller for a cooling system with ice storage
Schmid R., Gerstl M, Kwak Y., Seitz M., Angermann D.; DGFI-TUM Analysis Center Biennial Report 2015+2016
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Yeh, Ching-Feng;Jhan, Hsiang-Chieh;Tsai, Zuo-Min;Lin, Mark Po-Hung;Schlichtmann, Ulf; An Efficient Two-Phase ILP-Based Algorithm for Precise CMOS RFIC Layout Generation
Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Li, Bing;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Component-Oriented High-Level Synthesis for Continuous-Flow Microfluidics Considering Hybrid-Scheduling
Bachmann S., Messerschmitt L., Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Thaller D.; BKG/DGFI-TUM Combination Center Biennial Report 2015+2016
Um, Terry T.;Pfister, Franz M. J.;Pichler, Daniel;Endo, Satoshi;Lang, Muriel;Hirche, Sandra;Fietzek, Urban;Kulić, Dana; Data augmentation of wearable sensor data for parkinson’s disease monitoring using convolutional neural networks
D. Pichler, M. Lang, D. Kulić, F. Pfister, G. König, T. Um, A. Ahmadi, S. Endo, F. Achilles, K. Abedinpour, K. Bötzel, A. Ceballos-Baumann, S. Hirche, U. Fietzek; Acquisition, Validation and Preprocessing of Wrist-Worn Sensor Data in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Healthy Controls
Pichler D, Lang M, Pfister FMJ, Um T, König GCS, Endo S, Abedinpour K, Ceballos-Baumann A, Kulić D, Hirche S, Fietzek UM; Untersuchung und Beurteilung der motorischen Symptome der Parkinson-Erkrankung mittels eines am Handgelenk getragenen Sensors und eines Bewegungserfassungssystems
Happee, Riender;Gold, Christian;Radlmayr, Jonas;Hergeth, Sebastian;Bengler, Klaus; Take-over performance in evasive manoeuvres
Rosenberg, Jacob;Herring, W. Joseph;Blobner, Manfred;Mulier, Jan P.;Rahe-Meyer, Niels;Woo, Tiffany;Li, Michael K.;Grobara, Peter;Assaid, Christopher A.;Fennema, Hein;Szegedi, Armin; Deep Neuromuscular Blockade Improves Laparoscopic Surgical Conditions: A Randomized, Controlled Study
von Tucher, Sabine;Hörndl, Dorothea;Schmidhalter, Urs; Interaction of soil pH and phosphorus efficacy: Long-term effects of P fertilizer and lime applications on wheat, barley, and sugar beet
Feichtinger, René G.;Oláhová, Monika;Kishita, Yoshihito;Garone, Caterina;Kremer, Laura S.;Yagi, Mikako;Uchiumi, Takeshi;Jourdain, Alexis A.;Thompson, Kyle;D’Souza, Aaron R.;Kopajtich, Robert;Alston, Charlotte L.;Koch, Johannes;Sperl, Wolfgang;Mastantuono, Elisa;Strom, Tim M.;Wortmann, Saskia B.;Meitinger, Thomas;Pierre, Germaine;Chinnery, Patrick F.;Chrzanowska-Lightowlers, Zofia M.;Lightowlers, Robert N.;DiMauro, Salvatore;Calvo, Sarah E.;Mootha, Vamsi K.;Moggio, Maurizio;Sciacco, Monica;Comi, Giacomo P.;Ronchi, Dario;Murayama, Kei;Ohtake, Akira;Rebelo-Guiomar, Pedro;Kohda, Masakazu;Kang, Dongchon;Mayr, Johannes A.;Taylor, Robert W.;Okazaki, Yasushi;Minczuk, Michal;Prokisch, Holger; Biallelic C1QBP Mutations Cause Severe Neonatal-, Childhood-, or Later-Onset Cardiomyopathy Associated with Combined Respiratory-Chain Deficiencies
Brenninger, Christoph;Pöthig, Alexander;Bach, Thorsten; Brønsted-Säure-Katalyse der [2+2]-Photocycloaddition von Enondithianen bei Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht
Natalia Lasarte, Jose Antonio Chica, Ignacio Gomis, Josu Benito, Kepa Iturralde, Thomas Bock; Prefabricated Solutions and Automated and Digital Tools for the optimisation of a Holistic Energy Refurbishment Process
Brenninger, Christoph;Pöthig, Alexander;Bach, Thorsten; Brønsted Acid Catalysis in Visible-Light-Induced [2+2] Photocycloaddition Reactions of Enone Dithianes
Messerer, Katharina;Pretzsch, Hans;Knoke, Thomas; A non-stochastic portfolio model for optimizing the transformation of an even-aged forest stand to continuous cover forestry when information about return fluctuation is incomplete
Righart, Ruthger;Biberacher, Viola;Jonkman, Laura E.;Klaver, Roel;Schmidt, Paul;Buck, Dorothea;Berthele, Achim;Kirschke, Jan S.;Zimmer, Claus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Geurts, Jeroen J. G.;Mühlau, Mark; Cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis detected by the T1/T2-weighted ratio from routine magnetic resonance imaging
Vilne, Baiba;Skogsberg, Josefin;Foroughi Asl, Hassan;Talukdar, Husain Ahammad;Kessler, Thorsten;Björkegren, Johan L.M.;Schunkert, Heribert; Network analysis reveals a causal role of mitochondrial gene activity in atherosclerotic lesion formation
Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Roscher, Christiane;Meyer, Sebastian T.;Ebeling, Anne;Luo, Guangjuan;Allan, Eric;Beßler, Holger;Barnard, Romain L.;Buchmann, Nina;Buscot, François;Engels, Christof;Fischer, Christine;Fischer, Markus;Gessler, Arthur;Gleixner, Gerd;Halle, Stefan;Hildebrandt, Anke;Hillebrand, Helmut;de Kroon, Hans;Lange, Markus;Leimer, Sophia;Le Roux, Xavier;Milcu, Alexandru;Mommer, Liesje;Niklaus, Pascal A.;Oelmann, Yvonne;Proulx, Raphael;Roy, Jacques;Scherber, Christoph;Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael;Scheu, Stefan;Tscharntke, Teja;Wachendorf, Michael;Wagg, Cameron;Weigelt, Alexandra;Wilcke, Wolfgang;Wirth, Christian;Schulze, Ernst-Detlef;Schmid, Bernhard;Eisenhauer, Nico; Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions
Hinzpeter, Florian;Gerland, Ulrich;Tostevin, Filipe; Optimal Compartmentalization Strategies for Metabolic Microcompartments
Breibeck, Joscha;Skerra, Arne; The polypeptide biophysics of proline/alanine-rich sequences (PAS): Recombinant biopolymers with PEG-like properties
Lorenzen, Jan;Igl, Nadine;Tippelt, Marlene;Stege, Andrea;Qoura, Farah;Sohling, Ulrich;Brück, Thomas; Extraction of microalgae derived lipids with supercritical carbon dioxide in an industrial relevant pilot plant
Jandl, Christian;Pöthig, Alexander; A hybrid carbocyclic/N-heterocyclic carbene ligand
Adriaenssens, Tom;Joner, Michael;Godschalk, Thea C.;Malik, Nikesh;Alfonso, Fernando;Xhepa, Erion;De Cock, Dries;Komukai, Kenichi;Tada, Tomohisa;Cuesta, Javier;Sirbu, Vasile;Feldman, Laurent J.;Neumann, Franz-Josef;Goodall, Alison H.;Heestermans, Ton;Buysschaert, Ian;Hlinomaz, Ota;Belmans, Ann;Desmet, Walter;ten Berg, Jurrien M.;Gershlick, Anthony H.;Massberg, Steffen;Kastrati, Adnan;Guagliumi, Giulio;Byrne, Robert A.; Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Patients With Coronary Stent Thrombosis
Diegelmann, Felix;Hickel, Stefan;Adams, Nikolaus A.; Three-dimensional reacting shock–bubble interaction
Kepa Iturralde, Thomas Linner, Thomas Bock; First monitoring and analysis of the manufacturing and installation process of timber based 2D modules for accomplishing a future robotic building envelope upgrading
Schwaminger, S. P.;Bauer, D.;Fraga-García, P.;Wagner, F. E.;Berensmeier, S.; Oxidation of magnetite nanoparticles: impact on surface and crystal properties
Bhuyan, Upasana;Zang, Christian;Menzel, Annette; Different responses of multispecies tree ring growth to various drought indices across Europe
Botkin, Nikolai;Turova, Varvara;Diepolder, Johannes;Bittner, Matthias;Holzapfel, Florian; Aircraft Control During Cruise Flight in Windshear Conditions: Viability Approach
Egg, Leonhard;Mueller, Melanie;Pander, Joachim;Knott, Josef;Geist, Juergen; Improving European Silver Eel ( Anguilla anguilla ) downstream migration by undershot sluice gate management at a small-scale hydropower plant
Pfaff, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut; A web-based system architecture for ontology-based data integration in the domain of IT benchmarking
Weißbach, Max;Criddle, Craig S.;Drewes, Jörg E.;Koch, Konrad; A proposed nomenclature for biological processes that remove nitrogen
Haas, Tobias;Heidegger, Simon;Wintges, Alexander;Bscheider, Michael;Bek, Sarah;Fischer, Julius C.;Eisenkolb, Gabriel;Schmickl, Martina;Spoerl, Silvia;Peschel, Christian;Poeck, Hendrik;Ruland, Jürgen; Card9 controls Dectin-1-induced T-cell cytotoxicity and tumor growth in mice
Bergmann, Hanna;Roth, Susanne;Pechloff, Konstanze;Kiss, Elina A.;Kuhn, Sabine;Heikenwälder, Mathias;Diefenbach, Andreas;Greten, Florian R.;Ruland, Jürgen; Card9-dependent IL-1β regulates IL-22 production from group 3 innate lymphoid cells and promotes colitis-associated cancer
Vogel, Anna-Lena;Knier, Benjamin;Lammens, Katja;Kalluri, Sudhakar Reddy;Kuhlmann, Tanja;Bennett, Jeffrey L.;Korn, Thomas; Deletional tolerance prevents AQP4-directed autoimmunity in mice
Mei, Kai;Kopp, Felix K.;Bippus, Rolf;Köhler, Thomas;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Fehringer, Andreas;Sauter, Andreas;Münzel, Daniela;Pfeiffer, Franz;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Noël, Peter B.;Baum, Thomas; Is multidetector CT-based bone mineral density and quantitative bone microstructure assessment at the spine still feasible using ultra-low tube current and sparse sampling?
Poltorak, Mateusz P.;Zielinski, Christina E.; Hierarchical governance of cytokine production by 6-sulfo LacNAc (slan) dendritic cells for the control of psoriasis pathogenesis
Mueller, M.;Pander, J.;Geist, J.; Evaluation of external fish injury caused by hydropower plants based on a novel field-based protocol
Alpmann, Jan;Bitsch, Vera; Dynamics of asymmetric conflict: The case of the German Milk Conflict
Gietl, H.;Riesch, J.;Coenen, J.W.;Höschen, T.;Linsmeier, Ch.;Neu, R.; Tensile deformation behavior of tungsten fibre-reinforced tungsten composite specimens in as-fabricated state
Heldt, Eugénia;Schmidtke, Henning; Measuring the Empowerment of International Organizations: The Evolution of Financial and Staff Capabilities
Buttó, Ludovica F.;Haller, Dirk; Dysbiosis in Crohn's disease - Joint action of stochastic injuries and focal inflammation in the gut
Schiener, Maximilian;Graessel, Anke;Ollert, Markus;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Blank, Simon; Allergen-specific immunotherapy of Hymenoptera venom allergy – also a matter of diagnosis
Blank, Simon;Etzold, Stefanie;Darsow, Ulf;Schiener, Maximilian;Eberlein, Bernadette;Russkamp, Dennis;Wolf, Sara;Graessel, Anke;Biedermann, Tilo;Ollert, Markus;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.; Component-resolved evaluation of the content of major allergens in therapeutic extracts for specific immunotherapy of honeybee venom allergy
Donner, Philine;Christange, Franz;Lu, Jing;Buss, Martin; Cooperative Dynamic Manipulation of Unknown Flexible Objects
Stangl, Stefan;Tontcheva, Nikoletta;Sievert, Wolfgang;Shevtsov, Maxim;Niu, Minli;Schmid, Thomas E.;Pigorsch, Steffi;Combs, Stephanie E.;Haller, Bernhard;Balermpas, Panagiotis;Rödel, Franz;Rödel, Claus;Fokas, Emmanouil;Krause, Mechthild;Linge, Annett;Lohaus, Fabian;Baumann, Michael;Tinhofer, Inge;Budach, Volker;Stuschke, Martin;Grosu, Anca-Ligia;Abdollahi, Amir;Debus, Jürgen;Belka, Claus;Maihöfer, Cornelius;Mönnich, David;Zips, Daniel;Multhoff, Gabriele; Heat shock protein 70 and tumor-infiltrating NK cells as prognostic indicators for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck after radiochemotherapy: A multicentre retrospective study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Gro
Göbl, Rüdiger;Virga, Salvatore;Rackerseder, Julia;Frisch, Benjamin;Navab, Nassir;Hennersperger, Christoph; Acoustic window planning for ultrasound acquisition
Kersting, Stefan;Buss, Martin; Recursive estimation in piecewise affine systems using parameter identifiers and concurrent learning
Landsiedel, Christian;Wollherr, Dirk; Global localization of 3D point clouds in building outline maps of urban outdoor environments
Fischer, Christina;Gayer, Christoph;Kurucz, Kornélia;Riesch, Friederike;Tscharntke, Teja;Batáry, Péter; Ecosystem services and disservices provided by small rodents in arable fields: Effects of local and landscape management
Beyer, H.;Metzger, M.;Sicklinger, J.;Wu, X.;Schwenke, K. U.;Gasteiger, H. A.; Antimony Doped Tin Oxide–Synthesis, Characterization and Application as Cathode Material in Li-O 2 Cells: Implications on the Prospect of Carbon-Free Cathodes for Rechargeable Lithium-Air Batteries
Ehrl, Andreas;Landesfeind, Johannes;Wall, Wolfgang A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Determination of Transport Parameters in Liquid Binary Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes
Zihrul, Patrick;Weber, Philipp;Durst, Julien;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Hasché, Frédéric; Impact of Hydrogen Bleeding into the Cathode Feed of a PEM Fuel Cell
Simon, Christoph;Hasché, Frédéric;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Influence of the Gas Diffusion Layer Compression on the Oxygen Transport in PEM Fuel Cells at High Water Saturation Levels
Orfanidi, A.;Madkikar, P.;El-Sayed, H. A.;Harzer, G. S.;Kratky, T.;Gasteiger, H. A.; The Key to High Performance Low Pt Loaded Electrodes
Strehle, Benjamin;Kleiner, Karin;Jung, Roland;Chesneau, Frederick;Mendez, Manuel;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Piana, Michele; The Role of Oxygen Release from Li- and Mn-Rich Layered Oxides during the First Cycles Investigated by On-Line Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry
Erhard, S. V.;Osswald, P. J.;Keil, P.;Höffer, E.;Haug, M.;Noel, A.;Wilhelm, J.;Rieger, B.;Schmidt, K.;Kosch, S.;Kindermann, F. M.;Spingler, F.;Kloust, H.;Thoennessen, T.;Rheinfeld, A.;Jossen, A.; Simulation and Measurement of the Current Density Distribution in Lithium-Ion Batteries by a Multi-Tab Cell Approach
Wang, Bo;König, Michael;Bromley, Catherine J.;Yoon, Bokwon;Treanor, Michael-John;Garrido Torres, José A.;Caffio, Marco;Grillo, Federico;Früchtl, Herbert;Richardson, Neville V.;Esch, Friedrich;Heiz, Ueli;Landman, Uzi;Schaub, Renald; Ethene to Graphene: Surface Catalyzed Chemical Pathways, Intermediates, and Assembly
Drees, Ludwig;Mueller, Manfred;Schmidt-Moll, Carsten;Gontar, Patrick;Zwirglmaier, Kilian;Wang, Chong;Bengler, Klaus;Holzapfel, Florian;Straub, Daniel; Risk analysis of the EASA minimum fuel requirements considering the ACARE-defined safety target
Schneider, Antonius;Linde, Klaus;Reitsma, Johannes B.;Steinhauser, Susanne;Rücker, Gerta; A novel statistical model for analyzing data of a systematic review generates optimal cutoff values for fractional exhaled nitric oxide for asthma diagnosis
Pritzl, Daniel;Solchenbach, Sophie;Wetjen, Morten;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Analysis of Vinylene Carbonate (VC) as Additive in Graphite/LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 Cells
Zhao, Juanjuan;Bentlage, Michael;Thierstein, Alain; Residence, workplace and commute: Interrelated spatial choices of knowledge workers in the metropolitan region of Munich
Matl, Stefan;Brosig, Richard;Baust, Maximilian;Navab, Nassir;Demirci, Stefanie; Vascular image registration techniques: A living review
Nickel, Moritz M.;May, Elisabeth S.;Tiemann, Laura;Schmidt, Paul;Postorino, Martina;Ta Dinh, Son;Gross, Joachim;Ploner, Markus; Brain oscillations differentially encode noxious stimulus intensity and pain intensity
Fokina, Ekaterina; Feger, Jens; Hornung, Mirko; Application of a visualization environment for the mission performance evaluation of civilian AUS
Hærvig, J.; Kleinhans, U.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Jensen, A.L.; Sørensen, K.; Condra, T.J.; On the adhesive JKR contact and rolling models for reduced particle stiffness discrete element simulations
Markus Kühne, Johannes Potzy, Roberto Garcia-Rochin, Patrick van der Smagt, and Angelika Peer; Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Interface With Octopod Kinematics
Anna-Kaarina Seppälä; An adaptable agent-based control model for rural electrification for small wind and solar hybrid off-grid systems
Emeny, Rebecca T;Baumert, Jens;Zannas, Anthony S;Kunze, Sonja;Wahl, Simone;Iurato, Stella;Arloth, Janine;Erhardt, Angelika;Balsevich, Georgia;Schmidt, Mathias V;Weber, Peter;Kretschmer, Anja;Pfeiffer, Liliane;Kruse, Johannes;Strauch, Konstantin;Roden, Michael;Herder, Christian;Koenig, Wolfgang;Gieger, Christian;Waldenberger, Melanie;Peters, Annette;Binder, Elisabeth B;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Anxiety Associated Increased CpG Methylation in the Promoter of Asb1: A Translational Approach Evidenced by Epidemiological and Clinical Studies and a Murine Model
Schreyer, W.;Kikawa, T.;Losekamm, M.J.;Paul, S.;Picker, R.; PENTrack—a simulation tool for ultracold neutrons, protons, and electrons in complex electromagnetic fields and geometries
Vázquez Doce, O.; Measurements of the dielectron continuum in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Wu, L.;Luthringer, B. J. C.;Feyerabend, F.;Zhang, Z.;Machens, H. G.;Maeda, M.;Taipaleenmäki, H.;Hesse, E.;Willumeit-Römer, R.;Schilling, A. F.; Increased levels of sodium chloride directly increase osteoclastic differentiation and resorption in mice and men
Ringehan, Marc;McKeating, Jane A.;Protzer, Ulrike; Viral hepatitis and liver cancer
Neibecker, Pascal;Gruner, Markus E.;Xu, Xiao;Kainuma, Ryosuke;Petry, Winfried;Pentcheva, Rossitza;Leitner, Michael; Ordering tendencies and electronic properties in quaternary Heusler derivatives
Holl, Philipp M.;Reinhard, Friedemann; Holography of Wi-fi Radiation
Kamp, F;Carlson, D J;Wilkens, J J; Rapid implementation of the repair-misrepair-fixation (RMF) model facilitating online adaption of radiosensitivity parameters in ion therapy
Bach, Thorsten;Mohr, Lisa-Marie; Intermolecular [2+2] Photocycloaddition of β-Nitrostyrenes to Olefins upon Irradiation with Visible Light
Mayer, Manfred;Unterseer, Sandra;Bauer, Eva;de Leon, Natalia;Ordas, Bernardo;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Is there an optimum level of diversity in utilization of genetic resources?
Edtmüller, Verena;Pöthig, Alexander;Bach, Thorsten; Enantioselective photocyclisation reactions of 2-aryloxycyclohex-2-enones mediated by a chiral copper-bisoxazoline complex
Bauer, Eva;Schmutzer, Thomas;Barilar, Ivan;Mascher, Martin;Gundlach, Heidrun;Martis, Mihaela M.;Twardziok, Sven O.;Hackauf, Bernd;Gordillo, Andres;Wilde, Peer;Schmidt, Malthe;Korzun, Viktor;Mayer, Klaus F.X.;Schmid, Karl;Schön, Chris-Carolin;Scholz, Uwe; Towards a whole-genome sequence for rye (Secale cerealeL.)
Barnert, Maximilian; Streitz, Adrian; Kienegger, Harald; Krcmar, Helmut; Converting Traces of In-Memory Database Systems to OPEN.XTRACE on the Example of SAP HANA
Kim, H.J,; Straub, D.; Reliability Analysis and Updating of Inspected Ship Structures subject to Spatially Variable Corrosion
Kim, H. J.; Hamann, R.; Peschmann, J; Straub, D.; Vulnerability and risk assessment of ship structures via a Bayesian network model
Wagner, Christian;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel; Experimental Prediciton of Instability in Rotor Seal Systems using Output Only Data
Berk M., Kroll H.-M., Schubert O., Buschardt B., Straub D.; Bayesian Test Design for Reliability Assessments of Safety-Relevant Environment Sensors Considering Dependent Failures
Uribe F., Papaiannou I., Betz W., Latz J., Straub D.; Bayesian model inference od random fields represented with the karahunen-loéve expansion
Bismut E., Luque J., Straub D; Optimal prioritization of inspections in structural systems considering component interactions and interdependence
Robert Heininger, Loina Prifti, Victor Seifert. Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar; Teaching how to Program With a Playful Approach: a Review of Sucess Factors
Robert Heininger, Victor Seifert. Loina Prifti, Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar; The Playful Le arning Approach for Learning How to Program: A Structured Lesson Plan
In Gardoni, P., (Ed.); Reliability updating in the presence of spatial variability
Brandenbourger, Benjamin and Vathoopan, Milan and Zoitl, Alois; Generating metamodel-based descriptions of automation components in AutomationML
Vathoopan, Milan and Brandenbourger, Benjamin and George, Amil and Zoitl, Alois; Towards an integrated plant engineering process using a data conversion tool for AutomationML
Brandenbourger, Benjamin and Vathoopan, Milan and Zoitl, Alois; Modeling and verifying behavioral constraints for automation systems
P. Henkel; Calibration of Magnetometers with GNSS Receivers and Magnetometer-Aided GNSS Ambiguity Fixing
P. Henkel, A. Blum, C. Günther; Precise RTK Positioning with GNSS, INS, Barometer and Vision
P. Henkel, D. Psychas, C. Günther; Satellite Phase Bias Estimation with Global Networks and High-Dimensional Integer Ambiguity Fixing
A. Chowdhury, M. Kumaraswamy, M. Gerndt; READEX Tool Suite for Energy-e€fficiency Tuning of HPC Applications
K. Strohrmann, J. Blaut, C. Panescu, H.-J. Endres, R. Svidler, M. Hajek; Impact Damage Behavior and Non-Destructive Inspection Methods of Thin Hybrid Carbon-Flax Laminates
Hemmler D, Roullier-Gall C, Marshall WP, Rychlik M, Taylor JA , Schmitt-Kopplin P; Evolution of Complex Maillard Chemical Reactions, Resolved in Time
Meissner, R.; Benkert, T.; Hiller, M.; Liewald, M.; Volk, W.; Manufacturing processes of multi-component gearwheels
Stiegler, J.; Wasner, A.; Caré, O.; Stimm, B.; Binder, F.; Anzucht von Baumarten im Quell- und Hartwandtopf
Well, Friederike; M.Sc.
