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Seitz F.
Ein nichtlineares Systemmodell zur konsistenten Untersuchung von Rotation, Oberflächengestalt und Schwerefeld der Erde
Arbeitstreffen zum Thema "Modellbildung der Erdrotation" im Rahmen des DFG-Forschungsvorhabens "Rotation der Erde", Technische Universität Wien

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Seitz F.
A dynamic model for the investigation of atmospheric and oceanic influences on Earth rotation
Lectures on present research in advanced geodesy, Institut für Geodäsie und Geophysik der Technischen Universität Wien

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Schön S., Kutterer H.
Towards a realistic uncertainty budget for GPS heights
AGU Fall Meeting 2003, San Francisco

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Schmidt M.
Multi-scale representation of the gravity field based on satellite and terrestrial data
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft

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Schmidt M.
Towards the estimation of a multi-resolution gravity field representation based on spherical harmonics and wavelets
2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam

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Schmidt M.
Towards the estimation of a multi-resolution representation of the gravity field based on spherical wavelets
IUGG XXIII General Assembly, IAG Symposium G03, Determination of the gravity field, Sapporo, Japan

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Schmidt M., Fabert O., Shum C.K.
On the estimation of a multi-resolution representation of the gravity field based on spherical harmonics and wavelets
EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 Joint Assembly, Nice, France

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Savcenko R.
Ãœber die Berechnung von Schwereanomalien aus Altimeterdaten
Geodätische Woche 2003, Hamburg

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Müller H.
Contribution to the ILRS AWG Benchmarking Pilot Project
ILSR/AWG Workshop No.9, Kötzting, Deutschland

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Müller H.
Station Coordinates and Earth Orientation Operational Solution
ILSR/AWG Workshop No.9, Kötzting, Germany