Manchego C. E., Hildebrandt P., Cueva J., Espinosa C. I., Stimm B., Günter S.; Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador
Debotra Sarkar, Daniel Wendel, Syed Usman Ahmad, Tibor Szilvási, Alexander Pöthig, Shigeyoshi Inoue; Chalcogen-Atom Transfer and Exchange Reactions of NHCStabilized Heavier Silaacylium Ions
Benjamin Rüth; Time Stepping for Partitioned Multi-Physics
Mendes, Claudia; Peters, Pim; Book Review: James Evans, Andrew Karvonen and Rob Raven (eds.) The Experimental City, London, Routledge, 2016
Walter, Florian;Sandner, Marwin;Röhrbein, Florian;Knoll, Alois; Towards a neuromorphic implementation of hierarchical temporal memory on SpiNNaker
Hansen, L.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Upgrading of Biomass by Hydrothermal Pre-Treatment in H2020 Project Biofficiency
Zimmermann, Markus;Königs, Simon;Niemeyer, Constantin;Fender, Johannes;Zeherbauer, Christian;Vitale, Renzo;Wahle, Martin; On the design of large systems subject to uncertainty
Julinek, Annette Elisabeth; Perioperative Risikofaktoren für postoperative pulmonale Komplikationen bei mikrovaskulärer Rekonstruktion im Kopf-Hals-Bereich
Schling, Eike; Hitrec, Denis; Barthel, Rainer; Designing Grid Structures Using Asymptotic Curve Networks
Schling, Eike; Hitrec, Denis; Schikore, Jonas; Barthel, Rainer; Design and Construction of the Asymptotic Pavilion
Tutsch, Joram; Hipper, Andreas; Schling, Eike; Barthel, Rainer; Modulare Stahllamellenhallen von Hugo Junkers
Kandlbinder, Peter; Schmied, Christian; Mörtl, Markus; Kostenkalkulation mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen
Vascellari, M.; Hasse, C.; Halama, S.; Steibel, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Detailed CFD simulations of a 5-MW Industrial-scale entrained-flow gasifier using instrinsic char conversion kinetics
Auernhammer, Hermann; Precision Farming
Farías, Ignacio; Widmer Sarah; Ordinary Smart Cities; How Calculated Users, Professional Citizens, Technology Companies and City Administrations Engage in a More-than-digital Politics
Kramer, Michael; Jambagi, Akhila; Cheng, Vicky; Bottom-up Modeling of Residential Heating Systems for Demand Side Management in District Energy System Analysis and Distribution Grid Planning
T. Linner, G. Solcanu, C. van den Boom, H. Lingegard, T. Istamto, G. Proctor, Y. Lu, J. Steebakkers; Business model innovation for value and technology based preventive health care
T. Linner, R. Hu, K. Pawlitza, J. Güttler; Systems engineering for prevention-oriented, assistive technology situated in a multidisciplinary context
T. Bock; Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare
B. Schäpers, C. Krewer, M. Yasuoka, D. Becker, S. Heller, M. Kaiser, E. Koenig, F. Müller; Determining design requirements for active aging: Personas, experience maps, and stakeholders
Y. Lu, C. Valk, J. Steenbakkers, T. Bekker, T. Visser, G. Proctor, O. Toshniwal, H. Langberg; Can technology adoption for older adults be co-created?
C. Valk, Y. Lu, X. Ren, M. Wintermans, I. Kraaijevanger, J. Steenbakkers, V. Visser; Towards personalized persuasive strategies for active ageing
M. Randriambelonro, Y. Chen, O. Yuruten, P. Pu; Opportunities and challenges for self-monitoring technologies for healthy aging: An in-situ study
D. Kozak, S. Burgermeister, J.D.B. de Chassey, A. Naef, A. Maringue, D. Dietrich; A functionality, safety and validity study of innovative REACH devices
A. Leś, E. Niedzielska, J. Piotrowska, M. Staniszewski, D. Kozak; Analysis of the effectiveness of ActivLife training in people over 60 years of age: A pilot study
C. Fuß, A.M. Meyer; Standardization in REACH in the context of active and healthy ageing
Follini, C., Hu, R., Pan, W., Linner, T., Bock, T.; Collaborative Advanced Building Methodology toward Industrialization of Informal Settlements in Cairo
Güttler, J., Linner, T., Bittner, A., Engler, A., Schulze E., Bock, T.; Development and Evaluation of Assistive Terminals for the Improvement of Functional Performance of the Elderly in a Variety of Life Centers
Hu, R., Follini, C., Pan, W, Linner, T., Bock, T.; A case study on regenerating informal settlements in Cairo using Affordable and Adaptable Building System
Auernhammer, Hermann; Agrartechnik in Bayern - Leistungsstarke Forschung führt zu einer Spitzenposition in der Welt
Cirera, B.;Matarrubia, J.;Kaposi, T.;Giménez-Agulló, N.;Paszkiewicz, M.;Klappenberger, F.;Otero, R.;Gallego, J. M.;Ballester, P.;Barth, J. V.;Miranda, R.;Galán-Mascarós, J. R.;Auwärter, W.;Ecija, D.; Preservation of electronic properties of double-decker complexes on metallic supports
Schwarz, Martin;Riss, Alexander;Garnica, Manuela;Ducke, Jacob;Deimel, Peter S.;Duncan, David A.;Thakur, Pardeep Kumar;Lee, Tien-Lin;Seitsonen, Ari Paavo;Barth, Johannes V.;Allegretti, Francesco;Auwärter, Willi; Corrugation in the Weakly Interacting Hexagonal-BN/Cu(111) System: Structure Determination by Combining Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy and X-ray Standing Waves
Buechel, Martin;Hinz, Gereon;Ruehl, Frederik;Schroth, Hans;Gyoeri, Csaba;Knoll, Alois; Ontology-based traffic scene modeling, traffic regulations dependent situational awareness and decision-making for automated vehicles
Müller, Ruth; Hanson, Clare; Hanson, Mark; Penkler, Michael; Samaras, Georgia; Chiapperino, Luca; Dupré, John; Kenney, Martha; Kuzawa, Christopher; Latimer, Joanna; Lloyd, Stephanie; Lunkes, Astrid; Macdonald, Molly; Meloni, Maurizio; Nerlich, Brigitte; Panese, Francesco; Pickersgill, Martyn; Richardson, Sarah; Rüegg, Joëlle; Schmitz, Sigrid; Stelmach, Aleksandra; Villa, Paula‐Irene; The Biosocial Genome? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental Epigenetics, Health and Society
Pöppl, Alexander; Shallow Water Waves on a Deep Technology Stack: Accelerating a Finite Volume Tsunami Model using Reconfigurable Hardware in Invasive Computing
Rittmeyer, Simon P.;Bukas, Vanessa J.;Reuter, Karsten; Energy dissipation at metal surfaces
Jochim, Angela;Li, Yong;Gora-Stahlberg, Gina;Mantel, Tobias;Berndt, Maria;Castrop, Florian;Dresel, Christian;Haslinger, Bernhard; Altered functional connectivity in blepharospasm/orofacial dystonia
Mehrparvar, Mohsen;Zytynska, Sharon E.;Balog, Adalbert;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Coexistence through mutualist-dependent reversal of competitive hierarchies
Wallner, Adelheid;Elatawneh, Alata;Schneider, Thomas;Kindu, Mengistie;Ossig, Britta;Knoke, Thomas; Remotely sensed data controlled forest inventory concept
Roberts, Sheryl; Design and Synthesis of Calcium Sensors for Photoacoustic Imaging
Heldt, Eugénia C.; Shaping Global Trade Governance Rules: New Powers’ Hard and Soft Strategies of Influence at the WTO
Albayrak, Alp;Bezgin, Deniz A;Polifke, Wolfgang; Response of a swirl flame to inertial waves
Albayrak, Alp;Polifke, Wolfgang; An analytical model based on the G-equation for the response of technically premixed flames to perturbations of equivalence ratio
Steinbacher, Thomas;Meindl, Max;Polifke, Wolfgang; Modelling the generation of temperature inhomogeneities by a premixed flame
Ehn, Sebastian;Sellerer, Thorsten;Muenzel, Daniela;Fingerle, Alexander A.;Kopp, Felix;Duda, Manuela;Mei, Kai;Renger, Bernhard;Herzen, Julia;Dangelmaier, Julia;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Sauter, Andreas;Riederer, Isabelle;Renz, Martin;Braren, Rickmer;Rummeny, Ernst J.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Noël, Peter B.; Assessment of quantification accuracy and image quality of a full‐body dual‐layer spectral CT system
Horstmeyer, Nils;Weißbach, Max;Koch, Konrad;Drewes, Jörg E.; A novel concept to integrate energy recovery into potable water reuse treatment schemes
Scherer, Pia I.;Absmeier, Carolin;Urban, Maria;Raeder, Uta;Geist, Juergen;Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Influence of cyanobacteria, mixotrophic flagellates, and virioplankton size fraction on transcription of microcystin synthesis genes in the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
Schmidt, Tobias;Samaras, Patroklos;Frejno, Martin;Gessulat, Siegfried;Barnert, Maximilian;Kienegger, Harald;Krcmar, Helmut;Schlegl, Judith;Ehrlich, Hans-Christian;Aiche, Stephan;Kuster, Bernhard;Wilhelm, Mathias; ProteomicsDB
Bernhofer, Michael;Goldberg, Tatyana;Wolf, Silvana;Ahmed, Mohamed;Zaugg, Julian;Boden, Mikael;Rost, Burkhard; NLSdb—major update for database of nuclear localization signals and nuclear export signals
Hanke, K.;Weinold, Th.; Trassierung in der Punktwolke eines Tunnellaserscans
Habel, J. C.;Teucher, Mike;Ulrich, Werner;Schmitt, Thomas; Documenting the chronology of ecosystem health erosion along East African rivers
Ateeq-Ur-Rehman, Sardar;Bui, Minh;Rutschmann, Peter; Variability and Trend Detection in the Sediment Load of the Upper Indus River
D'Haro, Luis Fernando;Niculescu, Andreea I.;Cai, Caixia;Nair, Suraj;Banchs, Rafael E.;Knoll, Alois;Li, Haizhou; An integrated framework for multimodal human-robot interaction
Böhmer, Annette Isabel;Hostettler, Rafael;Richter, Christoph;Lindemann, Udo;Conradt, Jörg;Knoll, Alois;others; Towards Agile Product Development-The Role of Prototyping
Hostettler, Rafael;Böhmer, Annette Isabel;Lindemann, Udo;Knoll, Alois; TAF Agile Framework: Reducing Uncertainty Within Minimum Time and Resources
Böhmer, Annette Isabel;Meinzinger, Maximilian;Hostettler, Rafael;Knoll, Alois;Lindemann, Udo; Towards a framework for agile development of physical products
Zink, Lukas;Böhmer, Annette Isabel;Hostettler, Rafael;Lindemann, Udo;Knoll, Alois; The use of prototypes within agile product development
Kessler, Tobias;Knoll, Alois; Multi vehicle trajectory coordination for automated parking
Kessler, Tobias;Minnerup, Pascal;Lenz, David;Knoll, Alois; Systematically comparing control approaches in the presence of actuator errors
Rosendahl, Jonas;Kirsten, Holger;Hegyi, Eszter;Kovacs, Peter;Weiss, Frank Ulrich;Laumen, Helmut;Lichtner, Peter;Ruffert, Claudia;Chen, Jian-Min;Masson, Emmanuelle;Beer, Sebastian;Zimmer, Constantin;Seltsam, Katharina;Algül, Hana;Bühler, Florence;Bruno, Marco J;Bugert, Peter;Burkhardt, Ralph;Cavestro, Giulia Martina;Cichoz-Lach, Halina;Farré, Antoni;Frank, Josef;Gambaro, Giovanni;Gimpfl, Sebastian;Grallert, Harald;Griesmann, Heidi;Grützmann, Robert;Hellerbrand, Claus;Hegyi, Péter;Hollenbach, Marcus;Iordache, Sevastitia;Jurkowska, Grazyna;Keim, Volker;Kiefer, Falk;Krug, Sebastian;Landt, Olfert;Leo, Milena Di;Lerch, Markus M;Lévy, Philippe;Löffler, Markus;Löhr, Matthias;Ludwig, Maren;Macek, Milan;Malats, Nuria;Malecka-Panas, Ewa;Malerba, Giovanni;Mann, Karl;Mayerle, Julia;Mohr, Sonja;te Morsche, Rene H M;Motyka, Marie;Mueller, Sebastian;Müller, Thomas;Nöthen, Markus M;Pedrazzoli, Sergio;Pereira, Stephen P;Peters, Annette;Pfützer, Roland;Real, Francisco X;Rebours, Vinciane;Ridinger, Monika;Rietschel, Marcella;Rösmann, Eva;Saftoiu, Adrian;Schneider, Alexander;Schulz, Hans-Ulrich;Soranzo, Nicole;Soyka, Michael;Simon, Peter;Skipworth, James;Stickel, Felix;Strauch, Konstantin;Stumvoll, Michael;Testoni, Pier Alberto;Tönjes, Anke;Werner, Lena;Werner, Jens;Wodarz, Norbert;Ziegler, Martin;Masamune, Atsushi;Mössner, Joachim;Férec, Claude;Michl, Patrick;P H Drenth, Joost;Witt, Heiko;Scholz, Markus;Sahin-Tóth, Miklós; Genome-wide association study identifies inversion in the CTRB1-CTRB2 locus to modify risk for alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Osswald, Paul V.;Osswald, Tim A.; A strength tensor based failure criterion with stress interactions
Hnatkova, Katerina;Seegers, Joachim;Barthel, Petra;Novotny, Tomas;Smetana, Peter;Zabel, Markus;Schmidt, Georg;Malik, Marek; Clinical value of different QRS-T angle expressions
Hanin, Geula;Yayon, Nadav;Tzur, Yonat;Haviv, Rotem;Bennett, Estelle R;Udi, Shiran;Krishnamoorthy, Yoganathan R;Kotsiliti, Eleni;Zangen, Rivka;Efron, Ben;Tam, Joseph;Pappo, Orit;Shteyer, Eyal;Pikarsky, Eli;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Greenberg, David S;Soreq, Hermona; miRNA-132 induces hepatic steatosis and hyperlipidaemia by synergistic multitarget suppression
Carrillo, José A.;Düring, Bertram;Matthes, Daniel;McCormick, David S.; A Lagrangian Scheme for the Solution of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Using Moving Simplex Meshes
Ryan, D P;Henzel, K S;Pearson, B L;Siwek, M E;Papazoglou, A;Guo, L;Paesler, K;Yu, M;Müller, R;Xie, K;Schröder, S;Becker, L;Garrett, L;Hölter, S M;Neff, F;Rácz, I;Rathkolb, B;Rozman, J;Ehninger, G;Klingenspor, M;Klopstock, T;Wolf, E;Wurst, W;Zimmer, A;Fuchs, H;Gailus-Durner, V;Hrabě de Angelis, M;Sidiropoulou, K;Weiergräber, M;Zhou, Y;Ehninger, D; A paternal methyl donor-rich diet altered cognitive and neural functions in offspring mice
Forootan, Ehsan;Kusche, Jürgen;Talpe, Matthieu;Shum, C. K.;Schmidt, Michael; Developing a Complex Independent Component Analysis (CICA) Technique to Extract Non-stationary Patterns from Geophysical Time Series
Avsec, Žiga;Barekatain, Mohammadamin;Cheng, Jun;Gagneur, Julien; Modeling positional effects of regulatory sequences with spline transformations increases prediction accuracy of deep neural networks
Braga, Raul Rennó;Gómez-Aparicio, Lorena;Heger, Tina;Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões;Jeschke, Jonathan M.; Structuring evidence for invasional meltdown: broad support but with biases and gaps
Li, Xiang;Heber, Daniel;Leike, Tatjana;Beitzke, Dietrich;Lu, Xia;Zhang, Xiaoli;Wei, Yongxiang;Mitterhauser, Markus;Wadsak, Wolfgang;Kropf, Saskia;Wester, Hans J.;Loewe, Christian;Hacker, Marcus;Haug, Alexander R.; [68Ga]Pentixafor-PET/MRI for the detection of Chemokine receptor 4 expression in atherosclerotic plaques
Warrington, N M;;Richmond, R;Fenstra, B;Myhre, R;Gaillard, R;Paternoster, L;Wang, C A;Beaumont, R N;Das, S;Murcia, M;Barton, S J;Espinosa, A;Thiering, E;Atalay, M;Pitkänen, N;Ntalla, I;Jonsson, A E;Freathy, R;Karhunen, V;Tiesler, C M T;Allard, C;Crawford, A;Ring, S M;Melbye, M;Magnus, P;Rivadeneira, F;Skotte, L;Hansen, T;Marsh, J;Guxens, M;Holloway, J W;Grallert, H;Jaddoe, V W V;Lowe Jr, W L;Roumeliotaki, T;Hattersley, A T;Lindi, V;Pahkala, K;Panoutsopoulou, K;Standl, M;Flexeder, C;Bouchard, L;Aagaard Nohr, E;Marina, L Santa;Kogevinas, M;Niinikoski, H;Dedoussis, G;Heinrich, J;Reynolds, R M;Lakka, T;Zeggini, E;Raitakari, O T;Chatzi, L;Inskip, H M;Bustamante, M;Hivert, M-F;Jarvelin, M-R;Sørensen, T I A;Pennell, C;Felix, J F;Jacobsson, B;Geller, F;Evans, D M;Lawlor, D A; Maternal and fetal genetic contribution to gestational weight gain
Spangenberg, Joachim H.;Beaurepaire, Alexis L.;Bergmeier, Erwin;Burkhard, Benjamin;Van Chien, Ho;Cuong, Le Quoc;Görg, Christoph;Grescho, Volker;Hai, Le Huu;Heong, Kong Luen;Horgan, Finbarr G.;Hotes, Stefan;Klotzbücher, Anika;Klotzbücher, Thimo;Kühn, Ingolf;Langerwisch, Fanny;Marion, Glenn;Moritz, Robin F. A.;Nguyen, Quynh Anh;Ott, Jürgen;Sann, Christina;Sattler, Cornelia;Schädler, Martin;Schmidt, Anja;Tekken, Vera;Thanh, Truong Dao;Thonicke, Kirsten;Türke, Manfred;Václavík, Tomáš;Vetterlein, Doris;Westphal, Catrin;Wiemers, Martin;Settele, Josef; The LEGATO cross-disciplinary integrated ecosystem service research framework: an example of integrating research results from the analysis of global change impacts and the social, cultural and economic system dynamics of irrigated rice production
Arakawa, Ryosuke;Farde, Lars;Matsumoto, Junya;Kanegawa, Naoki;Yakushev, Igor;Yang, Kai-Chun;Takano, Akihiro; Potential Effect of Prolonged Sevoflurane Anesthesia on the Kinetics of [11C]Raclopride in Non-human Primates
Lindner, Martina;Rodler, Norbert;Jesdinszki, Marius;Schmid, Markus;Sängerlaub, Sven; Surface energy of corona treated PP, PE and PET films, its alteration as function of storage time and the effect of various corona dosages on their bond strength after lamination
Dedic, N;Pöhlmann, M L;Richter, J S;Mehta, D;Czamara, D;Metzger, M W;Dine, J;Bedenk, B T;Hartmann, J;Wagner, K V;Jurik, A;Almli, L M;Lori, A;Moosmang, S;Hofmann, F;Wotjak, C T;Rammes, G;Eder, M;Chen, A;Ressler, K J;Wurst, W;Schmidt, M V;Binder, E B;Deussing, J M; Cross-disorder risk gene CACNA1C differentially modulates susceptibility to psychiatric disorders during development and adulthood
Dirmeier, Simon;Fuchs, Christiane;Mueller, Nikola S;Theis, Fabian J; netReg: network-regularized linear models for biological association studies
Schöllnberger, Helmut;Eidemüller, Markus;Cullings, Harry M.;Simonetto, Cristoforo;Neff, Frauke;Kaiser, Jan Christian; Dose-responses for mortality from cerebrovascular and heart diseases in atomic bomb survivors: 1950–2003
Kain, Günther;Lienbacher, Bernhard;Barbu, Marius-Catalin;Richter, Klaus;Petutschnigg, Alexander; Larch (Larix decidua) bark insulation board: interactions of particle orientation, physical–mechanical and thermal properties
Stapor, Paul;Weindl, Daniel;Ballnus, Benjamin;Hug, Sabine;Loos, Carolin;Fiedler, Anna;Krause, Sabrina;Hroß, Sabrina;Fröhlich, Fabian;Hasenauer, Jan; PESTO: Parameter EStimation TOolbox
Pander, J.;Mueller, M.;Knott, J.;Geist, J.; Catch-related fish injury and catch efficiency of stow-net-based fish recovery installations for fish-monitoring at hydropower plants
Colaluca, Ivan Nicola;Basile, Andrea;Freiburger, Lee;D'Uva, Veronica;Disalvatore, Davide;Vecchi, Manuela;Confalonieri, Stefano;Tosoni, Daniela;Cecatiello, Valentina;Malabarba, Maria Grazia;Yang, Chun-Jiun;Kainosho, Masatsune;Sattler, Michael;Mapelli, Marina;Pece, Salvatore;Di Fiore, Pier Paolo; A Numb–Mdm2 fuzzy complex reveals an isoform-specific involvement of Numb in breast cancer
Totsche, Kai Uwe;Amelung, Wulf;Gerzabek, Martin H.;Guggenberger, Georg;Klumpp, Erwin;Knief, Claudia;Lehndorff, Eva;Mikutta, Robert;Peth, Stephan;Prechtel, Alexander;Ray, Nadja;Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; Microaggregates in soils
Danzer, M.; Dietsch, P.; Winter, S.; Round holes in glulam beams arranged eccentrically or in groups
Dietsch, P.; Auswirkung der Gebäudenutzung auf Holzfeuchten in Hallentragwerken
Loebus, S., Dietsch, P., Winter, S.; Two‐way Spanning CLT‐Concrete‐ Composite‐Slabs
Bailey, D. L.;Pichler, B. J.;Gückel, B.;Antoch, G.;Barthel, H.;Bhujwalla, Z. M.;Biskup, S.;Biswal, S.;Bitzer, M.;Boellaard, R.;Braren, R. F.;Brendle, C.;Brindle, K.;Chiti, A.;la Fougère, C.;Gillies, R.;Goh, V.;Goyen, M.;Hacker, M.;Heukamp, L.;Knudsen, G. M.;Krackhardt, A. M.;Law, I.;Morris, J. C.;Nikolaou, K.;Nuyts, J.;Ordonez, A. A.;Pantel, K.;Quick, H. H.;Riklund, K.;Sabri, O.;Sattler, B.;Troost, E. G. C.;Zaiss, M.;Zender, L.;Beyer, Thomas; Combined PET/MRI: Global Warming—Summary Report of the 6th International Workshop on PET/MRI, March 27–29, 2017, Tübingen, Germany
Schreiber, K. Ulrich;Kodet, Jan; The Application of Coherent Local Time for Optical Time Transfer and the Quantification of Systematic Errors in Satellite Laser Ranging
Ziegler, Karin A;Ahles, Andrea;Wille, Timo;Kerler, Julia;Ramanujam, Deepak;Engelhardt, Stefan; Local sympathetic denervation attenuates myocardial inflammation and improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction in mice
Krenn, Martin;Salzer, Elisabeth;Simonitsch-Klupp, Ingrid;Rath, Jakob;Wagner, Matias;Haack, Tobias B.;Strom, Tim M.;Schänzer, Anne;Kilimann, Manfred W.;Schmidt, Ralf L. J.;Schmetterer, Klaus G.;Zimprich, Alexander;Boztug, Kaan;Hahn, Andreas;Zimprich, Fritz; Mutations outside the N-terminal part of RBCK1 may cause polyglucosan body myopathy with immunological dysfunction: expanding the genotype–phenotype spectrum
Franz, D;Weidlich, D;Freitag, F;Holzapfel, C;Drabsch, T;Baum, T;Eggers, H;Witte, A;Rummeny, E J;Hauner, H;Karampinos, D C; Association of proton density fat fraction in adipose tissue with imaging-based and anthropometric obesity markers in adults
Shinde, Prashant V.;Xu, Haifeng C.;Maney, Sathish Kumar;Kloetgen, Andreas;Namineni, Sukumar;Zhuang, Yuan;Honke, Nadine;Shaabani, Namir;Bellora, Nicolas;Doerrenberg, Mareike;Trilling, Mirko;Pozdeev, Vitaly I.;van Rooijen, Nico;Scheu, Stefanie;Pfeffer, Klaus;Crocker, Paul R.;Tanaka, Masato;Duggimpudi, Sujitha;Knolle, Percy;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Ruland, Jürgen;Mak, Tak W.;Brenner, Dirk;Pandyra, Aleksandra A.;Hoell, Jessica I.;Borkhardt, Arndt;Häussinger, Dieter;Lang, Karl S.;Lang, Philipp A.; Tumor Necrosis Factor-Mediated Survival of CD169 + Cells Promotes Immune Activation during Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection
Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Ruschke, Stefan;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Diefenbach, Maximilian;Franz, Daniela;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Krug, Roland;Baum, Thomas; Quantitative MRI and spectroscopy of bone marrow
Winter, S., Jacob-Freitag, S., Köhler, C.; Mobi-Space – ein modulares, wiederverwendbares Bausystem aus Holz
Bailey, D. L.;Pichler, B. J.;Gückel, B.;Antoch, G.;Barthel, H.;Bhujwalla, Z. M.;Biskup, S.;Biswal, S.;Bitzer, M.;Boellaard, R.;Braren, R. F.;Brendle, C.;Brindle, K.;Chiti, A.;la Fougère, C.;Gillies, R.;Goh, V.;Goyen, M.;Hacker, M.;Heukamp, L.;Knudsen, G. M.;Krackhardt, A. M.;Law, I.;Morris, J. C.;Nikolaou, K.;Nuyts, J.;Ordonez, A. A.;Pantel, K.;Quick, H. H.;Riklund, K.;Sabri, O.;Sattler, B.;Troost, E. G. C.;Zaiss, M.;Zender, L.;Beyer, Thomas; Combined PET/MRI: Global Warming—Summary Report of the 6th International Workshop on PET/MRI, March 27–29, 2017, Tübingen, Germany
Schreiber, K. Ulrich;Kodet, Jan; The Application of Coherent Local Time for Optical Time Transfer and the Quantification of Systematic Errors in Satellite Laser Ranging
Ziegler, Karin A;Ahles, Andrea;Wille, Timo;Kerler, Julia;Ramanujam, Deepak;Engelhardt, Stefan; Local sympathetic denervation attenuates myocardial inflammation and improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction in mice
Krenn, Martin;Salzer, Elisabeth;Simonitsch-Klupp, Ingrid;Rath, Jakob;Wagner, Matias;Haack, Tobias B.;Strom, Tim M.;Schänzer, Anne;Kilimann, Manfred W.;Schmidt, Ralf L. J.;Schmetterer, Klaus G.;Zimprich, Alexander;Boztug, Kaan;Hahn, Andreas;Zimprich, Fritz; Mutations outside the N-terminal part of RBCK1 may cause polyglucosan body myopathy with immunological dysfunction: expanding the genotype–phenotype spectrum
Franz, D;Weidlich, D;Freitag, F;Holzapfel, C;Drabsch, T;Baum, T;Eggers, H;Witte, A;Rummeny, E J;Hauner, H;Karampinos, D C; Association of proton density fat fraction in adipose tissue with imaging-based and anthropometric obesity markers in adults
Shinde, Prashant V.;Xu, Haifeng C.;Maney, Sathish Kumar;Kloetgen, Andreas;Namineni, Sukumar;Zhuang, Yuan;Honke, Nadine;Shaabani, Namir;Bellora, Nicolas;Doerrenberg, Mareike;Trilling, Mirko;Pozdeev, Vitaly I.;van Rooijen, Nico;Scheu, Stefanie;Pfeffer, Klaus;Crocker, Paul R.;Tanaka, Masato;Duggimpudi, Sujitha;Knolle, Percy;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Ruland, Jürgen;Mak, Tak W.;Brenner, Dirk;Pandyra, Aleksandra A.;Hoell, Jessica I.;Borkhardt, Arndt;Häussinger, Dieter;Lang, Karl S.;Lang, Philipp A.; Tumor Necrosis Factor-Mediated Survival of CD169 + Cells Promotes Immune Activation during Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection
Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Ruschke, Stefan;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Diefenbach, Maximilian;Franz, Daniela;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Krug, Roland;Baum, Thomas; Quantitative MRI and spectroscopy of bone marrow
Shevtsov, Maxim;Huile, Gao;Multhoff, Gabriele; Membrane heat shock protein 70: a theranostic target for cancer therapy
Wurzer, Alexander;Seidl, Christof;Morgenstern, Alfred;Bruchertseifer, Frank;Schwaiger, Markus;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Notni, Johannes; Dual-Nuclide Radiopharmaceuticals for Positron Emission Tomography Based Dosimetry in Radiotherapy
Molnos, Sophie;Wahl, Simone;Haid, Mark;Eekhoff, E. Marelise W.;Pool, René;Floegel, Anna;Deelen, Joris;Much, Daniela;Prehn, Cornelia;Breier, Michaela;Draisma, Harmen H.;van Leeuwen, Nienke;Simonis-Bik, Annemarie M. C.;Jonsson, Anna;Willemsen, Gonneke;Bernigau, Wolfgang;Wang-Sattler, Rui;Suhre, Karsten;Peters, Annette;Thorand, Barbara;Herder, Christian;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Roden, Michael;Gieger, Christian;Kramer, Mark H. H.;van Heemst, Diana;Pedersen, Helle K.;Gudmundsdottir, Valborg;Schulze, Matthias B.;Pischon, Tobias;de Geus, Eco J. C.;Boeing, Heiner;Boomsma, Dorret I.;Ziegler, Anette G.;Slagboom, P. Eline;Hummel, Sandra;Beekman, Marian;Grallert, Harald;Brunak, Søren;McCarthy, Mark I.;Gupta, Ramneek;Pearson, Ewan R.;Adamski, Jerzy;’t Hart, Leen M.; Metabolite ratios as potential biomarkers for type 2 diabetes: a DIRECT study
Elding Larsson, Helena;;Lynch, Kristian F.;Lönnrot, Maria;Haller, Michael J.;Lernmark, Åke;Hagopian, William A.;She, Jin-Xiong;Simell, Olli;Toppari, Jorma;Ziegler, Anette-G.;Akolkar, Beena;Krischer, Jeffrey P.;Rewers, Marian J.;Hyöty, Heikki; Pandemrix® vaccination is not associated with increased risk of islet autoimmunity or type 1 diabetes in the TEDDY study children
Kaittanis, Charalambos;Andreou, Chrysafis;Hieronymus, Haley;Mao, Ninghui;Foss, Catherine A.;Eiber, Matthias;Weirich, Gregor;Panchal, Palak;Gopalan, Anuradha;Zurita, Juan;Achilefu, Samuel;Chiosis, Gabriela;Ponomarev, Vladimir;Schwaiger, Markus;Carver, Brett S.;Pomper, Martin G.;Grimm, Jan; Prostate-specific membrane antigen cleavage of vitamin B9 stimulates oncogenic signaling through metabotropic glutamate receptors
Zukunft, Sven;Prehn, Cornelia;Röhring, Cornelia;Möller, Gabriele;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Adamski, Jerzy;Tokarz, Janina; High-throughput extraction and quantification method for targeted metabolomics in murine tissues
Fischer, Kevin A;Hanschke, Lukas;Kremser, Malte;Finley, Jonathan J;Müller, Kai;Vučković, Jelena; Pulsed Rabi oscillations in quantum two-level systems: beyond the area theorem
Li-Gao, Ruifang;de Mutsert, Renée;Rensen, Patrick C. N.;van Klinken, Jan Bert;Prehn, Cornelia;Adamski, Jerzy;van Hylckama Vlieg, Astrid;den Heijer, Martin;le Cessie, Saskia;Rosendaal, Frits R.;Willems van Dijk, Ko;Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O.; Postprandial metabolite profiles associated with type 2 diabetes clearly stratify individuals with impaired fasting glucose
Schmid, Richard;Tarau, Ioana-Sandra;Rossi, Angela;Leonhardt, Stefan;Schwarz, Thomas;Schuerlein, Sebastian;Lotz, Christian;Hansmann, Jan; In Vivo-Like Culture Conditions in a Bioreactor Facilitate Improved Tissue Quality in Corneal Storage
Schloter, Michael;Nannipieri, Paolo;Sørensen, Søren J.;van Elsas, Jan Dirk; Microbial indicators for soil quality
Liedtke, Christian;Matsumoto, Yuya; Good reduction of K3 surfaces
Lindner, Martina; Factors affecting the hygroexpansion of paper
Morgado, Lionel;Johannes, Frank; Computational tools for plant small RNA detection and categorization
Gröpel, Peter;Mesagno, Christopher; Choking interventions in sports: A systematic review
Dewilde, P.; Systemic Relativism.
Makarieva, A.; Gorshkov, V.; Startsev, A.; New goals for fundamental science
Weiler, R.A.; Demuynck, K.; Food Scarcity Unavoidable by 2100 ? Impact of Demography & Climate Change
Pürnak, M.; Kierdorf, D.; Radiative Cooling in Munich
Bischoff, Felix;Auwärter, Willi;Barth, Johannes V.;Schiffrin, Agustin;Fuhrer, Michael;Weber, Bent; Nanoscale Phase Engineering of Niobium Diselenide
Jean-Matthieu Gallard; ExaHyPE, an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine
Höhl, Wolfgang; Open Innovation and Applied Interactive Technologies
Reschberger, Benedikt; Höhl, Wolfgang; Real Time Mesh Editing with Virtual Tools in an Immersive Virtual Environment
Müller, Jens; Kreuz, Sebastian; Höhl, Wolfgang; Lüdecke, Volker; A process full of challenges: A serious game about the German energy transition
Höhl, Wolfgang; Industrie 4.0 und Angewandte Interaktive Technologien (APITs)
Kagiya, K.; Werther, N.; State-of-the-art about how real fires may be influenced by structure
Helml, Wolfram;Grguraš, Ivanka;Juranić, Pavle;Düsterer, Stefan;Mazza, Tommaso;Maier, Andreas;Hartmann, Nick;Ilchen, Markus;Hartmann, Gregor;Patthey, Luc;Callegari, Carlo;Costello, John;Meyer, Michael;Coffee, Ryan;Cavalieri, Adrian;Kienberger, Reinhard; Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses
Klafki, Anika;Würkert, Felix;Winter, Tina; Leitlinien der Verwaltungsnovation und das Internet der Dinge
Djeffal, Christian; Das Internet der Dinge und die öffentliche Verwaltung: Auf dem Weg zum automatisierten Smart Government?
Johannes L. Pieper; Felix S. Schranner; Gurvan Hermange; Nikolaus A. Adams; Sharp-Interface Simulations of Heat-Driven Flows with Marangoni Effect
Hoppe, N.;Pasichnyk, I.;Adami, S.;Allalen, M.;Adams, N. A.; Performance Optimization of a Multiresolution Compressible Flow Solver
Stauder, Ralf;Ostler, Daniel;Vogel, Thomas;Wilhelm, Dirk;Koller, Sebastian;Kranzfelder, Michael;Navab, Nassir; Surgical data processing for smart intraoperative assistance systems
Zehe, Daniel;Nair, Suraj;Knoll, Alois;Eckhoff, David; Towards citymos: a coupled city-scale mobility simulation framework
Bi, Ran;Xiao, Jiajian;Pelzer, Dominik;Ciechanowicz, David;Eckhoff, David;Knoll, Alois; A simulation-based heuristic for city-scale electric vehicle charging station placement
Rachut, Sarah; Sicherheit und Schutz persönlicher Daten
Rachut, Sarah; Cyber-Sicherheit zuhause
Ciechanowicz, David;Pelzer, Dominik;Bartenschlager, Benedikt;Knoll, Alois; A Modular Power System Planning and Power Flow Simulation Framework for Generating and Evaluating Power Network Models
Patzauer, Maximilian;Hueck, Richard;Tosolini, Anton;Schönleber, Konrad;Krischer, Katharina; Autonomous Oscillations and Pattern Formation with Zero External Resistance during Silicon Electrodissolution
Jung, Roland;Metzger, Michael;Maglia, Filippo;Stinner, Christoph;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Oxygen Release and Its Effect on the Cycling Stability of LiNixMnyCozO2(NMC) Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Simon, Christoph;Kartouzian, Dena;Müller, David;Wilhelm, Florian;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Impact of Microporous Layer Pore Properties on Liquid Water Transport in PEM Fuel Cells: Carbon Black Type and Perforation
Starke, Benjamin;Seidlmayer, Stefan;Schulz, Michael;Dinter, Alexander;Revay, Zsolt;Gilles, Ralph;Pettinger, Karl-Heinz; Gas Evolution and Capacity Fading in LiFexMn1-xPO4/Graphite Cells Studied by Neutron Imaging and Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis
Wetjen, Morten;Pritzl, Daniel;Jung, Roland;Solchenbach, Sophie;Ghadimi, Reza;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Differentiating the Degradation Phenomena in Silicon-Graphite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Ehrl, Andreas;Landesfeind, Johannes;Wall, Wolfgang A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Determination of Transport Parameters in Liquid Binary Electrolytes: Part II. Transference Number
Kindermann, Frank M.;Osswald, Patrick J.;Ehlert, Günter;Schuster, Jörg;Rheinfeld, Alexander;Jossen, Andreas; Reducing Inhomogeneous Current Density Distribution in Graphite Electrodes by Design Variation
Sippel, Sebastian;Forkel, Matthias;Rammig, Anja;Thonicke, Kirsten;Flach, Milan;Heimann, Martin;Otto, Friederike E L;Reichstein, Markus;Mahecha, Miguel D; Contrasting and interacting changes in simulated spring and summer carbon cycle extremes in European ecosystems
Schmid, B;Manz, P;Ramisch, M;Stroth, U; Spatio-temporal structure of turbulent Reynolds stress zonal flow drive in 3D magnetic configuration
Furse, Daniel;Groh, Stefan;Trost, Nikolaus;Babutzka, Martin;Barrett, John P;Behrens, Jan;Buzinsky, Nicholas;Corona, Thomas;Enomoto, Sanshiro;Erhard, Moritz;Formaggio, Joseph A;Glück, Ferenc;Harms, Fabian;Heizmann, Florian;Hilk, Daniel;Käfer, Wolfgang;Kleesiek, Marco;Leiber, Benjamin;Mertens, Susanne;Oblath, Noah S;Renschler, Pascal;Schwarz, Johannes;Slocum, Penny L;Wandkowsky, Nancy;Wierman, Kevin;Zacher, Michael; Kassiopeia: a modern, extensible C++ particle tracking package
Basilewitsch, Daniel;Schmidt, Rebecca;Sugny, Dominique;Maniscalco, Sabrina;Koch, Christiane P; Beating the limits with initial correlations
Muschik, Christine;Heyl, Markus;Martinez, Esteban;Monz, Thomas;Schindler, Philipp;Vogell, Berit;Dalmonte, Marcello;Hauke, Philipp;Blatt, Rainer;Zoller, Peter; U(1) Wilson lattice gauge theories in digital quantum simulators
Albert, A.;André, M.;Anghinolfi, M.;Ardid, M.;Aubert, J.-J.;Aublin, J.;Avgitas, T.;Baret, B.;Barrios-Martí, J.;Basa, S.;Belhorma, B.;Bertin, V.;Biagi, S.;Bormuth, R.;Bourret, S.;Bouwhuis, M. C.;Brânzaş, H.;Bruijn, R.;Brunner, J.;Busto, J.;Capone, A.;Caramete, L.;Carr, J.;Celli, S.;El Moursli, R. Cherkaoui;Chiarusi, T.;Circella, M.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Coleiro, A.;Coniglione, R.;Costantini, H.;Coyle, P.;Creusot, A.;Díaz, A. F.;Deschamps, A.;Bonis, G. De;Distefano, C.;Palma, I. Di;Domi, A.;Donzaud, C.;Dornic, D.;Drouhin, D.;Eberl, T.;Bojaddaini, I. El;Khayati, N. El;Elsässer, D.;Enzenhöfer, A.;Ettahiri, A.;Fassi, F.;Felis, I.;Fusco, L. A.;Gay, P.;Giordano, V.;Glotin, H.;Grégoire, T.;Ruiz, R. Gracia;Graf, K.;Hallmann, S.;Haren, H. van;Heijboer, A. J.;Hello, Y.;Hernández-Rey, J. J.;Hößl, J.;Hofestädt, J.;Illuminati, G.;James, C. W.;Jong, M. de;Jongen, M.;Kadler, M.;Kalekin, O.;Katz, U.;Kießling, D.;Kouchner, A.;Kreter, M.;Kreykenbohm, I.;Kulikovskiy, V.;Lachaud, C.;Lahmann, R.;Lefèvre, D.;Leonora, E.;Lotze, M.;Loucatos, S.;Marcelin, M.;Margiotta, A.;Marinelli, A.;Martínez-Mora, J. A.;Mele, R.;Melis, K.;Michael, T.;Migliozzi, P.;Moussa, A.;Navas, S.;Nezri, E.;Organokov, M.;Păvălaş, G. E.;Pellegrino, C.;Perrina, C.;Piattelli, P.;Popa, V.;Pradier, T.;Quinn, L.;Racca, C.;Riccobene, G.;Sánchez-Losa, A.;Saldaña, M.;Salvadori, I.;Samtleben, D. F. E.;Sanguineti, M.;Sapienza, P.;Schüssler, F.;Sieger, C.;Spurio, M.;Stolarczyk, Th.;Taiuti, M.;Tayalati, Y.;Trovato, A.;Turpin, D.;Tönnis, C.;Vallage, B.;Elewyck, V. Van;Versari, F.;Vivolo, D.;Vizzoca, A.;Wilms, J.;Zornoza, J. D.;Zúñiga, J.;Aartsen, M. G.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Samarai, I. Al;Altmann, D.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Ansseau, I.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Auffenberg, J.;Axani, S.;Bagherpour, H.;Bai, X.;Barron, J. P.;Barwick, S. W.;Baum, V.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Tjus, J. Becker;Becker, K.-H.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Bohm, C.;Börner, M.;Bos, F.;Bose, D.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Bourbeau, E.;Bourbeau, J.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Brayeur, L.;Brenzke, M.;Bretz, H.-P.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Burgman, A.;Carver, T.;Casey, J.;Casier, M.;Cheung, E.;Chirkin, D.;Christov, A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coenders, S.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Day, M.;André, J. P. A. M. de;Clercq, C. De;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Ridder, S. De;Desiati, P.;Vries, K. D. de;Wasseige, G. de;With, M. de;DeYoung, T.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Lorenzo, V. di;Dujmovic, H.;Dumm, J. P.;Dunkman, M.;Dvorak, E.;Eberhardt, B.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eichmann, B.;Eller, P.;Evenson, P. A.;Fahey, S.;Fazely, A. R.;Felde, J.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Flis, S.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fuchs, T.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghorbani, K.;Giang, W.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Goldschmidt, A.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Grant, D.;Griffith, Z.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halzen, F.;Hanson, K.;Hebecker, D.;Heereman, D.;Helbing, K.;Hellauer, R.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;In, S.;Ishihara, A.;Jacobi, E.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jero, K.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kalaczynski, P.;Kang, W.;Kappes, A.;Karg, T.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Keivani, A.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Kittler, T.;Klein, S. R.;Kohnen, G.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koschinsky, J. P.;Koskinen, D. J.;Kowalski, M.;Krings, K.;Kroll, M.;Krückl, G.;Kunnen, J.;Kunwar, S.;Kurahashi, N.;Kuwabara, T.;Kyriacou, A.;Labare, M.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lesiak-Bzdak, M.;Leuermann, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Lu, L.;Lünemann, J.;Luszczak, W.;Madsen, J.;Maggi, G.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Mancina, S.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;Maunu, R.;McNally, F.;Meagher, K.;Medici, M.;Meier, M.;Menne, T.;Merino, G.;Meures, T.;Miarecki, S.;Micallef, J.;Momenté, G.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Moulai, M.;Nahnhauer, R.;Nakarmi, P.;Naumann, U.;Neer, G.;Niederhausen, H.;Nowicki, S. C.;Nygren, D. R.;Pollmann, A. Obertacke;Olivas, A.;O’Murchadha, A.;Palczewski, T.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Peiffer, P.;Pepper, J. A.;de los Heros, C. Pérez;Pieloth, D.;Pinat, E.;Plum, M.;Pranav, D.;Price, P. B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Rädel, L.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Reimann, R.;Relethford, B.;Relich, M.;Resconi, E.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Robertson, S.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk, D.;Sälzer, T.;Herrera, S. E. Sanchez;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schoenen, S.;Schöneberg, S.;Schumacher, L.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Song, M.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stasik, A.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stokstad, R. G.;Stößl, A.;Strotjohann, N. L.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Sutherland, M.;Taboada, I.;Tatar, J.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Terliuk, A.;Tešić, G.;Tilav, S.;Toale, P. A.;Tobin, M. N.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turley, C. F.;Ty, B.;Unger, E.;Usner, M.;Vandenbroucke, J.;Driessche, W. Van;Eijndhoven, N. van;Vanheule, S.;Santen, J. van;Vehring, M.;Vogel, E.;Vraeghe, M.;Walck, C.;Wallace, A.;Wallraff, M.;Wandler, F. D.;Wandkowsky, N.;Waza, A.;Weaver, C.;Weiss, M. J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Westerhoff, S.;Whelan, B. J.;Wiebe, K.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Wille, L.;Williams, D. R.;Wills, L.;Wolf, M.;Wood, J.;Wood, T. R.;Woolsey, E.;Woschnagg, K.;Xu, D. L.;Xu, X. W.;Xu, Y.;Yanez, J. P.;Yodh, G.;Yoshida, S.;Yuan, T.;Zoll, M.;Aab, A.;Abreu, P.;Aglietta, M.;Albuquerque, I. F. M.;Albury, J. M.;Allekotte, I.;Almela, A.;Castillo, J. Alvarez;Alvarez-Muñiz, J.;Anastasi, G. A.;Anchordoqui, L.;Andrada, B.;Andringa, S.;Aramo, C.;Arsene, N.;Asorey, H.;Assis, P.;Avila, G.;Badescu, A. M.;Balaceanu, A.;Barbato, F.;Luz, R. J. Barreira;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K. H.;Bellido, J. A.;Berat, C.;Bertaina, M. E.;Bertou, X.;Biermann, P. L.;Biteau, J.;Blaess, S. G.;Blanco, A.;Blazek, J.;Bleve, C.;Boháčová, M.;Bonifazi, C.;Borodai, N.;Botti, A. M.;Brack, J.;Brancus, I.;Bretz, T.;Bridgeman, A.;Briechle, F. L.;Buchholz, P.;Bueno, A.;Buitink, S.;Buscemi, M.;Caballero-Mora, K. S.;Caccianiga, L.;Cancio, A.;Canfora, F.;Caruso, R.;Castellina, A.;Catalani, F.;Cataldi, G.;Cazon, L.;Chavez, A. G.;Chinellato, J. A.;Chudoba, J.;Clay, R. W.;Cerutti, A. C. Cobos;Colalillo, R.;Coleman, A.;Collica, L.;Coluccia, M. R.;Conceição, R.;Consolati, G.;Contreras, F.;Cooper, M. J.;Coutu, S.;Covault, C. E.;Cronin, J.;D’Amico, S.;Daniel, B.;Dasso, S.;Daumiller, K.;Dawson, B. R.;Day, J. A.;Almeida, R. M. de;Jong, S. J. de;Mauro, G. De;Neto, J. R. T. de Mello;Mitri, I. De;Oliveira, J. de;Souza, V. de;Debatin, J.;Deligny, O.;Díaz Castro, M. L.;Diogo, F.;Dobrigkeit, C.;D’Olivo, J. C.;Dorosti, Q.;Anjos, R. C. dos;Dova, M. T.;Dundovic, A.;Ebr, J.;Engel, R.;Erdmann, M.;Erfani, M.;Escobar, C. O.;Espadanal, J.;Etchegoyen, A.;Falcke, H.;Farmer, J.;Farrar, G.;Fauth, A. C.;Fazzini, N.;Feldbusch, F.;Fenu, F.;Fick, B.;Figueira, J. M.;Filipčič, A.;Freire, M. M.;Fujii, T.;Fuster, A.;Gaïor, R.;García, B.;Gaté, F.;Gemmeke, H.;Gherghel-Lascu, A.;Ghia, P. L.;Giaccari, U.;Giammarchi, M.;Giller, M.;Głas, D.;Glaser, C.;Golup, G.;Berisso, M. Gómez;Vitale, P. F. Gómez;González, N.;Gorgi, A.;Gottowik, M.;Grillo, A. F.;Grubb, T. D.;Guarino, F.;Guedes, G. P.;Halliday, R.;Hampel, M. R.;Hansen, P.;Harari, D.;Harrison, T. A.;Harvey, V. M.;Haungs, A.;Hebbeker, T.;Heck, D.;Heimann, P.;Herve, A. E.;Hill, G. C.;Hojvat, C.;Holt, E.;Homola, P.;Hörandel, J. R.;Horvath, P.;Hrabovský, M.;Huege, T.;Hulsman, J.;Insolia, A.;Isar, P. G.;Jandt, I.;Johnsen, J. A.;Josebachuili, M.;Jurysek, J.;Kääpä, A.;Kampert, K. H.;Keilhauer, B.;Kemmerich, N.;Kemp, J.;Kieckhafer, R. M.;Klages, H. O.;Kleifges, M.;Kleinfeller, J.;Krause, R.;Krohm, N.;Kuempel, D.;Mezek, G. Kukec;Kunka, N.;Awad, A. Kuotb;Lago, B. L.;LaHurd, D.;Lang, R. G.;Lauscher, M.;Legumina, R.;de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui;Letessier-Selvon, A.;Lhenry-Yvon, I.;Link, K.;Presti, D. Lo;Lopes, L.;López, R.;Casado, A. López;Lorek, R.;Luce, Q.;Lucero, A.;Malacari, M.;Mallamaci, M.;Mandat, D.;Mantsch, P.;Mariazzi, A. G.;Mariş, I. C.;Marsella, G.;Martello, D.;Martinez, H.;Martínez Bravo, O.;Masías Meza, J. J.;Mathes, H. J.;Mathys, S.;Matthews, J.;Matthiae, G.;Mayotte, E.;Mazur, P. O.;Medina, C.;Medina-Tanco, G.;Melo, D.;Menshikov, A.;Merenda, K.-D.;Michal, S.;Micheletti, M. I.;Middendorf, L.;Miramonti, L.;Mitrica, B.;Mockler, D.;Mollerach, S.;Montanet, F.;Morello, C.;Morlino, G.;Mostafá, M.;Müller, A. L.;Müller, G.;Muller, M. A.;Müller, S.;Mussa, R.;Naranjo, I.;Nellen, L.;Nguyen, P. H.;Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M.;Niechciol, M.;Niemietz, L.;Niggemann, T.;Nitz, D.;Nosek, D.;Novotny, V.;Nožka, L.;Núñez, L. A.;Oikonomou, F.;Olinto, A.;Palatka, M.;Pallotta, J.;Papenbreer, P.;Parente, G.;Parra, A.;Paul, T.;Pech, M.;Pedreira, F.;Pȩkala, J.;Pelayo, R.;Peña-Rodriguez, J.;Pereira, L. A. S.;Perlin, M.;Perrone, L.;Peters, C.;Petrera, S.;Phuntsok, J.;Pierog, T.;Pimenta, M.;Pirronello, V.;Platino, M.;Plum, M.;Poh, J.;Porowski, C.;Prado, R. R.;Privitera, P.;Prouza, M.;Quel, E. J.;Querchfeld, S.;Quinn, S.;Ramos-Pollan, R.;Rautenberg, J.;Ravignani, D.;Ridky, J.;Riehn, F.;Risse, M.;Ristori, P.;Rizi, V.;de Carvalho, W. Rodrigues;Fernandez, G. Rodriguez;Rojo, J. Rodriguez;Roncoroni, M. J.;Roth, M.;Roulet, E.;Rovero, A. C.;Ruehl, P.;Saffi, S. J.;Saftoiu, A.;Salamida, F.;Salazar, H.;Saleh, A.;Salina, G.;Sánchez, F.;Sanchez-Lucas, P.;Santos, E. M.;Santos, E.;Sarazin, F.;Sarmento, R.;Sarmiento-Cano, C.;Sato, R.;Schauer, M.;Scherini, V.;Schieler, H.;Schimp, M.;Schmidt, D.;Scholten, O.;Schovánek, P.;Schröder, F. G.;Schröder, S.;Schulz, A.;Schumacher, J.;Sciutto, S. J.;Segreto, A.;Shadkam, A.;Shellard, R. C.;Sigl, G.;Silli, G.;Šmída, R.;Snow, G. R.;Sommers, P.;Sonntag, S.;Soriano, J. F.;Squartini, R.;Stanca, D.;Stanič, S.;Stasielak, J.;Stassi, P.;Stolpovskiy, M.;Strafella, F.;Streich, A.;Suarez, F.;Durán, M. Suarez;Sudholz, T.;Suomijärvi, T.;Supanitsky, A. D.;Šupík, J.;Swain, J.;Szadkowski, Z.;Taboada, A.;Taborda, O. A.;Timmermans, C.;Peixoto, C. J. Todero;Tomankova, L.;Tomé, B.;Elipe, G. Torralba;Travnicek, P.;Trini, M.;Tueros, M.;Ulrich, R.;Unger, M.;Urban, M.;Galicia, J. F. Valdés;Valiño, I.;Valore, L.;Aar, G. van;Bodegom, P. van;Berg, A. M. van den;Vliet, A. van;Varela, E.;Cárdenas, B. Vargas;Vázquez, R. A.;Veberič, D.;Ventura, C.;Quispe, I. D. Vergara;Verzi, V.;Vicha, J.;Villaseñor, L.;Vorobiov, S.;Wahlberg, H.;Wainberg, O.;Walz, D.;Watson, A. A.;Weber, M.;Weindl, A.;Wiedeński, M.;Wiencke, L.;Wilczyński, H.;Wirtz, M.;Wittkowski, D.;Wundheiler, B.;Yang, L.;Yushkov, A.;Zas, E.;Zavrtanik, D.;Zavrtanik, M.;Zepeda, A.;Zimmermann, B.;Ziolkowski, M.;Zong, Z.;Zuccarello, F.;Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;Acernese, F.;Ackley, K.;Adams, C.;Adams, T.;Addesso, P.;Adhikari, R. X.;Adya, V. B.;Affeldt, C.;Afrough, M.;Agarwal, B.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.;Aggarwal, N.;Aguiar, O. D.;Aiello, L.;Ain, A.;Ajith, P.;Allen, B.;Allen, G.;Allocca, A.;Altin, P. A.;Amato, A.;Ananyeva, A.;Anderson, S. B.;Anderson, W. G.;Angelova, S. V.;Antier, S.;Appert, S.;Arai, K.;Araya, M. C.;Areeda, J. S.;Arnaud, N.;Arun, K. G.;Ascenzi, S.;Ashton, G.;Ast, M.;Aston, S. M.;Astone, P.;Atallah, D. V.;Aufmuth, P.;Aulbert, C.;AultONeal, K.;Austin, C.;Avila-Alvarez, A.;Babak, S.;Bacon, P.;Bader, M. K. M.;Bae, S.;Baker, P. T.;Baldaccini, F.;Ballardin, G.;Ballmer, S. W.;Banagiri, S.;Barayoga, J. C.;Barclay, S. E.;Barish, B. C.;Barker, D.;Barkett, K.;Barone, F.;Barr, B.;Barsotti, L.;Barsuglia, M.;Barta, D.;Bartlett, J.;Bartos, I.;Bassiri, R.;Basti, A.;Batch, J. C.;Bawaj, M.;Bayley, J. C.;Bazzan, M.;Bécsy, B.;Beer, C.;Bejger, M.;Belahcene, I.;Bell, A. S.;Berger, B. K.;Bergmann, G.;Bero, J. J.;Berry, C. P. L.;Bersanetti, D.;Bertolini, A.;Betzwieser, J.;Bhagwat, S.;Bhandare, R.;Bilenko, I. A.;Billingsley, G.;Billman, C. R.;Birch, J.;Birney, R.;Birnholtz, O.;Biscans, S.;Biscoveanu, S.;Bisht, A.;Bitossi, M.;Biwer, C.;Bizouard, M. A.;Blackburn, J. K.;Blackman, J.;Blair, C. D.;Blair, D. G.;Blair, R. M.;Bloemen, S.;Bock, O.;Bode, N.;Boer, M.;Bogaert, G.;Bohe, A.;Bondu, F.;Bonilla, E.;Bonnand, R.;Boom, B. A.;Bork, R.;Boschi, V.;Bose, S.;Bossie, K.;Bouffanais, Y.;Bozzi, A.;Bradaschia, C.;Brady, P. R.;Branchesi, M.;Brau, J. E.;Briant, T.;Brillet, A.;Brinkmann, M.;Brisson, V.;Brockill, P.;Broida, J. E.;Brooks, A. F.;Brown, D. A.;Brown, D. D.;Brunett, S.;Buchanan, C. C.;Buikema, A.;Bulik, T.;Bulten, H. J.;Buonanno, A.;Buskulic, D.;Buy, C.;Byer, R. L.;Cabero, M.;Cadonati, L.;Cagnoli, G.;Cahillane, C.;Bustillo, J. Calderón;Callister, T. A.;Calloni, E.;Camp, J. B.;Canepa, M.;Canizares, P.;Cannon, K. C.;Cao, H.;Cao, J.;Capano, C. D.;Capocasa, E.;Carbognani, F.;Caride, S.;Carney, M. F.;Diaz, J. Casanueva;Casentini, C.;Caudill, S.;Cavaglià, M.;Cavalier, F.;Cavalieri, R.;Cella, G.;Cepeda, C. B.;Cerdá-Durán, P.;Cerretani, G.;Cesarini, E.;Chamberlin, S. J.;Chan, M.;Chao, S.;Charlton, P.;Chase, E.;Chassande-Mottin, E.;Chatterjee, D.;Cheeseboro, B. D.;Chen, H. Y.;Chen, X.;Chen, Y.;Cheng, H.-P.;Chia, H.;Chincarini, A.;Chiummo, A.;Chmiel, T.;Cho, H. S.;Cho, M.;Chow, J. H.;Christensen, N.;Chu, Q.;Chua, A. J. K.;Chua, S.;Chung, A. K. W.;Chung, S.;Ciani, G.;Ciolfi, R.;Cirelli, C. E.;Cirone, A.;Clara, F.;Clark, J. A.;Clearwater, P.;Cleva, F.;Cocchieri, C.;Coccia, E.;Cohadon, P.-F.;Cohen, D.;Colla, A.;Collette, C. G.;Cominsky, L. R.;Constancio, M., Jr.;Conti, L.;Cooper, S. J.;Corban, P.;Corbitt, T. R.;Cordero-Carrión, I.;Corley, K. R.;Cornish, N.;Corsi, A.;Cortese, S.;Costa, C. A.;Coughlin, M. W.;Coughlin, S. B.;Coulon, J.-P.;Countryman, S. T.;Couvares, P.;Covas, P. B.;Cowan, E. E.;Coward, D. M.;Cowart, M. J.;Coyne, D. C.;Coyne, R.;Creighton, J. D. E.;Creighton, T. D.;Cripe, J.;Crowder, S. G.;Cullen, T. J.;Cumming, A.;Cunningham, L.;Cuoco, E.;Canton, T. Dal;Dálya, G.;Danilishin, S. L.;D’Antonio, S.;Danzmann, K.;Dasgupta, A.;Costa, C. F. Da Silva;Dattilo, V.;Dave, I.;Davier, M.;Davis, D.;Daw, E. J.;Day, B.;De, S.;DeBra, D.;Degallaix, J.;Laurentis, M. De;Deléglise, S.;Pozzo, W. Del;Demos, N.;Denker, T.;Dent, T.;Pietri, R. De;Dergachev, V.;Rosa, R. De;DeRosa, R. T.;Rossi, C. De;DeSalvo, R.;Varona, O. de;Devenson, J.;Dhurandhar, S.;Díaz, M. C.;Fiore, L. Di;Giovanni, M. Di;Girolamo, T. Di;Lieto, A. Di;Pace, S. Di;Palma, I. Di;Renzo, F. Di;Doctor, Z.;Dolique, V.;Donovan, F.;Dooley, K. L.;Doravari, S.;Dorrington, I.;Douglas, R.;Álvarez, M. Dovale;Downes, T. P.;Drago, M.;Dreissigacker, C.;Driggers, J. C.;Du, Z.;Ducrot, M.;Dupej, P.;Dwyer, S. E.;Edo, T. B.;Edwards, M. C.;Effler, A.;Eggenstein, H.-B.;Ehrens, P.;Eichholz, J.;Eikenberry, S. S.;Eisenstein, R. A.;Essick, R. C.;Estevez, D.;Etienne, Z. B.;Etzel, T.;Evans, M.;Evans, T. M.;Factourovich, M.;Fafone, V.;Fair, H.;Fairhurst, S.;Fan, X.;Farinon, S.;Farr, B.;Farr, W. M.;Fauchon-Jones, E. J.;Favata, M.;Fays, M.;Fee, C.;Fehrmann, H.;Feicht, J.;Fejer, M. M.;Fernandez-Galiana, A.;Ferrante, I.;Ferreira, E. C.;Ferrini, F.;Fidecaro, F.;Finstad, D.;Fiori, I.;Fiorucci, D.;Fishbach, M.;Fisher, R. P.;Fitz-Axen, M.;Flaminio, R.;Fletcher, M.;Fong, H.;Font, J. A.;Forsyth, P. W. F.;Forsyth, S. S.;Fournier, J.-D.;Frasca, S.;Frasconi, F.;Frei, Z.;Freise, A.;Frey, R.;Frey, V.;Fries, E. M.;Fritschel, P.;Frolov, V. V.;Fulda, P.;Fyffe, M.;Gabbard, H.;Gadre, B. U.;Gaebel, S. M.;Gair, J. R.;Gammaitoni, L.;Ganija, M. R.;Gaonkar, S. G.;Garcia-Quiros, C.;Garufi, F.;Gateley, B.;Gaudio, S.;Gaur, G.;Gayathri, V.;Gehrels, N.;Gemme, G.;Genin, E.;Gennai, A.;George, D.;George, J.;Gergely, L.;Germain, V.;Ghonge, S.;Ghosh, Abhirup;Ghosh, Archisman;Ghosh, S.;Giaime, J. A.;Giardina, K. D.;Giazotto, A.;Gill, K.;Glover, L.;Goetz, E.;Goetz, R.;Gomes, S.;Goncharov, B.;González, G.;Castro, J. M. Gonzalez;Gopakumar, A.;Gorodetsky, M. L.;Gossan, S. E.;Gosselin, M.;Gouaty, R.;Grado, A.;Graef, C.;Granata, M.;Grant, A.;Gras, S.;Gray, C.;Greco, G.;Green, A. C.;Gretarsson, E. M.;Groot, P.;Grote, H.;Grunewald, S.;Gruning, P.;Guidi, G. M.;Guo, X.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, M. K.;Gushwa, K. E.;Gustafson, E. K.;Gustafson, R.;Halim, O.;Hall, B. R.;Hall, E. D.;Hamilton, E. Z.;Hammond, G.;Haney, M.;Hanke, M. M.;Hanks, J.;Hanna, C.;Hannam, M. D.;Hannuksela, O. A.;Hanson, J.;Hardwick, T.;Harms, J.;Harry, G. M.;Harry, I. W.;Hart, M. J.;Haster, C.-J.;Haughian, K.;Healy, J.;Heidmann, A.;Heintze, M. C.;Heitmann, H.;Hello, P.;Hemming, G.;Hendry, M.;Heng, I. S.;Hennig, J.;Heptonstall, A. W.;Heurs, M.;Hild, S.;Hinderer, T.;Hoak, D.;Hofman, D.;Holt, K.;Holz, D. E.;Hopkins, P.;Horst, C.;Hough, J.;Houston, E. A.;Howell, E. J.;Hreibi, A.;Hu, Y. M.;Huerta, E. A.;Huet, D.;Hughey, B.;Husa, S.;Huttner, S. H.;Huynh-Dinh, T.;Indik, N.;Inta, R.;Intini, G.;Isa, H. N.;Isac, J.-M.;Isi, M.;Iyer, B. R.;Izumi, K.;Jacqmin, T.;Jani, K.;Jaranowski, P.;Jawahar, S.;Jiménez-Forteza, F.;Johnson, W. W.;Jones, D. I.;Jones, R.;Jonker, R. J. G.;Ju, L.;Junker, J.;Kalaghatgi, C. V.;Kalogera, V.;Kamai, B.;Kandhasamy, S.;Kang, G.;Kanner, J. B.;Kapadia, S. J.;Karki, S.;Karvinen, K. S.;Kasprzack, M.;Katolik, M.;Katsavounidis, E.;Katzman, W.;Kaufer, S.;Kawabe, K.;Kéfélian, F.;Keitel, D.;Kemball, A. J.;Kennedy, R.;Kent, C.;Key, J. S.;Khalili, F. Y.;Khan, I.;Khan, S.;Khan, Z.;Khazanov, E. A.;Kijbunchoo, N.;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, J. C.;Kim, K.;Kim, W.;Kim, W. S.;Kim, Y.-M.;Kimbrell, S. J.;King, E. J.;King, P. J.;Kinley-Hanlon, M.;Kirchhoff, R.;Kissel, J. S.;Kleybolte, L.;Klimenko, S.;Knowles, T. D.;Koch, P.;Koehlenbeck, S. M.;Koley, S.;Kondrashov, V.;Kontos, A.;Korobko, M.;Korth, W. Z.;Kowalska, I.;Kozak, D. B.;Krämer, C.;Kringel, V.;Krishnan, B.;Królak, A.;Kuehn, G.;Kumar, P.;Kumar, R.;Kumar, S.;Kuo, L.;Kutynia, A.;Kwang, S.;Lackey, B. D.;Lai, K. H.;Landry, M.;Lang, R. N.;Lange, J.;Lantz, B.;Lanza, R. K.;Lartaux-Vollard, A.;Lasky, P. D.;Laxen, M.;Lazzarini, A.;Lazzaro, C.;Leaci, P.;Leavey, S.;Lee, C. H.;Lee, H. K.;Lee, H. M.;Lee, H. W.;Lee, K.;Lehmann, J.;Lenon, A.;Leonardi, M.;Leroy, N.;Letendre, N.;Levin, Y.;Li, T. G. F.;Linker, S. D.;Littenberg, T. B.;Liu, J.;Lo, R. K. L.;Lockerbie, N. A.;London, L. T.;Lord, J. E.;Lorenzini, M.;Loriette, V.;Lormand, M.;Losurdo, G.;Lough, J. D.;Lousto, C. O.;Lovelace, G.;Lück, H.;Lumaca, D.;Lundgren, A. P.;Lynch, R.;Ma, Y.;Macas, R.;Macfoy, S.;Machenschalk, B.;MacInnis, M.;Macleod, D. M.;Hernandez, I. Magaña;Magaña-Sandoval, F.;Zertuche, L. Magaña;Magee, R. M.;Majorana, E.;Maksimovic, I.;Man, N.;Mandic, V.;Mangano, V.;Mansell, G. L.;Manske, M.;Mantovani, M.;Marchesoni, F.;Marion, F.;Márka, S.;Márka, Z.;Markakis, C.;Markosyan, A. S.;Markowitz, A.;Maros, E.;Marquina, A.;Martelli, F.;Martellini, L.;Martin, I. W.;Martin, R. M.;Martynov, D. V.;Mason, K.;Massera, E.;Masserot, A.;Massinger, T. J.;Masso-Reid, M.;Mastrogiovanni, S.;Matas, A.;Matichard, F.;Matone, L.;Mavalvala, N.;Mazumder, N.;McCarthy, R.;McClelland, D. E.;McCormick, S.;McCuller, L.;McGuire, S. C.;McIntyre, G.;McIver, J.;McManus, D. J.;McNeill, L.;McRae, T.;McWilliams, S. T.;Meacher, D.;Meadors, G. D.;Mehmet, M.;Meidam, J.;Mejuto-Villa, E.;Melatos, A.;Mendell, G.;Mercer, R. A.;Merilh, E. L.;Merzougui, M.;Meshkov, S.;Messenger, C.;Messick, C.;Metzdorff, R.;Meyers, P. M.;Miao, H.;Michel, C.;Middleton, H.;Mikhailov, E. E.;Milano, L.;Miller, A. L.;Miller, B. B.;Miller, J.;Millhouse, M.;Milovich-Goff, M. C.;Minazzoli, O.;Minenkov, Y.;Ming, J.;Mishra, C.;Mitra, S.;Mitrofanov, V. P.;Mitselmakher, G.;Mittleman, R.;Moffa, D.;Moggi, A.;Mogushi, K.;Mohan, M.;Mohapatra, S. R. P.;Montani, M.;Moore, C. J.;Moraru, D.;Moreno, G.;Morriss, S. R.;Mours, B.;Mow-Lowry, C. M.;Mueller, G.;Muir, A. W.;Mukherjee, Arunava;Mukherjee, D.;Mukherjee, S.;Mukund, N.;Mullavey, A.;Munch, J.;Muñiz, E. A.;Muratore, M.;Murray, P. G.;Napier, K.;Nardecchia, I.;Naticchioni, L.;Nayak, R. K.;Neilson, J.;Nelemans, G.;Nelson, T. J. N.;Nery, M.;Neunzert, A.;Nevin, L.;Newport, J. M.;Newton, G.;Ng, K. K. Y.;Nguyen, T. T.;Nichols, D.;Nielsen, A. B.;Nissanke, S.;Nitz, A.;Noack, A.;Nocera, F.;Nolting, D.;North, C.;Nuttall, L. K.;Oberling, J.;O’Dea, G. D.;Ogin, G. H.;Oh, J. J.;Oh, S. H.;Ohme, F.;Okada, M. A.;Oliver, M.;Oppermann, P.;Oram, Richard J.;O’Reilly, B.;Ormiston, R.;Ortega, L. F.;O’Shaughnessy, R.;Ossokine, S.;Ottaway, D. J.;Overmier, H.;Owen, B. J.;Pace, A. E.;Page, J.;Page, M. A.;Pai, A.;Pai, S. A.;Palamos, J. R.;Palashov, O.;Palomba, C.;Pal-Singh, A.;Pan, Howard;Pan, Huang-Wei;Pang, B.;Pang, P. T. H.;Pankow, C.;Pannarale, F.;Pant, B. C.;Paoletti, F.;Paoli, A.;Papa, M. A.;Parida, A.;Parker, W.;Pascucci, D.;Pasqualetti, A.;Passaquieti, R.;Passuello, D.;Patil, M.;Patricelli, B.;Pearlstone, B. L.;Pedraza, M.;Pedurand, R.;Pekowsky, L.;Pele, A.;Penn, S.;Perez, C. J.;Perreca, A.;Perri, L. M.;Pfeiffer, H. P.;Phelps, M.;Piccinni, O. J.;Pichot, M.;Piergiovanni, F.;Pierro, V.;Pillant, G.;Pinard, L.;Pinto, I. M.;Pirello, M.;Pitkin, M.;Poe, M.;Poggiani, R.;Popolizio, P.;Porter, E. K.;Post, A.;Powell, J.;Prasad, J.;Pratt, J. W. W.;Pratten, G.;Predoi, V.;Prestegard, T.;Prijatelj, M.;Principe, M.;Privitera, S.;Prodi, G. A.;Prokhorov, L. G.;Puncken, O.;Punturo, M.;Puppo, P.;Pürrer, M.;Qi, H.;Quetschke, V.;Quintero, E. A.;Quitzow-James, R.;Raab, F. J.;Rabeling, D. S.;Radkins, H.;Raffai, P.;Raja, S.;Rajan, C.;Rajbhandari, B.;Rakhmanov, M.;Ramirez, K. E.;Ramos-Buades, A.;Rapagnani, P.;Raymond, V.;Razzano, M.;Read, J.;Regimbau, T.;Rei, L.;Reid, S.;Reitze, D. H.;Ren, W.;Reyes, S. D.;Ricci, F.;Ricker, P. M.;Rieger, S.;Riles, K.;Rizzo, M.;Robertson, N. A.;Robie, R.;Robinet, F.;Rocchi, A.;Rolland, L.;Rollins, J. G.;Roma, V. J.;Romano, R.;Romel, C. L.;Romie, J. H.;Rosińska, D.;Ross, M. P.;Rowan, S.;Rüdiger, A.;Ruggi, P.;Rutins, G.;Ryan, K.;Sachdev, S.;Sadecki, T.;Sadeghian, L.;Sakellariadou, M.;Salconi, L.;Saleem, M.;Salemi, F.;Samajdar, A.;Sammut, L.;Sampson, L. M.;Sanchez, E. J.;Sanchez, L. E.;Sanchis-Gual, N.;Sandberg, V.;Sanders, J. R.;Sassolas, B.;Saulson, P. R.;Sauter, O.;Savage, R. L.;Sawadsky, A.;Schale, P.;Scheel, M.;Scheuer, J.;Schmidt, J.;Schmidt, P.;Schnabel, R.;Schofield, R. M. S.;Schönbeck, A.;Schreiber, E.;Schuette, D.;Schulte, B. W.;Schutz, B. F.;Schwalbe, S. G.;Scott, J.;Scott, S. M.;Seidel, E.;Sellers, D.;Sengupta, A. S.;Sentenac, D.;Sequino, V.;Sergeev, A.;Shaddock, D. A.;Shaffer, T. J.;Shah, A. A.;Shahriar, M. S.;Shaner, M. B.;Shao, L.;Shapiro, B.;Shawhan, P.;Sheperd, A.;Shoemaker, D. H.;Shoemaker, D. M.;Siellez, K.;Siemens, X.;Sieniawska, M.;Sigg, D.;Silva, A. D.;Singer, L. P.;Singh, A.;Singhal, A.;Sintes, A. M.;Slagmolen, B. J. J.;Smith, B.;Smith, J. R.;Smith, R. J. E.;Somala, S.;Son, E. J.;Sonnenberg, J. A.;Sorazu, B.;Sorrentino, F.;Souradeep, T.;Spencer, A. P.;Srivastava, A. K.;Staats, K.;Staley, A.;Steinke, M.;Steinlechner, J.;Steinlechner, S.;Steinmeyer, D.;Stevenson, S. P.;Stone, R.;Stops, D. J.;Strain, K. A.;Stratta, G.;Strigin, S. E.;Strunk, A.;Sturani, R.;Stuver, A. L.;Summerscales, T. Z.;Sun, L.;Sunil, S.;Suresh, J.;Sutton, P. J.;Swinkels, B. L.;Szczepańczyk, M. J.;Tacca, M.;Tait, S. C.;Talbot, C.;Talukder, D.;Tanner, D. B.;Tápai, M.;Taracchini, A.;Tasson, J. D.;Taylor, J. A.;Taylor, R.;Tewari, S. V.;Theeg, T.;Thies, F.;Thomas, E. G.;Thomas, M.;Thomas, P.;Thorne, K. A.;Thrane, E.;Tiwari, S.;Tiwari, V.;Tokmakov, K. V.;Toland, K.;Tonelli, M.;Tornasi, Z.;Torres-Forné, A.;Torrie, C. I.;Töyrä, D.;Travasso, F.;Traylor, G.;Trinastic, J.;Tringali, M. C.;Trozzo, L.;Tsang, K. W.;Tse, M.;Tso, R.;Tsukada, L.;Tsuna, D.;Tuyenbayev, D.;Ueno, K.;Ugolini, D.;Unnikrishnan, C. S.;Urban, A. L.;Usman, S. A.;Vahlbruch, H.;Vajente, G.;Valdes, G.;Bakel, N. van;Beuzekom, M. van;Brand, J. F. J. van den;Broeck, C. Van Den;Vander-Hyde, D. C.;Schaaf, L. van der;Heijningen, J. V. van;Veggel, A. A. van;Vardaro, M.;Varma, V.;Vass, S.;Vasúth, M.;Vecchio, A.;Vedovato, G.;Veitch, J.;Veitch, P. J.;Venkateswara, K.;Venugopalan, G.;Verkindt, D.;Vetrano, F.;Viceré, A.;Viets, A. D.;Vinciguerra, S.;Vine, D. J.;Vinet, J.-Y.;Vitale, S.;Vo, T.;Vocca, H.;Vorvick, C.;Vyatchanin, S. P.;Wade, A. R.;Wade, L. E.;Wade, M.;Walet, R.;Walker, M.;Wallace, L.;Walsh, S.;Wang, G.;Wang, H.;Wang, J. Z.;Wang, W. H.;Wang, Y. F.;Ward, R. L.;Warner, J.;Was, M.;Watchi, J.;Weaver, B.;Wei, L.-W.;Weinert, M.;Weinstein, A. J.;Weiss, R.;Wen, L.;Wessel, E. K.;Weßels, P.;Westerweck, J.;Westphal, T.;Wette, K.;Whelan, J. T.;Whiting, B. F.;Whittle, C.;Wilken, D.;Williams, D.;Williams, R. D.;Williamson, A. R.;Willis, J. L.;Willke, B.;Wimmer, M. H.;Winkler, W.;Wipf, C. C.;Wittel, H.;Woan, G.;Woehler, J.;Wofford, J.;Wong, K. W. K.;Worden, J.;Wright, J. L.;Wu, D. S.;Wysocki, D. M.;Xiao, S.;Yamamoto, H.;Yancey, C. C.;Yang, L.;Yap, M. J.;Yazback, M.;Yu, Hang;Yu, Haocun;Yvert, M.;Zadrożny, A.;Zanolin, M.;Zelenova, T.;Zendri, J.-P.;Zevin, M.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, M.;Zhang, T.;Zhang, Y.-H.;Zhao, C.;Zhou, M.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, S. J.;Zhu, X. J.;Zucker, M. E.;Zweizig, J.;;;;; Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory
Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;Acernese, F.;Ackley, K.;Adams, C.;Adams, T.;Addesso, P.;Adhikari, R. X.;Adya, V. B.;Affeldt, C.;Afrough, M.;Agarwal, B.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.;Aggarwal, N.;Aguiar, O. D.;Aiello, L.;Ain, A.;Ajith, P.;Allen, B.;Allen, G.;Allocca, A.;Altin, P. A.;Amato, A.;Ananyeva, A.;Anderson, S. B.;Anderson, W. G.;Angelova, S. V.;Antier, S.;Appert, S.;Arai, K.;Araya, M. C.;Areeda, J. S.;Arnaud, N.;Arun, K. G.;Ascenzi, S.;Ashton, G.;Ast, M.;Aston, S. M.;Astone, P.;Atallah, D. V.;Aufmuth, P.;Aulbert, C.;AultONeal, K.;Austin, C.;Avila-Alvarez, A.;Babak, S.;Bacon, P.;Bader, M. K. M.;Bae, S.;Baker, P. T.;Baldaccini, F.;Ballardin, G.;Ballmer, S. W.;Banagiri, S.;Barayoga, J. C.;Barclay, S. E.;Barish, B. C.;Barker, D.;Barkett, K.;Barone, F.;Barr, B.;Barsotti, L.;Barsuglia, M.;Barta, D.;Barthelmy, S. D.;Bartlett, J.;Bartos, I.;Bassiri, R.;Basti, A.;Batch, J. C.;Bawaj, M.;Bayley, J. C.;Bazzan, M.;Bécsy, B.;Beer, C.;Bejger, M.;Belahcene, I.;Bell, A. S.;Berger, B. K.;Bergmann, G.;Bero, J. J.;Berry, C. P. L.;Bersanetti, D.;Bertolini, A.;Betzwieser, J.;Bhagwat, S.;Bhandare, R.;Bilenko, I. A.;Billingsley, G.;Billman, C. R.;Birch, J.;Birney, R.;Birnholtz, O.;Biscans, S.;Biscoveanu, S.;Bisht, A.;Bitossi, M.;Biwer, C.;Bizouard, M. A.;Blackburn, J. K.;Blackman, J.;Blair, C. D.;Blair, D. G.;Blair, R. M.;Bloemen, S.;Bock, O.;Bode, N.;Boer, M.;Bogaert, G.;Bohe, A.;Bondu, F.;Bonilla, E.;Bonnand, R.;Boom, B. A.;Bork, R.;Boschi, V.;Bose, S.;Bossie, K.;Bouffanais, Y.;Bozzi, A.;Bradaschia, C.;Brady, P. R.;Branchesi, M.;Brau, J. E.;Briant, T.;Brillet, A.;Brinkmann, M.;Brisson, V.;Brockill, P.;Broida, J. E.;Brooks, A. F.;Brown, D. A.;Brown, D. D.;Brunett, S.;Buchanan, C. C.;Buikema, A.;Bulik, T.;Bulten, H. J.;Buonanno, A.;Buskulic, D.;Buy, C.;Byer, R. L.;Cabero, M.;Cadonati, L.;Cagnoli, G.;Cahillane, C.;Bustillo, J. Calderón;Callister, T. A.;Calloni, E.;Camp, J. B.;Canepa, M.;Canizares, P.;Cannon, K. C.;Cao, H.;Cao, J.;Capano, C. D.;Capocasa, E.;Carbognani, F.;Caride, S.;Carney, M. F.;Diaz, J. Casanueva;Casentini, C.;Caudill, S.;Cavaglià, M.;Cavalier, F.;Cavalieri, R.;Cella, G.;Cepeda, C. B.;Cerdá-Durán, P.;Cerretani, G.;Cesarini, E.;Chamberlin, S. J.;Chan, M.;Chao, S.;Charlton, P.;Chase, E.;Chassande-Mottin, E.;Chatterjee, D.;Chatziioannou, K.;Cheeseboro, B. D.;Chen, H. Y.;Chen, X.;Chen, Y.;Cheng, H.-P.;Chia, H.;Chincarini, A.;Chiummo, A.;Chmiel, T.;Cho, H. S.;Cho, M.;Chow, J. H.;Christensen, N.;Chu, Q.;Chua, A. J. K.;Chua, S.;Chung, A. K. W.;Chung, S.;Ciani, G.;Ciolfi, R.;Cirelli, C. E.;Cirone, A.;Clara, F.;Clark, J. A.;Clearwater, P.;Cleva, F.;Cocchieri, C.;Coccia, E.;Cohadon, P.-F.;Cohen, D.;Colla, A.;Collette, C. G.;Cominsky, L. R.;Jr., M. Constancio;Conti, L.;Cooper, S. J.;Corban, P.;Corbitt, T. R.;Cordero-Carrión, I.;Corley, K. R.;Cornish, N.;Corsi, A.;Cortese, S.;Costa, C. A.;Coughlin, M. W.;Coughlin, S. B.;Coulon, J.-P.;Countryman, S. T.;Couvares, P.;Covas, P. B.;Cowan, E. E.;Coward, D. M.;Cowart, M. J.;Coyne, D. C.;Coyne, R.;Creighton, J. D. E.;Creighton, T. D.;Cripe, J.;Crowder, S. G.;Cullen, T. J.;Cumming, A.;Cunningham, L.;Cuoco, E.;Canton, T. Dal;Dálya, G.;Danilishin, S. L.;D’Antonio, S.;Danzmann, K.;Dasgupta, A.;Da Silva Costa, C. F.;Dattilo, V.;Dave, I.;Davier, M.;Davis, D.;Daw, E. J.;Day, B.;De, S.;DeBra, D.;Degallaix, J.;Laurentis, M. De;Deléglise, S.;Pozzo, W. Del;Demos, N.;Denker, T.;Dent, T.;Pietri, R. De;Dergachev, V.;Rosa, R. De;DeRosa, R. T.;Rossi, C. De;DeSalvo, R.;Varona, O. de;Devenson, J.;Dhurandhar, S.;Díaz, M. C.;Fiore, L. Di;Giovanni, M. Di;Girolamo, T. Di;Lieto, A. Di;Pace, S. Di;Palma, I. Di;Renzo, F. Di;Doctor, Z.;Dolique, V.;Donovan, F.;Dooley, K. L.;Doravari, S.;Dorrington, I.;Douglas, R.;Álvarez, M. Dovale;Downes, T. P.;Drago, M.;Dreissigacker, C.;Driggers, J. C.;Du, Z.;Ducrot, M.;Dupej, P.;Dwyer, S. E.;Edo, T. B.;Edwards, M. C.;Effler, A.;Ehrens, P.;Eichholz, J.;Eikenberry, S. S.;Eisenstein, R. A.;Essick, R. C.;Estevez, D.;Etienne, Z. B.;Etzel, T.;Evans, M.;Evans, T. M.;Factourovich, M.;Fafone, V.;Fair, H.;Fairhurst, S.;Fan, X.;Farinon, S.;Farr, B.;Farr, W. M.;Fauchon-Jones, E. J.;Favata, M.;Fays, M.;Fee, C.;Fehrmann, H.;Feicht, J.;Fejer, M. M.;Fernandez-Galiana, A.;Ferrante, I.;Ferreira, E. C.;Ferrini, F.;Fidecaro, F.;Finstad, D.;Fiori, I.;Fiorucci, D.;Fishbach, M.;Fisher, R. P.;Fitz-Axen, M.;Flaminio, R.;Fletcher, M.;Fong, H.;Font, J. A.;Forsyth, P. W. F.;Forsyth, S. S.;Fournier, J.-D.;Frasca, S.;Frasconi, F.;Frei, Z.;Freise, A.;Frey, R.;Frey, V.;Fries, E. M.;Fritschel, P.;Frolov, V. V.;Fulda, P.;Fyffe, M.;Gabbard, H.;Gadre, B. U.;Gaebel, S. M.;Gair, J. R.;Gammaitoni, L.;Ganija, M. R.;Gaonkar, S. G.;Garcia-Quiros, C.;Garufi, F.;Gateley, B.;Gaudio, S.;Gaur, G.;Gayathri, V.;Gehrels, N.;Gemme, G.;Genin, E.;Gennai, A.;George, D.;George, J.;Gergely, L.;Germain, V.;Ghonge, S.;Ghosh, Abhirup;Ghosh, Archisman;Ghosh, S.;Giaime, J. A.;Giardina, K. D.;Giazotto, A.;Gill, K.;Glover, L.;Goetz, E.;Goetz, R.;Gomes, S.;Goncharov, B.;González, G.;Castro, J. M. Gonzalez;Gopakumar, A.;Gorodetsky, M. L.;Gossan, S. E.;Gosselin, M.;Gouaty, R.;Grado, A.;Graef, C.;Granata, M.;Grant, A.;Gras, S.;Gray, C.;Greco, G.;Green, A. C.;Gretarsson, E. M.;Griswold, B.;Groot, P.;Grote, H.;Grunewald, S.;Gruning, P.;Guidi, G. M.;Guo, X.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, M. K.;Gushwa, K. E.;Gustafson, E. K.;Gustafson, R.;Halim, O.;Hall, B. R.;Hall, E. D.;Hamilton, E. Z.;Hammond, G.;Haney, M.;Hanke, M. M.;Hanks, J.;Hanna, C.;Hannam, M. D.;Hannuksela, O. A.;Hanson, J.;Hardwick, T.;Harms, J.;Harry, G. M.;Harry, I. W.;Hart, M. J.;Haster, C.-J.;Haughian, K.;Healy, J.;Heidmann, A.;Heintze, M. C.;Heitmann, H.;Hello, P.;Hemming, G.;Hendry, M.;Heng, I. S.;Hennig, J.;Heptonstall, A. W.;Heurs, M.;Hild, S.;Hinderer, T.;Hoak, D.;Hofman, D.;Holt, K.;Holz, D. E.;Hopkins, P.;Horst, C.;Hough, J.;Houston, E. A.;Howell, E. J.;Hreibi, A.;Hu, Y. M.;Huerta, E. A.;Huet, D.;Hughey, B.;Husa, S.;Huttner, S. H.;Huynh-Dinh, T.;Indik, N.;Inta, R.;Intini, G.;Isa, H. N.;Isac, J.-M.;Isi, M.;Iyer, B. R.;Izumi, K.;Jacqmin, T.;Jani, K.;Jaranowski, P.;Jawahar, S.;Jiménez-Forteza, F.;Johnson, W. W.;Jones, D. I.;Jones, R.;Jonker, R. J. G.;Ju, L.;Junker, J.;Kalaghatgi, C. V.;Kalogera, V.;Kamai, B.;Kandhasamy, S.;Kang, G.;Kanner, J. B.;Kapadia, S. J.;Karki, S.;Karvinen, K. S.;Kasprzack, M.;Katolik, M.;Katsavounidis, E.;Katzman, W.;Kaufer, S.;Kawabe, K.;Kéfélian, F.;Keitel, D.;Kemball, A. J.;Kennedy, R.;Kent, C.;Key, J. S.;Khalili, F. Y.;Khan, I.;Khan, S.;Khan, Z.;Khazanov, E. A.;Kijbunchoo, N.;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, J. C.;Kim, K.;Kim, W.;Kim, W. S.;Kim, Y.-M.;Kimbrell, S. J.;King, E. J.;King, P. J.;Kinley-Hanlon, M.;Kirchhoff, R.;Kissel, J. S.;Kleybolte, L.;Klimenko, S.;Knowles, T. D.;Koch, P.;Koehlenbeck, S. M.;Koley, S.;Kondrashov, V.;Kontos, A.;Korobko, M.;Korth, W. Z.;Kowalska, I.;Kozak, D. B.;Krämer, C.;Kringel, V.;Krishnan, B.;Królak, A.;Kuehn, G.;Kumar, P.;Kumar, R.;Kumar, S.;Kuo, L.;Kutynia, A.;Kwang, S.;Lackey, B. D.;Lai, K. H.;Landry, M.;Lang, R. N.;Lange, J.;Lantz, B.;Lanza, R. K.;Larson, S. L.;Lartaux-Vollard, A.;Lasky, P. D.;Laxen, M.;Lazzarini, A.;Lazzaro, C.;Leaci, P.;Leavey, S.;Lee, C. H.;Lee, H. K.;Lee, H. M.;Lee, H. W.;Lee, K.;Lehmann, J.;Lenon, A.;Leonardi, M.;Leroy, N.;Letendre, N.;Levin, Y.;Li, T. G. F.;Linker, S. D.;Littenberg, T. B.;Liu, J.;Lo, R. K. L.;Lockerbie, N. A.;London, L. T.;Lord, J. E.;Lorenzini, M.;Loriette, V.;Lormand, M.;Losurdo, G.;Lough, J. D.;Lousto, C. O.;Lovelace, G.;Lück, H.;Lumaca, D.;Lundgren, A. P.;Lynch, R.;Ma, Y.;Macas, R.;Macfoy, S.;Machenschalk, B.;MacInnis, M.;Macleod, D. M.;Hernandez, I. Magaña;Magaña-Sandoval, F.;Zertuche, L. Magaña;Magee, R. M.;Majorana, E.;Maksimovic, I.;Man, N.;Mandic, V.;Mangano, V.;Mansell, G. L.;Manske, M.;Mantovani, M.;Marchesoni, F.;Marion, F.;Márka, S.;Márka, Z.;Markakis, C.;Markosyan, A. S.;Markowitz, A.;Maros, E.;Marquina, A.;Marsh, P.;Martelli, F.;Martellini, L.;Martin, I. W.;Martin, R. M.;Martynov, D. V.;Mason, K.;Massera, E.;Masserot, A.;Massinger, T. J.;Masso-Reid, M.;Mastrogiovanni, S.;Matas, A.;Matichard, F.;Matone, L.;Mavalvala, N.;Mazumder, N.;McCarthy, R.;McClelland, D. E.;McCormick, S.;McCuller, L.;McGuire, S. C.;McIntyre, G.;McIver, J.;McManus, D. J.;McNeill, L.;McRae, T.;McWilliams, S. T.;Meacher, D.;Meadors, G. D.;Mehmet, M.;Meidam, J.;Mejuto-Villa, E.;Melatos, A.;Mendell, G.;Mercer, R. A.;Merilh, E. L.;Merzougui, M.;Meshkov, S.;Messenger, C.;Messick, C.;Metzdorff, R.;Meyers, P. M.;Miao, H.;Michel, C.;Middleton, H.;Mikhailov, E. E.;Milano, L.;Miller, A. L.;Miller, B. B.;Miller, J.;Millhouse, M.;Milovich-Goff, M. C.;Minazzoli, O.;Minenkov, Y.;Ming, J.;Mishra, C.;Mitra, S.;Mitrofanov, V. P.;Mitselmakher, G.;Mittleman, R.;Moffa, D.;Moggi, A.;Mogushi, K.;Mohan, M.;Mohapatra, S. R. P.;Montani, M.;Moore, C. J.;Moraru, D.;Moreno, G.;Morriss, S. R.;Mours, B.;Mow-Lowry, C. M.;Mueller, G.;Muir, A. W.;Mukherjee, Arunava;Mukherjee, D.;Mukherjee, S.;Mukund, N.;Mullavey, A.;Munch, J.;Muñiz, E. A.;Muratore, M.;Murray, P. G.;Napier, K.;Nardecchia, I.;Naticchioni, L.;Nayak, R. K.;Neilson, J.;Nelemans, G.;Nelson, T. J. N.;Nery, M.;Neunzert, A.;Nevin, L.;Newport, J. M.;Newton, G.;Ng, K. K. Y.;Nguyen, P.;Nguyen, T. T.;Nichols, D.;Nielsen, A. B.;Nissanke, S.;Nitz, A.;Noack, A.;Nocera, F.;Nolting, D.;North, C.;Nuttall, L. K.;Oberling, J.;O’Dea, G. D.;Ogin, G. H.;Oh, J. J.;Oh, S. H.;Ohme, F.;Okada, M. A.;Oliver, M.;Oppermann, P.;Oram, Richard J.;O’Reilly, B.;Ormiston, R.;Ortega, L. F.;O’Shaughnessy, R.;Ossokine, S.;Ottaway, D. J.;Overmier, H.;Owen, B. J.;Pace, A. E.;Page, J.;Page, M. A.;Pai, A.;Pai, S. A.;Palamos, J. R.;Palashov, O.;Palomba, C.;Pal-Singh, A.;Pan, Howard;Pan, Huang-Wei;Pang, B.;Pang, P. T. H.;Pankow, C.;Pannarale, F.;Pant, B. C.;Paoletti, F.;Paoli, A.;Papa, M. A.;Parida, A.;Parker, W.;Pascucci, D.;Pasqualetti, A.;Passaquieti, R.;Passuello, D.;Patil, M.;Patricelli, B.;Pearlstone, B. L.;Pedraza, M.;Pedurand, R.;Pekowsky, L.;Pele, A.;Penn, S.;Perez, C. J.;Perreca, A.;Perri, L. M.;Pfeiffer, H. P.;Phelps, M.;Piccinni, O. J.;Pichot, M.;Piergiovanni, F.;Pierro, V.;Pillant, G.;Pinard, L.;Pinto, I. M.;Pirello, M.;Pitkin, M.;Poe, M.;Poggiani, R.;Popolizio, P.;Porter, E. K.;Post, A.;Powell, J.;Prasad, J.;Pratt, J. W. W.;Pratten, G.;Predoi, V.;Prestegard, T.;Price, L. R.;Prijatelj, M.;Principe, M.;Privitera, S.;Prodi, G. A.;Prokhorov, L. G.;Puncken, O.;Punturo, M.;Puppo, P.;Pürrer, M.;Qi, H.;Quetschke, V.;Quintero, E. A.;Quitzow-James, R.;Raab, F. J.;Rabeling, D. S.;Radkins, H.;Raffai, P.;Raja, S.;Rajan, C.;Rajbhandari, B.;Rakhmanov, M.;Ramirez, K. E.;Ramos-Buades, A.;Rapagnani, P.;Raymond, V.;Razzano, M.;Read, J.;Regimbau, T.;Rei, L.;Reid, S.;Reitze, D. H.;Ren, W.;Reyes, S. D.;Ricci, F.;Ricker, P. M.;Rieger, S.;Riles, K.;Rizzo, M.;Robertson, N. A.;Robie, R.;Robinet, F.;Rocchi, A.;Rolland, L.;Rollins, J. G.;Roma, V. J.;Romano, R.;Romel, C. L.;Romie, J. H.;Rosińska, D.;Ross, M. P.;Rowan, S.;Rüdiger, A.;Ruggi, P.;Rutins, G.;Ryan, K.;Sachdev, S.;Sadecki, T.;Sadeghian, L.;Sakellariadou, M.;Salconi, L.;Saleem, M.;Salemi, F.;Samajdar, A.;Sammut, L.;Sampson, L. M.;Sanchez, E. J.;Sanchez, L. E.;Sanchis-Gual, N.;Sandberg, V.;Sanders, J. R.;Sassolas, B.;Sathyaprakash, B. S.;Saulson, P. R.;Sauter, O.;Savage, R. L.;Sawadsky, A.;Schale, P.;Scheel, M.;Scheuer, J.;Schmidt, J.;Schmidt, P.;Schnabel, R.;Schofield, R. M. S.;Schönbeck, A.;Schreiber, E.;Schuette, D.;Schulte, B. W.;Schutz, B. F.;Schwalbe, S. G.;Scott, J.;Scott, S. M.;Seidel, E.;Sellers, D.;Sengupta, A. S.;Sentenac, D.;Sequino, V.;Sergeev, A.;Shaddock, D. A.;Shaffer, T. J.;Shah, A. A.;Shahriar, M. S.;Shaner, M. B.;Shao, L.;Shapiro, B.;Shawhan, P.;Sheperd, A.;Shoemaker, D. H.;Shoemaker, D. M.;Siellez, K.;Siemens, X.;Sieniawska, M.;Sigg, D.;Silva, A. D.;Singer, L. P.;Singh, A.;Singhal, A.;Sintes, A. M.;Slagmolen, B. J. J.;Smith, B.;Smith, J. R.;Smith, R. J. E.;Somala, S.;Son, E. J.;Sonnenberg, J. A.;Sorazu, B.;Sorrentino, F.;Souradeep, T.;Spencer, A. P.;Srivastava, A. K.;Staats, K.;Staley, A.;Steinke, M.;Steinlechner, J.;Steinlechner, S.;Steinmeyer, D.;Stevenson, S. P.;Stone, R.;Stops, D. J.;Strain, K. A.;Stratta, G.;Strigin, S. E.;Strunk, A.;Sturani, R.;Stuver, A. L.;Summerscales, T. Z.;Sun, L.;Sunil, S.;Suresh, J.;Sutton, P. J.;Swinkels, B. L.;Szczepańczyk, M. J.;Tacca, M.;Tait, S. C.;Talbot, C.;Talukder, D.;Tanner, D. B.;Tápai, M.;Taracchini, A.;Tasson, J. D.;Taylor, J. A.;Taylor, R.;Tewari, S. V.;Theeg, T.;Thies, F.;Thomas, E. G.;Thomas, M.;Thomas, P.;Thorne, K. A.;Thorne, K. S.;Thrane, E.;Tiwari, S.;Tiwari, V.;Tokmakov, K. V.;Toland, K.;Tonelli, M.;Tornasi, Z.;Torres-Forné, A.;Torrie, C. I.;Töyrä, D.;Travasso, F.;Traylor, G.;Trinastic, J.;Tringali, M. C.;Trozzo, L.;Tsang, K. W.;Tse, M.;Tso, R.;Tsukada, L.;Tsuna, D.;Tuyenbayev, D.;Ueno, K.;Ugolini, D.;Unnikrishnan, C. S.;Urban, A. L.;Usman, S. A.;Vahlbruch, H.;Vajente, G.;Valdes, G.;Bakel, N. van;Beuzekom, M. van;van den Brand, J. F. J.;Van Den Broeck, C.;Vander-Hyde, D. C.;van der Schaaf, L.;Heijningen, J. V. van;Veggel, A. A. van;Vardaro, M.;Varma, V.;Vass, S.;Vasúth, M.;Vecchio, A.;Vedovato, G.;Veitch, J.;Veitch, P. J.;Venkateswara, K.;Venugopalan, G.;Verkindt, D.;Vetrano, F.;Viceré, A.;Viets, A. D.;Vinciguerra, S.;Vine, D. J.;Vinet, J.-Y.;Vitale, S.;Vo, T.;Vocca, H.;Vorvick, C.;Vyatchanin, S. P.;Wade, A. R.;Wade, L. E.;Wade, M.;Walet, R.;Walker, M.;Wallace, L.;Walsh, S.;Wang, G.;Wang, H.;Wang, J. Z.;Wang, W. H.;Wang, Y. F.;Ward, R. L.;Warner, J.;Was, M.;Watchi, J.;Weaver, B.;Wei, L.-W.;Weinert, M.;Weinstein, A. J.;Weiss, R.;Wen, L.;Wessel, E. K.;Wessels, P.;Westerweck, J.;Westphal, T.;Wette, K.;Whelan, J. T.;Whitcomb, S. E.;Whiting, B. F.;Whittle, C.;Wilken, D.;Williams, D.;Williams, R. D.;Williamson, A. R.;Willis, J. L.;Willke, B.;Wimmer, M. H.;Winkler, W.;Wipf, C. C.;Wittel, H.;Woan, G.;Woehler, J.;Wofford, J.;Wong, K. W. K.;Worden, J.;Wright, J. L.;Wu, D. S.;Wysocki, D. M.;Xiao, S.;Yamamoto, H.;Yancey, C. C.;Yang, L.;Yap, M. J.;Yazback, M.;Yu, Hang;Yu, Haocun;Yvert, M.;Zadrożny, A.;Zanolin, M.;Zelenova, T.;Zendri, J.-P.;Zevin, M.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, M.;Zhang, T.;Zhang, Y.-H.;Zhao, C.;Zhou, M.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, S. J.;Zhu, X. J.;Zimmerman, A. B.;Zucker, M. E.;Zweizig, J.;Wilson-Hodge, C. A.;Bissaldi, E.;Blackburn, L.;Briggs, M. S.;Burns, E.;Cleveland, W. H.;Connaughton, V.;Gibby, M. H.;Giles, M. M;Goldstein, A.;Hamburg, R.;Jenke, P.;Hui, C. M.;Kippen, R. M.;Kocevski, D.;McBreen, S.;Meegan, C. A.;Paciesas, W. S.;Poolakkil, S.;Preece, R. D.;Racusin, J.;Roberts, O. J.;Stanbro, M.;Veres, P.;von Kienlin, A.;Savchenko, V.;Ferrigno, C.;Kuulkers, E.;Bazzano, A.;Bozzo, E.;Brandt, S.;Chenevez, J.;Courvoisier, T. J.-L.;Diehl, R.;Domingo, A.;Hanlon, L.;Jourdain, E.;Laurent, P.;Lebrun, F.;Lutovinov, A.;Martin-Carrillo, A.;Mereghetti, S.;Natalucci, L.;Rodi, J.;Roques, J.-P.;Sunyaev, R.;Ubertini, P.;Aartsen, M. G.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Samarai, I. Al;Altmann, D.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Ansseau, I.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Auffenberg, J.;Axani, S.;Bagherpour, H.;Bai, X.;Barron, J. P.;Barwick, S. W.;Baum, V.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Tjus, J. Becker;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Bohm, C.;Börner, M.;Bos, F.;Bose, D.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Bourbeau, E.;Bourbeau, J.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Brayeur, L.;Brenzke, M.;Bretz, H.-P.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Burgman, A.;Carver, T.;Casey, J.;Casier, M.;Cheung, E.;Chirkin, D.;Christov, A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coenders, S.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Day, M.;André, J. P. A. M. de;Clercq, C. De;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Ridder, S. De;Desiati, P.;Vries, K. D. de;Wasseige, G. de;With, M. de;DeYoung, T.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Lorenzo, V. di;Dujmovic, H.;Dumm, J. P.;Dunkman, M.;Dvorak, E.;Eberhardt, B.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eichmann, B.;Eller, P.;Evenson, P. A.;Fahey, S.;Fazely, A. R.;Felde, J.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Flis, S.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fuchs, T.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghorbani, K.;Giang, W.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Goldschmidt, A.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Grant, D.;Griffith, Z.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halzen, F.;Hanson, K.;Hebecker, D.;Heereman, D.;Helbing, K.;Hellauer, R.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;In, S.;Ishihara, A.;Jacobi, E.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jero, K.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kalaczynski, P.;Kang, W.;Kappes, A.;Karg, T.;Karle, A.;Kauer, M.;Keivani, A.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Kittler, T.;Klein, S. R.;Kohnen, G.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koschinsky, J. P.;Koskinen, D. J.;Kowalski, M.;Krings, K.;Kroll, M.;Krückl, G.;Kunnen, J.;Kunwar, S.;Kurahashi, N.;Kuwabara, T.;Kyriacou, A.;Labare, M.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lesiak-Bzdak, M.;Leuermann, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Lu, L.;Lünemann, J.;Luszczak, W.;Madsen, J.;Maggi, G.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Mancina, S.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;Maunu, R.;McNally, F.;Meagher, K.;Medici, M.;Meier, M.;Menne, T.;Merino, G.;Meures, T.;Miarecki, S.;Micallef, J.;Momenté, G.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Moulai, M.;Nahnhauer, R.;Nakarmi, P.;Naumann, U.;Neer, G.;Niederhausen, H.;Nowicki, S. C.;Nygren, D. R.;Pollmann, A. Obertacke;Olivas, A.;O’Murchadha, A.;Palczewski, T.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Peiffer, P.;Pepper, J. A.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Pieloth, D.;Pinat, E.;Price, P. B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Rädel, L.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Reimann, R.;Relethford, B.;Relich, M.;Resconi, E.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Robertson, S.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk, D.;Sälzer, T.;Herrera, S. E. Sanchez;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schoenen, S.;Schöneberg, S.;Schumacher, L.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Song, M.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stasik, A.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stokstad, R. G.;Stössl, A.;Strotjohann, N. L.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Sutherland, M.;Taboada, I.;Tatar, J.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Terliuk, A.;Tešić, G.;Tilav, S.;Toale, P. A.;Tobin, M. N.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turley, C. F.;Ty, B.;Unger, E.;Usner, M.;Vandenbroucke, J.;Driessche, W. Van;Eijndhoven, N. van;Vanheule, S.;Santen, J. van;Vehring, M.;Vogel, E.;Vraeghe, M.;Walck, C.;Wallace, A.;Wallraff, M.;Wandler, F. D.;Wandkowsky, N.;Waza, A.;Weaver, C.;Weiss, M. J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Whelan, B. J.;Wiebe, K.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Wille, L.;Williams, D. R.;Wills, L.;Wolf, M.;Wood, T. R.;Woolsey, E.;Woschnagg, K.;Xu, D. L.;Xu, X. W.;Xu, Y.;Yanez, J. P.;Yodh, G.;Yoshida, S.;Yuan, T.;Zoll, M.;Balasubramanian, A.;Mate, S.;Bhalerao, V.;Bhattacharya, D.;Vibhute, A.;Dewangan, G. C.;Rao, A. R.;Vadawale, S. V.;Svinkin, D. S.;Hurley, K.;Aptekar, R. L.;Frederiks, D. D.;Golenetskii, S. V.;Kozlova, A. V.;Lysenko, A. L.;Oleynik, Ph. P.;Tsvetkova, A. E.;Ulanov, M. V.;Cline, T.;Li, T. P.;Xiong, S. L.;Zhang, S. N.;Lu, F. J.;Song, L. M.;Cao, X. L.;Chang, Z.;Chen, G.;Chen, L.;Chen, T. X.;Chen, Y.;Chen, Y. B.;Chen, Y. P.;Cui, W.;Cui, W. W.;Deng, J. K.;Dong, Y. W.;Du, Y. Y.;Fu, M. X.;Gao, G. H.;Gao, H.;Gao, M.;Ge, M. Y.;Gu, Y. D.;Guan, J.;Guo, C. C.;Han, D. W.;Hu, W.;Huang, Y.;Huo, J.;Jia, S. M.;Jiang, L. H.;Jiang, W. C.;Jin, J.;Jin, Y. J.;Li, B.;Li, C. K.;Li, G.;Li, M. S.;Li, W.;Li, X.;Li, X. B.;Li, X. F.;Li, Y. G.;Li, Z. J.;Li, Z. W.;Liang, X. H.;Liao, J. Y.;Liu, C. Z.;Liu, G. Q.;Liu, H. W.;Liu, S. Z.;Liu, X. J.;Liu, Y.;Liu, Y. N.;Lu, B.;Lu, X. F.;Luo, T.;Ma, X.;Meng, B.;Nang, Y.;Nie, J. Y.;Ou, G.;Qu, J. L.;Sai, N.;Sun, L.;Tan, Y.;Tao, L.;Tao, W. H.;Tuo, Y. L.;Wang, G. F.;Wang, H. Y.;Wang, J.;Wang, W. S.;Wang, Y. S.;Wen, X. Y.;Wu, B. B.;Wu, M.;Xiao, G. C.;Xu, H.;Xu, Y. P.;Yan, L. L.;Yang, J. W.;Yang, S.;Yang, Y. J.;Zhang, A. M.;Zhang, C. L.;Zhang, C. M.;Zhang, F.;Zhang, H. M.;Zhang, J.;Zhang, Q.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, T.;Zhang, W.;Zhang, W. C.;Zhang, W. Z.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y. F.;Zhang, Y. J.;Zhang, Z.;Zhang, Z. L.;Zhao, H. S.;Zhao, J. L.;Zhao, X. F.;Zheng, S. J.;Zhu, Y.;Zhu, Y. X.;Zou, C. L.;Albert, A.;André, M.;Anghinolfi, M.;Ardid, M.;Aubert, J.-J.;Aublin, J.;Avgitas, T.;Baret, B.;Barrios-Martí, J.;Basa, S.;Belhorma, B.;Bertin, V.;Biagi, S.;Bormuth, R.;Bourret, S.;Bouwhuis, M. C.;Brânzaş, H.;Bruijn, R.;Brunner, J.;Busto, J.;Capone, A.;Caramete, L.;Carr, J.;Celli, S.;Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.;Chiarusi, T.;Circella, M.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Coleiro, A.;Coniglione, R.;Costantini, H.;Coyle, P.;Creusot, A.;Díaz, A. F.;Deschamps, A.;Bonis, G. De;Distefano, C.;Palma, I. Di;Domi, A.;Donzaud, C.;Dornic, D.;Drouhin, D.;Eberl, T.;El Bojaddaini, I.;El Khayati, N.;Elsässer, D.;Enzenhöfer, A.;Ettahiri, A.;Fassi, F.;Felis, I.;Fusco, L. A.;Gay, P.;Giordano, V.;Glotin, H.;Grégoire, T.;Ruiz, R. Gracia;Graf, K.;Hallmann, S.;Haren, H. van;Heijboer, A. J.;Hello, Y.;Hernández-Rey, J. J.;Hössl, J.;Hofestädt, J.;Hugon, C.;Illuminati, G.;James, C. W.;Jong, M. de;Jongen, M.;Kadler, M.;Kalekin, O.;Katz, U.;Kiessling, D.;Kouchner, A.;Kreter, M.;Kreykenbohm, I.;Kulikovskiy, V.;Lachaud, C.;Lahmann, R.;Lefèvre, D.;Leonora, E.;Lotze, M.;Loucatos, S.;Marcelin, M.;Margiotta, A.;Marinelli, A.;Martínez-Mora, J. A.;Mele, R.;Melis, K.;Michael, T.;Migliozzi, P.;Moussa, A.;Navas, S.;Nezri, E.;Organokov, M.;Păvălaş, G. E.;Pellegrino, C.;Perrina, C.;Piattelli, P.;Popa, V.;Pradier, T.;Quinn, L.;Racca, C.;Riccobene, G.;Sánchez-Losa, A.;Saldaña, M.;Salvadori, I.;Samtleben, D. F. E.;Sanguineti, M.;Sapienza, P.;Sieger, C.;Spurio, M.;Stolarczyk, Th.;Taiuti, M.;Tayalati, Y.;Trovato, A.;Turpin, D.;Tönnis, C.;Vallage, B.;Elewyck, V. Van;Versari, F.;Vivolo, D.;Vizzoca, A.;Wilms, J.;Zornoza, J. D.;Zúñiga, J.;Beardmore, A. P.;Breeveld, A. A.;Burrows, D. N.;Cenko, S. B.;Cusumano, G.;D’Aì, A.;de Pasquale, M.;Emery, S. W. K.;Evans, P. A.;Giommi, P.;Gronwall, C.;Kennea, J. A.;Krimm, H. A.;Kuin, N. P. M.;Lien, A.;Marshall, F. E.;Melandri, A.;Nousek, J. A.;Oates, S. R.;Osborne, J. P.;Pagani, C.;Page, K. L.;Palmer, D. M.;Perri, M.;Siegel, M. H.;Sbarufatti, B.;Tagliaferri, G.;Tohuvavohu, A.;Tavani, M.;Verrecchia, F.;Bulgarelli, A.;Evangelista, Y.;Pacciani, L.;Feroci, M.;Pittori, C.;Giuliani, A.;Monte, E. Del;Donnarumma, I.;Argan, A.;Trois, A.;Ursi, A.;Cardillo, M.;Piano, G.;Longo, F.;Lucarelli, F.;Munar-Adrover, P.;Fuschino, F.;Labanti, C.;Marisaldi, M.;Minervini, G.;Fioretti, V.;Parmiggiani, N.;Gianotti, F.;Trifoglio, M.;Persio, G. Di;Antonelli, L. A.;Barbiellini, G.;Caraveo, P.;Cattaneo, P. W.;Costa, E.;Colafrancesco, S.;D’Amico, F.;Ferrari, A.;Morselli, A.;Paoletti, F.;Picozza, P.;Pilia, M.;Rappoldi, A.;Soffitta, P.;Vercellone, S.;Foley, R. J.;Coulter, D. A.;Kilpatrick, C. D.;Drout, M. R.;Piro, A. L.;Shappee, B. J.;Siebert, M. R.;Simon, J. D.;Ulloa, N.;Kasen, D.;Madore, B. F.;Murguia-Berthier, A.;Pan, Y.-C.;Prochaska, J. X.;Ramirez-Ruiz, E.;Rest, A.;Rojas-Bravo, C.;Berger, E.;Soares-Santos, M.;Annis, J.;Alexander, K. D.;Allam, S.;Balbinot, E.;Blanchard, P.;Brout, D.;Butler, R. E.;Chornock, R.;Cook, E. R.;Cowperthwaite, P.;Diehl, H. T.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Drout, M. R.;Durret, F.;Eftekhari, T.;Finley, D. A.;Fong, W.;Frieman, J. A.;Fryer, C. L.;García-Bellido, J.;Gruendl, R. A.;Hartley, W.;Herner, K.;Kessler, R.;Lin, H.;Lopes, P. A. A.;Lourenço, A. C. C.;Margutti, R.;Marshall, J. L.;Matheson, T.;Medina, G. E.;Metzger, B. D.;Muñoz, R. R.;Muir, J.;Nicholl, M.;Nugent, P.;Palmese, A.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Quataert, E.;Sako, M.;Sauseda, M.;Schlegel, D. J.;Scolnic, D.;Secco, L. F.;Smith, N.;Sobreira, F.;Villar, V. A.;Vivas, A. K.;Wester, W.;Williams, P. K. G.;Yanny, B.;Zenteno, A.;Zhang, Y.;Abbott, T. M. C.;Banerji, M.;Bechtol, K.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bertin, E.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Capozzi, D.;Rosell, A. Carnero;Kind, M. Carrasco;Castander, F. J.;Crocce, M.;Cunha, C. E.;D’Andrea, C. B.;da Costa, L. N.;Davis, C.;DePoy, D. L.;Desai, S.;Dietrich, J. P.;Eifler, T. F.;Fernandez, E.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gerdes, D. W.;Giannantonio, T.;Goldstein, D. A.;Gruen, D.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Jeltema, T.;Johnson, M. W. G.;Johnson, M. D.;Kent, S.;Krause, E.;Kron, R.;Kuehn, K.;Lahav, O.;Lima, M.;Maia, M. A. G.;March, M.;Martini, P.;McMahon, R. G.;Menanteau, F.;Miller, C. J.;Miquel, R.;Mohr, J. J.;Nichol, R. C.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Plazas, A. A.;Romer, A. K.;Roodman, A.;Rykoff, E. S.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Schindler, R.;Schubnell, M.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Sheldon, E.;Smith, M.;Smith, R. C.;Stebbins, A.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, R. C.;Troxel, M. A.;Tucker, D. L.;Vikram, V.;Walker, A. R.;Wechsler, R. H.;Weller, J.;Carlin, J. L.;Gill, M. S. S.;Li, T. S.;Marriner, J.;Neilsen, E.;Haislip, J. B.;Kouprianov, V. V.;Reichart, D. E.;Sand, D. J.;Tartaglia, L.;Valenti, S.;Yang, S.;Benetti, S.;Brocato, E.;Campana, S.;Cappellaro, E.;Covino, S.;D’Avanzo, P.;D’Elia, V.;Getman, F.;Ghirlanda, G.;Ghisellini, G.;Limatola, L.;Nicastro, L.;Palazzi, E.;Pian, E.;Piranomonte, S.;Possenti, A.;Rossi, A.;Salafia, O. S.;Tomasella, L.;Amati, L.;Antonelli, L. A.;Bernardini, M. G.;Bufano, F.;Capaccioli, M.;Casella, P.;Dadina, M.;Cesare, G. De;Paola, A. Di;Giuffrida, G.;Giunta, A.;Israel, G. L.;Lisi, M.;Maiorano, E.;Mapelli, M.;Masetti, N.;Pescalli, A.;Pulone, L.;Salvaterra, R.;Schipani, P.;Spera, M.;Stamerra, A.;Stella, L.;Testa, V.;Turatto, M.;Vergani, D.;Aresu, G.;Bachetti, M.;Buffa, F.;Burgay, M.;Buttu, M.;Caria, T.;Carretti, E.;Casasola, V.;Castangia, P.;Carboni, G.;Casu, S.;Concu, R.;Corongiu, A.;Deiana, G. L.;Egron, E.;Fara, A.;Gaudiomonte, F.;Gusai, V.;Ladu, A.;Loru, S.;Leurini, S.;Marongiu, L.;Melis, A.;Melis, G.;Migoni, Carlo;Milia, Sabrina;Navarrini, Alessandro;Orlati, A.;Ortu, P.;Palmas, S.;Pellizzoni, A.;Perrodin, D.;Pisanu, T.;Poppi, S.;Righini, S.;Saba, A.;Serra, G.;Serrau, M.;Stagni, M.;Surcis, G.;Vacca, V.;Vargiu, G. P.;Hunt, L. K.;Jin, Z. P.;Klose, S.;Kouveliotou, C.;Mazzali, P. A.;Møller, P.;Nava, L.;Piran, T.;Selsing, J.;Vergani, S. D.;Wiersema, K.;Toma, K.;Higgins, A. B.;Mundell, C. G.;di Serego Alighieri, S.;Gótz, D.;Gao, W.;Gomboc, A.;Kaper, L.;Kobayashi, S.;Kopac, D.;Mao, J.;Starling, R. L. C.;Steele, I.;van der Horst, A. J.;Acero, F.;Atwood, W. B.;Baldini, L.;Barbiellini, G.;Bastieri, D.;Berenji, B.;Bellazzini, R.;Bissaldi, E.;Blandford, R. D.;Bloom, E. D.;Bonino, R.;Bottacini, E.;Bregeon, J.;Buehler, R.;Buson, S.;Cameron, R. A.;Caputo, R.;Caraveo, P. A.;Cavazzuti, E.;Chekhtman, A.;Cheung, C. C.;Chiang, J.;Ciprini, S.;Cohen-Tanugi, J.;Cominsky, L. R.;Costantin, D.;Cuoco, A.;D'Ammando, F.;Palma, F. de;Digel, S. W.;Lalla, N. Di;Mauro, M. Di;Venere, L. Di;Dubois, R.;Fegan, S. J.;Focke, W. B.;Franckowiak, A.;Fukazawa, Y.;Funk, S.;Fusco, P.;Gargano, F.;Gasparrini, D.;Giglietto, N.;Giordano, F.;Giroletti, M.;Glanzman, T.;Green, D.;Grondin, M.-H.;Guillemot, L.;Guiriec, S.;Harding, A. K.;Horan, D.;Jóhannesson, G.;Kamae, T.;Kensei, S.;Kuss, M.;Mura, G. La;Latronico, L.;Lemoine-Goumard, M.;Longo, F.;Loparco, F.;Lovellette, M. N.;Lubrano, P.;Magill, J. D.;Maldera, S.;Manfreda, A.;Mazziotta, M. N.;McEnery, J. E.;Meyer, M.;Michelson, P. F.;Mirabal, N.;Monzani, M. E.;Moretti, E.;Morselli, A.;Moskalenko, I. V.;Negro, M.;Nuss, E.;Ojha, R.;Omodei, N.;Orienti, M.;Orlando, E.;Palatiello, M.;Paliya, V. S.;Paneque, D.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Piron, F.;Porter, T. A.;Principe, G.;Rainò, S.;Rando, R.;Razzano, M.;Razzaque, S.;Reimer, A.;Reimer, O.;Reposeur, T.;Rochester, L. S.;Parkinson, P. M. Saz;Sgrò, C.;Siskind, E. J.;Spada, F.;Spandre, G.;Suson, D. J.;Takahashi, M.;Tanaka, Y.;Thayer, J. G.;Thayer, J. B.;Thompson, D. J.;Tibaldo, L.;Torres, D. F.;Torresi, E.;Troja, E.;Venters, T. M.;Vianello, G.;Zaharijas, G.;Allison, J. R.;Bannister, K. W.;Dobie, D.;Kaplan, D. L.;Lenc, E.;Lynch, C.;Murphy, T.;Sadler, E. M.;Hotan, A.;James, C. W.;Oslowski, S.;Raja, W.;Shannon, R. M.;Whiting, M.;Arcavi, I.;Howell, D. A.;McCully, C.;Hosseinzadeh, G.;Hiramatsu, D.;Poznanski, D.;Barnes, J.;Zaltzman, M.;Vasylyev, S.;Maoz, D.;Cooke, J.;Bailes, M.;Wolf, C.;Deller, A. T.;Lidman, C.;Wang, L.;Gendre, B.;Andreoni, I.;Ackley, K.;Pritchard, T. A.;Bessell, M. S.;Chang, S.-W.;Möller, A.;Onken, C. A.;Scalzo, R. A.;Ridden-Harper, R.;Sharp, R. G.;Tucker, B. E.;Farrell, T. J.;Elmer, E.;Johnston, S.;Krishnan, V. Venkatraman;Keane, E. F.;Green, J. A.;Jameson, A.;Hu, L.;Ma, B.;Sun, T.;Wu, X.;Wang, X.;Shang, Z.;Hu, Y.;Ashley, M. C. B.;Yuan, X.;Li, X.;Tao, C.;Zhu, Z.;Zhang, H.;Suntzeff, N. B.;Zhou, J.;Yang, J.;Orange, B.;Morris, D.;Cucchiara, A.;Giblin, T.;Klotz, A.;Staff, J.;Thierry, P.;Schmidt, B. P.;Tanvir, N. R.;Levan, A. J.;Cano, Z.;de Ugarte-Postigo, A.;González-Fernández, C.;Greiner, J.;Hjorth, J.;Irwin, M.;Krühler, T.;Mandel, I.;Milvang-Jensen, B.;O'Brien, P.;Rol, E.;Rosetti, S.;Rosswog, S.;Rowlinson, A.;Steeghs, D. T. H.;Thöne, C. C.;Ulaczyk, K.;Watson, D.;Bruun, S. H.;Cutter, R.;Figuera Jaimes, R.;Fujii, Y. I.;Fruchter, A. S.;Gompertz, B.;Jakobsson, P.;Hodosan, G.;Jèrgensen, U. G.;Kangas, T.;Kann, D. A.;Rabus, M.;Schrøder, S. L.;Stanway, E. R.;Wijers, R. A. M. J.;Lipunov, V. M.;Gorbovskoy, E. S.;Kornilov, V. G.;Tyurina, N. V.;Balanutsa, P. V.;Kuznetsov, A. S.;Vlasenko, D. M.;Podesta, R. C.;Lopez, C.;Podesta, F.;Levato, H. O.;Saffe, C.;Mallamaci, C. C.;Budnev, N. M.;Gress, O. A.;Kuvshinov, D. A.;Gorbunov, I. A.;Vladimirov, V. V.;Zimnukhov, D. S.;Gabovich, A. V.;Yurkov, V. V.;Sergienko, Yu. P.;Rebolo, R.;Serra-Ricart, M.;Tlatov, A. G.;Ishmuhametova, Yu. V.;Abe, F.;Aoki, K.;Aoki, W.;Asakura, Y.;Baar, S.;Barway, S.;Bond, I. A.;Doi, M.;Finet, F.;Fujiyoshi, T.;Furusawa, H.;Honda, S.;Itoh, R.;Kanda, N.;Kawabata, K. S.;Kawabata, M.;Kim, J. H.;Koshida, S.;Kuroda, D.;Lee, C.-H.;Liu, W.;Matsubayashi, K.;Miyazaki, S.;Morihana, K.;Morokuma, T.;Motohara, K.;Murata, K. L.;Nagai, H.;Nagashima, H.;Nagayama, T.;Nakaoka, T.;Nakata, F.;Ohsawa, R.;Ohshima, T.;Ohta, K.;Okita, H.;Saito, T.;Saito, Y.;Sako, S.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sumi, T.;Tajitsu, A.;Takahashi, J.;Takayama, M.;Tamura, Y.;Tanaka, I.;Tanaka, M.;Terai, T.;Tominaga, N.;Tristram, P. J.;Uemura, M.;Utsumi, Y.;Yamaguchi, M. S.;Yasuda, N.;Yoshida, M.;Zenko, T.;Adams, S. M.;Anupama, G. C.;Bally, J.;Barway, S.;Bellm, E.;Blagorodnova, N.;Cannella, C.;Chandra, P.;Chatterjee, D.;Clarke, T. E.;Cobb, B. E.;Cook, D. O.;Copperwheat, C.;De, K.;Emery, S. W. K.;Feindt, U.;Foster, K.;Fox, O. D.;Frail, D. A.;Fremling, C.;Frohmaier, C.;Garcia, J. A.;Ghosh, S.;Giacintucci, S.;Goobar, A.;Gottlieb, O.;Grefenstette, B. W.;Hallinan, G.;Harrison, F.;Heida, M.;Helou, G.;Ho, A. Y. Q.;Horesh, A.;Hotokezaka, K.;Ip, W.-H.;Itoh, R.;Jacobs, Bob;Jencson, J. E.;Kasen, D.;Kasliwal, M. M.;Kassim, N. E.;Kim, H.;Kiran, B. S.;Kuin, N. P. M.;Kulkarni, S. R.;Kupfer, T.;Lau, R. M.;Madsen, K.;Mazzali, P. A.;Miller, A. A.;Miyasaka, H;Mooley, K.;Myers, S. T.;Nakar, E.;Ngeow, C.-C.;Nugent, P.;Ofek, E. O.;Palliyaguru, N.;Pavana, M.;Perley, D. A.;Peters, W. M.;Pike, S.;Piran, T.;Qi, H.;Quimby, R. M.;Rana, J.;Rosswog, S.;Rusu, F.;Sadler, E. M.;Sistine, A. Van;Sollerman, J.;Xu, Y.;Yan, L.;Yatsu, Y.;Yu, P.-C.;Zhang, C.;Zhao, W.;Chambers, K. C.;Huber, M. E.;Schultz, A. S. B.;Bulger, J.;Flewelling, H.;Magnier, E. A.;Lowe, T. B.;Wainscoat, R. J.;Waters, C.;Willman, M.;Ebisawa, K.;Hanyu, C.;Harita, S.;Hashimoto, T.;Hidaka, K.;Hori, T.;Ishikawa, M.;Isobe, N.;Iwakiri, W.;Kawai, H.;Kawai, N.;Kawamuro, T.;Kawase, T.;Kitaoka, Y.;Makishima, K.;Matsuoka, M.;Mihara, T.;Morita, T.;Morita, K.;Nakahira, S.;Nakajima, M.;Nakamura, Y.;Negoro, H.;Oda, S.;Sakamaki, A.;Sasaki, R.;Serino, M.;Shidatsu, M.;Shimomukai, R.;Sugawara, Y.;Sugita, S.;Sugizaki, M.;Tachibana, Y.;Takao, Y.;Tanimoto, A.;Tomida, H.;Tsuboi, Y.;Tsunemi, H.;Ueda, Y.;Ueno, S.;Yamada, S.;Yamaoka, K.;Yamauchi, M.;Yatabe, F.;Yoneyama, T.;Yoshii, T.;Coward, D. M.;Crisp, H.;Macpherson, D.;Andreoni, I.;Laugier, R.;Noysena, K.;Klotz, A.;Gendre, B.;Thierry, P.;Turpin, D.;Im, M.;Choi, C.;Kim, J.;Yoon, Y.;Lim, G.;Lee, S.-K.;Lee, C.-U.;Kim, S.-L.;Ko, S.-W.;Joe, J.;Kwon, M.-K.;Kim, P.-J.;Lim, S.-K.;Choi, J.-S.;Fynbo, J. P. U.;Malesani, D.;Xu, D.;Smartt, S. J.;Jerkstrand, A.;Kankare, E.;Sim, S. A.;Fraser, M.;Inserra, C.;Maguire, K.;Leloudas, G.;Magee, M.;Shingles, L. J.;Smith, K. W.;Young, D. R.;Kotak, R.;Gal-Yam, A.;Lyman, J. D.;Homan, D. S.;Agliozzo, C.;Anderson, J. P.;Angus, C. R.;Ashall, C.;Barbarino, C.;Bauer, F. E.;Berton, M.;Botticella, M. T.;Bulla, M.;Cannizzaro, G.;Cartier, R.;Cikota, A.;Clark, P.;De Cia, A.;Della Valle, M.;Dennefeld, M.;Dessart, L.;Dimitriadis, G.;Elias-Rosa, N.;Firth, R. E.;Flörs, A.;Frohmaier, C.;Galbany, L.;González-Gaitán, S.;Gromadzki, M.;Gutiérrez, C. P.;Hamanowicz, A.;Harmanen, J.;Heintz, K. E.;Hernandez, M.-S.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Hook, I. M.;Izzo, L.;James, P. A.;Jonker, P. G.;Kerzendorf, W. E.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.;Kromer, M.;Kuncarayakti, H.;Lawrence, A.;Manulis, I.;Mattila, S.;McBrien, O.;Müller, A.;Nordin, J.;O'Neill, D.;Onori, F.;Palmerio, J. T.;Pastorello, A.;Patat, F.;Pignata, G.;Podsiadlowski, P.;Razza, A.;Reynolds, T.;Roy, R.;Ruiter, A. J.;Rybicki, K. A.;Salmon, L.;Pumo, M. L.;Prentice, S. J.;Seitenzahl, I. R.;Smith, M.;Sollerman, J.;Sullivan, M.;Szegedi, H.;Taddia, F.;Taubenberger, S.;Terreran, G.;Van Soelen, B.;Vos, J.;Walton, N. A.;Wright, D. E.;Wyrzykowski, Ł.;Yaron, O.;Chen, T.-W.;Krühler, T.;Schady, P.;Wiseman, P.;Greiner, J.;Rau, A.;Schweyer, T.;Klose, S.;Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A.;Palliyaguru, N. T.;Shara, M. M.;Williams, T.;Vaisanen, P.;Potter, S. B.;Colmenero, E. Romero;Crawford, S.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Mao, J.;Díaz, M. C.;Macri, L. M.;García Lambas, D.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Nilo Castellón, J. L.;Ribeiro, T.;Sánchez, B.;Schoenell, W.;Abramo, L. R.;Akras, S.;Alcaniz, J. S.;Artola, R.;Beroiz, M.;Bonoli, S.;Cabral, J.;Camuccio, R.;Chavushyan, V.;Coelho, P.;Colazo, C.;Costa-Duarte, M. V.;Cuevas Larenas, H.;Domínguez Romero, M.;Dultzin, D.;Fernández, D.;García, J.;Girardini, C.;Gonçalves, D. R.;Gonçalves, T. S.;Gurovich, S.;Jiménez-Teja, Y.;Kanaan, A.;Lares, M.;Lopes de Oliveira, R.;López-Cruz, O.;Melia, R.;Molino, A.;Padilla, N.;Peñuela, T.;Placco, V. M.;Quiñones, C.;Ramírez Rivera, A.;Renzi, V.;Riguccini, L.;Ríos-López, E.;Rodriguez, H.;Sampedro, L.;Schneiter, M.;Sodré, L.;Starck, M.;Torres-Flores, S.;Tornatore, M.;Zadrożny, A.;Castillo, M.;Castro-Tirado, A. J.;Tello, J. C.;Hu, Y.-D.;Zhang, B.-B.;Cunniffe, R.;Castellón, A.;Hiriart, D.;Caballero-García, M. D.;Jelínek, M.;Kubánek, P.;Pérez del Pulgar, C.;Park, I. H.;Jeong, S.;Castro Cerón, J. M.;Pandey, S. B.;Yock, P. C.;Querel, R.;Fan, Y.;Wang, C.;Beardsley, A;Brown, I. S.;Crosse, B.;Emrich, D.;Franzen, T.;Gaensler, B. M.;Horsley, L.;Johnston-Hollitt, M.;Kenney, D.;Morales, M. F.;Pallot, D.;Sokolowski, M.;Steele, K.;Tingay, S. J.;Trott, C. M.;Walker, M.;Wayth, R.;Williams, A.;Wu, C.;Yoshida, A.;Sakamoto, T.;Kawakubo, Y.;Yamaoka, K.;Takahashi, I.;Asaoka, Y.;Ozawa, S.;Torii, S.;Shimizu, Y.;Tamura, T.;Ishizaki, W.;Cherry, M. L.;Ricciarini, S.;Penacchioni, A. V.;Marrocchesi, P. S.;Pozanenko, A. S.;Volnova, A. A.;Mazaeva, E. D.;Minaev, P. Yu.;Krugov, M. A.;Kusakin, A. V.;Reva, I. V.;Moskvitin, A. S.;Rumyantsev, V. V.;Inasaridze, R.;Klunko, E. V.;Tungalag, N.;Schmalz, S. E.;Burhonov, O.;Abdalla, H.;Abramowski, A.;Aharonian, F.;Benkhali, F. Ait;Angüner, E. O.;Arakawa, M.;Arrieta, M.;Aubert, P.;Backes, M.;Balzer, A.;Barnard, M.;Becherini, Y.;Tjus, J. Becker;Berge, D.;Bernhard, S.;Bernlöhr, K.;Blackwell, R.;Böttcher, M.;Boisson, C.;Bolmont, J.;Bonnefoy, S.;Bordas, P.;Bregeon, J.;Brun, F.;Brun, P.;Bryan, M.;Büchele, M.;Bulik, T.;Capasso, M.;Caroff, S.;Carosi, A.;Casanova, S.;Cerruti, M.;Chakraborty, N.;Chaves, R. C. G.;Chen, A.;Chevalier, J.;Colafrancesco, S.;Condon, B.;Conrad, J.;Davids, I. D.;Decock, J.;Deil, C.;Devin, J.;deWilt, P.;Dirson, L.;Djannati-Ataï, A.;Donath, A.;O'C. Drury, L.;Dutson, K.;Dyks, J.;Edwards, T.;Egberts, K.;Emery, G.;Ernenwein, J.-P.;Eschbach, S.;Farnier, C.;Fegan, S.;Fernandes, M. V.;Fiasson, A.;Fontaine, G.;Funk, S.;Füssling, M.;Gabici, S.;Gallant, Y. A.;Garrigoux, T.;Gaté, F.;Giavitto, G.;Giebels, B.;Glawion, D.;Glicenstein, J. F.;Gottschall, D.;Grondin, M.-H.;Hahn, J.;Haupt, M.;Hawkes, J.;Heinzelmann, G.;Henri, G.;Hermann, G.;Hinton, J. A.;Hofmann, W.;Hoischen, C.;Holch, T. L.;Holler, M.;Horns, D.;Ivascenko, A.;Iwasaki, H.;Jacholkowska, A.;Jamrozy, M.;Jankowsky, D.;Jankowsky, F.;Jingo, M.;Jouvin, L.;Jung-Richardt, I.;Kastendieck, M. A.;Katarzyński, K.;Katsuragawa, M.;Kerszberg, D.;Khangulyan, D.;Khélifi, B.;King, J.;Klepser, S.;Klochkov, D.;Kluźniak, W.;Komin, Nu.;Kosack, K.;Krakau, S.;Kraus, M.;Krüger, P. P.;Laffon, H.;Lamanna, G.;Lau, J.;Lees, J.-P.;Lefaucheur, J.;Lemière, A.;Lemoine-Goumard, M.;Lenain, J.-P.;Leser, E.;Lohse, T.;Lorentz, M.;Liu, R.;Lypova, I.;Malyshev, D.;Marandon, V.;Marcowith, A.;Mariaud, C.;Marx, R.;Maurin, G.;Maxted, N.;Mayer, M.;Meintjes, P. J.;Meyer, M.;Mitchell, A. M. W.;Moderski, R.;Mohamed, M.;Mohrmann, L.;Morå, K.;Moulin, E.;Murach, T.;Nakashima, S.;Naurois, M. de;Ndiyavala, H.;Niederwanger, F.;Niemiec, J.;Oakes, L.;O'Brien, P.;Odaka, H.;Ohm, S.;Ostrowski, M.;Oya, I.;Padovani, M.;Panter, M.;Parsons, R. D.;Pekeur, N. W.;Pelletier, G.;Perennes, C.;Petrucci, P.-O.;Peyaud, B.;Piel, Q.;Pita, S.;Poireau, V.;Poon, H.;Prokhorov, D.;Prokoph, H.;Pühlhofer, G.;Punch, M.;Quirrenbach, A.;Raab, S.;Rauth, R.;Reimer, A.;Reimer, O.;Renaud, M.;de los Reyes, R.;Rieger, F.;Rinchiuso, L.;Romoli, C.;Rowell, G.;Rudak, B.;Rulten, C. B.;Sahakian, V.;Saito, S.;Sanchez, D. A.;Santangelo, A.;Sasaki, M.;Schlickeiser, R.;Schüssler, F.;Schulz, A.;Schwanke, U.;Schwemmer, S.;Seglar-Arroyo, M.;Settimo, M.;Seyffert, A. S.;Shafi, N.;Shilon, I.;Shiningayamwe, K.;Simoni, R.;Sol, H.;Spanier, F.;Spir-Jacob, M.;Stawarz, Ł.;Steenkamp, R.;Stegmann, C.;Steppa, C.;Sushch, I.;Takahashi, T.;Tavernet, J.-P.;Tavernier, T.;Taylor, A. M.;Terrier, R.;Tibaldo, L.;Tiziani, D.;Tluczykont, M.;Trichard, C.;Tsirou, M.;Tsuji, N.;Tuffs, R.;Uchiyama, Y.;van der Walt, D. J.;Eldik, C. van;Rensburg, C. van;Soelen, B. van;Vasileiadis, G.;Veh, J.;Venter, C.;Viana, A.;Vincent, P.;Vink, J.;Voisin, F.;Völk, H. J.;Vuillaume, T.;Wadiasingh, Z.;Wagner, S. J.;Wagner, P.;Wagner, R. M.;White, R.;Wierzcholska, A.;Willmann, P.;Wörnlein, A.;Wouters, D.;Yang, R.;Zaborov, D.;Zacharias, M.;Zanin, R.;Zdziarski, A. A.;Zech, A.;Zefi, F.;Ziegler, A.;Zorn, J.;Żywucka, N.;Fender, R. P.;Broderick, J. W.;Rowlinson, A.;Wijers, R. A. M. J.;Stewart, A. J.;ter Veen, S.;Shulevski, A.;Kavic, M.;Simonetti, J. H.;League, C.;Tsai, J.;Obenberger, K. S.;Nathaniel, K.;Taylor, G. B.;Dowell, J. D.;Liebling, S. L.;Estes, J. A.;Lippert, M.;Sharma, I.;Vincent, P.;Farella, B.;Abeysekara, A. U.;Albert, A.;Alfaro, R.;Alvarez, C.;Arceo, R.;Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C.;Avila Rojas, D.;Ayala Solares, H. A.;Barber, A. S.;Becerra Gonzalez, J.;Becerril, A.;Belmont-Moreno, E.;BenZvi, S. Y.;Berley, D.;Bernal, A.;Braun, J.;Brisbois, C.;Caballero-Mora, K. S.;Capistrán, T.;Carramiñana, A.;Casanova, S.;Castillo, M.;Cotti, U.;Cotzomi, J.;Coutiño de León, S.;De León, C.;De la Fuente, E.;Diaz Hernandez, R.;Dichiara, S.;Dingus, B. L.;DuVernois, M. A.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Ellsworth, R. W.;Engel, K.;Enríquez-Rivera, O.;Fiorino, D. W.;Fleischhack, H.;Fraija, N.;García-González, J. A.;Garfias, F.;Gerhardt, M.;Gonzõlez Muñoz, A.;González, M. M.;Goodman, J. A.;Hampel-Arias, Z.;Harding, J. P.;Hernandez, S.;Hernandez-Almada, A.;Hona, B.;Hüntemeyer, P.;Iriarte, A.;Jardin-Blicq, A.;Joshi, V.;Kaufmann, S.;Kieda, D.;Lara, A.;Lauer, R. J.;Lennarz, D.;León Vargas, H.;Linnemann, J. T.;Longinotti, A. L.;Luis Raya, G.;Luna-García, R.;López-Coto, R.;Malone, K.;Marinelli, S. S.;Martinez, O.;Martinez-Castellanos, I.;Martínez-Castro, J.;Martínez-Huerta, H.;Matthews, J. A.;Miranda-Romagnoli, P.;Moreno, E.;Mostafá, M.;Nellen, L.;Newbold, M.;Nisa, M. U.;Noriega-Papaqui, R.;Pelayo, R.;Pretz, J.;Pérez-Pérez, E. G.;Ren, Z.;Rho, C. D.;Rivière, C.;Rosa-González, D.;Rosenberg, M.;Ruiz-Velasco, E.;Salazar, H.;Salesa Greus, F.;Sandoval, A.;Schneider, M.;Schoorlemmer, H.;Sinnis, G.;Smith, A. J.;Springer, R. W.;Surajbali, P.;Tibolla, O.;Tollefson, K.;Torres, I.;Ukwatta, T. N.;Weisgarber, T.;Westerhoff, S.;Wisher, I. G.;Wood, J.;Yapici, T.;Yodh, G. B.;Younk, P. W.;Zhou, H.;Álvarez, J. D.;Aab, A.;Abreu, P.;Aglietta, M.;Albuquerque, I. F. M.;Albury, J. M.;Allekotte, I.;Almela, A.;Alvarez Castillo, J.;Alvarez-Muñiz, J.;Anastasi, G. A.;Anchordoqui, L.;Andrada, B.;Andringa, S.;Aramo, C.;Arsene, N.;Asorey, H.;Assis, P.;Avila, G.;Badescu, A. M.;Balaceanu, A.;Barbato, F.;Barreira Luz, R. J.;Becker, K. H.;Bellido, J. A.;Berat, C.;Bertaina, M. E.;Bertou, X.;Biermann, P. L.;Biteau, J.;Blaess, S. G.;Blanco, A.;Blazek, J.;Bleve, C.;Boháčová, M.;Bonifazi, C.;Borodai, N.;Botti, A. M.;Brack, J.;Brancus, I.;Bretz, T.;Bridgeman, A.;Briechle, F. L.;Buchholz, P.;Bueno, A.;Buitink, S.;Buscemi, M.;Caballero-Mora, K. S.;Caccianiga, L.;Cancio, A.;Canfora, F.;Caruso, R.;Castellina, A.;Catalani, F.;Cataldi, G.;Cazon, L.;Chavez, A. G.;Chinellato, J. A.;Chudoba, J.;Clay, R. W.;Cobos Cerutti, A. C.;Colalillo, R.;Coleman, A.;Collica, L.;Coluccia, M. R.;Conceição, R.;Consolati, G.;Contreras, F.;Cooper, M. J.;Coutu, S.;Covault, C. E.;Cronin, J.;D'Amico, S.;Daniel, B.;Dasso, S.;Daumiller, K.;Dawson, B. R.;Day, J. A.;Almeida, R. M. de;Jong, S. J. de;Mauro, G. De;de Mello Neto, J. R. T.;Mitri, I. De;Oliveira, J. de;Souza, V. de;Debatin, J.;Deligny, O.;Díaz Castro, M. L.;Diogo, F.;Dobrigkeit, C.;D'Olivo, J. C.;Dorosti, Q.;Dos Anjos, R. C.;Dova, M. T.;Dundovic, A.;Ebr, J.;Engel, R.;Erdmann, M.;Erfani, M.;Escobar, C. O.;Espadanal, J.;Etchegoyen, A.;Falcke, H.;Farmer, J.;Farrar, G.;Fauth, A. C.;Fazzini, N.;Feldbusch, F.;Fenu, F.;Fick, B.;Figueira, J. M.;Filipčič, A.;Freire, M. M.;Fujii, T.;Fuster, A.;Gaïor, R.;García, B.;Gaté, F.;Gemmeke, H.;Gherghel-Lascu, A.;Ghia, P. L.;Giaccari, U.;Giammarchi, M.;Giller, M.;Głas, D.;Glaser, C.;Golup, G.;Gómez Berisso, M.;Gómez Vitale, P. F.;González, N.;Gorgi, A.;Gottowik, M.;Grillo, A. F.;Grubb, T. D.;Guarino, F.;Guedes, G. P.;Halliday, R.;Hampel, M. R.;Hansen, P.;Harari, D.;Harrison, T. A.;Harvey, V. M.;Haungs, A.;Hebbeker, T.;Heck, D.;Heimann, P.;Herve, A. E.;Hill, G. C.;Hojvat, C.;Holt, E.;Homola, P.;Hörandel, J. R.;Horvath, P.;Hrabovský, M.;Huege, T.;Hulsman, J.;Insolia, A.;Isar, P. G.;Jandt, I.;Johnsen, J. A.;Josebachuili, M.;Jurysek, J.;Kääpä, A.;Kampert, K. H.;Keilhauer, B.;Kemmerich, N.;Kemp, J.;Kieckhafer, R. M.;Klages, H. O.;Kleifges, M.;Kleinfeller, J.;Krause, R.;Krohm, N.;Kuempel, D.;Kukec Mezek, G.;Kunka, N.;Kuotb Awad, A.;Lago, B. L.;LaHurd, D.;Lang, R. G.;Lauscher, M.;Legumina, R.;Leigui de Oliveira, M. A.;Letessier-Selvon, A.;Lhenry-Yvon, I.;Link, K.;Lo Presti, D.;Lopes, L.;López, R.;López Casado, A.;Lorek, R.;Luce, Q.;Lucero, A.;Malacari, M.;Mallamaci, M.;Mandat, D.;Mantsch, P.;Mariazzi, A. G.;Maris, I. C.;Marsella, G.;Martello, D.;Martinez, H.;Martínez Bravo, O.;Masías Meza, J. J.;Mathes, H. J.;Mathys, S.;Matthews, J.;Matthiae, G.;Mayotte, E.;Mazur, P. O.;Medina, C.;Medina-Tanco, G.;Melo, D.;Menshikov, A.;Merenda, K.-D.;Michal, S.;Micheletti, M. I.;Middendorf, L.;Miramonti, L.;Mitrica, B.;Mockler, D.;Mollerach, S.;Montanet, F.;Morello, C.;Morlino, G.;Müller, A. L.;Müller, G.;Muller, M. A.;Müller, S.;Mussa, R.;Naranjo, I.;Nguyen, P. H.;Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M.;Niechciol, M.;Niemietz, L.;Niggemann, T.;Nitz, D.;Nosek, D.;Novotny, V.;Nožka, L.;Núñez, L. A.;Oikonomou, F.;Olinto, A.;Palatka, M.;Pallotta, J.;Papenbreer, P.;Parente, G.;Parra, A.;Paul, T.;Pech, M.;Pedreira, F.;Pȩkala, J.;Peña-Rodriguez, J.;Pereira, L. A. S.;Perlin, M.;Perrone, L.;Peters, C.;Petrera, S.;Phuntsok, J.;Pierog, T.;Pimenta, M.;Pirronello, V.;Platino, M.;Plum, M.;Poh, J.;Porowski, C.;Prado, R. R.;Privitera, P.;Prouza, M.;Quel, E. J.;Querchfeld, S.;Quinn, S.;Ramos-Pollan, R.;Rautenberg, J.;Ravignani, D.;Ridky, J.;Riehn, F.;Risse, M.;Ristori, P.;Rizi, V.;Rodrigues de Carvalho, W.;Rodriguez Fernandez, G.;Rodriguez Rojo, J.;Roncoroni, M. J.;Roth, M.;Roulet, E.;Rovero, A. C.;Ruehl, P.;Saffi, S. J.;Saftoiu, A.;Salamida, F.;Salazar, H.;Saleh, A.;Salina, G.;Sánchez, F.;Sanchez-Lucas, P.;Santos, E. M.;Santos, E.;Sarazin, F.;Sarmento, R.;Sarmiento-Cano, C.;Sato, R.;Schauer, M.;Scherini, V.;Schieler, H.;Schimp, M.;Schmidt, D.;Scholten, O.;Schovánek, P.;Schröder, F. G.;Schröder, S.;Schulz, A.;Schumacher, J.;Sciutto, S. J.;Segreto, A.;Shadkam, A.;Shellard, R. C.;Sigl, G.;Silli, G.;Šmída, R.;Snow, G. R.;Sommers, P.;Sonntag, S.;Soriano, J. F.;Squartini, R.;Stanca, D.;Stanič, S.;Stasielak, J.;Stassi, P.;Stolpovskiy, M.;Strafella, F.;Streich, A.;Suarez, F.;Suarez-Durán, M.;Sudholz, T.;Suomijärvi, T.;Supanitsky, A. D.;Šupík, J.;Swain, J.;Szadkowski, Z.;Taboada, A.;Taborda, O. A.;Timmermans, C.;Todero Peixoto, C. J.;Tomankova, L.;Tomé, B.;Torralba Elipe, G.;Travnicek, P.;Trini, M.;Tueros, M.;Ulrich, R.;Unger, M.;Urban, M.;Valdés Galicia, J. F.;Valiño, I.;Valore, L.;Aar, G. van;Bodegom, P. van;van den Berg, A. M.;Vliet, A. van;Varela, E.;Cárdenas, B. Vargas;Vázquez, R. A.;Veberič, D.;Ventura, C.;Vergara Quispe, I. D.;Verzi, V.;Vicha, J.;Villaseñor, L.;Vorobiov, S.;Wahlberg, H.;Wainberg, O.;Walz, D.;Watson, A. A.;Weber, M.;Weindl, A.;Wiedeński, M.;Wiencke, L.;Wilczyński, H.;Wirtz, M.;Wittkowski, D.;Wundheiler, B.;Yang, L.;Yushkov, A.;Zas, E.;Zavrtanik, D.;Zavrtanik, M.;Zepeda, A.;Zimmermann, B.;Ziolkowski, M.;Zong, Z.;Zuccarello, F.;Kim, S.;Schulze, S.;Bauer, F. E.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.;González-López, J.;Hartmann, D. H.;Ishwara-Chandra, C. H.;Martín, S.;Mehner, A.;Misra, K.;Michałowski, M. J.;Resmi, L.;Paragi, Z.;Agudo, I.;An, T.;Beswick, R.;Casadio, C.;Frey, S.;Jonker, P.;Kettenis, M.;Marcote, B.;Moldon, J.;Szomoru, A.;van Langevelde, H. J.;Yang, J.;Cwiek, A.;Cwiok, M.;Czyrkowski, H.;Dabrowski, R.;Kasprowicz, G.;Mankiewicz, L.;Nawrocki, K.;Opiela, R.;Piotrowski, L. W.;Wrochna, G.;Zaremba, M.;Żarnecki, A. F.;Haggard, D.;Nynka, M.;Ruan, J. J.;Bland, P. A.;Booler, T.;Devillepoix, H. A. R.;Gois, J. S. de;Hancock, P. J.;Howie, R. M.;Paxman, J.;Sansom, E. K.;Towner, M. C.;Tonry, J.;Coughlin, M.;Stubbs, C. W.;Denneau, L.;Heinze, A.;Stalder, B.;Weiland, H.;Eatough, R. P.;Kramer, M.;Kraus, A.;Troja, E.;Piro, L.;González, J. Becerra;Butler, N. R.;Fox, O. D.;Khandrika, H. G.;Kutyrev, A.;Lee, W. H.;Ricci, R.;Ryan Jr., R. E.;Sánchez-Ramírez, R.;Veilleux, S.;Watson, A. M.;Wieringa, M. H.;Burgess, J. M.;Eerten, H. van;Fontes, C. J.;Fryer, C. L.;Korobkin, O.;Wollaeger, R. T.;Camilo, F.;Foley, A. R.;Goedhart, S.;Makhathini, S.;Oozeer, N.;Smirnov, O. M.;Fender, R. P.;Woudt, P. A.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
Debus, Charlotte;Oelfke, Uwe;Bartzsch, Stefan; A point kernel algorithm for microbeam radiation therapy
Bartzsch, Stefan;Oelfke, Uwe; Line focus x-ray tubes—a new concept to produce high brilliance x-rays
Itoh, K.;Itoh, S.-I.;Ida, K.;Inagaki, S.;Kamada, Y.;Kamiya, K.;Dong, J.Q.;Hidalgo, C.;Evans, T.;Ko, W.H.;Park, H.;Tokuzawa, T.;Kubo, S.;Kobayashi, T.;Kosuga, Y.;Sasaki, M.;Yun, G.S.;Song, S.D.;Kasuya, N.;Nagashima, Y.;Moon, C.;Yoshinuma, M.;Makino, R.;Tsujimura, T.;Tsuchiya, H.;Stroth, U.; Hysteresis and fast timescales in transport relations of toroidal plasmas
Laggner, F M;Keerl, S;Gnilsen, J;Wolfrum, E;Bernert, M;Carralero, D;Guimarais, L;Nikolaeva, V;Potzel, S;Cavedon, M;Mink, F;Dunne, M G;Birkenmeier, G;Fischer, R;Viezzer, E;Willensdorfer, M;Wischmeier, M;Aumayr, F;;; Divertor, scrape-off layer and pedestal particle dynamics in the ELM cycle on ASDEX Upgrade
Michaeli, Tilman;Romeike, Ralf; Addressing Teaching Practices Regarding Software Quality: Testing and Debugging in the Classroom
Gantert, Nina;Junk, Stefan; A branching random walk among disasters
Gantert, Nina;Kim, Steven Soojin;Ramanan, Kavita; Large deviations for random projections of $\ell^{p}$ balls
Gantert, Nina;Guo, Xiaoqin;Nagel, Jan; Einstein relation and steady states for the random conductance model
Wohlwend, Karen E;Peppler, Kylie A;Keune, Anna;Thompson, Naomi; Making sense and nonsense: Comparing mediated discourse and agential realist approaches to materiality in a preschool makerspace
Keune, A. & Peppler, K; Maker Portfolios as Learning and Community Building Tools Inside and Outside Makerspaces
L. Mikos & I. Eleá; “My portfolio helps my making”: Motivations and mechanisms for documenting creative projects in out-of-school makerspaces
S. Goldman & Z. Kabayadondo; The materiality of design in e-textiles
Colldén, Gustav ; Tschöp, Matthias ; Müller, Timo; Therapeutic Potential of Targeting the Ghrelin Pathway
Collado-Alsina, Andrea ; Hofmann, Franz ; Sánchez-Prieto, José ; Torres, Magdalena; Altered Synaptic Membrane Retrieval after Strong Stimulation of Cerebellar Granule Neurons in Cyclic GMP-Dependent Protein Kinase II (cGKII) Knockout Mice
Lehmann-Horn, Klaus ; Kinzel, Silke ; Weber, Martin; Deciphering the Role of B Cells in Multiple Sclerosis_Towards Specific Targeting of Pathogenic Function
Ormanns, Steffen ; Haas, Michael ; Remold, Anna ; Kruger, Stephan ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Heinemann, Volker ; Boeck, Stefan; The Impact of SMAD4 Loss on Outcome in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Systemic Chemotherapy
Rehnelt, Susanne ; Malan, Daniela ; Juhasz, Krisztina ; Wolters, Benjamin ; Doerr, Leo ; Beckler, Matthias ; Kettenhofen, Ralf ; Bohlen, Heribert ; Bruegmann, Tobias ; Sasse, Philipp; Frequency-Dependent Multi-Well Cardiotoxicity Screening Enabled by Optogenetic Stimulation